Intools Quick Reference Handbook

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The following activities are part of the index module. 1. Populate the following tables with respect to project. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Type of instruments and their profiles. P&ID No. Instrument status (i.e. scope of supply) Type of I/O (i.e. AI, AO, DI, DO, Fieldbus, etc.) Equipment No. Instrument Certification Loop types (DCS, PLC, etc.) Instrument Location (i.e. Field, LCP, DCS, etc.)


Creation of new loop. This is done through new loop module tool bar clicking. Add tag in the loop no. one by one. Note : Do not create a tag no. and then attach it with the existing loop no.


Duplication of Loop. This is done through Dup. Loop icon on module tool bar. On clicking this button, first enter the loop no. from which the new duplicate loop can be created. Then enter the duplicate loop no. and then select the loop components from the pop-up Window.


Batch Loop Creation. Go to Edit menu and select Typical loop Manager. Then add the different components of the loop and save with a name. After this, again go to Edit menu and select batch creation and select the typical loop and enter new loop nos. and then click create button.


Deletion of loop. Go to Edit menu, select Loop then select delete loop and then enter the loop no.


Note: Set the Preferences before starting the index module. All individual users machine should have the same Preferences.

Go to Inst. Table

Select Process Parameter i.e. General, Flow, Pressure Temp. etc.

Enter type of Instrument

Go to Instrument Profile

Go to Wiring module

Before selecting spec. format, check the format is okay or not. Same way, create cable to be attached with instrument.

Go to New loop icon for creation of loop Under loop no. create loop components Duplication of loop can be created through Duplicate icon.

Note: Do not go by tag nos. Note: Do not create component first then attach to loop no.

For batch loop creation, create a typical loop template in Typical loop template.

Go to Batch loop creation select typical loop and give loop nos. and then client create button. Note: Suffix loop cannot be created in batch. Only numeric loops can be created.


Process data can be entered tag no. wise or line no.wise. Line No.wise Process Data

In the module tool bar, line should be selected. In the pop-up Window, Line No. should be selected. Check the box for liquid, Gas/vapour, steam, etc. Then the process data sheet opens for data entry. Set the units before entering data. Issue revision through revision button. Save. Choose another line and follow the above steps. Now in Action menu, select Propagate line data. In the pop-up Window, select the line no. and click propogate. There is a Window which will show the no. of instruments in that line.

While propagating the process data for each instrument, there will be a pop Window where Release to Inst. Is to be selected.

Tag No. wise Process Data

In the module tool bar Instrument shall be clicked. In the pop-up Window, i.e. process data sheet, fill the data for the tag no. and save it.

Highlighted Fields

There are two types of highlighted fields only for those instruments whose sizing calculations are to be done. (a) Cyan colour highlighted field : These fields are to be filled with data at process data sheet level and cannot be changed at calculation sheet.

(b) Yellow highlighted field : These fields are also to be filled in process data sheet, but in calculation sheet, the data can be changed, if required.


There are two types of specification form: (i) (ii) Single form Multi form

A form can have more than one page. Intools has some default spec. form as well as pages.

If you want to create your own specification form, then the following steps are to be followed:

Open Inst. Spec. Module. Select Form Editor & then New Form. Select any page which we want to make a new form for specification. Save it with the new form no. and a proper name. Go to Index and Table form is applicable. Inst. Type and select the type of instrument for which this


Go to Profile of the instrument and click on the drop down menu of Instrument Spec. field and choose the new form no.

Go to Index browser, select all the tag nos. of that type of instrument, then right click on them and select Generate a Specification.

Open Inst spec.module. Select Formats and then Open Formats and select any form which will be made multiform.


Give new name of the form and click OK. New spec. form with edit Header Window pops-up. Select the various fields and double click on it. These fields will come inside edit Header box.

Click save.


Second page with the selected field pops up. Choose Portrait or Landscape and adjust the columns as required.

Then go to module tool bar and click Open spec. and type instrument tag no. with the form no. on which multiform was created and then click okay.

A Window New Inst. Spec. pops up. Select Create new multitag inst. Spec. and give drg. No. as tag no. (Master tag no.) and also select Format name. Then click okay.

Select fluid state in the pop up Window.

New multiform spec. opens. With the master tag name

Go to Multitag list page and then click on AddTag on the module tool bar.

In the pop up tag no. Window click find then in the Find tag Window choose the Process function and again click on find.

On the search result Window, select the tag nos. and click okay.

Selected tag nos. added to the multi tag list.

Template of a specification form: Common data of a particular spec form can be filled through Template of that particular specification form. Creation of Template: The following steps should be followed for creation of a template. go to Edit menu and select Form data Template editor. Select Spec Form window pops up. Choose the same specification form which earlier you have created for that type of instrument. And give name as template for spec form no / type of instrument and click ok. The spec form opens, Fill the common data which you would like to copy to all the instrument tags and then save it.

Now go to Index module table menu. Open Instrument type table and select the type of instrument for which the Template is made.

Open profile of the instrument. Under Copy data from Template drop down menu select the template spec form which you have created. And then click ok. Now the original specification format of the type of instrument will get / copy the data from the template.

SPEIFICATION MODULE SPEC. BINDER In spec. binder, we can bind a group of specification data sheets for enquiry and give revision status of the whole binder. In spec. binder, diff. type of specs. can be put together. For example, Vortex, DP, PT spec. can be combined and float together as a single enquiry. The following steps are to be followed in Spec. Binder. Open Spec. Binder module. Create new binder, give proper name. Expand the new binder, there are following default folders are created by Intools programe. (a) Instrument spec. list. This shows all the tag nos. Inst. Type rev. no. and page no. (b) Form Notes. This notes of spec. form. (c) General Notes. Here, we can write note for the spec. binder. (d) Specification sheet. Here we attached all the spec. sheets of inst. for the binder. (e) Change Summary Report This gives all the changes of all the specifications in the binder in report format.

Go to Specification sheet folder and right click on it and select Assign Specification. In the Find Tag pop up Window, choose the tag no. from search result Window.


After attaching all the tag nos. again right click on spec. sheet and select spec. change notification option.

In the pop-up Window, Spec. change Notification column for changed against each tag, change the status Yes or No depending on the spec. change of that tag. Then click okay.

Then go to Binder level and right click on it and choose Print.

In Print, pop-up Window select Working Issue tick () on show print review and click okay. Note : In this Working issue print view all the revision fields will be highlighted as it does for the next revision. It is advisable to check all the revision fields before actually issuing formal revision.

Now again go back to binder level and right click on it and select Revision.

In the Revision pop up Window, fill the boxes as per the requirement for new revision, click new and fill the revision columns and click okay.

Go to Print Window and select Formal Issue and revision no. and click okay.


Go to spec. module

Go to Form editor & New Form & select spec. page

Save the page as New Form no.

Go to Index table and Inst. type and Inst. Profile and attach this new form.

Go to Index browser select same type of Inst. And right click and choose Generate Spec. sheet.

Go to Spec. binder and create different binders folders. Under a particular binder, select specification. Then go to Action menu and select Assign Spec.

Under a particular binder, select specification. Then go to Action menu and select Assign Spec.

Select the specifications which all are coming to this binder.

HOOK-UP Note : Hook-up drg. Revision: Select sub-category and right click on it, then go to Hook-up drg. list and click on it. Then do the revision on that drg.

Go to Preferences from file menu

Go to hook up Table and go to item Library and create main library. Again go to table and select item sub-library.

Set the Preferences of Loop and Hook-Up

Go to Hook-Up module

Go to Item List at the module icon.

Create different categories of hook-up header as project requirements.

List all types of hook-up materials to be used. Note : Serial no. of all the items should be same as used in hook-up drg.

Create sub-categories of hook-up and attach CAD drg with each sub-category of hook-up.

* For drg. Attachment, go to browser then go to temp Instrumentation hook-up CAD drg.

Go to Action menu and select Hook-up type Inst. Type. Go to hook-up Manager and sub-category right click on it and select hook-up items relevant to that hook-up drg. Select the type of Inst. from the type of Instrument table.
Note : You can select more than one type of inst..

Note : To get BOM go to subcategory or Main Header category and click BOM icon at module menu. For whole Plant BOM select all Header categories and click BOM.

Go to sub-category attach the tag nos. through right click on the sub-category and go to hook-up tag.
Generate hookup drg. In sub-cat. level by right click and choose generate hookup.

Now from the table, select the correct tag no. for the relevant hook-up.


The wiring module is based on Panel and Cable concept. Any object which requires a cable connection is called Panel and joining two panels are Cable. Each panel will have terminals as per its requirement. Similarly, different types of cables will have different types of wires in it. So, panels will be following : Instrument, Junction Box, Marshalling Cabinet, System Panels, etc. and cables will be single pair, multi pair, core cable, etc.

In wiring module, the following steps will be followed: [Note : We are going to make instrument panel]. Open Wiring module. Click on Default panel. On pop-up Default Panel Manager right click and select New Inst. Panel and further to Device Panel (conventional). Give a name of the Device panel and the device panel will be created with the name. Now we have to provide terminals as per the instrument requirements. Right click on newly created device panel and select New and then Strip / I/O. On pop-up Window of Strip Terminal configuration click on New button. In the pop-up Window of Terminals in pattern choose the no. of terminals as required. Give a name to this new terminal strip. On the right hand side of the Window under Terminal numbering tick mark the boxes as per requirement. Prefix-suffix with the number also can be set here. Note : Before creating the terminal strip, one should be very clear about the instrument wiring and the number of terminals with its numbering philosophy.

After filling the information in the Window, click Save. Now in the same Window, Strip Terminal Configuration click on Create. Now, the same terminal strip will be created under the new Device Panel.

Note : Expand the device panel and see the terminal strip under it.

Note :

Similar way JB, Marshalling rack and system cabinet will be created. While creating JB, choose JB (generic). While creating MR, choose Marshalling rack. While creating Syst. Cabinet, choose DCS or PLC in the pop up Window. After creating these panels, create terminal strips in them as required.

For MR and Syst. Cabinet creation follow the approved drawing of the DCS vendor.

Inside any panel, we can create as many as different terminal strips. I/O cards are to be created inside DCS panel while FTA or Signal Conversion Cards can be created in MR or in DCS panel depending upon the system philosophy. Creation of Apparatus

Generally, apparatus are required when wiring connections on a device are dissimilar, i.e. incoming wiring terminals and outgoing wiring terminals are different. For example, signal splitter, FTA card or relay.

The following steps are to be followed to create an Apparatus.

Right click on the panel on which the Apparatus will be installed.

Go to New and further select Apparatus.

Give a name (relevant name like FTA, Relay, etc.) to it. Now, come down to the Apparatus Configuration Window. Here, depending on the apparus wiring connection, create Left and right terminal nos. accordingly and give number of terminals.

Depending upon the number of signals connected on a single Apparatus choose the no. in Number of apparatus-es in the box. Then save it and after that click on create to create the apparatus in the selected panel.

Now, after creating all Typical panels in the Default panel, open the Panel which is the project specific panel. Then drag each created panel except instrument device panel in the Panel and give name as per the naming philosophy i.e. for JBs put the actual JB name for MRs put the actual MR name for System put the actual System Cabinet name Creation of Instrument Device Panel :

Go to Inst. Index module. Select Table on the menu. Then go to Instrument Type and select a type of instrument. Say Pressure Transmitter is selected. After selecting PT go to profile and then its Wiring & Control System Window.

In the Default Device Panel box in the drop down table, choose the created device panel which will suit to this type of instrument.

Similarly, after cable creation, attach a particular cable in the Conventional Connections box by new button. So now, for PT type of instrument a particular type of Device Panel & Cable is attached. Now click okay.

Now go to index browser, select all the particular type of PTs and then right click on them and select Generate Device Panel & Cable. All selected PTs will now be available in the panel Window with tag nos. Creation of Cables

All typical cables will be created in the Default Cable. For creating a cable (say 12 pair) the following steps are to be followed:

Open Default: cable.

Default Cable Manager window pops-up.

Right click anywhere inside of the cable Manager box and select cable.

Cable configuration window pops-up.

Click on New button, another window New

Cable Configuration pops-up. In the box of Total No. of sets choose 12 as we are creating 12 pair signal cable and in the box of default cable set type choose pair or pair with shield. Then OK it.

Now, in the cable configuration window shows a 12 pair cable without pair no. but default wire colour. Now, in the cable set, type pair #1, pair #2 pair #12 and give a name of the cable. Then press Apply button and save. Now, in the same window, press create button and cable properties window pops-up. Choose the glands as per the cable diameter and click OK.

Close the cable configuration window. A new cable of 12 pair is created in the Default cable manager with 12 sets of pair.

Like 12 pair cable, other typical cables can be created in the Default Cable Manager. Now, open the Cable which is project specific cables. Drag a multi pair cable from the Default Cable Manager to Plant cable Manager with a cable name. For example, JB NO.100-IM001, the multi pair cable No. is C-100-IM-001. Like this, for all JBs, a particular cable should be dragged from Default Cable Manager to Plant Cable Manager and give name to that cable.

Note: For Branch cables, do not drag them, instead attach them in the Instrument type profile. Now, all possible panels with terminal strips and cables with wires are created in the Plant Panel and Plant Cable Manager. Actual wiring we will start after I/O assignment in the system panels.

Creation of I/O Cards Before I/O assignment, we have to create the rack, slot etc. in the system cabinet. The following steps are to be followed:

Right click on a system cabinet and then select new and choose Strip or I/O card.

Strip Terminal Configuration window pops-up.

Give name as per type of card. Fill other information as per the card details i.e., total number of terminals, number of terminals per channel, first channel starting at etc. and terminal numbering philosophy. Then save it and then click Create button.

I/O card Properties window pop-up. Give a proper name and click on Control Syst.

In the Control Syst window, fill the details in the Control System Details boxes. i.e., a) System I/O type b) Control Processor c) Choose the Rack : Choose AI from drop down menu : Choose the controller : Say rack one, R1 Say 1

d) Position (i.e slot no.) :

If it is redundant I/O, then click on Define a redundant I/O. Once you click on redundant I/O, the secondary location boxes will be enabled. Fill the redundant I/O card location as per the system design. Click Ok.

Note: If any card is taking double width, then click on Double width box.

Now, a particular I/O card has been created in the selected system cabinet. Similarly, create all other cards in that cabinet. If any type of card is more than one, then you can Duplicate the card instead of creating a new one. Right click on the card and select Duplicate.

I/O Assignment The steps are as follows :

Go to Plant Panel and select any system cabinet. Expand the system cabinet. Choose a particular I/O card; Say AI card.

In the module menu bar click on I/O OR right click on the card and select I/O Assign on the pop-up window.

I/O assignment window pops-up. This window is divided vertically into halves. In the left half, all the tags which are yet to assign will be shown. (i.e. only a particular type of signal i.e., A1, A0, D1 D0 etc.). On the right half, is the particular card and its channel numbers.

Now, drag a tag no. from left half and release it on a particular channel on the second half. Like this, I/Os can be assigned against each card.

Before actual wiring the following activities are to be completed : i. All the Panels with terminal strips in the Plant Panel Manager i.e. instrument device panel, JB, MR and System Cabinet. ii. iii. All types of cable in Plant Cable Manager All the types of instrument in the Index browner mode should be assigned Generate device panel and cabinet.

Now to start with wiring module, we should always start from the field side and then progress towards control room side.

Since the instrument is already attached with cable, we shall start connection from field JB. The following steps are to be followed :

Go to a particular JB and expand it. Select terminal strip and then click Connection on module menu bar. The JBs terminal strip opens. Now click on Cables on module menu. All unconnected instruments are available in the Plant Cable Manager. Drag the instrument cable on the screw of the JB terminal (left side)

A window Cable Connection Definition pops up. Choose Connection type from the drop down menu and click on Connect button.

The instrument will be connected on the left hand side of the JB.

After connecting all the instruments on the left hand side of the JB, drag the multi pair cable from the Plant Cable Manager and release it on the right hand side screw of the JB terminal strip.

The multi pair is now connected to the JB.

Note : Now on the JB terminal strip you can see that the tag no. on the left hand side are automatically propagated to the right hand side. At the same time cable nos. branch as well as multi pair cable are seen.

After the JB connection, the other end of multi pair cable is to be connected to the Marshalling rack.

Open particular Marshalling Cabinets terminal strip in Plant Panel Manager window.

Select the terminal strip where the multi pair cable will be connected. Right click on the terminal strip and choose Connect or click on Connect at the module menu bar.

Connection window of marshalling strip pops-up.

Drag the multi pair cable of he connected JB and drop on the left hand side, screw terminal of the terminal strip.

Note : In the Cable Connection Definition window select 2in a row connection type for all cable sets. (This is because for shield no terminal is used, a common shield bar at the bottom is generally used).

The tag nos. on the JB are now propagated upto the marshalling cabinet. Now on the right hand side the terminal strip will be connected to FTA or signal stabilizing card. Here we have to carryout cross wiring.

Before cross wiring let us go to I/O card level, I/O card should be connected to FTA through prefab. cable.

Create a prefab cable in the similar way of cable creation in default cable manager and then bring the same in Plant Cable Manager with a cable name.

Then go to DCS I/O card and click Connection and drop the prefab cable (which connects the I/O card and the FTA). (Note : On the left hand side al the tags assigned to this I/O card will be seen).

Now go to FTA card which was created in the marshalling cabinet. (This may be an apparatus). Select the FTA and click Connection.

Terminal strip of DTA pops-up. Now open the Plant Cable Manager and select the prefab cable (which was connected to I/O card) and expand it.

Now go to the wire level and drag and drop one by one on the right hand side of the terminal strip.

(Note: You can see the tag nos. are also seen on right hand side after connecting the wire). Cross Wiring : Now, we have completed wiring from field instrument to JB to Marshalling cabinet and other side from DCS I/O to FTA card one side. Between field side marshalling terminal and FTA card we have to connect. This is to be done by cross wiring. The following steps are to be followed :

Go to marshalling cabinet terminal strip where the cable of the JB is connected and select it at the same time to the FTA terminal strip and select the same.

After selecting both of them go to the module menu bar and click Cross Wire.

Cross Wire window pops-up. Select primary strip as marshalling strip and secondary strip as FTA strip.

Now you can see both sides the tag nos. Click on the screw terminal of any tag on MR-strip and then click on the terminal on FTA-strip of the same tag. Thus a single wire is cross wired. Like this one by one all the tags will be connected. Note : on FTA strip window, after each wire connection a screw will pop-up on the left side of each terminal).

Now all the connections were made. To see whether the connections are made O.K or not go to Loop Drg. module, go to loop no. and then go to generate and select Point to Point Wiring Dia. to view the connection.

Jumper Connection : Whenever jumper connection is required go to that terminal strip and click Connection. The terminal strip opens Now click on Jumper button below at the module menu bar. Select the terminals where the jumper is to be made, choose which side of the terminals and colour and then click O.K. Now the jumper connection is made, and the selected terminals are highlighted with colours chosen.

Local Signals : Local signals are those signals whose wiring is not starting from the actual instruments (i.e. no branch cable by IC). Some of the local signals are as follows :


MCC Control Signals : These signals (i.e. running start / stop, current etc.) are wired by EL up to an interface cabinet where from IC connects the signals into DCS / PLC system. So, wiring is to be done from interface panel.


Pump Seal Signals : Some times IC consider a common pump seal contact instead of individual pressure and level switch signals. This is because to reduce I/O count at system In that case, we consider the common signal as a Local Signal in Intools.


Double Limit switch connection from a common JB.

Local signal should be considered as an I/O in the system, but do not generate any device panel & cable for it. Since the multi pair cable or a pair cable will be connected from the intermediate terminal strip. For such local signals wiring, following steps are to be followed :

Go to Default Panel and select Device Panel (Conv). Now in this new device panel create the number of terminals as required for the local signal.

Then drag and drop this panel to Plant Panel. Open the terminal strip of the newly created Local Signal. Double click on the right hand side screw terminal. A Terminal Connection window pops-up, click on Signals. Window of Local Signal pops-up. Select the tag no. of the local signals and click Create one by one and then Close the window.

Now in Terminal Connection window, on the right hand side box, under signal all these tags (local Signals) will be listed.

Now select a tag and connect its wire to the particular terminal no. from the drop down box and also give Sequence and Signal Level and then click save.

Similar way connect all the wires of the Local Tag. Now the Local Signal tag will be propagated on the terminal strip.


Preferences Open the Loop Drawing module. In the menu bar, go to File menu and select Preferences. Expand the Loop Drawing in the preference window and click on General.

For AutoCAD loop drawing, the following fields should be tick marked: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Use macro function Display references to wiring reports automatically Explode block in AutoCAD Create error.log file Select Microstation SE/J in microstation version Select Text in Autocad 2000 micro result type Select Decending in Revision macro order Select date format as per project philosophy. Select per loop in Generation option Select visible in Generation dialog box Select Autocad in Default Generation Method

Loop drawing module is basically divided in 3-parts: i) ii) iii) Border Logo Wiring blocks

Loop drawings can be generated in the following softwares: i) ii) iii) Autocad Micro station Smart Sketch

Out of these, we will consider AutoCAD which is widely used as drafting tool. After completing the setting in General go to the next folder CAD file location and click on it. The following things should be set: a) CAD folder : C:\Program files\Autocad\acad2004 [This, basically the path where executable AutoCAD program file is located]


CAD configuration folder : C:\Program files\Autocad\acad2004 [This is the location of CAD configuration file]


CAD Function Folder : I:\CAD\Cad Func. [I drive is Intools server] This is to locate the Cad func. File location in Intools. The software uses CAD function files when translating the macros.


Open drawing files from : I:\CAD\DWG [This is to locate the folder where the drawings are saved and further open]

e) f) g)

Drawing Block Folder :I:\CAD\Blocks [This is to locate the default block files] Tick on Save drawing automatically box Output Drawing Folder : C:\Documents & setting\UUMU.\Desktop [This is the place where the loop drawings will be saved]

After setting the above fields, click OK.

Now click on the Block type on the module menu bar. Block Types window pops-up. Click New Another window Block type properties pops-up. Give name to Block type and Block type Description. [Note: Tick on the box for set category as general if you want that block should appear in all the loop drawing. For example, Border and Logo blocks are to be ticked]. Newly created block will appear in the Block type window. Click OK. Now, click on Blocks on the module menu bar. A window Blocks pops-up. Select the newly created block type. Select Block in the drop down of select a column heading Then click on New on the right hand side of window. Block Properties window pops-up. Give block name & description. In the Drawing block file browse and go to I:\CAD\Blocks\AI and choose the relevant block. Note: In the origin field X & Y origins are to be set to place the selected block in the loop sheet. If more than one block are to be placed, then Y origin are to be set in such a way that two blocks should not be printed one above another. By giving the value we adjust the X & Y coordinate of the blocks in the loop sheet.

Click OK, now the new block and descriptions will appear in the Blocks window listing area.

Click again OK and save it.

Similar way, we should create Border, Logo blocks and set them as General block. Now after creating the above blocks, we have to assign the drawing to the instrument type.

Click Assign button on the module menu bar. Block Instrument type assignment window pops-up. Scroll down on the type of

instrument and select the type of instrument and then click on assign on the pop-up window. Assign blocks to instrument type window pops-up. Select the block type which is

relevant for the particular type of window and click OK. Border & Logo block also should be selected. After assigning all the blocks click Close. Now, click Select loop on the module menu bar. Type the loop number which loop drawing is to be made. Loop Manager window pops-up with the loop number. Right click on the loop number and choose generate loop drawings. Generate loop drawings window pops-up. Select the following in the pop-up window. i) ii) Generation method : CAD Tick mark on use macro function, per loop and click OK.

After generating the loop diagram, we now put the revision marking on the loop. We can mark the revision on individual drawing, as well as in a group of drawing. Select all the loops in the loop manager Window and right click on them and select Loop drg list.

Loop Drg List Window pops-up. Again select all the loops and click on revisions button. Revisions Window pops-up. Select the revision method and click new. Fill the relevant column and click OK.

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