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{ Exercise One

1. Have you ever heard of Thomas Kelly? Yes@)

If yes, note some brief points about what you know about this person in the mind map

If no, ask your parents/teachers if they have heard of Thomas Kelly. Make some brief
notes about what they told you about Thomas Kelly.

Thomas Kelly

·bv~ ''"'
The Thomas Kelly case attracted considerable media attention, a continues to do

Go to and enter in the search term "Thomas Kelly" - News

Locate three media articles about Thomas Kelly and note down their titles in the
spaces provided. E.g. 'rl,o"'-"s K-tl.L!:j= n,is was >'tVtY a ease of .,._uroler'.

Headline One:

Headline Two:
Headline Three:
l fM"' ,]/,,- ;b }o '°""rr-a:, prd- -

2b. After
to reading
describe these headlines
Thomas Kell E and , skim ming . the articles,
. hst
• five words you would use
Y· ·g• W1,MC,f 11\t.

• ~ I\"j':".
• ~IQU~

• 1('\(\0~
• ~rJ~<s<
• CJ"\'~
2c. _.s, to attract so much media
Why do you think that Tho mas Kelly's. story continup

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3. canvas
Go to thee-learning site and view the DVD about Thomas Kelly from the ABC
7.30 Report, which aired in 2012.

As you view the DVD make brief notes in the space provided .

- \\own :b. JmJ Qf\ u. fhorve aJJ ,'h~\l .,,\) \..uni..> ,,.;,\\__ h» 1f;t''-«--

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canvas Extension Activity

Go to thee-learning site to view an episode of 60 Minutes 'The Unthinkable', which aired in

July 2017 where Ralph and Kathy Kelly talk about the loss of their two sons, Thomas and
r d mplete Exercise Two.
the information provided an
Instructions: Read

Exercise Two . . h follow.

. nswer the questions wh1c
1. Read the case file provided and a

CASE FILE: The Keiran Loveridge case . .

• g by Kieran Loveridge'"
h d once without warnin , h ·t I
On 7 July 2012, Thomas Kelly was punc e , h Mr Kelly was taken to osp1 a ,
Kings Cross. After hitting his head falling from the punc ,
where he died two days later.
. , b r of other people in the area
Mr Loveridge was heavily intoxicated, and assaulted a num e . bond having
that night, apparently at random. He was also subject to a good behaviour . 't~ally charged
been previously convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He was

f ·
with murder, but later pleaded guilty to three charges o common assault ' one c arge
f and
assault occasioning actual bodily harm and one charge of manslaughter by an unlaw u I
dangerous act.

In October 2013, Loveridge was sentenced to 7 years and 2 months imprisonment, with a
non-parole period of 5 years and 2 months for all the offences.

The Crown (prosecution) successfully appealed Mr Loveridge's sentence. In July 2014 the
NSW Court of Criminal Appeal resentenced Mr Loveridge to 13 years and 8 months
imprisonment with a non-parole period of 10 years and 2 months.
Date accessed: 24.7.2020

a. R. V. Lovt2n~~
Title of case: --·--··--·-···-·-
(Hint: Think about court jurisdiction and which court had the authority to hear this case).

b. Identify the three charges to which Loveridge pleaded guilty.

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W' L ooz of Mort>l0(J'w

Preliminary Legal Studies

P::ioa 1 '>
Summarise the facts of the case - who, what, where, when.

k:.-n,,_ Lo,~ W"-'> b ee,_,,, i\J l:Msa><1q,,k_J_ w~ k 'f'l,:s!....,,<I.

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d. What happened to Loveridge's sentence when it was appealed by the Crown (i.e. the
o\ rec,. <'~~\-St:-~ -\o

e. Identify the court which heard the appeal from the Crown in the Loveridge case.

f. Why do you think the Crown appealed the decision in t he Loveridge case?

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t the LIAC Crime Library.

· g site to go 0
~-"-~ h link on the e-learnrn
2. c:~::. as Click on t e h" h you are interested in finding
es 5 - 8 w ,c
the list of cases on pag ,
Select a case from
out more about.
. ti Id on your selected case.
Complete the following sea o

Title of case:
Facts of the case - what, where,
when, how? etc

Which court first heard the case? \\\o\l :;f'~IZ. CDJC--t-

--~of"\ Le..~
Why did it have jurisdiction in this

1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --t-- --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - ;
Identify the offences committed by
the offender.

Verdict/decision in the case. BN uz.._ Q,..i~\\ we-,:;, ~"'<i. eiv.l\~

.\.;, 1-.'b ~~r,-v,r.."T

Sentence imposed by the court.

Any other relevant

"1k {<... J f60 ~ l
information/comments about the
case. \..-\t\_- 'f~ti\L 'f"'<-4.J
Ntw v"-\~.

Preliminary Legal Studies

Page 14
Set 3
Exercise Three

1. Identify whether the following are examples O f Physic

· al ' electronic or verbal
evidence. An example has been done for you.

• written or typed records and notes :pl-lt:_js1,ct1L evi,oleMe

• clothing

• statements from witnesses

• photographs

• finger prints

• text messages found on a mobile phone ~IC,

• a gun

• a statement from a Victim

• phone records
• money
~½1>"- 5:-4,,\ . Q . M ~<a.
• documents and files found on a USB
~\e.c.~ -'2.JVI~~
• hair and carpet fibres

2. Your
• e o\, <.....c2_

examples of
• t ;x .\-~\D"-~

evidence • Y,'JL- \,J~~ v--<.Lcun¾

2. Think about the evidence you have seen being collected on TV shows such as CSI and
Law and Order.

Add another three examples of evidence to the list above and indicate what type of
evidence they are.
a. List two pieces of evidence NSW Police gathered in their investigation into the
death of Thomas Kelly.

b. What other evidence do you think the police may have gathered at the crime scene?

c. Why did NSW Police form Strike Force Mohawk to investigate th is cri me?

k ;:;,ctve...
Exercise Four

can vas
Go to the e-learning site to access the DVD 'The criminal investigation process.'
Duration: 17 minutes.

1. Before you view the DVD, answer the following questions.

a. List the following events in chronological order by placing a number next to the event.

Action Order

Witness statements are taken

Collection of evidence
A crime occurs
An individual reports a crime
A suspect is arrested s
b. Why do you think some people don't report crimes?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·----····- - ------------

c. What is the role of the police?

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f rol-cd- ,IL__ (. °""~ u.-;b,
'"~~'- f:Cro.-:Y> .

Preliminary Legal Studies

Page 21
Set 3
. sin the spaces provided.
2. .
As you view the DVD , answer the following question

Chapter One: The ro Ie Of police

a. Complete the following by filling in the blanks.

Police responsibilities Include:

• preserving the _.:'Ql~£1..QO..C..~g,:.___ _ _ _ __

• ~:co~ life and '(Jroe¾

• preventing crime

• detecting and a a.w:~~~,~ offe nd ers

• helping those in need of assistance.

b. The key roles the police have in the criminal investigation process are:

c. Briefly write five questions a police officer may ask the victim of a crime.

,. C"-" w-' ;,,.,_ w\-.w.; 1-u~.L c.u"t:l . -1rt.._ ;i,_,_,.,,t7

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;, °'<:::'.) t.-> 1>rn c,c,= ~ ':::\:-__ __ s_~_ _ ..,_._ _ _ __

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d. Fill in the blanks. The police have extra powers to assist them in their job which include:

• Arrest,
• Search and s Q.;,-i.e__

of property
-'""c.:.__ _ _ _ _ _ and interrogate
• Gather e _v(_~
_;;,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ using technology

about bail.

Preliminary Legal Studies

Page 22
V Chapter Two: Reporting a crime

e. Circle either True or False for the following statements.

It is common for people to not report a crime e or False

The main reason a person doesn't report a crime is fear

of retribution or False

Various programs such as Neighbourhood Watch and

Crime Stoppers and the use of media are effective methods 9 or False
to gain community awareness and assist the police

Chapter Three: Investigating a crime

f. Note what you see and hear the police doing in the investigation and gathering of

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G..t> ~u C,.:> ¢nc:,\,,bri--t''u how k ~Kk,co ,~.. '<'.;)¼ ~OWb

~ ..\\-.~ CA"' l : t l ~ :\b y( ~ u ~+- cJl <.o -s:k.

g. Why do you think that the police use gloves and bags/containers when collecting

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~\/1¢,,g,,a2 .fo

h. :~vis it important th at the rules regarding gathering of evidence are closely adhered

Preliminary Legal Studies

Page 23

L Set 3

tion and Charge

Chapter four: Arrest, Deten
th rights of a suspect.
i. From the list below, place a tick next to e

'f h believe they are innocent.

• The right to refuse to be arrested ' t ey

• The right to know with what they are being charged.

• The right to let someone know where they are.

• The right to speak or try to speak to a lawyer.

• The right to take some personal belongings with them.

• The right to silence.

j. How long can a suspect be held in custody without being charged with an offence?

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lh~e..!_ i.,/\..\,\.... (A" WL-e.- . I
Chapter Five: Summons, Bail and Remand

k. In what situation would the police recommend that baii not be granted?

w\.en l/1-ce.!.,
I. In th_e s~enario presented, what effect did the use of the syringe have on the offender's
application for bail?
tn rn,s exercise you will view a DVD about t h e A us t ra /"an
1 1·ury system.d d guilty to
Note that in R v Loveridge a trial was not held as Loveridge had P1ea e •

manslaughter, so the case proceeded straight to sentencing .

can v as
Go to the e-learning site to access the DVD 'The Australian jury syS t em'.
Duration: 21 minutes.

Before you view the DVD, answer the following questions.

1. Have you seen a TV program where a jury was used? If so, what were your observations
about the role of a jury in a trial?

2. Has anyone you know sat on a jury? If so, give a brief summary regarding their
experiences, both positive and negative.

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As you view the DVD, answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

Chapter One:
What is a jury? The AustraUan jury system

3. What is a jury?

Preliminary Legal Studies Page 26

Set 3

u,r 4 _ When is a jury used?

5. How many jurors are used in serious criminal offence cases? \L.

6. How many jurors are used in civil disputes?

7. How are names of potential jurors accessed?

·,e, ~ \,t> o'o~~

T"-e__~s ,

8. Those who are ineligible to be jurors include:

..J\...o 1ne...\ ~ e

(:,-c.J~ c,c-, f?<> \i c...e_ C.."'-~

9. Who may be disqualified from jury duty?

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OJ\ ll... I.)(\ ~,,;,.c.,~~~ 'o0..n~ ·

10. List two reasons why a juror may be exempted fro m Jury service.

·-- " ' ~ ~ ,h. rew; l!) " i f:,~ -~ - (:::r ~ \ ~ °'P

'-'we... c..... ~~ °\,v'··J' ~0~ •~ \__ Vf\vy-...~ \ <""C_p ::r ~ o.---

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11. After eligibility for jury duty is determined, what happens next?

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c...~ ~ c..... <..CAJ<~~ ..,,L

-~J ~ 0...,-L. <""Ci,..'C' C-.c::rt\'u
. . rds to complete this sentence:
12. Fill in the missing wo
is given.
, Q. CJ-5 DC--
here a vali d ____
, . a challenge w
A 'challenge for cause is . .¼ in number.
Challenges for cause are -

. . criminal trials?
What is the role of the Jury in I L -
13. I
-n-\~\"' ·,-.:,
' """.c.,\
.+L.,_ N~ ""- C,~f"""

. hs and weaknesses of
14. Complete the table below by identifying some of the strengt

Strengths Weaknesses

Vr,ffic,«fty IA'\/ ~ } t ~
'Repr~<Xt'WlZ/ of !0-dety
cornpl.e1V wiat'ter-!-

ot c...c....~~ \s::o c..o.--r'"-

\i~ o,

i,S'6i (...:)\~~~-::>
a...~ for ~,J r ~

r(J.u_ .\\.-e.. i>bC~ ~ ':1e

b~ \--o •
,X.c'\~ - ~C..t"-r~~
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~, ,~..\- ~ Q... u-t) ::,.~ -

t\..c,"" 'E'~ e-~ Se_<..~'\;,.,-,
' •
c.oc-t"\M vn·,~
rv\e... \ e,..,.....> -6 ~\\'3~'' '~ C'.>..Y'-~

15. Identify three alternatives to trial by jury.

- e.-v'\..,""""-' J''<>;,, <,j,,.c, °"-- c., «xr t<N..A- .-._ l'(l<-..l

. - )\ G._-,~ \ mo...,, iii, qJ. l..."""""-, 1;k,<- o el' °"''l;j ~WI..., -I\.,,.,
'v e.\«- v.. (l"~~~ <:.,
Exercise Six
"'. "!'.ti.
•·, ·;..·r·•
ca nvas
Go to the e-learning site to access the DVD ,De t erm ining criminal sentences in
Australia.' Duration: 11:46 minutes.

1. Arthur Freeman was found guilty of murdering his four-year-old daughter.

What sentence did he receive?

\,\ e a: c.-':v:::'::S-:"'- c-.. >._,,__~ -e..<;?_ -\--o 14:::: NY-- ::f? c,-o~ ~ l Q ,9-
-\\--~ - -\i.-=, ~R__~ .

2. What do you think Justice Coghlan meant by saying'/ do not regard you as being
beyond redemption'?

-:C \::,~\.K-...... e..... -S-

<?..... ~ \c..c,. rn~ hCL W t:2&-- ~ - X:NJ!::N\ I!..!'-.

~\\ \_{,.._\.. L -~ 'F'~ c-.V'~ N"'-~~r

3. Describe the purpose of a Victim Impact Statement.

4. Identify the legislation which contains sentencing guidelines in NSW.

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r t \ : : ) ~ c - c - /-'qv\ \ C\ <\ .

5. Outline the factors that a judge will consi d er when determining an appropriate

. do the presence of aggrav at'mg factors lead to a more severe punishment being
imposed on the offender?

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j;;Rrv·s£~.. (Yi..:f\~~,t k ~c"'->'S41.. ¾ IY'&.e-"'-k +\_J- +~ ,$h---~ I.A.J'--">

7. When are the prior convictions of an offender heard in a courtroom? Give reasons
why this is the case.

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8. List three examples of mitigating factors that could contribute to a reduced


9. Outline two difficulties that can arise when assessing the Victim Impact Statement.

blCP~ G,c l.U:::--'cj .¢... _k...l!)J,xec..¼:r- pm#-9-A

~& c.<h.L ~ •"' \) 'f<"\ . ::1:4..
ok~ ,,.,,., f, b..! fu.- ~I ir:,p .,__.,_ o t fL._
-~ -J¼..- c.-- • t<' 0 -.1\.L cbJ~ ~,._
10. Why should imprisonment be considered as a last resort?

~I c~c..Q._);:,

This exercise completed your Legal Studies work for this week. Return your completed
worksheets to your teacher for comment.

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