The Impact of Video Games On University Students in Hanoi

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I appreciate all the support from people who gave me the opportunity to finish the thesis
“The Impact of Video Games on University Students in Hanoi.”. In addition, this
research would not have come true without the enthusiastic support of my professor,
Ms. Le Thu Huong. We also want to express my sincere thanks to the university
students in Hanoi who spent time responding to my survey.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................
1.1. Background.........................................................................................................
1.2. Rationale..............................................................................................................
1.3. Research Questions.............................................................................................
1.4. Methods................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................
2.1. Definition of video games...................................................................................
2.2. The state of video games.....................................................................................
2.3. Benefits of video games.......................................................................................
2.4. Drawbacks of video games...............................................................................
CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS.............................................................
3.1. The situation of playing video games among university students in
3.1.1. The frequency of playing video games:..........................................................................12
3.1.2. Time spent on video games per day.................................................................................13
3.1.3. Balance time playing video games with other things:...........................................14
3.2 Aspects that determine the choice of video games of university students
in Hanoi.....................................................................................................................
3.2.1 The reasons for playing video games instead of other activities.....................16
3.2.2 The types of video games that attract university students in Hanoi.............16
3.2.3 The factor influence choice of video games..................................................................17
3.3 The impact of video games on university students in Hanoi..........................
3.3.1 The benefits of video game.....................................................................................................18
3.3.2 Drawbacks of video games.....................................................................................................19
3.3.3 The percentage of people who witnessed violent action while playing
games.............................................................................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION.....................................................................................
REFERENCE LIST......................................................................................................

Table of charts

Chart 1 The frequency of playing video games...............................................................12

Chart 2 Time spent on video games per day...................................................................13
Chart 3 Balance time playing video games with other things.........................................14
Chart 4 The feeling when nit playing video games.........................................................15
Chart 5 The reason for playing video games...................................................................16
Chart 6 Types of video games.........................................................................................17
Chart 7 The factors influence choice of video games.....................................................18
Chart 8 The benefits of video games...............................................................................19
Chart 9 Drawbacks of video games................................................................................20
Chart 10 The percentage of people who witnessed violent action while playing games 21


1.1. Background

Nowadays, the outstanding progress of the Internet has created a new era of
technology and innovation. It helps people interact with everything in a multi-
dimensional, vivid, and more convenient way than ever before. Furthermore, the
Internet has also become a virtual space where people can devote their creativity,
interaction, learning, entertainment without being limited by space or time.

According to the youth, the Internet plays an even more essential role in all
activities of life as an effective tool for work, study. Moreover, the Internet is a great
entertainment medium, such as watching movies, chatting,... Each stage will have
different entertainment trends. For a while, people have been immersed in the world of
movies, social media, AI,... But no genre can be as attractive as video games. The
explosion of a new platform completely changed the entertainment habits of that era.
Almost everyone who wants to find something to relax with always chooses to play
video games because of their convenience. Video games help people connect with
people around the world and create a lot of memories. Besides being used for
entertainment, video games are also a perfect environment to develop yourself, improve
skills, etc. In Hanoi, video games have become important and necessary for university

1.2. Rationale

Video games are known as a type of electronic game that interacts with players
through electronic devices such as computers, phones, televisions, etc. It has become
one of the most popular ways to relieve stress. and the most widely used in the world,
including Vietnam.

Because of its virality, it has had a lot of influence on young people, especially
university students in Hanoi. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Thus, I decided

to carry out this research titled “The Impact of Video Games on Hanoi University
Students” to find out the current situation of video games and the impact on university
students in Hanoi through the survey.

1.3. Research Questions

RQ1: What is the current situation of video games among university students in Hanoi?
RQ2: What aspects do university students in Hanoi consider when choosing video
RQ3: What are the effects of video games on university students in Hanoi?

1.4. Methods

 Data collection method/questionnaire: Surveying Hanoi University students

about the topic “The Impact of Video Games on Hanoi University Students” was
already done by answering and filling out questionnaires to finish this survey.

 Method of document research: Searching all information from research work,

books, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet related to the topic and
providing total source citations.


2.1. Definition of video games

According to Lim Yong, Quan Cheong Hui Qi and Saw Shi Qi (2015), video
games mean interactive games between humans and electronic devices to control
graphics and images and is a utility vehicle was born. Entrance as the solution of
people. Currently, video games are divided into 3 categories, namely arcade games,
computer video games and console games (Phạm Nguyễn Huy Cường, 2023).

 Arcade games, also known as Coin Operated, are a type of game on a dedicated
coin-operated machine that allows players to use and control in one play. Some
arcade games will come with accessories such as steering wheel controls and
gun-shaped handles. Arcade games emerged as a phenomenon of electronic
gameshows from the early 1970s and became an integral part of the game.
indispensable in the history of the video game industry. However, in the 4.0
period, it was gradually forgotten by everyone and only appeared in commercial
centers, entertainment areas. (AndrewD, 2023)
 Computer video games are known as games played on personal computer
devices connected to the Internet and players can easily play with friends around
the world. Regarding the advent of the personal computer, it has brought a great
change in the game industry, making computer video games the most popular
game today and welcomed by many young people. (Phạm Nguyễn Huy Cường,
 Console games is a kind of interactive software that allows one or more players
to share a screen, usually a TV or computer screen like PlayStation, Xbox, etc.
to provide comfort during the experience. With graphics and complexity make
this game realistic and attractive. The first version of Console Games was made
by Magnavox Odyssey in the US in 1972 (Jasmine, 2022).

2.2. The state of video games

With the advance of the technology industry in recent years, video games have
become better with high-quality graphics, increased resolution, and a variety of video
games. According to Ash Turner (2022), the rate of people who play video games will
increase by 7.54% from last year and there is a prediction of around 3.26 billion video
gamers worldwide in 2023. Besides, 221.4 billion USD will also be reached by global
video game revenue in the same year. This strong growth stems from the impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic. That period brought more opportunities for the already thriving
video game industry to explode. When the whole world is facing the problem of
lockdown, video game indicators such as downloads, number of game releases or
entertainment demand for video games increase dramatically. It creates a whole new
playground that makes maintaining relationships, chatting, and having fun with friends
easy. Understanding changes in living habits has motivated many issuers to invest in
this aspect in order to meet user expectations. (Ngọc Phạm, 2021).

However, a question arises “Given the widespread popularity of video games,

how much time do young people today spend on average playing video games?" A
survey with a group of gamers between the ages of 16 and 24 who use any device that
allows them to play games over the internet has been carried out, the 4 countries with
the largest number of video game users are Southeast Asia including Vietnam. First is
the Philippines with 96.7% ranked highest, and the second is Indonesia with 65.4%.
Vietnam and Thailand rank third and fourth, with 93.6% and 93% respectively. The
least of users who play video games is Japan ranking at 44 with 66.5% (Hoàng Hà,

Therefore, the average game revenue rate in Southeast Asia increased by

approximately 8.2% per year and 9% for Vietnam. It is noteworthy that there is a
significant difference in the meantime to video games between men and women (Brian,
2023). The average teenage boy spends 7.5 hours per week on video games, compared
to just only 4.5 hours per week in girl teenagers. Although video games are loved and
played more by male players, female players still pay attention to video games. The
cause may be due to gender differences, so playing video games does not match the

needs and preferences of women (Lucas and Sherry, 2004). Simply put, female players
have a bad experience playing video games because the stereotypes of video games are
male, so most game developers often choose genres, content, graphics to attract the
most male audience. If video games were no longer a problem, the percentage of female
players spending time on video games would dramatically increase.

2.3. Benefits of video games

Video games have become a crucial part of the rising debate all over the world.
It is a kind of entertainment that greatly affects the gaming community not only
negatively but also brings positivity in many aspects of life from emotions, study, or

Considering the opinion of Michelle Newbold (2022), video games bring many
benefits to mental health to help users in general and young people, in particular, learn
to manage their moods, create positive emotions, and reduce stress. For example, during
the recent Covid 19 pandemics, noticing the negative morale happening in some people,
the movement to use #PlayApartTogether has emerged to call on everyone to join hands
to fight the epidemic or simply to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality
(Kenny Johnston, Sarah Ross and Dana Whitney, 2020). That event was like an
exploding bomb during a stressful epidemic, helping people forget the anxiety of the
epidemic and become happier and more positive. Just sitting at home playing video
games, users can chat with friends from all over the world and forget the feeling of
loneliness and boredom.

It is noticeable that the majority of people who play video games are in a better
mood than those who don't play video games. According to ‌Christian M. Jones. et al.
(2014), video games and mental health have an inextricably linked relationship. Gamers
can easily discuss and talk about problems in life or love through relationships, and the
impact of video games. Besides, some positive emotions will be expressed through the
video game scene. When players complete the tasks in that game, they will give gamers
a sense of satisfaction, helping to improve psychophysiology. That becomes the

motivation for them to try every day. To sum up, the interactive experience of playing
video games has a positive effect on happiness.

Secondly, video games also bring educational benefits to young people. As

stated by Shelly Xuelai Fan in 2018, video games can absolutely become a great tool for
learning. Thanks to the widespread popularity of video games, young people can be
attracted to games with educational themes. Many experts find that adding education to
video games gives students new experiences, a multi-dimensional view of an issue
(Trần Huỳnh, 2023). This not only helps increase the rate of people using video games,
but also adds knowledge to children in the most comfortable way. If students feel
interested and happy, they will learn more and no longer feel that learning is a boring
and dry task. Not only that, the content of some video games stimulates students'
passion to learn and explore and learn more about many languages and cultures of many
countries when experiencing their country's video games through content. content,
graphics (Dương Tâm, 2018). Besides, video games help develop brain, improve
creativity and memory (Cô Ngân, 2023). In the current treasure of video games, there
are many games that require players to design characters, create a plot through choices,
or think about solving problems, ... besides remembering the rules, controls, the goal of
the game. Because of that, students will improve their imagination, be quick to create
and increase their memorability.

Last but not least, students can improve their social skills just by playing video
games (Ryyana, 2022). According to that article, the gamer needs to interact with
someone to achieve the desired goal. That has helped them improve teamwork, thereby
understanding each other much more from work or feelings. Video games also provide
an opportunity to connect with distant friends who share similar interests and
orientations even if they are not interested in playing games. Build teamwork and
communication skills. Each genre of video games will help students improve each
other's social skills. For instance, sports games can improve coordination, quick reflexes
before unexpected situations, or puzzle games that require players to have quick

2.4. Drawbacks of video games

However, everything in the world always has two sides, and video games are no
exception. The biggest disadvantage of video games is that students are easily addicted
(Sponsored Post, 2022). Nowadays, many people can sit for hours playing video games
because they find something new, more attractive than the world out there. Video game
makers always want to focus on content to attract players, which leads to video game
addiction. The study of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Huy in 2021, video game addicts
tend to not be able to control themselves playing games, which affects work, study, and
long-distance relationships. Students tend to focus more on playing games without
prioritizing their studies. When they stop playing video games, addicts will always have
a lot of negative thoughts in life. Besides, playing video games regularly also causes
problems with psychological disorders. When psychological stress is stressful,
discomfort will lead to violent behavior in students. This situation causes students'
emotions and behavior to go out of control. On the market today, many video games
have content that encourages physical impact from teammates to win rewards (Peter
Grinspoon, MD, and Contributor, 2020) This has made many students feel that fighting
is normal and not worthy of condemnation.

Equally and even more importantly, though video games also have a great
impact on health. In terms of Tue Lam (2017), too long exposure to blue light emitted
by electronic screens causes biological clock disturbances. Besides, students are at high
risk of diseases such as obesity. The result is insomnia, a lack of sleep, and not sleeping
well for a long time. This will lead to stress problems and fatigue in learning. The desire
to play video games always appears in their minds at all times, making it impossible for
students to maintain concentration in class, and often make mistakes.

Lastly, video games that bring benefits to learning are also factors that hinder
learning. Students may be distracted and unable to fully concentrate on their studies
Spending too much time playing video games can decrease scores (Ronaldo Tumbokon,
2023). Because of the comfort of video games, students always find a way to escape
from the difficulties of real life. This study has shown that people who play video
games often have the habit of skipping homework to spend all their time on video

games. This is the main reason for the drop in scores. Students have a tendency
concentrate solely on mastering the gameplay mechanics and strategies of video games,
rather than acquiring knowledge about the process of learning itself.


Through the process of collecting information by questionnaire, it helped me a

lot in synthesizing accurate data and better understanding university students in Hanoi
on the topic "The impact of video games on university students in Hanoi".

3.1. The situation of playing video games among university students in


Nowadays, video games are entertainment applications used by young people,

especially university students in Hanoi. However, the reality of video games for this
audience is still unclear. To know more about this problem, the surveys below will
clearly show the choices of university students in Hanoi.

3.1.1. The frequency of playing video games:

Regard to video games, they are one of the most popular forms of entertainment
among university students in Hanoi. Each person will have a different frequency for
playing video games. Therefore, this chart will show the result of this question.

The Frequency of playing video games



Daily Weekly Monthly

Chart 1 The frequency of playing video games

Looking at the pie chart, 40% of students choose “Daily” to talk about the
frequency of playing video games and rank in the first place, while the rate of “Weekly”
and “Monthly” are similar with 30%.

In conclusion, most university students in Hanoi tend to play video games every
day for entertainment after a busy day or other matters.

3.1.2. Time spent on video games per day

Each person will arrange a different schedule to suit their activities, and
university students in Hanoi are no exception. Therefore, the survey will show enough
detail to know the choice between them.

Time spent on video games per day

3% 3%



Under 1 hour From 1 to 5 hours From 5 to 8 hours More than 8 hours

Chart 2 Time spent on video games per day

According to the pie chart, 50% of Hanoi University Students reckon that they
find it suitable to for the answer “From 1 to 5 hours”. The proportion of university
students in Hanoi chose “Under 1 hour” for the question above stood at 43%. In third
place is the answer “From 5 to 8 hours” and “More than 8 hours” was the lowest, with
4% and 3% respectively.

In summary, despite having to balance time between studying and working,

University students in Hanoi still spend a lot of time entertaining with video games
around 1 to 5 hours per day.

3.1.3. Balance time playing video games with other things:

Balance time playing video games with other things



Yes No

Chart 3 Balance time playing video games with other things

From the survey conducted, 70% of university students in Hanoi think that they
can easily balance the time for playing video games with other activities, whereas only
30% are not really sure about these problems or meet some trouble when focusing on
video games.

All thing cosidered, balancing the time spent on video games with other
activities is difficult, and students at Hanoi University reckon that if they know how to
arrange a reasonable schedule, the time spent on video games can be completely
balanced with other activities without affecting each other. However, a few students
admit that they struggle with balancing this.

3.1.4. The feeling when not playing video games

Although video games play a big role in entertainment after a tiring day,
everyone has different emotions when they not playing video games. The bar chart
below will show the result of the emotional problem of not playing video games of
university students in Hanoi.

The feeling when not playing video games





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Chart 4 The feeling when nit playing video games

As you can see that, most university students in Hanoi feel “Annoyed” when they
need to stop playing video games, with 73.7%, while the answer “Exhausted” ranked
second place at 41.9%. Following are the ratios of the answer “Happy” accounting for
over a third of the answer “Exhausted”. The rate of the answer “Normal” choose by
university students in Hanoi stood at 11.3%
In the end, most students tend to feel annoyed and exhausted whenever they can't
play video games. It is not a good feeling for them, however, there are still some people
who do not feel uncomfortable about this.

3.2 Aspects that determine the choice of video games of university
students in Hanoi
The second purpose of this essay is to find out the aspects that influence both
directly and indirectly the choice of a game that is right for you. For that reason, the
answers of university students in Hanoi will bring useful things to this situation..

3.2.1 The reasons for playing video games instead of other activities
With the development of the Internet, students have easy access to video games.
There are many reasons why they decide to choose video games over other activities.
Here are a few reasons chosen by university students in Hanoi.

The reasons for playing video games

x n ip d n
la so sh in tio
Re re
a n m n a
k tio m
y di
or la e or
W re ng co
d lle ye
p an a -e
Ex Ch n d
p ro
Chart 5 The reason for playing video games

It can be seen answer “Relax” is the choice that university students in Hanoi
choose the most, with 81%. That of answer “Work reason”, “Challenges my mind,” and
“improve hand-eye coordination” are similar, with around from almost 19% to 28.6%.
The percentage of “Expand relationship” registered approximately 58.7%.
Finally depending on each person's reason, most university students in Hanoi
play video games to relax after school or a tiring day.

3.2.2 The types of video games that attract university students in Hanoi
Video games are increasingly developing along with many types of games to
suit everyone's preferences. Even someone who doesn't spend much time on video
games, they can still choose a genre of video games. So what kind of video games will
university students in Hanoi tend to choose?

Types of video games







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Series 1
Chart 6 Types of video games

According to the above survey, 63.3% of respondents said that the type of video
games they play most often is puzzle/strategy. In second place is the “Action” genre
accounting for 43.6%. Next are the “role-playing” and “sports” categories, with 31.7%
and 28.6% respectively. “Education” stood at 11.3%. And the last place is the explorer
with only 3.2% from the choice of university students in Hanoi.
In the end, students tend to play puzzle/strategy games because of their interests
and this video game genre also helps players improve a lot of skills

3.2.3 The factor that influences the choice of video games

To find a favorite video game genre, people in general and university students in
Hanoi in particular also have to ponder over external influences to make the best choice.

The factors influence choice of video games

Recommendations by
other people

Kind of video games


Graphic quality

Social media

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Chart 7 The factors influence choice of video games

The given chart illustrates the factors influencing students' choice of video
games. The percentage of “Social media” witnessed the highest at 74.5%. The rate of
respondents who were influenced by “graphic quality” was greater than the
“recommendations by other people”. The figures were 53.3% and 47.6%, respectively.
The number of participants who found games through categoríe was the lowest out of
the four sections, at 19.3%.
In conclusion, social media helps university students in Hanoi with a convenient
and easy ways to select video games. Additionally, there are many methods available
besides social media to do this.

3.3 The impact of video games on university students in Hanoi

Finally, the following tables were created by the answer of university students in
Hanoi to know about the impact of video games including positives and negatives.

3.3.1 The benefits of video games

Although there are many negative comments about playing video games, it also
brings many benefits for players in many aspects of their lives, helping them to be
motivated for a new day.

The benefits of video games
Reduce stress and Earn money Better social Improve mental Inspire
depression communication health

Chart 8 The benefits of video games

“Reduce stress and depression” is the benefit of playing the game which is
agreed by the most people with 90% votes. The second place is “Improve mental
health” with under 70%. That answer “ better social communication “ stands at 31.7%.
Besides, students who choose “Earn money” and “Inspire” has a similar rate, with under
Students after a tiring day of studying and working often spend time playing
games to relax and reduce stress because when playing games or doing things they love,
the brain often releases dopamine to help the body relax. and players will feel happier.

3.3.2 Drawbacks of video games

Although video games can give a lot of benefits for students from entertainment
to study, it is playing video games that also affects negatively university students in
Hanoi life.

Drawbacks of video games








Health Work Study Time management Waste money

Chart 9 Drawbacks of video games

The bar chart gives information about the aspects that the adverse effects of
video games impact. There are five aspects of life that can be affected by video games:
health, work, study, time management, and wasting money. To begin, the percentage of
“health” is domestic since the proportion of gamers who choose it is estimated at 72.7%.
Moreover, the “study” is seen as having data that is lower than well-being, at 60%. In
contrast with health and study, “work” and “time management” are chosen by 24.5%
and 15.7% in turn. In particular, only 3.3% of people think that “wasting money” on
video games is harmful and causes many problems.
In contrast, video games lead to adverse effects on health and study. University
students in Hanoi need to control their time playing video games so as not to adversely
affect the above problems.

3.3.3 The percentage of people who witnessed violent action while playing
When it comes to video games, many people have witnessed the bad behavior of
players. This pie chart shows how many college students in Hanoi have experienced
violent behavior while playing video games..

The percentage of people who witnessed violent ac-
tion while playing games

Yes No
Chart 10 The percentage of people who witnessed violent action while playing games

In the pie chart, it can see that the ratio of students in Hanoi University who
choose answer “Yes” is 70% and just only 30% think that they never saw this situation
in their life.
In conclusion, this is a recurring problem and needs to be eliminated to make
the video game community a better place. Just a few small actions can make the video
games community better and more developed.


Video games are gaining more and more hearts from people, especially today's
youth. The notion that video games only affect people's lives and futures has completely
changed thanks to their development during COVID-19.

The general overview shows that many young people today appreciate video
games as entertainment and a way to acquire new skills. After a long day in class, video
games can help students clear their minds and improve their mental health. The results
in Chapter 3 show that most university students in Hanoi play video games daily for 1
to 5 hours, with more than 50%. Although they spend a lot of time on video games, they
still know how to balance their time between playing and doing other activities (70%).

There are many ways to choose video games; according to the result of the
questionnaire, students often learn about video games and experience using social media
(74.5%). They found it easy to see people's reviews of video games on it.

Besides, most university students in Hanoi feel annoyed when not playing video
games because, besides relaxing, many kinds of video games can help students improve
their skills and practical knowledge. Students will develop quick reflexes in thinking
and teamwork while playing games, which will be valuable competencies for later study
and work. And depending on each person's preferences, there will be appropriate video
games, such as more than 60% of students choosing puzzle/strategy games.

On the other hand, video games can cause health problems (more than 70%) and
disrupt students' daily lives, from study to work (about 60%). Besides, video games also
affect the emotions and behavior of players. Many people have witnessed awkward
situations, such as a person who acts violently when disturbed while playing video

Video games can be described as a double-edged sword. If you want to use it

effectively, students must be thoroughly awake to control their gaming habits without
affecting their lives and studies.


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The impact of video games on Hanoi University students


I am a student in IBD I18A1. I am researching “The Impact of Video Games on Hanoi

University Students.”. I hope that by completing the survey questions, more data will be
collected to determine the impact of video games on the students using them. I swear
that all the information you provide will be kept confidential and for research purposes

Thank you for taking part in this survey!

A. What is the current situation of playing video games among Hanoi

University students?

1. How often do you play video games?

A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Other(specify)..................................................

2. On average, how many hours do you spend playing video games per day?

A. Under 1 hour
B. From 1 to 5 hours
C. From 5 to 8 hours
D. More than 8 hours
E. Other (specify)..................................................

3. Can you balance your time for playing video games with other things?

A. Yes
B. No

4. How do you feel when you're not playing games?

A. Normal
B. Happy
C. Exhausted
D. Annoyed
E. Nervous

F. Other (specify)..................................................

B. What aspects do Hanoi University students consider when choosing to

play video games?

5. Why do you play video games? (You can choose MORE THAN one.)

A. Relax
B. Work reason ( earn money, research,... )
C. Expand relationship
D. Challenges my mind
E. Improves hand-eye coordination
F. Other (specify) …………………………………………….

6. What type of video games do you usually play? (You can choose MORE THAN

A. Action
B. Role-playing
C. Sports
D. Puzzle/Strategy
E. Education
F. Other (specify)..................................................

7. What factors influence your choice of video games? (You can choose MORE

A. Social media
B. Graphic quality
C. Category
D. Recommendations by other people.
E. Other(specify)…………………………………………….

C. What are the effects of video games on Hanoi University students?

8. What are the benefits of video games for you? (You can choose MORE THAN
A. Reduce stress and depression
B. Earn Money
C. Better social communication
D. Improve mental health
E. Inspire
F. Other(specify)…………………………………………….

9. What aspects of your life have video games negatively affected? (You can

A. Health ( Sleep disorders, Asthenia,...)

B. Work ( cannot concentrate,...)
C. Study ( Bad study result,.. )

D. Time management
E. Other(specify)……………………………………………

10. Have you ever seen someone hit or get angry when they were interrupted while
playing a game?

A. Yes

B. No


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