The Relationship Between Social Skills and Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students 1

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A Research Presented To The Faculty of Senior High School

Students at Arriesgado College Foundation Inc.Tagum City


Zubieto, Angelica Christine

Agudera, Dennis

Galera, Zabrenson Rhys

Tasan, Justine

Mejias, Via Marie

Cacalda, Princess Marize

Neri, Sean Andrei

Lariba, Lourence

Ongcay, Hannah Jasmine

Ogario, Princess Diane

February 2023




Background of the Study 1

Review of Related Literature 4

Theoretical Framework 14

Conceptual Framework 16


Research Design

Statement of the Problem 18

Research Local 27

Research Respondents 28

Research Instruments 29

Data Gathering Procedure 31

Statistical Tools 32

Ethical Consideration 32

Background of the Study

Students with poor social skills have been experience difficulties in interpersonal relationship with

parents, teachers, and peers. Evoke hingly negative responses from others that lead to high levels

of peer rejection. Peer rejection has been linked on several occasions with school violence. A child

having poor social skills is not able to perform better in school, behave negatively and not able to

establish with others effectively. Having a poor social skills can affects the academic performance

of a students cause they are afraid to interact with others. Social skills are linked to a person’s

ability to initiate interactions, as well as an adequate response to other’s behavior that social skills

(such as overt behavior which meets social expectation (Gresham, 2002). Students may lack a

specific social behavior, apply an inappropriate social behavior to a particular situation , or not be

aware that a particular situation calls for a specific behavior (Smith, 2001)

In Michigan, USA the students social skills are absent, the student is constrained mentally to

wonder about during the instructional period, unable to understand and thus concentrate on the

subject matter being taught; unable to formulate proper questions; the inability to follow along;

unable to (or fearful to) ask a question; clarify illustrations or demonstrations out of shame or

embarrassment. The lack of the proper and necessary social and academic study skills has

prevented, and in some instances are still preventing, them from realizing this goal. "The major

problems facing the world today can be solved only if we improve our understanding of human

behavior" and how it affects our educational experience in high school. (Schlinger, 2005)
The Ateneo de Davao University High School Unit (ADDU-HS), the students too are wanting of

support for social and behavioral needs. There are also frequently occurring behavioral problems

although not necessarily in the same rank as that of other schools in the Philippines. These

behavioral problems could be due to poor social skills and academic performance among Senior

High School Students behavior manifestations Numerous studies have examined various aspects

of social skills and how they affect students' academic achievement. (Abay, 2015)

Students are exposed to various social supports in the Division of Davao Del Norte, specifically at

Zone two, New Corella District. However, based on their anecdotal records, students who had

lesser social support foster poor learning abilities which affects their academic performance and

development in their age. In other words, the relevance of family, school, and peer support for a

student’s learning and development is critical as a beginning point for developing academic tasks

that stimulate not just interpersonal but also holistic growth (Baria, 2022).

They have frequently examined how these characteristic affect academic performance, but

they have not thoroughly examine the other indicator like empathy,collaboration, communication

and teamwork. They are only focused on other social skills like leadership, brainstorming, critical

thinking skills and etc. This study focuses on other social skills that has not been used as indicator

yet and those social skill are empathy, collaboration, communication, and teamwork.

The relationship between social skills and academic performance among senior high school

students' activities revealed significantly better cone communication, complex problem-solving,

and creativity, while their conceptions of collaboration and meta-cognitive awareness were not

sufficiently different, according to the independent-sample test results. This suggests that

involvement time as well as instructional strategies or tools may be important in helping students

develop their skills in communication, complex problem-solving, and creativity competencies. The

finding could be a good reference for those who intend for fostering students' higher order thinking
the relationship between social skills and academic performance among Senior high school

students could be good or bad.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the levels of Social skills on students academic performance:

Specifically sought the answer of the following questions:

1. What is the level of the social skills in terms of:

1.1 Empathy

1.2 Collaboration

1.3 Communication

1.4 Teamwork

2. What is the level of academic performance in terms of:

2.1. Class participation,

2.2. Learners outcomes,

3. Is there a significant relationship between social skills and academic performance?

Review of Related Literature

Given the importance of research into numerous aspects of human existence and survival, it is

vital to publicize work on the effects of social skills on student academic performance to inform the

researcher about what has previously been done in the field. Therefore, the focus of this chapter in

this research project will be on providing a clear understanding of the social skills on academic

performance. And the indicators affecting social skills such as: empathy, collaboration,

communication and teamwork. Also, the indicators that affect students academic performance

such as: class participation and learners outcomes.

Social Skills

Social Skills enable an individual to behave in diverse situations. The academic performance,

involvement in co-curricular activities, social relationships, behavior, and family relationships are

based on the extent to which an individual possess good social skills. According to Weissbert,

2004, “Social skills can also be defined within the context of social and emotional learning –

recognizing and managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing

positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations

constructively and ethically”.

The process of Education takes place in the society. Learning is ultimately a social process

(Bandura, 2011). People initially learn something independently and eventually that learning is

modified through interaction with others. It is very important for a child to have good social skills to

learn meaningfully while interacting with the members of the society. Social skills are important for

preparing young people (children) to mature and succeed in their adult roles within the family,

workplace and community (Volman, 2007). Social skills help in developing caring and concern for

others, taking responsible decisions and effectively handling challenging situations. (Wang, 2004).


Empathy is an attribute of children that has proven to be highly relevant to the educational

process and educational outcomes. The interest of educators in empathy has historically centered

on teacher empathy. Our own research has been in the area of student empathy, the primary

focus of this chapter. We also take note of research on teacher empathy. The work on teacher
empathy has reflected the influence of Carl Rogers's approach to the therapeutic process

(Carkhuff & Berenson, 2010).

In the educational sphere, the teacher is analogous to the counselor or therapist and the

student is analogous to the client. The assumption underlying the emphasis on teacher empathy is

that empathic communication by the teacher will result in students experiencing greater

understanding and acceptance, and that they will thus develop more positive attitudes toward

themselves and toward schooling.


Collaboration skills enable you to successfully work toward a common goal with others.

They include communicating clearly, actively listening to others, taking responsibility for mistakes,

and respecting the diversity of your colleagues. (Doyle, 2022). Collaboration skills are what enable

you to work well with others. Most work environments require collaboration, so these skills are

essential. These skills include understanding a variety of perspectives, managing priorities from

everyone in the group, and meeting expectations as a reliable member of a team.

Collaboration skills can be defined as the interpersonal and intrapersonal qualities and

competencies we leverage to collectively solve a problem or make progress toward a common

goal. These skills all fit under the umbrella of emotional intelligence, but here’s one easy way to

remember the difference: interpersonal is about how you directly interact with others, while

intrapersonal is how you interact with yourself. There’s a clear connection between the two.

Intrapersonal development involves building self-awareness, a quality that can inform the

perception of our interpersonal qualities. Taking time to reflect on a project is a great practice to

cultivate, especially when you have a safe space to give and receive feedback around elements of

communication. Ask questions about what you could have done better, including on the
communications front, and be sure to reflect on the positive collaboration skills of others—you will

likely see qualities in others that you want to improve in yourself. (Conaway, 2021).


Communication is a continuous process. It is used in both formal and informal situations.

Students' prowess in verbal communication can also increase their presentation skills (Melissa

Mahmud,2014) Wang and Chang (2019) and Meng Jianping (2018) mentioned that

communication skills are related to happiness's and flexibility in dealing with stress and reinforcing

the academics accomplishments of upgrading students. Effective communication is an essential

part of a professional life no matter in what field you are.

Students with effective communication skills will be more probably to contribute to class

discussions, will ultimately achieve more from their experience in class, and will be more

productive members in group projects (Ajay Singh, 2020) Effective communication skills assist you

in making a cosmic impression and allowing you to engage in a clear conversation, whether oral or

written. Effective communication includes both written and spoken communication.


Teamwork is essential to a company’s success, says John J. Murphy, author of Pulling

Together: 10 Rules for High-Performance Teamwork. “Each individual has unique gifts, and talents

and skills. When we bring them to the table and share them for a common purpose, it can give

companies a real competitive advantage.” Teamwork are considered essential elements of

employees’ development. The acquisition of these skills enables attitudinal and behavioural

change in workers, as well as increased productivity and well-being (Sitthisomjin et al., 2014). Soft

skills facilitate effective teamwork, which is an integral part of the execution of many professions
(Vaughan et al., 2019) Teamwork skills are considered essential for personal, academic and

professional achievement, so universities are increasingly integrating them into their syllabuses.

However, little is known about how some specific features of students and their educational

development can affect their acquisition. teamwork among students, improve performance and

learning, and develop interpersonal competences (Venter, 2016) or to internalize the values,

attitudes and patterns of behavior needed to turn students into involved and contributing citizens in

a democracy (Johnson and Johnson, 2016). The goals of teamwork are of an intellectual

(conceptual learning, creative problem solving, intellectual skills…) and social (interpersonal

relations, attitudes toward classmates…) nature, in which contents, procedures, attitudes and skills

are particularly relevant (Lobato, 2014)

Academic Performance

Academic performance According to Narad and Abdullah (2016) The core of the entire

educational system depends around pupils' academic success. Any educational institution's

success or failure is determined by how well its pupils do academically. In addition to schools,

parents also have very high expectations for students' academic success since they think that

higher grades may result in greater employment opportunities and long-term stability. Academic

performance is the knowledge obtained and measured by the teacher's grade-assigned marks.

Academic performance in the context of education refers to the learning objective that must

be met by a student, teacher, or institution over a specific time period. The objective may vary from

person to person and from institution to institution and is assessed through exams or ongoing

assessments. Academic performance According to (Talib N, 2012) Academic

performance/achievement is determined by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point

average and indicates how well a student, instructor, or institution has met their short- or long-term

educational goals.

Class Participation

Class Participation The term "classroom participation" is poorly defined and challenging to

measure. It is regarded as an aspect of engagement in the literature because it is frequently used

to describe students' natural propensity to participate in daily class activities such as regularity,

timely submission of homework, and compliance with teachers' instructions in class. Using the

experience sampling method, this study examined two questions related to outcomes associated

with after-school programming.

First, does the quality of experience in after-school programs mediate the effect of program

participation on social competence and academic performance? Second, among program

participants, is the difference in quality of experience when in programs versus other settings after

school related to higher social competence and academic performance? (Kellams, 2020). Class

participation is an important aspect of student learning. When students speak up in class, they

learn to express their ideas in a way that others can understand. When they ask questions, they

learn how to obtain information to enhance their own understanding of a topic. Class participation

also is a valuable learning tool for teachers. Through students' questions, you learn what they don't

understand, and can adjust your instruction accordingly (Shore, 2016)

Learner’s Outcomes

Learner’s outcomes emphasize what a student is expected to achieve in terms of

knowledge, skills, and competences, in line with each qualification level (Tissot, 2008). Besides

delivering a description of the expected or intended learning outputs, learning outcomes also point
out how these achievements will be assessed. Thus, learning outcomes are expected to explicit

not only what is expected a students will be able to do or know but also the criteria that will be

used to evaluate him (Adam 2004). This approach helps students to identify in advance what is

expected for them to know, understand, and perform, whether for a given study program or for a

specific class, as well as the assessment criteria that will be used.

Moore (2002) found instructor-learner interaction to be the most significant factor in “student

satisfaction” as well as in “student learning outcomes.” Learning Outcomes are the primary skills,

behaviors, abilities, expertise, and proficiencies the student will “own” at the end of the course.

While the student will need a certain level of knowledge or information in order to achieve the

outcome, the emphasis in identifying the outcomes is on what the student will be able to do with

that knowledge or information at the end of the course that they couldn’t do before.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored to collaborative learning Theory. Collaborative Learning theory is rooted

in Lev Vygotsky’s idea, learners rely on one another to accomplish tasks that they otherwise

wouldn’t be able to complete individually. Collaborative learning is key for developing critical

thinking skills, with it suggested that students retain more information when working us a groups.

Collaborative learning theory involves peer-to-peer learning that fosters deeper thingking in the

classroom. Collaborative learning theory suggests develop their higher-level thinking, oral

communication, self-management and leadership skills. Students also have the opportunity to

build upon their leadership and organizational skills. Cooperative learning is a set of instructional

learning method aimed to encourage students to work together on academic task. Cooperative

learning is an instructional method designed to encourage students to work together on academic

tasks. (Yusnani, 2018)

This study is also anchored to the Social Learning Theory. Social learning theory, introduced by

psychologist Albert Bandura, proposed that learning occurs though observation, imitation, and

modeling and is influenced by factors such as attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions. The

theory accounts for the interaction of environmental and cognitive elements that affect how people

learn. Bandura’s theory goes beyond the perception of learning being the result of direct

experience with the environment. Social learning theory proposes that individuals learn by

observing the behaviors of others (models). They then evaluate the effect of those behaviors by

observing the positive and negative consequences, they are more likely to develop positive

expectations of substance use, which increases the use substances (Hunter, 2013).

Conceptual Framework

From the previous studies and Review of Related Literature, the study’s Conceptual Framework shows

the independent variable levels of social skills as an influential tool on academic performance. The different

levels of Social Skills as based to the study’s survey questionnaire are as follows: empathy, collaboration,

communication and teamwork. On the other hand indicators of Academic Performance are: Classroom

Participation and Learners Outcomes.

Social Skills -is any competence facilitating interaction and communication with others where social rules

and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways.

Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their

point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else

position and feeling what they are feeling.

Collaboration the action of working with someone to produce or create something. Collaboration

is a working practice whereby individuals work together for a common purpose to achieve
business benefit. Collaboration enables individuals to work together to achieve a defined and

common business purpose.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to

another: process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common

system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Teamwork is not just a group of people doing something. It’s the ability to work with others and to

help others attain their full potential and achieve the shared goals. As well, teamwork is one of the

most desirable skills of an student

Academic performance/ achievement is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average.

Class participation refers to the behaviors that students engage themselves in class. This

behaviour can take many formats, such as raising questions, responding to others’ questions,

participation in discussions, providing feedback, and so on.

Learner’s outcomes are statements of the knowledge, skills and abilities individual students

should possess and can demonstrate upon completion of a learning experience or sequence of

learning experiences.
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


 Empathy
 Class participation
 Collaboration
 Learners outcome
 Communication

 Teamwork



This chapter covers the research design, research locale, research respondents, research instruments,

data gathering procedure, statistical tools, and ethical consideration observed in conducting this


Research Design
Quantitative research is a type of research where it investigates and clarifies a social problem or

phenomena by the process of gathering and interpreting numerical data as a way of information

collecting and analysis. It can be used to identify patterns and averages, make predictions, evaluate

causal linkages, and extrapolate results to larger groups (Bhandari, 2020). Furthermore, there are

significant distinctions in research design between quantitative and qualitative research approaches.

Numerical data is used in quantitative research for data collecting and analysis (Morrow, 2021).

Quantitative research is a method of learning about a specific group of people, referred to as a

sample population. Quantitative research, which is based on scientific inquiry, uses data that is

observed or measured to investigate questions about a sample population (Allen M. 2017).

Furthermore, the process of gathering and interpreting numerical data can establish a baseline for

future review, offers evidence of when and how patrons use electronic collections, and encourages

collection development departments to make data-driven decisions (Goertzen, M. J. (2017).

Descriptive research is a method of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about

current conditions, practices, processes, trends, and cause-and-effect relationships, and then making

adequate and accurate interpretations of those data with or without the use of statistical methods,

which is sometimes minimal (Calderon, 2006). Descriptive research is collecting data that describes

occurrences, then organizing, tabulating, depicting, and describing the information gathered (Glass &

Hopkins, 1984). It frequently use visual aids like graphs and charts to help the reader comprehend the

data distribution. Because the human mind is incapable of fully comprehending a vast amount of raw

data, descriptive statistics are critical in reducing the data to a manageable format.

Because descriptive studies strive to discover "what is," observational and survey methods are

routinely utilized to gather descriptive data (Borg & Gall, 1989. Descriptive statistics make use of data

collecting and analytic techniques to generate findings on central tendency, variance, and correlation.
Following creative investigation, description emerges to organize the results in order to fit them with

explanations, which are subsequently tested or validated (Krathwohl, 1993). Natural or man-made

phenomena must be characterized in terms of their shape, structure, activity, change through

time,link to other phenomena, and so on in many research investigations.

Correlational research designs are founded on the assumption that reality is best described as a

network of interacting and mutually causal relationship. Correlational design is one in which the

researcher collects two or more sets of data from the same group of subjects so that the relationship

between the two subsequent sets of data can be determined (Singh,1998). According to Fraenkel

and Wallen (2009), correlational research is research which purpose is to find out the relationship

between two or more variables and their cause and effect. This is also supported by (Yamin,2009)

that correlational design is research intended to know the correlation of two variables or more.

This study is descriptive since it describes two variables and how one variable affects the other. It

also seeks to explain how social skills can play a role in influencing and shaping student in terms of

academic performance. Moreover, the study also adopted a correctional research design. This is so

because this method enabled the researchers to understand the relationship that occurs between

the variables of the study. In addition, Correlation research is research designed to discover

relationships among variables and to allow the prediction of future events from present knowledge.
Research Locale
Figure 2. Map of the Philippines Highlighting Davao Del Nor

School A: a private nonsectarian high school located at Purok Aquarius, Visayan Village

National Highway Tagum City, Davao Del Norte. The school was founded on February 18 1989. It

offers Elementary education ranging from Grades 1 to 6, Junior High School education ranging

from Grades 7 to 10, School A is a DepEd - accredited K-12 institution, and finally, Senior High

School education which offers different Academic strands and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

(TVL) tracks.

Tagum City is the capital of the province of Davao del Norte; it is geographically located

between 7°13′ 38″ and 7° 32′ 23″ north latitude and 125° 43′ 30″ to 125° 53′ 13″ east longitude. It is

bounded in the north by the Municipality of New Corella, in the northwest by the Municipality of

Asuncion and in the northeast by the Municipality of Mawab, In the west, the Tagum-Liboganon

River fringing the Municipalities of Dujali and Carmen, in the east by the Hijo River and beyond the

Municipality of Maco and in the south the Davao Gulf from the natural boundary of the city where

two major rivers, Tagum-Liboganon and Hijo, and other minor rivers and each tributaries drained

toward Davao Gulf.

Research Respondents

Students specifically Senior High School students will be ask to take part on our

research. There is not much qualification to consider in choosing our respondents since our

study is dealing with students, if he/she is a Senior High School student would do, who is the
primary target participants of our study. Their idea and shared thoughts about Social skills

will be a great benefit in the succession of our study.

This study will be focus on students in Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated.

Consisting two sections namely Grade 11 and Grade 12 or the Senior High School students

respectively. They were chosen as they are considered as the appropriate respondents to

answer the specific study. In this study, all respondents were chosen through Total

Enumeration of Purposive Sampling Technique. In this case, the researcher has the freedom

to choose samples who has the qualities that the researcher needs. A total 150 Senior High

School students will be selected and asked to participate in the study. All strand from the

academic track will be covered, 75 students from grade 11 and 75 students from grade 12 .

In practice total population sampling is done when the target group is small and set

apart by unusual and well-defined characteristics. (Lavrakas, 2008) Moreover Lavrakas, 2008

added that gleaning information from the total population often gives deeper insights into a

target population than partial samples would be capable of. Purposive Sampling is a non-

probability sampling method, and it occurs when “elements selected for the sample are

chosen by the judgement of the researcher. Researchers often believe that they can obtain a

representative by using a sound judgement, which will result in saving time and money.”

(Black, 2010) This kind of sampling technique can be effective in exploring anthropological

situations where the discovery of meaning can benefit from an intuitive approach.

Research Instrument

The instruments that will be use were survey questionnaire. The survey

questionnaire was segmented into two categories; one domain determined the extent levels

of Social skills as one of key basis on Academic Performance. The first category which is
Social skills was divided into 4 sub-categories namely: Empathy, Collaboration,

Communication and Teamwork. Academic Performance as the second category consists of 2

sub-categories; Class participation and Learners outcomes.

The five-point Likert Scale was used in the instrument, five (5) as the highest and one

(1) as the lowest. Likert Scale (typically) provides five possible answers to a statement or

question that allows respondents to indicate their positve-to-negative strength of agreement

or strength of feeling regarding the question or statement. (McLeod, 2008)

Social skills


4.20-5.00 Very Extensive The factor strongly affects

3.40-4.19 Extensive The factor moderately


2.60-3.39 Moderately Extensive The factor often affects

1.80-2.59 Low The factor seldom affects

1.80-2.59 Very Low The factor never affects

Academic Performance


4.20-5.00 Very Extensive The factor strongly affects

3.40-4.19 Extensive The factor moderately affects

2.60-3.39 Moderately Extensive The factor often affects

1.80-2.59 Low The factor seldom affects

1.80-2.59 Very Low The factor never affects

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers request permission from the school’s headmaster before giving each

senior high school students a survey questionnaire.The surveys will evaluate by the

researchers’ research adviser. In order to allow the researchers to administer the survey
questionnaire to the study’s participants, a letter of approval was requested. After the

researcher has gathered the respondents and obtained their consent, the researcher will go

into more detail with the respondents about the study’s goals, significance, and contribution

to the expanding body of knowledge on the subject so that they will be able to comprehend it

and respond to our questions appropriately.

Survey questionnaires will be use to collect the data. Individual respondents react to the

questions, and the researcher emphasizes the respondents’ rights, including the knowledge

that their careers will not be harmed, that there are no right or incorrect answers to the

questions, and that their replies will be kept completely confidential. After the respondents

have finished filling out the questionnaire, the researcher will study, record, interpret, and

assess the papers

Statistical Tools

In order to gather the data in interpretation and analysis, statistical tools will be used for

this study. The mean score will be use to demonstrate the significance of the Social Skills.

On the other hand, standard deviation will also use to determine the relatedness of the


The importance of the Social Skills or the independent variable will be assess by Pearson r.

To know whether the Social Skills also notably effect on students a.

Ethical Consideration

Any language such as degrading as well as unacceptable terms that might disrespectful and

offending to both the individuals and their organization are not present in the instruments that

are used to gather data.

To voluntarily include the respondents of the research is necessary, participants also have

the right to disengage in participating the study at any point if they want to do so.

Respondents must participate based on informed consent. The meaning of the informed

concept requires researchers to provide sufficient information and assurance about taking

part, for individuals to understand the consequences of participation, and to make a fully

informed, considered, and freely provided decision as to whether or not to participate.

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