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1. In what ways do you see Kantian ethics most applicable? So what?

I chose the first item, asking, “In what ways do you see Kantian ethics most applicable? So
what?” From what I have understood, Kantian Ethics does not solely depend on the
consequences of an action to be considered right or wrong or good or bad. Instead, it relies on
fulfilling our duties or what we ought to do.
This, I believe, may be applied to the field of business. For example, in business contexts or
deals, companies or businesspeople are universally expected to treat people with respect and
fairness. I mean, their desire to have or make a good profit cannot surpass this. For instance, it
would be wrong to lie to a customer that their company product is the best, just to get the
customer buy it. Although these businesses know that the product might work differently for
Another point is that if one of their employees is involved in dishonesty, it will be a source of
humiliation for a company that prides itself on honorable conduct. On the other hand, Kantian
ethics may imply that it is not morally righteous to act that they are honest in everything even if
they are not only to maintain a good reputation. It will only be entirely moral if they are honest
because being honest is the right thing to do or one’s duty.

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