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2nd MT Biology Reviewer  is used for almost all of your body’s cell division

needs. It adds new cells during development and

Lesson 4.1: The Human Life Cycle and Sexual replaces old and worn-out cells throughout your life.
Reproduction The goal of mitosis is to produce daughter cells that
are genetically identical to their mothers, with not a
 Sexual Reproduction. Combine genetic material from single chromosome more or less.
two different parents.
 Human life cycle starts with the union of two sex cells Meiosis
through the process of sexual reproduction --- a  is used for just one purpose in the human body: the
sperm cell or spermatozoon (plural: spermatozoa) production of gametes—sex cells, or sperm and
(father) and egg cell or ovum (plural: ova) (mother) eggs. Its goal is to make daughter cells with exactly
 The actual fusion, called fertilization, produces a half as many chromosomes as the starting cell.
 Meiosis. Both the sperm cell and egg cell are
produced in a type of cell division.
 The sex cells produced in meiosis are haploid (23)
which contain only half the number of chromosomes
 Diploid (46). Union of the haploid spermatozoon and
haploid ovum
 Zygote. Contains 2 sets of chromosomes: 1 set
father, 1 set mother. A total of 46 chromosomes
 Mitosis produces cells for growth & repair.
 Meiosis produces cells for reproduction.
 The zygote undergoes numerous cell division called
 Specialized cells 23 chromosomes only.
 Spermatogenesis process. Sperm cells in the testis
are formed in meiosis
 Oogenesis process. Egg cells in the ovary are formed
in meiosis  Remember that homologous chromosomes are
Importance of meiosis divided in meiosis I, while the sister chromatids are
not divided until they reach meiosis II.
 Without meiosis, the chromosome number of body  Since cell division occurs twice during meiosis, one
cells will double in each generation, which may lead starting cell can produce four gametes (eggs or
to abnormalities. sperm). In each round of division, cells go through
four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
Lesson 4.2: Chromosome and sex cells telophase.
 Cells can be divided into 2 major groups: somatic
cells (soma “body”) and germ cells.
 Somatic or body cells compose your body tissues and
organs (skin, stomach, heart)
 Germ cell. Which are produced in your sex organs:
ovaries and testes. The way by which traits can be
transmitted to your future offspring.
 Homologous chromosome. A set of chromosomes
having the same length and appearance that was
inherited from the parents.
 Viewing the arranged chromosomes can be done in
the process called karyotyping with the use of a
diagram known karyogram.

Lesson 4.3: Meiosis

 Cytokinesis usually occurs at the same time as
telophase I, forming two haploid daughter cells.

 The goal of meiosis II is to divide sister chromatids,
resulting in sex cells with only half the chromosome

Prophase I

 differences from mitosis begin to appear. As in

Prophase II
mitosis, the chromosomes begin to condense, but in
meiosis I, they also pair up. Each chromosome  chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope
carefully aligns with its homologue partner so that breaks down, if needed. The centrosomes move
the two match up at corresponding positions along apart, the spindle forms between them, and the
their full length. spindle microtubules
 You can see crossovers under a microscope as
Metaphase II
chiasma, cross-shaped structures where homologues
are linked together. Chiasma keep the homologues  the chromosomes line up individually along the
connected to each other after the synaptonemal metaphase plate. Chromosome has sister chromatids
complex breaks down, so each homologous pair still attached to the centromere.
needs at least one.
Anaphase II
Metaphase I
 the sister chromatids separate and are pulled
 So, during metaphase I, homologue pairs—not towards opposite poles of the cell.
individual chromosomes—line up at the metaphase
Telophase II
plate for separation.
 When the homologous pairs line up at the  nuclear membranes form around each set of
metaphase plate, the orientation of each pair is chromosomes, and the chromosomes decondense.
random. Cytokinesis splits the chromosome sets into new
cells, forming the final products of meiosis: four
Anaphase I
haploid cells in which each chromosome has just one
 the homologues are pulled apart and move apart to chromatid. In humans, the products of meiosis are
opposite ends of the cell. The sister chromatids of sperm or egg cells.
each chromosome, however, remain attached to one
another and don't come apart. Lesson 4.4: Gametogenesis
Telophase I  Gametogenesis. A process involving the production
of gametes
 Finally, in telophase I, the chromosomes arrive at
opposite poles of the cell. In some organisms, the Spermatogenesis
nuclear membrane re-forms and the chromosomes
decondense, although in others, this step is skipped
—since cells will soon go through another round of
 is the process by which male gametes develop from
germ cells in the testes. In other words, it's how
sperm is made. This process involves multiple steps
of cell division and differentiation, which are
summarized in the image below.


 is the type of gametogenesis through which ova, also

called the female gametes are formed and the
produced female gamete is known as an ovum. In
general terms, the female gametes are referred to as
eggs, but the word egg can involve various stages of
development, therefore, the significance of an egg
varies based on the type of organisms
Lesson 4.5: Importance of Meiosis
 3 mechanism that contribute this genetic variation:
independent assortment, crossing-over and random

Independent Assortment

 Random distribution of homologous chromosome

during meiosis

Crossing-Over and Random Fertilization

 Crossing over occur during prophase I of meiosis,

where chromosomes line up in the process called
synapsis, while sections of DNA are exchanged
Lesson 4.6: Genetic Disorders associated with Meiosis

 Nondisjunction. The process where chromosomes or

chromatids fail to separate during meiosis

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