Itae007 Test 1 2

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Questions Answers
A Type I error occurs when model is not used. the likelihood of a type I error is
1 Builders
termed model......... risk.
Necessitates appropriateness of the conceptual model to represent the system
2 Validation
under investigation.
Which of the following is least likely one of the meaning of the term A test or a procedure done in a controlled environment for the purpose of
"experience" gathering observations.
Which of the following is most likely to be associated with a stand-alone
4 Learning by doing
In general quality management, ____ refers to a testing process that
5 determines whether a product satisfies the requirements of its intended Validation
customer or user.
In a _____ simulation, given the state transition functions and initial values of
6 state variables, one can simulate the model with a sequence of a values of Trajectory
input variables to observe a sequence of values of state variables.
The interval time between customer arrivals in a queuing system is ____
7 Exponentially
Kendall's notation, A/B/c/N/K, is used to concisely define a queue and it's
8 parameters. which of the following is an incorrect description of these "K" Represents the arrival rate.
Which of the following is most likely to be associated with an integrated
9 Applied in enriching and supporting real systems
A_____ is a construct or collection of different elements that together produce
10 System
results not obtainable by the elements alone.
in a queuing model, the service rate is independent of the capacity of the
11 Which of the following is least likely true of a queuing model?
server in the queuing model.
Little's Law holds regardless of any kind of the arrival and service
12 Which of the following is most likely true of Little's Law?
13 Which of the following is most closely relates to "Data Analysis" phase? Preparation of raw simulation data for visualization
14 Which of the following best defines a random event? An event without a recognizable pattern.
15 Which of the following most closely relates to Rendering" phase? Transforming geometric data into visuals
A Type III error occurs when an irrelevant model is used. The likelihood of a
16 Accreditor's
Type III error is termed model --------------risk .
17 Which of the following is least likely true of simulation? Simulation is a reprentation of a model which is independent of time.
18 Which of the following is most likely to be associated with ensemble modeling? Weather forecasting
Let L is the mean queue length, λ,is the mean service rate (customers
19 processed per unit of time), and W is the mean wait time. Which of the L= λ W
following equations best represents the Little's Law?
Model---------is performed in order to determine reasonable values for critical
20 Calibration
simulation parameters.
A discrete event simulation is best defined as the variation in a model caused
21 A chronological sequence of events acting on it.
22 Which of the following is least likely true of experimental variables? Experimental variables do not change during the course of an experiment.

One can develop mathematical models to represent continuous functions.

23 These models consist of one or more equations that include the state variables Differential
of the system. ______ equations are the most precise form of these equations.
24 A_______ is the real-world system of interest. Simuland
25 Which of the following is most closely relates to the term "Lemma"? Building Blocks for a theorem
In general quality management,---------refers to a testing process that
26 determines whether a product is consistent with its specifications or complaint Verification
with applicable regulations.
Simulation is the use of a representation of a real system to provide experience
27 for training to develop and/or enhance three types of skills. Which of the Validation Skill
following is least likely one of such three skills?
28 Which of the following is least likely true of SimPack? SimPack is an analytical model toolkit used in queuing model.
A--------------- is an applied methodology that can describe the behavior of that
29 Simulation.
system using either a mathematical model or a symbolic model.
Continuous simulation is defined as a system described by state variables that
30 Time.
change continuously with respect to change in…........
Which of the following is least likely true regarding application of simulation in In the case of a trainee, responses within the acceptable limits mean the
training? training has not yet succeeded.
Synchronization is required to run a parallel simulation, because the
32 Which of the following is most likely true of parallel simulation? produced results are expected to be exactly the same as those produced
by sequential simulation.
Which of the following is least likely a valid meaning of simulation from the
33 Simulation is a real system that provides experience for entertainment.
technical point of view?

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Along with theory and experimentation,-----------is also considered as an
34 Simulation.
extremely useful avenue of scientific pursuit .
any system where the customer requests a service for a finite-capacity
35 Which of the following is least likely true of a queuing system?
resource may be considered to be queuing system.
Interactive visual display of spatial/geometric data associated with scientific
36 Scientific VisRep
process are known as:
If someone gives you a coin and asks you to simulate the possible outcomes of
37 2000 flips of the coin, you would be faced with a degree of---------- Epistemic
Early applications of VR did not allow the user to have a relatovely
38 Which of the following is least likely true of Virtual Reality (VR) passive experience-watching a pre-recorded animation while wearing a
head- mounted display (HMD)
Which of the following is least likely an advantage of using modeling and Eliminating constraints by reviewing delays on process, information,
simulation? materials to ascertain whether or not the constraint isthe effect or cause
40 Which of the following is most likely goal of a queuing model? To minimize the average number of waiting customers in a queue
Air friction tends to slow the acceleration of a falling object because of the drag
41 created on the object. Which of the following is least likely a factor on which The friction coefficient that measures the speed of the object
the drag depends?
In general, hypothesis testing seeks to determine if a conjecture about
42 Which of the following is most likely true of hypothesis testing? some aspect of the phenomenon or population being studied is strongly
supported by sample data.
Which of the following is least likely a question to be answered during How close are the results produced by the executable model to the
verification? behavior of the simuland?
_______ is the assurance that the computerization of the conceptual model is
44 Verification
done properly without introduction of computational errors.

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