Social Studies Paper

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Government Elementary College of Education Men Hyderabad

Teaching of social Studies

B.Ed Honours

Mid term Examination

Duration:2 Hours


Note: Attempt any four of the following.

Qno:1 What do you mean by Social Studies?

Discuss the key concept of citizenship education.

Qno:2 How social Studies curriculum work on teaching of human rights? Explain with examples.

Qno:3 What is history? Define cause and effect in history.

Qno:4 Highlight the global warming issues and discuss how can the teacher of social studies play his/ her
role to overcome these issues?

Qno:5 Define the dynamic nature of culture and describe the rational for studying culture.

Qno:6 Write down short notes on any two of the following:

a) Key concepts of geography

b) Civilization
c) Change and contuinty

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