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- Is composed of a selected group officers holding the highest authority within the Katipunan, responsible for it’s
- Was formed around August, 1892

Officers of the Supreme Court Council

 President ( Pangulo ) – the highest-ranking official, leading the organization, and making key decisions

-is called the “Supreme President / Kataastaasang Pangulo/ Presidente Supremo”.

 Secretary ( Kalihim )- Responsible for maintaining records and handling correspondence

 Treasurer ( Tagaingat-yaman ) – Manage the Katipunan’s finances.
 Fiscal ( Tagausig ) – Enforced internal discipline and acted as the prosecutor in the trials.
 Counsilors ( Kasangguni ) – assisted in decision-making, providing advice and expertise to the president and
other officers.

- Is a provincial council where Katipunan members were present, responsible for local governance with each province


- Was an organized popular council in each town.


- Was a military organizational structure devised by Andress Bonifacio

- To increase the membership of katipunan
- Aimed to divide the Katipunan’s forces into three main group
- Formed with his 2 comrades : 1 teodoro plata
2 ladislaw diwa
3 categories of membership:
 KATIPON- lowest class
- wore a black hood with a triangle of a white ribbon having the letter “Z.LI.B” [ corresponding to the
roman “A.N.B”, meaning anak ng bayan (son of the people). ]
Password: anak
 KAWAL- middle class
- Wore a green hood with a triangle having white lines and the letters “Z.L.L.B” at the angles of the
- and also wore a green ribbon with a medal with the letter (ka)in baybayin script above a depiction of a
crossed sword and flag.
Password: Gom-Bur-Za
 Bayani (hero) – highest class
- wore a red mask and a sash with green border, symbolizing courage and hope.
- The fron of the mask had white borders that formed a triangle with three Ks arranged as if occupying the angles
of a triangle within a triangle
- And with the letters “Z.LI.B.” below.

Password: Rizal


- Involves a series of secret ceremonies where new members pledged and test their loyalty, courage, and

1st rite: New recruits underwent the rite three at a time so that no member knew more than 2 other members of the

- Then they would be blindfolded and lend into a dimly lighted room with black curtains where his folded cloth
was removed from his eyes.
- Inside the candle-lit room, they woulde be brought to a table adorned with a skull and a bolo.
- There, they would condemn the abusues of the sapnish government and vow to fight colonial oppression

2nd rite: Next step is the lecture given by the master ceremonies, called Mabalasig/ Mabalasik (terrible Brother), who
informed the neophyte to withdraw if he lacked corage since he would be out of place in the patriotic society.

- If the neophyte persisted, he was presented to the assembly of the brethren, who subjected him to various
ordeals such as blindfolding him and making him shoot a supposedly a revolver at a person. Or forcing him to
jump a supposedly hot flame.

3rd rite: pacto De Sangre “ BLOOD COMPACT/ SANDUGO”

- The recruit was asked to make a small cut on his left forearm with a sharp knife.
- He then signed the Katipunan oath in his own blood.
- Afterwards, the new member chose a symbolic name for himself after he is accepted as a full-fledged member.

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