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 Effectiveness or appropriateness, we judge that person as competitor

 Effectiveness or appropriateness, we judge that person as competent

 Ineffectiveness or inappropriateness, we judge that person as competent
 Ineffectiveness or inappropriateness, we judge that person as competitor
26) Planned organizational change is aimed at
 Solving problems without learning
 Better alignment with the environment
 Involving everyone in the organization
 Changing organization structure
27) As per Hofstede’s research, Japanese managers valued
 Individualism
 Group decisions
 High Risk taking
 Group decisions
28) The work/home conflict i.e., where the role as a worker clash with the role of spouse /parent is an example of
 Intra group conflict
 Inter role conflict
 Inter personal conflict
 Intra personal conflict
29) As per trait theory, which of the following is NOT a focus of trait theory
 Physical attributes
 Personality characteristics
 Situational characteristics
 Leader abilities
30) When the interview and experiential data about a candidate is insufficient or too voluminous, varied or contradictory,
managers use their own
 Information and contacts
 Perception and information
 Perception and attribution
 Attribution and contacts
31) When leaders act as change agents
 They set the direction from the top
 Engage the people at top levels only
 Focus only on hard elements
 Focus only on soft elements
32) A Clan-type culture is characterized by
 Strategy of control and stability
 Self-interest and utilitarian approach
 The relationships structured by the hierarchy, mutual interests and a shared fate
 Contractual relationship, short term goals
33) As per Fiedler’s theory if a leader-member relations are good, the task is unstructured and position power is weak, then
it would lead to
 High LPC
 Low LPC
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 Moderate LPC
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