HRMC002 Assignments v2 8218ef4e 4199 4854 Ab62 A5a013439995

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A key understanding to the relationship between hygiene and motivation factors is that:
Which of the following personality types would most likely display the most consistent behavior "across situations"?
The fit perspective is useful in explaining:
According to the Jungian approach to personality, the basic preference that reflects what we pay attention to or how we p
the type of organizational commitment that is based on the individual's perceived obligation to be in the organization
According to Edgar Schein, the essence of culture is:
dynamic process' through which the emotion is transferred from one person
the study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizational settings describes the content of study in
the motivation theory that holds that employee motivation is determined
According to the MBTI a successful top executive is likely to be a/an:
ncreasing workforce diversity is likely to reduce ________ as a barrier to social perception
Job satisfaction has been shown to be related to organizational citizenship, which is:
Under equity theory, people are motivated when
escape from a conflict through daydreaming is known as:
All of the following would be consistent with new ideas in motivation EXCEPT:
an effective team exhibits
the path goal theory of leader effectiveness by robert house is based on
The primacy effect is also known as:
The establishment of new attitudes, values, and behaviors as the new status quo is consistent with what stage in Lewin's change model?
instrumental values includes
The set of authority and task relations among group members is known as
in the case of repeated failure under expectancy theory an employee may
In the case of repeated failure under expectancy theory, an employee may
is the term for creatively applying new technology
Which of the following statements is most correct?
self managed teams are teams
The specific setting within which organizational behavior is enacted would be called the
As a member of a study group, you feel that others are making minimal contributions. In this situation yo
A defense mechanism in which an individual continues dysfunctional behavior that will clearly not solve
14.A method for countering social loafing includes
Upper echelon theory argues that
The basic idea behind leader-member exchange theory is:
the impoverished manager is one who
Authentic leaders are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
modern management practices such as employee management recognition programs, flexible benefit p
crude comments or sexual jokes
in research on styles of conflict management the
The theories of leadership concerned with identifying the specific leader behaviors that are most effectiv
Which of the following is not considered a weakness of expectancy theory?
a transnational organization is one where
if a manager ask an employee to purchase a gift for his wife
According To The Group Development Model, Which One Of The Following Sets Of Issues Need To Be Addressed As Part O
the belief that performance is connected to rewards is known as
social loafing is usually
which of the following conditions would least encourage political activity
the development of group cohesiveness is negatively influenced by
denise & teresa
person who have a strong desire to control others are high in
a problem with the behavioral measure for personality would be
which of the following is considered a key benefit of divesity
Individuals who make external attributions will be more likely to
When you encounter a warm and personable car salesperson and don't assume that this behavior reflects the salesperson
As a supervisor of a group of emp, all of whom have an internal locus of control, you should
weblike structures that contract some or all of their operating functions to other organizations and then coordinate their a
Which traits are associated with less absenteeism?
Some experts believe that only individuals within a team can be creative, but a professor at Northwestern University sugge
Impoverished manager
The close linkage of _____ to performance under expectancy theory is crucial for enhancing motivation.
attributional biases implies that managers must
When two departments are in conflict but are also facing a common threat, the management is most appropriate
employee loyalty towards the organisation is a significant factor in
self managed teams are sometimes called
example of an internal force for change
first discipline
at what stage group development
primary purpose of socialization
path-goal theory of robert
Job satisfaction and employee performance are likely to be positively related when:
The specific setting within which organizational behavior is enacted would be called the:
if you use calculated involvement as a basis for understanding a person's relationship with a work organization
When two departments are in conflict but are also facing a common threat, the _______ style of conflict management is most appropriate.
The two sets of social benefits available to team or group members includes:
The first discipline to take the modern corporation as the unit of analysis and emphasize the design, implementation, and coordination of various administra
All of the following are considered important work process issues except:
As a manager that understands the implications of self-esteem on work behavior, you should:
An example of an internal force for change is:
Transformational leaders..
Attribution theory helps to ____ behavior in organization
emotional intelligence relates to the ability to manage
values reflected in the way individuals actually behave are called
fear of loss and the unknown are:
a deterioration of mental efficiency reality testing
Assume you are a senior accounting major. A friend who is taking a Principles of Accounting course se
The importance and value placed on a reward in expectancy theory is known as _________
An approach to minimize groupthink is to:
Alderfer's growth need category corresponds to Maslow's
when eemployees view managers as being overpaid, workers may
people may engage in immoral acts or even violent behavior as committed members of their group whe
The leadership and strategy council LSC is a feature of
group polarization results in
a manager who si considered Machiavellian
Which of the following is a characteristic of quality teams
conflict that develops when a role behavior clashes with individual values
they are independent
Low self monitor
long-term performance
Normative commitment/affective
Emotional contagion / Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior
Expectancy Theory
extrovert, sensor, thinker, and judger
rewards are valued by employees and are tied directly to performance.
they are in equlibrium with perceptions of inputs and outcomes
that individuals need to be activated by unmet needs.
shared leadership
Expectancy theory of motivation
first-impression error.
All of these
Status Structure.
reduce efforts
ncrease effort when the likelihood of reward has dropped
Persons with an internal locus of control make more ethical decisions than others.
organizational context
reduce your contribution

formal evaluation of member contributions

characteristics of the top management team can predict organizationalcharacteristics.
leaders form two groups of followers (in-groups and out-groups)
exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired
external incentives
gender harassment
Contingency theories
The values for each construct have been relatively stable over time.
the global viewpoint supersedes national issues
fall outside his zone indiffernce
who is incharge , management of power, and influence and who has the right to tell whom to do what
abundant resources
internal competition
teresa high self-esteemed
need for power
the observer's ability to stay focused .
flexibility and adaption
develop feelings of incompetence that may lead to depression.
discounting principle
allow them considerable leeway in determining how to perform their work.
Network organizations
external locus of control / positive affect
Exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired
know as much as possible about inidividual
affective commitment

transmission of core values to new org members
Expectancy theory of motivation
rewards are valued by employees and are tied directly to performance.
organizational context
Social exchange.
psychological intimacy and integrated involvement.
role specification
give them appropriate challenges and opportunities for success
increased grievance rate.
Inspire and stimulate followers to high performance levels
explain causes of
enacted values
reasons why individuals resist change
re-examine the preferred solution even if consensus has been reached
Interpersonal esteem needs
reduce their commitment
there is a loss of individuality
Circle organization
the tendency for group members who were initially more cautious to become significantly less catious
they make data based decisions
person role
cantly less catious

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