Jacobians and Curvilinear Coodinates

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Created by T.



Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 1

a) Determine, by a Jacobian matrix, an expression for the area element in plane

polar coordinates, ( r ,θ ) .

b) Verify the answer of part (a) by performing the same operation in reverse.

dA = r dr dθ

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 2
Determine, by a Jacobian matrix, an expression for the volume element in spherical
polar coordinates, ( r ,θ ,ϕ ) .

dV = r 2 sin θ dr dθ dϕ

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 3
Two sets of variables are related by the equations

x = r cosh θ and y = r sinh θ ,

where r ≥ 0 .

Evaluate independently Jacobians

∂ ( x, y ) ∂ ( r ,θ )
I= and J= ,
∂ ( r ,θ ) ∂ ( x, y )

and hence show that I = .

1 1
I = x2 + y2 = r , J = =
r x + y2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 4
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

y = x −1, y = x +1, y = −x −1 and y = − x + 1 .

Find an exact value for

3 x 2 dx dy .

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 5
The finite region R is bounded by the curves with equations

y = 2 x2 , y = 4 x2 , xy = 1 and xy = 5 .

Find an exact value for

xy dx dy .

4ln 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 6
The finite region R in the first quadrant is defined by the inequalities

4 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 9 and 1 ≤ x 2 − y 2 ≤ 4 .

Evaluate the following integral

xy dx dy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 7
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

x + y = 1, x+ y = 2, y=x and y = 0 .

Use the transformation equations

x = uv and y = u (1 − v ) ,

to find an exact value for

y ln ( x + y )
dx dy .

(1 − ln 2 )( −1 + 2ln 2 )

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 8
The finite region R satisfies the inequalities

1 2
x ≤ y 2 ≤ 2 x and ≤ y≤ .
x x

Find the area of R , giving the answer as an exact simplified logarithm.

1 ln 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 9
An ellipse has Cartesian equation

x2 y2
+ = 1,
a2 b2

where a and b are positive constants.

Use the transformation equations

x = r cos θ and y = f ( r ) sin θ ,

where f is a function to be found, to determine the area enclosed by the ellipse.

π ab

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 10
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

y = x and y = 4x ,

and the hyperbolae with equations

1 2
y= and y = , x ≠ 0.
x x

Show clearly that

3 x 2 y 2 dx dy = 7 ln 2 .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 11
The unbounded region R is defined by the curves with equations

y = x2 , y = 2 x2 and y = .

Use the transformation equations

u= 2
and v = yx 2 ,

to find an exact value for

2 3
dx dy .
y x

ln 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 12
The finite region R , in the first quadrant, satisfies the inequalities

1 2
x ≤ y 2 ≤ 3 x and ≤ y≤ .
x x

Find the exact value of

y 6 dx dy .

MM2F , 28

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 13
The finite region R , in the first quadrant, is bounded by the curves with equations

3 6
y = 2 x + 1, y = 2x + 2 , y= and y = .
x x

Show clearly that

( y + 2 x )3 dx dy = 115 .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 14
The finite region R is defined by the inequalities

2 ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 4 and 1 ≤ x 2 − y 2 ≤ 2 .

Given further that x > 0 and x > 0 , evaluate the following integral

x3 y 3 dx dy .

MM2H , 7

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 15
The finite region R is bounded by the parabolas with equations

y = 1 x2 , y = 2 x2 , y2 = x and y2 = 4x .

Show clearly that

y 3 + 1 dx dy = .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 16
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

y = x +1, y = x+2, y = 3 − 4x and y = 4 − 4 x .

a) Find the exact area of R .

b) Show clearly that

4 y 2 + 12 xy + 9 x 2 dx dy = .

area = 1

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 17
The finite region R is defined by the inequalities

1 ≤ x2 − y 2 ≤ 9 and 2 ≤ xy ≤ 4 .

Given further that x > 0 and x > 0 , evaluate the following integral

 ( x
− y 4 dx dy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 18
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

y = x − 1 and y = x−3,

and the hyperbolae with equations

x 2 − y 2 = 1 and x 2 − y 2 = 4 .

Evaluate the integral

 ( x
+ y ) dx dy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 19
The finite region R is bounded by the curves with equations

6 xy = π and 2 xy = π ,

and the straight lines with equations

y= 3 and y =3 3.

evaluate the following integral

 y
sin ( xy ) dx dy .

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 20
The finite region R satisfies the inequalities

1 ≤ x + y ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ x .

a) Use plane polar coordinates ( r ,θ ) to find the value of

y ( x + y)
dx dy .

b) Verify the answer obtained in part (a) by transforming the integral to different
coordinate system.


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 21
The finite region R in the x-y plane is defined as the region enclosed by the straight
line segments joining the points with coordinates at (1,0 ) , (1,0 ) , (1,0 ) and (1,0 ) , in
that order.

Evaluate the following integral

( 2 x − y )2 dx dy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 22
The finite region R in the x-y plane, is defined as the interior of a parallelogram with
vertices at ( 4,0 ) , ( 0,1) , ( −2,7 ) and ( 2,6 ) .

Evaluate the integral

dxdy .

MM2A ,

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 23
Given that R is the finite region in the x-y plane, defined as

x2 y2
+ ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 ,
4 9

evaluate the integral

yx3 dxdy .

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 24
Given that R is the region of the x-y plane, defined as

2 x 2 ≤ y ≤ 4 x 2 and 4 yx 2 ≥ 1 ,

evaluate the integral

2 3
dxdy .
y x

ln 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 25
By suitably changing coordinates, find the volume of the solid defined as

0≤ x + y + z ≤ 3.


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 26
The finite region R is defined as the region enclosed by the ellipsoid with Cartesian

x2 y 2 z 2
+ + = 1.
9 16 25

By first transforming the Cartesian coordinates into a new Cartesian coordinate

system, use spherical polar coordinates, ( r ,θ ,ϕ ) , find the value of

( x2 + y2 + z 2 ) dx dy dz .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 27
The finite region R in the x-y plane, is defined

x 2 ≤ y ≤ 2 x 2 and x ≤ y 2 ≤ 2 x .

Evaluate the integral

x3 + y 3 dxdy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 28
The finite region R is bounded by the coordinate axes and the straight line with
Cartesian equation

x + y =1

Use the coordinate transformation equations

u = 1 x + 1 y and v = 1 x − 1 y
2 2 2 2

to find an exact value for

x− y
e x+ y dxdy .

e2 − 1 1
= sinh1
4e 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 29

The figure above shows the graph of a “hill”, modelled by the function z = f ( x, y ) ,
defined in the entire x-y plane by

− ( 54 x2 − xy +2 y2 ) .

Use the transformation equations

x = u + 2v and y = u − v

to show that the volume of the “hill” is .

You may assume without proof that e− s ds = π .

MM2C , proof

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 30
The finite region R is bounded by the coordinate axes and the straight line with
Cartesian equation

x + y =1

Use the transformation equations

u = x+ y and v= x− y

to find an exact value for

1 ( x + y )2
e4 dxdy .

2  e 4 − 1

 

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 31
The finite region R is bounded by the coordinate axes and the straight line with
Cartesian equation

x + y =1

Use a suitable coordinate transformation to find an exact value for

y− x
e y+ x dxdy .

e2 − 1 1
= sinh1
4e 2

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 32
The finite region R satisfies the inequalities

1 ≤ x + y ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ x .

Show clearly that

y ln ( x + y )
dx dy = (1 − ln 2 )( −1 + 2ln 2 ) .

MM2E , proof

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 33
The finite region R is defined by the inequalities

y ≤ x , y ≤ 1 − x and y ≥ 0

Use the transformation equations

u = x+ y and v= x− y

to find an exact value for

1 ( x − y )2
x2 − y 2 e 4 dxdy .

1  14 
 4e − 5 
2 

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 34
The finite region R is bounded by the straight lines with equations

y = x, x =1 and y = 0 .

Use the transformation equations

u = x+ y and v= ,

to find an exact value for

 x + y  x+ y
 2 e
 x 
dx dy .

MM2D , e 2 − e − 1

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 35
The finite region R in the x-y plane is enclosed by the rectilinear triangle with
vertices at ( 0,0 ) , ( 0,1) and ( 2,0 ) .

Use a suitable coordinate transformation to find an exact value for

x−2 y
x +2 y
e dxdy .

e2 − 1
MM2-B , = sinh1

Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 36

∞ ∞

e ( ) dx dy .
− x+ y
0 0

a) Use the coordinate transformation equations

x = 1 u + 1 v and y = 1 u − 1 v ,
2 2 2 2

to find the value of I .

b) Evaluate I in plane polar coordinates, ( r ,θ ) , and hence verify the answer of

part (a).


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 37
The finite region R is bounded by the curve with Cartesian equation

x4 + y 4 = 1 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 .

Use the transformation equations

x 2 = r cos θ and x 2 = r cos θ ,

to find the value of

x3 y 3 1 − x 4 − y 4 dxdy .


Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas

Question 38
The finite region V is enclosed by the surface with Cartesian equation

x 4 + y 4 + z 4 = 64 .

By first transforming the Cartesian coordinates into a new Cartesian coordinate

system, use spherical polar coordinates, ( r ,θ ,ϕ ) , to show that the volume of V is

8  1 4
Γ ( )
3π  4 


Created by T. Madas

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