The Basics: Thank You

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Thank you for even considering starting a chapter for Learn To Be. We are fighting for more
equity in education and your involvement pushes us one step further to realizing that future. In
this document, you will find all of the information you need regarding the start of a chapter at
your school.

Our Mission: Learn To Be is a 501c3 non-profit bringing free, 1-on-1, online tutoring to
underserved youth around the United States.

Our Vision: We want to live in a world where all kids have access to a great education — not
just those whose families can afford one.

President – Aarush Vurady

Vice President – Ethan Choi

Secretary – Kaushal Chalikapati

Treasurer – Ganesh Palarapu

Technology Officer (#1) - Alvin Sam

Tutor Recruitment Officer (#1) – Lakshya Yadav

Social Media Manager – Evan Haws

Open Positions:
Technology Officer (#2)

Partner Outreach Officer

(More may come)

Sponsor – Mr. Hartman

Admin – LTB

Counselor – Mrs. Kennedy

Platforms: – Used to connect and communicate with students and log tutoring hours.

Slack – Used for tutors to connect with other tutors.

Remind/iMessage – Used for communication between officers and tutors.

Zoom – This is where meetings will be held.

Service Hours:
- Every member can gain service hours by tutoring students

- Every member can also sign up for certain activities to gain service hours as well

- They will simply email me to gain a letterhead

- LTB offers many diverse opportunities for members to gain extras, which include awards,
merchandise, letters of recommendation, and more.

Club fees and Requirements:

- No requirements other than being a human being in high school over the age of 14
- $0 fee

- All meetings will be held online at a specific date and time that will be communicated over Remind.
ALL meetings will be recorded, so NO meetings will be required.

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