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Informal Caregivers' Knowledge in Hypertension Management.

Project Proposal: The Role of the Level of Knowledge of Informal Caregivers of Patients Living
with Hypertension in Attaining Controlled Blood Pressure in Ghana

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a major public health problem in
Ghana. It is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal failure. According to the
World Health Organization, hypertension affects about 31% of adults in Ghana. Patients living
with hypertension require lifelong management to control their blood pressure and prevent
complications. Informal caregivers, such as family members, play a crucial role in the
management of hypertension. They are responsible for providing emotional and practical
support, administering medication, and monitoring blood pressure. However, little is known about
the level of knowledge of informal caregivers of patients living with hypertension in Ghana and its
impact on attaining controlled blood pressure.

The main objective of this study is to assess the level of knowledge of informal caregivers of
patients living with hypertension in Ghana and its impact on attaining controlled blood pressure.
The specific objectives are:

To determine the level of knowledge of informal caregivers of patients living with hypertension in
To examine the factors that influence the level of knowledge of informal caregivers of patients
living with hypertension in Ghana.
To evaluate the impact of the level of knowledge of informal caregivers on the attainment of
controlled blood pressure in patients living with hypertension in Ghana.
This study will be a cross-sectional design. Participants will be recruited from hypertension clinics
in the Weija Gbawe Municipal district. Convenient sampling will be used to select informal
caregivers of patients living with hypertension. Data will be collected using a structured
questionnaire and a blood pressure measurement device. The questionnaire will include items on
demographic characteristics, knowledge of hypertension, and factors that influence knowledge.
Blood pressure will be measured using a sphygmomanometer. Data will be analyzed using
descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and logistic regression.

Expected Outcomes
This study is expected to provide important insights into the level of knowledge of informal
caregivers of patients living with hypertension in Ghana and its impact on attaining controlled
blood pressure. The findings will inform the development of interventions to improve the
knowledge of informal caregivers, which will ultimately improve the management of hypertension
in Ghana.To add to achieving the desired objectives, information from this study may also be
applicable to persons living with other comorbidities.

Hypertension is a major public health problem in Ghana, and informal caregivers play a crucial
role in the management of hypertension. This study will assess the level of knowledge of informal
caregivers of patients living with hypertension in the Weija Gbawe Municipal district of Ghana
and its impact on attaining controlled blood pressure. The findings will inform the development of
interventions to improve the knowledge of informal caregivers, which will ultimately improve the
management of hypertension in Ghana.

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