Ship Part 2

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Angel North Star

Strength, measuring the output of the ship's reactor

Dexterity, measuring the maneuverability of the ship

Constitution, measuring the durability of the ship's hull

Intelligence, measuring the ship's processing, targeting and data storage

Wisdom, measuring the ship's sensor capabilities and awareness

Charisma, measuring the ship's prestige and electronic communications power and ability

Ability Checks

Ram. Use the Ram skill when you want to slam into another object to deal damage.

Boost. Use the Boost skill when you attempt to push your ship to or beyond its limits. A successful
Boost check can break ties in straight-line speed contests or to determine how fast your ship can
accelerate to top speed. You also make boost checks in response to taking the boost engines, boost
shields, and boost weapons actions.


Your GM may call for Dexterity checks when you undertake actions not covered by skills.

Hide. The Hide skill allows the ship to remain undetected by sensors from other ships and stations. Use
the Hide skill when you want to approach a ship or station along a known blind spot, or slink through a
debris field, or hide amongst asteroids.

The Hide skill is generally contested by a passive Wisdom (Scan) score if the ship's presence is
unknown, a Wisdom (Scan) check if the presence is suspected or known but the general location is
unknown, and an Intelligence (Probe) check if the approximate

Maneuvering. Use the Maneuvering skill to perform tricky maneuvers in combat, to deftly fly through an
asteroid field, and to impress others with flying skills. Your ship is considered proficiently equipped in
this skill if the assigned pilot is proficient in Piloting. Your ship is considered expertly equipped in this skill
if the assigned pilot has expertise in Piloting.

Patch. You can attempt to have the ship patch up damage it has taken, using one of its Hull Dice. When
you take the Patch action, you make a Constitution (Patch) check (DC = 10 or half the ship's missing hull
points, whichever number is higher). On a failure, you have disadvantage on the Hull Dice roll. On a
success you roll the Hull Die normally. When you would make a Constitution (Patch) check, you may
instead make an Intelligence (Mechanic's Kit) check at disadvantage.

Regulation. Your GM may require a Regulation check when your ship is pushed beyond its natural limits.
Situations which might call for a Regulation

check include:

1)Trying to reach safety on low fuel

2) In response to a mechanic straining the reactor

3)Attempting to run at top speed for long periods of time

4)Keeping life support running when out of fuel.

When you would make a Constitution (Regulation)check, you may instead make an Intelligence
(Mechanic's Kit) check at disadvantage.


Astrogation. Make an Astrogation check to calculate hyperspace jumps. For more details on making
Astrogation checks, see the "Travel in Hyperspace" section of Chapter 8. When you would make an
Intelligence (Astrogation) check, you may instead make an Intelligence (Technology) check at
disadvantage using your own Intelligence modier.

Data. Use the Data skill when you want to access your ship's data banks to learn information about
appropriate information. Ships often have standard information about hyperlanes, systems, planets, and
other astronomical information. Ships can also be upgraded to include more detailed information or
information on other subjects. The more obscure the information or the more off-topic, the higher the
DC should be.

Probe. When you focus your ship's sensor suite on an area or ship and investigate in detail, you make an
Intelligence (Probe) check. A successful check may reveal the location of a hidden ship, may indicate the
presence of physical damage in a construct or of minerals in an asteroid, or may provide technical details
about a ship you have probed or the presence of lifeforms on board.

Scan Your Wisdom (Scan) check lets you notice and locate the presence of something near your
ship. It measures your general awareness of the ship's surroundings and the keenness of your
ship's detection algorithms. When you would make a Wisdom (Scan) check, you may instead
make a Wisdom (Perception) check at disadvantage.


Impress The Impress skill is a general measurement of your ship's beauty and soundness.
Whether or not your ship is impressively outfitted and well maintained, does it look
impressively outfitted and well maintained? Does your on-board cantina look opulent? When
you would make a Charisma (Impress) check, you may instead choose to make a Charisma
(Persuasion) check at disadvantage.

Interfere When you attempt to interfere with another ship or creature you use the Interfere
skill. When you would make a Charisma (Interfere) check, you may instead choose to make an
Intelligence (Slicer's Kit) check at disadvantage.

Menace When you attempt to influence someone through the threat of your ship's abilities,
whether speed, firepower, or toughness, the GM might ask you to make a Charisma (Menace)
check. Alternatively, you may make a Charisma (Intimidate) check at disadvantage.

Swindle Use the Swindle skill when you want to pass your ship off as something it's not.
Examples of using the Swindle skill include:

1) passing off a heavily armed ship as a simple freighter.

2) concealing the presence of lifeforms on your ship.

3) concealing the presence of hidden cargo.

Ship Hardpoint Size Modifier 12

Starship Size Fuel Cost 200 cr/unit

Fuel Capacity 60

Also at 1st tier, when a deployed pilot rolls for initiative, they can immediately move the ship.
This movement happens before the initiative order is determined.

The amount the ship moves is determined by rolling an Evasive Maneuvers die, which is a d4,
and multiplying it by 50 feet. The ship then gains that many feet that it can move or spend to

Your ship's Evasive Maneuvers die changes when it reaches certain tiers. The die becomes a
d6 at 2nd tier, a d8 at 3rd tier, a d10 at 4th tier, and a d12 at 5th tier. This feature can be used
a number of times equal to 2 x your ship's tier. All expended uses are regained when the ship
is refitted.

Food Capacity 120 portions

Starship Size Cargo Capacity 25 tons

Starship Size Refitting Time 1 day


There are two significant travel types: Realspace and Hyperspace


Distance Time Required

Surface of planet to orbit 1-5 minutes

Orbit to safe hyperspace jump distance 1 minute

Orbit to planet's moon 10-30 minutes

Orbit to another planet in the same system 2-6 hours

Orbit to outer edge of system 12-24 hours

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