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Sotero, Maria Bernaditte L.


1. In your own words, briefly define the following, and describe how these trends
change technology project management.

a. Globalization (5 points)
At least two areas of technology project management have changed as a result of
globalization. First, as a result of globalization, the use of Windows-based computers
increased, removing another important barrier to the communication of data that an
individual might get, author, alter, and disseminate. The computers allowed management
to create their own digital content and share it with people all over the world. Second, the
invention of the World Wide Web (or www) in 1991 was one of globalization's most
significant influences. We had the internet before the World Wide Web, which connected
the world, but with the World Wide Web, individuals were now able to upload their own
digital content for anybody across the world to see. With the increased usage of the
Internet by businesses and project managers, project managers may share knowledge and
information nearly instantly across the globe.

b. Outsourcing (5 points)
Outsourcing was once considered to be primarily a value strategy, but with
the advent of globalization, project managers are turning to outsourcing as a tool
for accelerating innovation and improving business efficiency. A growing number
of companies are joining the manufacturing sector to provide specialized services
and products. As a result, businesses and project managers are adapting their
business models to be more competitive and engaging to global customers. New
technologies such as the Internet of Things, robotics, augmented reality, and 3D
printing have made the marketplace even more competitive as a result of
globalization, allowing businesses to outsource not only locally but globally.
Furthermore, as a result of globalization, project managers must compete not only
with their closest neighbor in terms of outsourcing, but also with other
manufacturing companies operating and outsourcing in the same field of expertise
from all over the world.

c. Agile project management (5 points)

When project requirements are unclear or frequently change, agile project
management is used. When a group of people collaborate across time and distance
utilizing communication technology, they form virtual teams. Because agile
project management focuses on delivering maximum value within business
targets in the time and budget given, especially when the need to perform
outweighs the risk, globalization made the trend simple and quick with the
internet, computers, and other technology. With the advancement of globalization,
agile project management: (1) encourages more collaborative working; and (2)
reflects, learns, and adjusts more frequently to guarantee that the client is always
satisfied and that benefits are delivered; and (3) allows a corporation to build a
working attitude that lets a team respond effectively to changing requirements by
integrating greater planning with execution.

2. Research the trend of using virtual teams. Review the information on team role

a. Write a short summary of your findings. (5 points)

According to, Belbin developed nine team roles as a
result of a study conducted at Henley Management College. After observing the
behavioral characteristics of individuals within a team, he identified the team
roles. Shaper, implementer, completer/finisher, coordinator, team worker,
resource investigator, monitor-evaluator, specialty roles, and plant's role are
among the nine team positions. As a business management student, I've
discovered that teams are made up of groups of people that have various
personalities yet work together to achieve similar goals. The importance of
recognizing these responsibilities in team and organizational performance cannot
be stressed. As a result, I learned that each team member must decide or identify
not only his or her own job, but also the responsibilities of other team members.
This is important when it comes to distributing tasks or responsibilities in order to
fulfill the team's common goal. Given that different people have various roles
depending on their actions, each member's work or obligation must be given in
line with his or her designated or desired role in order for him to complete the task
successfully. If he is assigned to a task that is incompatible with or incompatible
with his desired role, he may either entirely fail to accomplish the task or perform
it poorly. In a team working on an art project, for example, a member whose
favorite job is "coordinator" should not be assigned the "painting" task because a
coordinator is effective at distributing responsibilities. To promote team
satisfaction and achievement, the "painting" work should be assigned to the
"expert" in the team.

b. Include any personal experience and your opinion on the topic. For example, what
role(s) would you prefer to play on a team? (5 points)
After reading the nine roles, I realized that I am a "team worker" because I
believe I am the most supportive member of a team; I am mild, sociable, and
concerned about others; I have a high capacity for flexibility and adapting to
different situations and people; I am perceptive and diplomatic; and, most
importantly, I enjoy playing the role of a team worker in terms of preventing
interpersonal problems from arising within a team so that all team members can
contribute efficiently. I normally go to great efforts to prevent any kind of
discomfort or issue. I can say that I am good at dealing with introverted people
and adept at resolving conflicts, which are all qualities of a team player.

c. Do you like working on virtual teams? If you have not yet worked on one, how do
you think it would be different from working on a face-to-face team? (5 points)
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on employment and
education. Because of this major global event, it is more important than ever to
address the challenges that come with being a member of a virtual team. Working
in a virtual team brings a number of difficulties. If the problems are not really
handled properly, they can ruin all the team is striving to accomplish. For three
reasons, I prefer working on a face-to-face team over working on a virtual team.
To begin with, the Philippines has an obvious internet connectivity issue that has
a significant impact on communication. The best way to achieve a successful goal
is effective communication; yet, the internet connection obstructs the free flow of
communication. Because of internet problems, not everyone in the team has the
privilege of completing work on time. Second, team members' honesty must be
addressed. In an artist’s appreciation class, for example, not everyone performs
their art. Others had their task performed by others, which could have been
avoided if the team had worked together face to face. This seems to me to be
unfair to those who are faithfully performing the activities to the best of their
abilities. Finally, working as part of a remote team is a prescription for disaster.
For example, our class was broken into groups and given the task of writing a
report on a specific topic. For whatever reason, the leader instructed one of the
members to disseminate the instruction to collect all of the members' various
works. The same member then relayed the information to another member, who in
turn instructed another member, thereby maintaining the chain of confusion. As a
result, our team failed to present high-quality work that would have turned out
differently if it had been done in person.

3. Explain the four frames of organizations. How can they help project managers
understand the organizational context for their projects?

a. Structural frame (5 points)

The structural frame deals with how the organization is structured. It is
usually depicted in an organizational chart and focuses on different groups' roles
and responsibilities to meet the goals and policies set by top management. This
frame helps the project manager to be very rational and focus on coordination and
control. For example, the structural frame helps the project manager understand a
key IT issue if a company should centralize the IT personnel in one department or
decentralize across several departments. Also, if confusion around priorities and
responsibilities is the main issue, the project manager may consider Structural and
Political frames as probably the most important.
b. Human resources frame (5 points)
The human resources (HR) frame focuses on producing harmony between
the needs of the organization and the needs of people. The HR frame helps the
project manager to recognize that mismatches can occur between the needs of the
organization and those of individuals and groups, and works to resolve any
potential problems. For example, HR frame helps the project manager to
understand that many projects might be more efficient for the organization if
employees worked 80 or more hours a week for several months. However, this
work schedule would conflict with the personal lives and health of many
employees. Important IT issues related to the human resources frame are the
shortage of skilled IT workers within the organization and unrealistic schedules
imposed on many projects. Also, if a project manager learns that the greatest
problem is a lack of motivation and commitment, he or she will probably stress
the Symbolic and Human Resource frames.

c. Political frame (5 points)

The political frame addresses organizational and personal politics. Politics
inorganizations take the form of competition among groups or individuals for
power, resources, and leadership. The political frame emphasizes that
organizations are coalitions composed of varied individuals and interest groups.
The political frame helps the project manager understand that important decisions
need to be made about the allocation of scarce resources, that competition for
resources makes conflict a central issue in organizations, and that power improves
the ability to obtain those resources. Project managers must pay attention to
politics and power if they are to be effective. It is important to know who opposes
your projects as well as who supports them. Important IT issues related to the
political frame are the differences in power between central functions and
operating units or between functional managers and project managers. Also, if
confusion around priorities and responsibilities is the main issue, the project
manager may consider Structural and Political frames as probably the most
important. And, if there is uncertainty and anxiety around future direction, the
project manager may consider the Symbolic and Political frames as the keys to

d. Symbolic frame (5 points)

The symbolic frame focuses on symbols and meanings. The symbolic
frame helps the project manager understand that the most important aspect of any
event in an organization is not what actually happened, but what it means. Was it
a good sign that the CEO came to a kick-off meeting for a project, or was it a
threat? The symbolic frame also relates to the company's culture. How do people
dress? How many hours do they work? How do they run meetings? Many IT
projects are international and include stakeholders from various cultures.
Understanding those cultures is also a crucial part of the symbolic frame. Also, if
a project manager learns that the greatest problem is a lack of motivation and
commitment, he or she will probably stress the Symbolic and Human Resource
frames. And, if there is uncertainty and anxiety around future direction, the
project manager may consider the Symbolic and Political frames as the keys to

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