P4English End of Year Set 2

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Name Class Date

Primary 4

end-of-year assessment set 2


Total time for Booklet A and Booklet B: 1 h 50 min



Answer ALL questions.



Answer ALL questions.


A / 20

B / 40

TOTAL / 60

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BOOKLET A: Language Use and Comprehension — Mcq

For each question from 1 to 5, write your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets
provided. (5 marks)

1. Alex broke when he heard that his best friend was involved in
a fatal car accident.
(1) up (3) down
(2) off (4) in ( )

2. Several boxes of jewellery with the old lady at the funeral.

(1) is buried (3) were buried
(2) was buried (4) has been buried ( )

3. The organizers of the charity concert did not receive support

from the public.
(1) many (3) a little
(2) some (4) much ( )

4. Every student except Bernice to the Singapore History

(1) have been (3) were going
(2) are going (4) has been ( )

5. Playing with matches is the thing a child can do.

(1) most dangerous (3) much dangerous
(2) more dangerous (4) dangerous ( )

For each question from 6 to 10, write your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets
provided. (5 marks)

6. The sheep is a animal. It lives on a farm.

(1) domestic (3) wild
(2) natural (4) gentle ( )

7. Once I arrived at the party, I decided to all the delicious food

on the table.
(1) relish (3) meek
(2) savour (4) appreciate ( )

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8. This dress is too . I prefer a plain dress.

(1) simple (3) complex
(2) gaudy (4) impudent ( )

9. Since we were unable to solve the problem, we had to think of a/an

(1) separate (3) substitute
(2) additional (4) alternative ( )

10. This is a/an story. It is not real.

(1) non-fictional (3) fictional
(2) factual (4) informative ( )

For each question from 11 to 15, choose the word(s) closest in meaning to the
underlined word(s). Write your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided.
(5 marks)

Jack is an (11) expert at making model cars. He has been doing this in
his free time since he was eight years old. Now, he can (12) put together
a model in fifteen minutes.
There are many model cars in his house. He puts them in a display
case for some of them are (13) breakable. He does not like to play with
the models. He derives great (14) pleasure from making a model car.
He is so good at it now that he makes most of the cars without having to
(15) look at the instructions.
Jack intends to buy a new shelf soon to put more of his model

11. (1) whizz (3) professional

(2) specialist (4) connoisseur ( )

12. (1) join (3) link

(2) match (4) assemble ( )

13. (1) small (3) frail

(2) brittle (4) fragile ( )

14. (1) delight (3) contentment

(2) satisfaction (4) approval ( )
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15. (1) count on (3) refer to

(2) bank on (4) look up ( )

Study this advertisement carefully and then answer questions 16 to 20.

Special Promotion Singapore Magazine Holdings

Subscribe to our magazines from 1 Nov – 5 Dec

Stand a chance to win*
♣ 2 return economy class tickets to Thailand
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Get the latest international and local news

♣ Up-to-date ($100.00 per year for 24 issues)
♣ National Affairs ($80.00 per year for 12 issues)

Get the best in entertainment news

♣ E-Entertainment ($20.00 per year for 12 issues – local
entertainment news)
♣ The Entertainment Scene ($50.00 per year for 6 issues – the
latest news from America and Europe)
♣ Stars ($60.00 per year for 12 issues – Japanese and Korean

Visit our booth at the Family carnival

♣ 1 – 5 Nov
♣ Booth 16 (next to the café)
♣ Sign up at the carnival and get a free gift!

*minimum of 2 years subscription per magazine. To qualify, payments must be made

by NETS or cash.

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Website: www.sapgrp.com | Facebook: Singapore-Asia-Publishers Page /11

For each question from 16 to 20, write your answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets
provided. (5 marks)

16. Singapore Magazine Holdings publishes different magazines.

(1) five
(2) four
(3) three
(4) two ( )

17. Subscribers who will be eligible for the lucky draw have to .
(1) subscribe to a magazine at the carnival
(2) subscribe to all the magazines
(3) pay for their subscription by NETS only
(4) subscribe to any magazine for at least two years ( )

18. The special promotion is on for .

(1) more than a month
(2) exactly one month
(3) a week
(4) five days ( )

19. Alex is interested in both local and Asian entertainment news. He can subscribe
to .
(1) ‘E-Entertainment’ and ‘The Entertainment Scene’
(2) ‘Stars’ only
(3) ‘E-Entertainment’ and ‘Stars’
(4) ‘The Entertainment Scene’ only ( )

20. The magazine ‘ ’ is published once every fortnight.

(1) National Affairs
(2) Up-to-date
(3) E-Entertainment
(4) The Entertainment Scene ( )

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BOOKLET B: Language Use and Comprehension — open-ended

There are 5 blanks, numbered 21 to 25, in the passage below. From the list of words
given, choose the most suitable word for each blank. Write its letter (A to K) in the
blank. The letter ‘I’ has been omitted to avoid confusion during marking.
(5 marks)

(A) more (C) for (E) which (G) as (J) against

(B) and (D) soon (F) with (H) in (K) off

An elephant has two tusks by the sides of its trunk (21) are

similar to human hands. Just as a human is right or left-handed, an elephant relies

(22) on one tusk than the other. The tusk that the elephant uses more

frequently is known (23) the master tusk. This tusk is usually shorter

and has rounder edges due to wear and tear. The elephant uses its tusks to dig

(24) water to drink. The tusks can also manoeuvre felled trees and

branches. Sometimes, the elephant uses its tusks to defend itself (25)

its enemies.

Each of the underlined words contains either a spelling or grammatical error. Write
the correct word in each of the boxes. (5 marks)

An interesting underwater spicies is the tadpole. Although it is small, it can

effect escape from its predators. A group of tadpoles can usually be clustered in

one area and that is the time where the predators will attack. However, they do

Taken from CA & SA ENGLISH 4

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Website: www.sapgrp.com | Facebook: Singapore-Asia-Publishers Page /11

not always suced. The tadpole can swim away so quickly that it is impossible to

catch it. Sometimes, the tadpole looks like it is playing a game for it dasts away

just as the predator opens its mouth to grab it.

Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (10 marks)

A flash flood occurred in the middle of the night at a small town. Both the

tourists and (31) there were taken by surprise. Many of them were

already (32) when the flood occurred. It had been (33)

continuously for the past few days. Rainwater had (34) in a rocky

area just at the outskirts of the town, forming a small pool there. The dirty muddy

water that rushed into the town covered the roads and the water (35)

reached a person’s knees. Bicycles could be seen (36) about in the

water. The (37) did not continue for long and no one was injured.

However, there was debris everywhere after the water (38) . The whole

town was in a mess. The people had learnt their (39) . They decided

to build a proper drainage system so that such floods would not (40)


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For each of the questions 41 to 45, rewrite the given sentence(s) using the word(s)
provided. Your answer must be in one sentence. The meaning of your sentence
must be the same as the meaning of the given sentence(s). (10 marks)

41. The office complex could not be built on time. There were problems during
the construction.

due to

42. Eleanor jumped for joy. She won the dance competition.


43. Timothy stayed at the hospital. He left when his mother fell asleep.


44. Mr Andrews was driving. Mr Andrews’ son was sleeping in the back seat.


45. A young boy was injured in the bus crash. An elderly couple were injured in
the crash too.

as well as

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Read this passage and answer quesitons 46 to 50. (10 marks)

Mrs Cameron relied heavily on her maid, Matilda. Matilda was a

twenty-year-old girl from Mexico. She had been helping the Cameron
family with the housework and their three children for the past five
Since Michael, her first child, was born, Mrs Cameron had hired 5

Matilda to look after him when she went to work in a law firm. When
Matilda was able to prove herself, Mrs Cameron was glad to let her
take care of her other children, Macy and Maurice.
However, Matilda returned to Mexico once a year to visit her family.
During that time, Mrs Cameron’s parents would help her at home. 10

Mrs Cameron had never been left alone with the children until the day
when Matilda asked to return home to visit her ailing mother. With her
parents away, Mrs Cameron was left to take care of her children.
She was confident about being able to take care of them. Matilda
had drawn up a timetable for her and she knew exactly what she had 15

to do every day. However, things did not go well from the first day
Mrs Cameron took over. She overslept and forgot to wake her children.
Subsequently, they missed school that day. She was bungling over
all the household chores. Having to cope with three young children
and the chores, she was so tired that she forgot to cook dinner. It was 20

Mr Cameron who took the children out for dinner when he returned
Mrs Cameron could not believe how difficult the day had been.
Setting her alarm clock before she got into bed, she realized that she
was going to be alone for six more days. She could not wait for Matilda’s 25


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46. Why was Mrs Cameron certain that she would be able to take care of the
children? [2m]

47. What was the first thing that Mrs Cameron did wrong on the first day? Which
word tells us that she did not handle the rest of the day well? [2m]

48. Based on the passage, state whether each statement in the table below is
true or false. Then give one reason why you think so. [3m]

True/False Reason

Matilda helped Mrs Cameron

take care of her parents.

Matilda had never returned to

Mexico ever since she worked
for Mrs Cameron.

Mrs Cameron’s children did

not go to school on the first day
when Matilda was away.

49. Write the sentence which tells us that Mrs Cameron could not do without
Matilda. [1m]

50. How do you think Mrs Cameron would feel when Matilda returned? Give a
reason for your answer. [2m]

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Answers to end-of-year assessment set 2

1. (3) 34. collected / fallen

2. (3) 35. level
3. (4) 36. floating
4. (4) 37. flooding
5. (1) 38. receded / subsided
6. (1) 39. lesson
7. (2) 40. occur / happen
8. (2) 41. The office complex could not be built on time due to problems during the
9. (4) construction.
10. (3) 42. Eleanor jumped for joy when she won the dance competition.
11. (1) 43. Timothy stayed at the hospital until his mother fell asleep.
12. (4) 44. Mr Andrews was driving while his son was sleeping in the back seat.
13. (4) 45. A young boy, as well as an elderly couple, was injured in the bus crash.
14. (2) 46. Matilda had left her a timetable so she would know exactly what she had to
15. (3) do every day.
16. (1) 47. She overslept on the first day. The word ‘bungling’ tells us that she did not
17. (4) handle the rest of the day well.
18. (1) 48. True/False Reason
19. (3)
20. (2) Matilda helped Mrs Cameron False She helped Mrs Cameron
21. E take care of her parents. take care of her children.
22. A Matilda had never returned to False She returned to Mexico
23. G Mexico ever since she worked for once a year.
24. C Mrs Cameron.
25. J
26. species Mrs Cameron’s children did not True Mrs Cameron overslept
27. effectively go to school on the first day when and forgot to wake her
28. when Matilda was away. children so they missed
29. succeed school that day.
30. darts 49. The sentence is ‘She could not wait for Matilda’s return’.
31. locals 50. Mrs Cameron would feel relieved when Matilda returned as she was not able
32. asleep to handle her three children and the chores well at the same time.
33. raining

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