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Application for Dual Training in Metal Fabrication and Welding

2022-2023- Intake
Closing date for receiving applications is 9th November 2022
Please read the following instructions carefully
1. Complete this form in block letters
2. Give relevant contact details including an active phone number
3. Fields marked with asterisks (*) are compulsory
Application forms should be submitted to TEVETA as indicated in the call for applications

Applicant’s Surname: * Applicant’s First Name:*

Applicant’s Middle Name: Date of birth: * __ __/__ __ / ___ ___ _
Gender: * Male Female National ID No…………………
Telephone / Cell: * ………………………………………
District/City of District of Traditional Authority Village
Residence* Origin*

Address: Guardian Name………………………………..

Guardian Telephone / Cell: * ………………….
If you are a person with a disability, please indicate the type of disability:

Please indicate the college and company of priority in the table below:
Course Preferred College* Preferred company*
Metal Fabrication and Welding
Previous Technical & Vocational Skills background Yes No , (If YES, please
specify field)
If boarding space is not available, would you accept operating on non-residential basis?
Yes No
**Please attach a copy of your Malawi School Certificate of Education or its equivalent **
I hereby confirm that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge

Date: / /2022 Signature:

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