Resume - Matheus Gomes

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MATHEUS (21) 98160-7042

GIBALDI Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Legal Intern

After developing a professional path in the field of Communication and Public
Management, I am revisiting an old dream: pursuing Law School. I don't believe
dreams should be shelved. I do believe, indeed, that it is never too late to tackle new
challenges, learn from the new, and broaden horizons. My purpose is to be, today,
better than yesterday, always carrying with me empathy, responsibility, and a thirst
for knowledge.

Arimateia Project - Legal Assistant
In this non-profit project, I assist lawyers with the demands of the underprivileged
population, providing guidance on the paths to follow to achieve their goals.

Raviva Company - Strategy and Project Management Coordinator

In this opportunity, I had the chance to lead a marketing team at an engineering
company based in the United States (I have advanced English skills, by the way).

State Government of Rio de Janeiro - Communication Analyst

Commissioned Position. Assisted in the planning and development of strategic
marketing actions, as well as content creation.

2023-current | State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Master's in Communication and Culture
2022-2023 | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Technologist in Public Management
2020-2022 | Wyden

Legal Research Conflict Resolution Interpersonal
Professional Ethics Initiative Communication
Teamwork Quick Learning Resilience
Organization and Analytical Thinking Personal Organization
Time Management Autonomy Flexibility

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