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BONGKOT FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE 4A CENTRAL FACILITIES QPS AND FLARE TRIPOD SS NDT PROCEDURE & NDT TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE FOR DOORS AND WINDOW Oi as 3 | otaeto | om |! Approved for Construction He Le 2 | stmerao | se ‘see or apervet HL Po 1 | isrens0 | ve Rescued er eamments HL Po. 0 | zieo0 | sm Issued for Comments HL ro a» | za0e000 | sw Iuaued fr DS He PO fee | Eeowre [a O=SCRIPTION ERORGETG BAUM | APPROVAL [Generar ‘STATUS CODE : A= lssued for Comment - B = Issued for approval ~ C= Approved TOTAL OR PARTIAL REPRODUCTION AND/OR UTILIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE OWNER PTT Exploration and Production i) BONGKOT FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT — Phase 4A rrguettuca ran Saas EI THAI-4A-GQP-21-01-2504 REVISION ‘STATUS Ee | FTIEe : ec SERVICES I ‘SS NDT PROCEDURE & NOT TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE aes al THAI-4A-GQP-21-01-2504 Doors AND WINDOW: Revision 3 os. Status: Decumentiype: 04 Discipine: 29 Rew Oa: 01-0070 _| Page 2ef 23 GF Jop No, POG-07.0280 88 Jeb No: $5515, PTTEP Contrat No: PDG.07.0240| J TABULATION OF REVISED PAGES REVISIONS eo REVISIONS, TTS les z Ze a 52 33 54 = 56 || a ||| na || ||] || |e af |e a > | af x |v || ne] |e a | ne fe |e an fe fe [> 96 7 98 0 wo] “This ccument he groper of COMPANY anal nth tore, eprdiced or dsclsedt cher wie suhaizaion fom the COMPANY. ‘8S NDT PROCEDURE & NDT TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE FOR DOORS AND WINDOW Dee Na: ‘THAI-4A-GQP-21-01-2504 Rovson 3 {ee Stats: Document typ: OY Dicciptne 24 Rev, Date: 01-Apr-10 rece Sof 28 IGF Jeb No. POGU7-0240 SS Job No: 85115 TEP Contrast No: POG-07.0240 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. WP 9.2 - MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION 2. WP 9.3 - PENETRANT TESTING... 3. SS - NDT TECHNICIANS QUALIFICATION LIST & CERTIFICATE. ‘Ths aecuer she property of COMPANY k mustrot be sod, epoduces of sosad io ches wihou wuss om the COMPANY, SPECIALIST SERVICES WORKS PROCEDURE FOR P.O. Box 2782, Dubal, UAE. Tel ¥ 871 a3er2646 Fax +97 aaeratde ‘ ae MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION Document No. WP 9.2 Rev7 | 14 6x09 | Raven Sealon £7 HL | 1G Nov 06 [Revised as mariced SH cs TAF 3 [08 Oct 04 | Revised as marked HE, CF, CAF, “4 |"1i Dee 03 | Revised as marked Ht CF CAF, '3_| 16 Oct 03 | Latest MPI repor raviaen Wocporated, He oF, CAF, 2 [18 Jan 00 General Updo DE car PB, 7] 02 Feb 98_| Second tesve DREAT CAF FB [28 Oat 94 | Fist fesue DRE CAE Po REV] DATE | DESCRIPTION PREPARED | REVIEWED | APPROVED, SPECIALIST J MAGNETIC PaRTicte inspection [Bee [wees vision amnceel ea | PAGES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION "T___ REVISION REVISION PAGE [oltl2[s|[41slel7| PACE Pps 7 X[X|x x 2 ESESES x 3 X[X[X x a XLXP XT [x] x [x] 6 x[xX[x + x [rey bal 6 X[x tT x 7 X[XPX PX | [x Perry FE i [ Seeeeeea ee fey TeCECrt il | Ht—H {- et a 4 a + | Jt [ } acl MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION SERVICES DOCUMENT REVISION STATUS... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA... 11.0 REPORTING. TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION... REFERENCE... EQUIPMENT. SURFACE PREPARATION. MAGNETIZATION TECHNIQUE .. EXTENT OF COVERAGE DEMAGNETIZATION EVALUATION OF INDICATION ... 4.0. 2.0 3.0 4.0 SPECIALIST | MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION SERVICES SCOPE This Magnetic Particle Procedure outlines the equipment, technique, surface preparation and acceptance standard for the testing of welds and material using ‘Wet’ continuous colour contrast method, The extent of examination shall be as per project requirements, PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 241. Individual performing Magnetic Particle Inspection shall be qualified to a minimum of Level I and Level | as per ASNT document SNT-TC-1A 2004 Edition, Level | may perform Magnetic Particle Inspection under the direct supervision of a Level Il or Level Ill, Evaluation of Magnetic Particle Examination shall be performed by the Level Il or Level Ill. REFERENCE 31. 3.2. AWS D1.1 (Latest Edition) ASME Sec. V (Latest Edition) 3.3. GS EP STR 301 Rev. 05 3.4 AWS D1.3 (Latest Edition) EQUIPMENT 4.1, Permanent Magnetic Yoke or Electromagnet 4.2. Black magnetic Ink (Magnaflux 7HF) 4.3. White Contrast Paint (Magnaflux WCP 2) 44, Equipment Calibration Requirement 4.4.1. Calibration shall be checked before the start of examination on a daily basis. The magnetizing force of a yoke can be tested by determining its liting power on’a steel plate. AC Yoke shall have the lifting power of at least 10 Ibs. at the maximum pole spacing where they will be used. Certified lifting weight shall be used. Calibration of yoke to be cattied out regularly and a log book to be maintained by according to ASME Sec V. 4.8, Consumable Contamination Requirement 4.5.1. Consumables shall be free from halogenated compound and a batch cerfificate shall be obtained from the manufacturer to verify the same and documented for reference. SPECIALIST § MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION 14 Oct 09 SERVICES 5.0 SURFACE PREPARATION 5.1. Prior to examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least one inch should be essentially clean, dry and free of contaminants such as oil, grease, loose rust, loose sand, loose scale, lint, thick paint, welding flux, and weld splatter. 5.2. Method for surface preparation may be accomplished by detergents, organic solvents, or mechanical means such as grinding, wire brushing, etc. 5.3. When testing a local area, such as weld, the area adjacent to the surface to be examined must also be cleaned one inch from either side. 5.4, The inspection should be cartied out once the completed welds reach its ambient temperature and the surface preparations have been done. 6.0 MAGNETIZATION TECHNIQUE 6.4. AC Yoke or permanent magnet - Longitudinal Magnetizing Technique. 62. When it is necessary to verify the adequacy of the magnetizing field, The magnetic particle field indicator or burmah castrol strips shall be used by positioning the indicator on the surface fo be examined. 6.3. After preparation have been carried out, the non- magnetic white contrast paint shall be applied to the surface following the magnetic field which does not exceed in temperature of 135°F, and the magnetic ink will be sprayed on to the weld area. Each part must be magnetized in at least two directions approximately at 90° to each other. 64. A thin coat of WC paint is applied prior to testing for contrast. A sensitivity check with burmah castrol strip shall be demonstrated with same amount of WC coating on the strip, kept on the test surface, 6.5. The wet suspension of particles shall be sprayed on the surface whilst the ‘magnetizing force is present. 7.0 EXTENT OF COVERAGE 7.1, When using permanent magnet, the inspected area shall be considered to be not greater than the area of the circle inscribed between the pole pieces. The extent of coverage shali be 100% unless specified. Overlap of 10% of each area will ensure proper magnetic coverage of the surface. i | | | | I | | | i 1 i i | SPECIALIST §— “MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION | Doo. No. | wP 92 SERVICES Page| Oat 7 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 Revision | 7 Date [14 0ct08 DEMAGNETIZATION 8.1. All Ferro-magnetic material will retain some residual magnetism, the strength of which is dependent on the retentivity of the part. 8.2. Demagnetization is required only if specified in the drawings, specifications or purchase order. 8.3. Method for demagnetization is accomplished by subjecting the part to a fleld equal fo or greater than that used to magnetize the part, then continuously reversing the field direction while gradually decreasing it to zero. EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS. 9.1. _ Discontinuities will be indicated by retention of the magnetic particles. All such indications are not necessarily defects however, since excessive surface roughness magnetic permeability variations (such as at the edge of heat affected zona); may produce similar indications. If indications are believed to be non-relevant, each type of indication shall be explored to determine if relevant discontinuities are present. Only indications which have any dimensions greater than 1/16 inch shall be considered relevant, Relevant indications shall be assessed in two categories. i.e. ‘Rounded’ and ‘Linear’. A linear indication is ‘one having a length greater than three times the width, 9.2, Evaluation shall be done under visible light of minimum intensity of 1000 Lux or 100fe. 2.3, Post cleaning shall be done by grit blasting to SA 2.5 to assure removal of all ‘White contrast paint ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA All surfaces to be examined shall be free of: 10.1. Relevant linear indications. 10.2. Relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16 inch. 10.3. Four or more relevant rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch or less, edge fo edge. REPORTING 11.1. NDT (MPI) Report shall clearly and unambiguously identify the component(s) tested and the status of that component after interpretation to the relevant acceptance criteria. All reports shall be ‘Signed-off and ‘Stamped’ by appropriately qualified and certified technicians. SPECIALIST § MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION [Doz No. 11.3 ‘-RVICES Page 11.2. Revision Dato The report shall include as a minimum the following information: Client Project Contract Number Job Number tem Report Number MT Procedure Number Weld Number Welding Procedure Welder Identification Acceptance Criteria Accept/Reject Status Name and Signature of NDT Technician i Form Form No. WP 3.1 NDT (MPI) Report Rev. 3 14 Oct 08) S| SERVICES NDT (MPI) REPORT PROM] ‘CaDERHOL ‘$5.08 N04 Lgcarion TeuTest=n| MATE Tar FRocenuRe| ‘GG. INSPECTOR: FORME) NOT (MPD REPORT REV.3 14.0508 Fosaard Oz Spx Gees ond Spe Senna asareew 0. Boxse17 Abu iol UAE ‘Spelt Seton Ari, P.O. ox 282, Out LAE, pei onde Opertane ar Foster Yo, HG ee se, Dab UAE. 9. bse 22,9 ran aries Fox Tenitasriet SSececagpecsnvecan Wiorapaceanacen | pe i povneten oie uve SERVICES Decerganiteaoe WORKS PROCEDURE FOR _PENETRANT TESTING Document No. WP 9.3 Rev 2 De, AE DRE, CAF PREPARED | REVIEWED | APPROV: Pa ZEB. ECIALIST PENETRANT TESTING SERVICE; DOCUMENT REVISION STATUS REVISION REVISION PAGE [TolTay2 13214) ‘PASE [o 27314 7 x] Xx 2 xx 3 x [x 4 x x 3 xX 6 x [Xx re x ECIALIST PENETRANT TESTING SERVICES ee TABLE OF CONTENTS: DOCUMENT REVISION STATUS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 4.0 SCOPE 2.0 REFERENCE... 3.0 DEFINITIONS... * 40 6 Dwell Time. 47 Removal of Exces: Developer Application. DOTTDADSAD 440 5.0 ACCEPTANCE, o © 60 RECORDS. 2.0 3.0 4.0 SPECIALIST SERVICES Doc. No, | WP 95 PENETRANT TESTING Revision [2 Date | 09.0ct2004 Page _[4of 6 SCOPE This document describes the application of the non-destructive testing method of Penetrant Testing at Specialist Services Factory and work sites. REFERENCE 24 22 23 24 25 ASME Section V (Latest edition) Non-destructive Testing ASNT SNT-TC-1A (Latest edition) Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and certification in Non Destructive testing. AWS D1.1 (Latest Edition) AWS D1.3 (Latest Edition) GS EP STR 301 Rev.5 DEFINITIONS NDE Inspector A qualified and certified individual who conducts the testing as described in this document, records test results and evaluates the same for acceptance. He shall be certified to at least Level Il per ASNT SNT-TC-1A, Area of interest The actual test region and adjacent area of width at least 1 inch on either side of it. PROCEDURE 4a. Responsibilities The concemed production supervisor is responsible for preparation of the test items for Penetrant Testing. The designated Quality Control Inspector is responsible for selection of the items or areas to be tested. This is applicable where spot testing is conducted per project specifications. The NDE Inspector assigned for conducting the actual test is responsible for following this procedure and reporting of test results in approved reporting format. In the case of sub contractors, the QC Inspector is responsible for verifying that the operative assigned for the job is qualified and bears valid certification. SPECIALIST SERVICES 42. 4.3, 44, 45. 4.6. PENETRANT TESTING Revision. Personnel Qualification Personnel conducting the test and recording test results shall be qualified and certified at least level | (per recommendations of ASNT SNT TC 1A. The Level | operator is required to perform the test and record results in accordance with written instructions. He may be permitted to make specific evaluations in accordance with written instructions. The level | operator shall function under the supervision or direction of an individual certified to at least Level Il. Personnel involved in conducting the test, recording results and evaluating the same against applicable acceptance standards shall be certified to at least Level Il (per recommendations of ASNT SNT-TC 1A) Consumables Penetrant : Magnaflux - SKL SP1 Cleaner: Magnaflux - SKC - S Developer: Magnaflux - SKD - $2. The test consumables shall be in accordance with the applicable Client's specification. This test procedure calls for the use of a visible solvent- removable dye combination with a wet solvent-suspended developer. The total sulphur and chlorine contents of the test consumables shall be controlled to the requirements specified in ASME Section V. Batch Test certificates of conformity shall be kept on file as part of the quality records in the company. Consumables shall be used in sets purchased from the same manufacturer. Brands of dye and developer may not be mixed. Cleaners of different brands may be used provided that the requirements of chlorine and sulphur limits are complied with Surface Preparation The test surface and an area at least 1 inch width on either side of the test surface shall be free of dirt, grease, rust, lint, weld spatter and other extraneous matter which may interfere with the effectiveness of the test. If the surface to be tested is coated with paint it shall be thoroughly cleaned off with paint thinner and solvent cleaner to ensure that the test surface and at least 1 inch on either side is exposed for the test. Application of Penetrant The dye penetrant shall be applied to the test surface to provide a thin uniform coating over the entire area of interest and temperature shall not exceed 50°C. Application may be done by means of spraying on, brushing or swabbing with lint free cloth. Dwell Time A dwell time of at least 5 minutes (or as otherwise recommended by the manufacturer or the applicable specification) shall be permitted to allow for proper penetration of the dye into the discontinuities sought to be identified. 50. 6.0. PENETRANT TESTING 4.7. Removal of Excess After elapsement of the Dwell Time, the excess penetrant shall be removed from the area of intetest. This shall be achieved by means of dry wipes followed by wet wipes. Wiping is eccomplished using lint-free cloth or absorbent tissue. Wetting as necassary is done with the cleaner. 48 Developer Application ‘The developer is applied by means of spraying on. The application shall aim fowards imparting a thin uniform flim of developer on the area of interest. Blotches and drips shall be avoided. 49. Observation Development of indications shall be actively observed from the time of application of the developer for a period of at least up fo 7 minutes. Interpretations and evaluation may be done after this time. In any case, observation perfods in excess of 30 minutes are not necessary. 440 Reporting This shall be done on the format appended at the end of this document. Other Jommats as may be approved or specified in Contractual Specifications may be used as alternatives. ACCEPTANCE 5.1, Acceptance of test results shall be in accordance with Clients’ specified acoeptance standards. If not specified by the Client, the following will be the acceptance criteria: 5.2 Linear indications in excess of 1/16” in major dimension are acceptable up to 4 in number on any test surface. 5.3 A linear indication is one in which the major dimension is equal to or excess three times Its least dimension. Rounded indications are those which cannot be categorized as linear indications. RECORDS 64 The NDE (DP!) Reports shall form part of the Final Project Quelity Documentation. 6.2 Form Form WP 3.2 NDT (DPI) Report, Rev.3 oO SPECIALIST SERVICES 2.0. Box 2782, Dubal, UAE. Ta +971 aaa7a6as Fox S971 4aa72i4e ‘ ‘ NDT (DPI) REPORT PROKECT REFORTNOL] BeuaNaTion pave ‘ORDER NO! DEgREASER| 53.108 No. PENETRANT!| LocaTtON DEvELoreR| TEMTESTED: PeeTRaTion Te Devt MATERIAL \vewnis conomian| SURFACE conomrion| ‘TEST TENPERATUF bP] PROCEDURE; ‘ACCEPTANCE cReTERLA) z raving: Weld Result IG. INSPECTOR: Name: Lovet: Signature: Date: FORNWPSENDT OP REPORTREGS 197g Registered Ofoes Spectllst Sovioes and Spedliat Services Resources, P.0.Box S017, AtuDRGHLUAR. ‘Specialist Services Arabvan, P.O. Box 2752, Dubai, UAE. Specialist Services Operations and Fabrication Yard, SERVICES P.O, Box2782, Dubel, UAE. Tol sartaaereeas Fox 997143472148 worw SPECIALIST SERVICES NDT PERSONNEL DETAILS seta | Nanectrominnt| MEO | wots | teedate | Duedate | Renate | ——| tae | ve | teams | Teapert welt | wv | teamee | teaorsi 1 N. Sadiq, ‘MULTI Teva | pF | eames | teapet ‘eel! | RT| asreba0 | aerebia ‘weit |v | amos | toate tei | wr | 2000000 | adeeta im Rejith Satyapatan MULTI ‘wait | Pr | 20D0009 | zo-peoa Tova | RT| aesabo0 | oeremia Pe Toit | RF | vamos | crasera 3 | voncoote wun Level tt ur (G1-Apr-08 OLApr-12, Level It PT Ot-Apr-09 Of-Apr-12 Tova | vr | teamoa | tearert 2 | sumac. tevaii | wT | zode009 | aoccete | MULT test | meet ‘SS NOT Technician tt R$ 28.02509 P.O, BoxG0i7, Abu Diad, UAE. ‘Specials Sendoes Arb, P.O. Box 2762, Dada. UA, Spoctoist Senisse Oparton end Fetriaton Yor, ‘Al Quse nti! Estat, Dube, UAE. SPECIALIST, 7.0. Box 782, Dabo, UAE, Jol Sart 4eraee Fax FON AUTRH0 SERVICES spaccenveG@specsariecom ‘wannepaccervacom CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This dooument congirms thst Mr. N. SADIQ MOHIDEEN las net requirements of transi and experience inthe non-destructive testing methods) ed below scrrng th reqaieers of Ameen ceety fr Nondedetie "teas, U.S.A. document SNT-TC-LA and- ‘ ‘Specialist Services Written Practics. Ho has-bcon examined accordingly and qualied to tis evel of proficiency specified baléw, “METHOD TEEVEL |" PASSAT VAD TILE VistAT, TESTING i pel 19, 2008 ‘Apa 1, 208i [ MAGumnICpaRcEE |i] apart, 208) Aa OL TESTING : oO SENETRANTTESTING |_| Apa i200 | Ape, 200 Company fore IL Company Representative [AGESWARAN Ba tuamece ve HILLARY LOPES "Fhe Na QAIQGIHSE MANAGER ae SPECIALIST SERVICES RRR RRR ET ae SPECIALIST, P.O, Box 2782, Dubel, UAE. Ta reriaaerseas . SERVICES eedetaenoreere cee CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This document confirms that ‘Mr.N. SADIQ MOHIDEEN ‘Has met fequirementsoftrining ad experienc inthe non-destutive esting mathodls) ‘tat below sscondingto the requirements of Araetionn sclety fit Nondestructive : taxing, USA, documest SNT-TC-1A oad eH * SBR SPICES WHIEEN PERRIS: - +» «-Hohas been examined socorngly and qulifid to the eve of roficiencyepocfed bela... METHOD ‘LEVEL | PASSDATE ‘VALaD TLL RADIOGRAPHIC A ||_INTERPRETATION . 0 wep, 25,2009 |Web, 24,2012 Fee Company Level 111 7 Company Representative : % HILLARY LOPES | ¥.NAGESWARAN QNQCHSE MANAGER ‘77 KOE Lee SPECIALIST SERVICES ‘Tapered ee Saat een and Spat Savona Haein, cee IA ame ien rane 4 = iPECIALIST, P.O. box 2782, Ciba UAE, eee SERVICES specsorve@apnesbrantom emai CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This document confirms thet Mr. REJITH SATHYAPALAN Has ret requirments of training and eerie ta th non-destrctye testing method{s) : _ - Slated below acebrding tothe equtemets of Asierian sooty fr Nondestmtiva » testing, USA, document SNETC-IA cad ‘Specialist Servoes Witten Practice, ~Hohes been examined accordingly and qualitfed to the lovel of proficiency specified betow- TERT Tava [RISD VADER] | ViSUAL TESTING iia Apr 008 Tpri 9, 300 | | Company Lael Company Representative | V, NAGESWARAN FE 7 Ménvvacen aso TLARY LOPES unsnorave rue anacmise anager ict He ager age pa aa wd SPR SiR, == P.O, Box 2782, Dubal, UAE. Te Fax Specserve@speceerve.cem “+974 43472648 +971 4aa7214s CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This document continms that Mr. S, REJITH Hes met requirements of training and experience in the non-destructive testing “Mathod(a) stated below according to the requirements of Ameticen Society for Nondestructive Testing, 0, 8, A.. document SNT-TC-1A and Specialist Services Written Practice. He bas been examined acordingly an qualified to the level of peolictency specified below: MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING © | Bee. 20; 2006 PENETRANT TESTING n Dee, 20, 2006 ilo No. 78788 HILLAY ence kOPES SPECIALSY SenVCES Svan ‘Company Representative ity ofcateanesntn 20-12-2012 eterna Regislared Oifices Spaciais! Sendeas and Spstalit Seneca Resources, 2.0. Gott 2917, Abu Dnabl, UAE. Speck list Sonioes Arabvan, P.O. Bot 2782, Dubal, UA. ‘Spedialst Services Operations and Fabrication Yard. CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This docamant canfinis thet ‘Mr. REIITH SATHYAPALAN: P.O, Box282, Dube, UAE, Tel tevt aaurzese For Sar asraias spacserve@spocservescom Has mst cequirements of training and experience in the noa-destractive testing method(@) stated below nocording to the roquirements of America socity for Nondestryative 1 testing, USA, document SNT-TC-IA'end *—agpeebinseServIEes Writer Practice ‘He has been examined accondingly aud qualified tothe lovel of proficiency specified below. att T verso | raven] asspare | -Varso rm pe a ob. 25,2009 sa4012 | ‘Company Level EIT Contpany Representative Pal ‘V. NAGESWARAN ASNT VAC Lae UnMT Pra vr Flee 5008 OPES HILLARY LOPES | SPecwsT SERVICES i ageea One P.O, Bor S917, Abu Dhabl, DAE. i Gaclons and Spacabl Bons Resouces, SPECIALIST I SERVICES 1 CERTIFICATE OF PROKICIENCY | ‘This dooument confirms that ‘Mr. VIEIN GEORGE 3.0. Boe 2789, Dube, UAE. Tol ears sserz64s Soe FT uTaiAs ‘speeserve@apasrerve,com vweaw.spacearvason ‘Has inet meguirements of taining and experieie in the non-destructive testing methods) _ stated bslowe epoording to the requires of Antecigan soclcty for Nondestructive ‘testing, U.S.A, doeumment SNT-TC-1A oad °" ‘Syiecialist Services Written Practice, ‘Ho his been éxamined accordingly and qualified to ths tevel of proflfnoy specified balow. RTHOD TRVEL | PASDATE | VAL TILE WSGAE TESTS [Apa aos | Ape 12081 Company Lapel IE ‘Company Representative V.NAGESWARAN ASNTIACCE Level IL TUT MT FT YT le We 708 "HILLARY LOPES BARGASE NANAGER Sprciusr seRvCes i 0, ox 2752, Dubal, ULE, Tel +974 g2zrates Foc Fert asrae apeceerve@specservacon wonapecservecom CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY This document confrrs thet . Mr. Vi in George ‘Hes met roquiremait2 of training iid experience in the non-destructive tistingg Method) stated b og oe eae of Amerem Society th Nondsiue z im “OSTA, SoeiMeNESN TTC a Specialist Services WrtteiPracticn. He lias been exaunined accordingly and qualified tothe level of proficiency’ speaified below: RADIOGRAPHIC testina* | at | api, 02,2006 "| Apr.dt 2009 MAGNETIC PARTICLE a Z TESTING at | Apr.0t,2006 | apr. 04 2008 PENETRANT TESTING mt | apr.ot,2006 | Apr-01, 2009 $+ Carte for Radiograph Fim “gy eeofiee (tracts, elpingand prasare wera V, NAGESOWARAN “AGNT/ACCP Lovet 111 AT, UT, MT, PT AVY File Ko. 78758 x Fiat 108 ASNTTACEE Lev GAA 7a ‘Ragiioned Offs Spaclal Savion and Saari Ravine Rawriwrbe P.O, Box 2782, Dutal, UAE, Tel +974 aira6ds Fox 97a aerais + - spscasive@specservacom “ SPECIALIST SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY “This doouant confi tht “My SINUM.C “Hla metregurementsoftaining end eimorlonce in th non dectrtve testing methods) stated belovy accdiding fo the requirements of American society hr Nondestructive a “bekting, U.S.A,; document SNT-TC-1A end *‘* ‘Sprcatist Svions Writen Practice, He has been xaaniced aeostingly and quilted othe level of pofitenayspectted beta, fe "METHOD Lo PASSDATE |, VALID TELL iE ‘VISUAL TESTING | Tea, OSA TS, ST Company Level I Company Representative, Y.NAGESWARAN : HILLARY LOPES ASNT/ ACCP Le |. ONGCIHSE MANAGER UT ARE EV SPECIALIST SERVICES. {Saris Reson, ‘Raaiarad Onions Sasol Savas and Soom Cc Td sart's varzten Fx von a3e72idg wwaispecoervecor ‘CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY ‘This document confirms that Mr. 3INU M. C. His met equlrements of aiing and experience ia the non destueive testing " Misthod{) stated below accarding to the requirements of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, U.S. A., dociment SNT-TC-1A and Specialist Services Written Practice. Hie has been examined!aécordingly and qualified to the level of proficiency specified below: “Dec. 20, 2009 Company Representative SPECIALIST SERVICES, POBox : 2782, Tals 043472648 Fans 06472148 - DUBAI -U.AE, aye to 20-12 yea rime 26 12-2012 Boao of ASNT/ACCP Lovet 111, BT, UT, MT. PT & YT File No, 78788 xi a 19k ASNTIAGEP LSU TE VD) P.0.Box 2782, Dubal UAE. ‘Registered Oficas Speciatel Sevicas and Spdalnl Senioes Recoubet, 0. Box 9917, Abu Blatt, UAE. ‘Spetialist Services Arabvan, P.O. Bos 2782, Dube, UAE. - ‘Speclaist ewicas Operations and Fatwication Vari

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