Bandwidth Enhancement Utilizing Bias Circuit As Parasitic Elements in A Reconfigurable Circularly Polarized Antenna

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8, AUGUST 2018 1533

Bandwidth Enhancement Utilizing Bias Circuit as

Parasitic Elements in a Reconfigurable
Circularly Polarized Antenna
Huy Hung Tran , Nghia Nguyen-Trong , Member, IEEE, Truong Khang Nguyen , Member, IEEE,
and Amin M. Abbosh , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A circularly polarized (CP) crossed-dipole antenna the antenna performance. The design shown in this letter is a re-
with switchable rotating sense is presented. The proposed design configurable circularly polarized (CP) antenna with dual-sense
has two main attractive features. First, a wide overlapped CP band- polarization reconfigurability. Indeed, due to their capabilities of
width (BW) is realized for both operating states. Second, unlike reducing polarization mismatch, this type of antenna is among
existing designs targeting a similar functionality, no biasing wire the most popular reconfigurable structures investigated in liter-
through ground plane is required, which significantly reduces the
design complexity. The proposed design employs parasitic elements
ature. Classical solutions were to use microstrip patch antennas
for two different roles. For RF signal, these parasitic elements open [1]–[3], which, however, commonly suffer from narrow opera-
an additional CP resonance band to enhance the axial-ratio (AR) tion bandwidth (BW). Alternatively, using switchable polarizer
BW. Additionally, through RF chokes, they provide a dc path to [4] is another approach to achieve polarization reconfigurability.
bias the p-i-n diodes. An antenna prototype was experimentally Higher antenna profiles with different feeding techniques [5],
demonstrated with the capability of switching between two CP ro- [6] and various structures, e.g., E-shaped patch [7], magneto-
tating senses in a frequency range from 1.1 to 2.02 GHz, equivalent electric dipole [8]–[10], and crossed dipole [11]–[14], have been
to 58.9%. The antenna also exhibits a wide −10 dB impedance BW explored to improve the operation BW and provide additional
of 53.3% (1.1–1.9 GHz) with a peak gain of around 9.1 dBi and linear polarization (LP) states. However, such improvements
front-to-back ratio of more than 15 dB. typically come with the cost of increasing design complexity,
Index Terms—Cavity reflector, circularly polarized (CP) especially in the dc biasing network.
antenna, crossed dipole, parasitic element, polarization- For the antenna presented here, wide CP operation BW is
reconfigurable, wideband antenna. obtained by producing three adjacent CP bands. One of them
is excited by the original crossed dipole, while the others are
generated by a cavity [15] and parasitic elements [16]–[20],
I. INTRODUCTION respectively. The switching mechanism is simplified to only
N ELECTRONICALLY reconfigurable antennas, p-i-n using one switchable voltage source provided at the dc port
I diodes and varactors have been popularly used. For this
type of radiator, the biasing network that provides dc-control
of a bias tee. This is achieved by appropriately arranging four
p-i-n diodes at the feeding position of the crossed dipole and
voltages for the tunable components, e.g., p-i-n diodes, is al- employing the parasitic elements as part of the biasing circuit.
ways necessary. This typically requires a careful design with Typical dc wires or metallic posts are not required here. The
appropriate lumped elements, including RF chokes and bypass use of parasitic elements as part of the biasing network as well
capacitors. They are arranged in such a way that the antenna per- as a tool to improve CP BW is the main contribution of this
formance does not significantly degrade compared to the ideal letter. Such a dual use of the parasitic elements distinguishes
case where only the tunable components are present. In several the proposed design from all aforementioned antennas [1]–[14]
circumstances, designing biasing circuits is quite challenging, to significantly reduce the antenna complexity. The antenna
which makes the structure much more complicated. was simulated and optimized using the Ansoft High-Frequency
This letter takes a different approach compared to the conven- Structure Simulator (HFSS). In the following, we first present
tional designs. We attempt to exploit the bias circuit to improve the technique to achieve wideband performance in Section II
(for passive antennas), and then the reconfigurable design is
Manuscript received June 5, 2018; accepted July 1, 2018. Date of publi- proposed in Section III.
cation July 5, 2018; date of current version August 2, 2018. This research is
funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Develop-
ment (NAFOSTED) under Grant No. 103.05-2016.37. (Corresponding author: II. WIDEBAND CP ANTENNA
Truong Khang Nguyen.) The geometry of the wideband CP antenna is illustrated in
H. H. Tran and T. K. Nguyen are with the Division of Computational Physics,
Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh Fig. 1. It is constructed with two orthogonal straight dipoles,
City, Vietnam, and also with the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineer- four parasitic elements, and a square-shaped cavity. The dipoles
ing, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City 70000, Vietnam (e-mail:, and parasitic elements are printed on both sides of a 1.575 mm; thick Rogers RO5880 substrate (εr = 2.2) and excited directly
N. Nguyen-Trong and A. M. Abbosh are with the School of
ITEE, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld. 4067, Australia (e-mail:,
by a 50 Ω coaxial cable.; To demonstrate the antenna operational principle, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2018.2853193 characteristics of a classical crossed dipole over a planar

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Authorized licensed use limited to: DELHI TECHNICAL UNIV. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 12:22:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. Geometry of the wideband CP antenna. The design parameters are

L d = 45.6, W d = 7, R = 5.2, W r = 1.4, g = 0.8, L p = 27.3, H s = 1.575,
H c = 55, and W c = 180 (unit: mm).

Fig. 3. AR characteristics of Antenna III for different values of parasitic

element’s length L p .

Fig. 2. (a) |S 1 1 | and (b) AR results for different antenna configurations.

reflector (Antenna I) [21], a crossed dipole over cavity

(Antenna II) [15], and parasitic-elements-added crossed dipole
over cavity (Antenna III) are shown in Fig. 2. It can be observed
that wider impedance-matching BW is achieved with the use of
parasitic elements and a cavity reflector [see Fig. 2(a)]. For the
axial ratio (AR) response, as shown in Fig. 2(b), Antenna I only
produces one local AR minimum. The performance of Antenna
I is significantly increased with the presence of square-shaped
cavity, as demonstrated in [15]. It is confirmed in Fig. 2(b) that
two local minima of AR are observed with the higher CP band
generated by the cavity reflector.
To further enlarge the AR BW, the technique of using para-
sitic elements [16] is employed and briefly demonstrated here.
As illustrated in Fig. 2(b), Antenna III shows a further enhance-
ment of the AR performance with three local minima of AR,
noting that the second minimum (at around 1.85 GHz) is not
pronounced in this case due to the coupling effect between Fig. 4. Geometry of the proposed wideband CP reconfigurable antenna. The
the dipole mode and the cavity mode. To prove that the third design parameters of the final structure are L d = 44.6, W d = 6, R = 4.4,
AR minimum (at around 2.2 GHz) is realized by the parasitic W r = 1.4, g = 1, L p = 24.4, H s = 1.575, H c = 65, and W c = 160 (unit:
elements, simulated AR curves versus the parasitic element’s mm). (a) Top view of the radiator. (b) Cross-section view of the antenna.
length Lp are presented in Fig. 3. The results confirm that the
local AR minimum at a higher frequency is controlled by the RF connections from dipole arms to the corresponding feeding
parasitic element size. patches. To switch ON the rotating sense of the antenna, the order
of excitation among four dipole arms is changed. This is done
III. WIDEBAND CP ANTENNA WITH by turning ON either the pair (D1 , D2 ) or the pair (D3 , D4 ).
POLARIZATION RECONFIGURABILITY For instance, when (D1 , D2 ) are turned ON while the others
are OFF, the horizontal dipole is excited first while the vertical
A. Antenna Configuration and Operation Principle
dipole is excited with a 90° phase delay through the connecting
Fig. 4 depicts the proposed wideband reconfigurable antenna ring. Thus, the antenna operates with right-hand circular polar-
with dual-sense CP realizations. Four p-i-n diodes are utilized ization (RHCP). The polarization modes and the corresponding
and grouped into two pairs: (D1 , D2 ) connecting to the horizon- p-i-n diode states of the antenna are summarized in Table I.
tal arms and (D3 , D4 ) connecting to the vertical arms. These Although this method of changing rotating sense was shown in
diodes also connect to the feeding patches F1 and F2 , which [11], it is much further developed here to improve the antenna
are, respectively, attached to the inner and outer conductors of performance. First, by using the parasitic elements and cavity, as
the coaxial cable. The p-i-n diodes can establish/disestablish shown in Section II, the AR BW can be significantly enhanced.

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Second, by arranging the polarity of p-i-n diodes as in Fig. 4(a),

only two dc potentials V1 and V2 are necessary:
1) V1 : inner coaxial connector and two dipole arms at the
2) V2 : outer coaxial connector and two dipole arms at the
Therefore, for biasing, all parts of each Vi (i = 1, 2) need to
be dc connected. To satisfy this, the parasitic elements are uti-
lized as part of the dc biasing circuit to provide a dc connection
between each feeding patches and the corresponding orthogonal
dipole arms. This is easily carried out by adding four 220 nH
surface-mount choke inductors as RF chokes, two connecting
vias, and two printed dc lines, as shown in Fig. 4(a). The chokes
limit the RF current directly flowing from the dipole arms to the
parasitic element; however, the coupling between the dipoles
and parasitic elements remains the same for wideband perfor-
mance (as in Section II). Such a configuration of the biasing
circuit and the diode orientations allows the four diodes to be
biased with only one dc power source, which applies to the
cable’s inner and outer conductors through a Bias Tee placed
under the ground plane. It is noted that the proposed method sig-
nificantly simplifies the design with no required dc flying wires
and controlling circuit at the bottom as in the conventional ap-
proach. This also avoids RF chokes typically used at the end of
the dc wires before connecting to the control circuit [12], [22]. Fig. 5. Simulated performances of the proposed wideband CP reconfigurable
Furthermore, all antenna components, including the biasing cir- antenna. (a) |S 1 1 | and AR. (b) Gain and radiation efficiency.
cuit, are printed and placed on the top and the bottom sides of
the substrate, which makes the antenna assembly simpler and
reduces the cost. Another benefit is that, in principle, the ground
plane, i.e., the cavity in this case, can be removed, while still
keeping the reconfigurability. This is not the case in [7]–[12],
where dc biasing wires through a ground plane are compulsory.

B. Antenna Performances
To realize the polarization-reconfigurable antenna, the
p-i-n diodes type MADP-042305-13060 (MACOM Technical
Solutions) with forward bias resistance of Rp-i-n = 1.32 Ω and
reverse bias capacitance of Cp-i-n = 0.15 pF is used. Fig. 5
presents the simulated |S11 |, the AR, the broadside gain, and the Fig. 6. Fabricated antenna.
radiation efficiency for two CP modes of the proposed design. It
can be observed that the antenna is capable of switching between
RHCP and LHCP states in very wide overlapped impedance BW results of the proposed antenna for both CP modes are shown in
of approximately 62.1% (1.0–1.9 GHz) and AR BW of 65.8% Fig. 7. It is found that the measured results are in good agreement
(1.07–2.12 GHz). Within the AR frequency band, the antenna with the simulated ones. The measured overlapped impedance
also achieves a high broadside gain from 7.0 to 9.8 dBi and high BW for both CP states is 53.3% (1.1–1.9 GHz), while the figure
radiation efficiency values of greater than 92%. In this design, for the measured overlapped 3 dB AR BWs is approximately
the three local AR minima can be clearly observed in Fig. 5(b), 58.9% (1.1–2.02 GHz). Fig. 8 shows the measured broadside
which confirms the principle shown in Section II. gain and radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna. A max-
imum gain of 9.1 dBi is achieved. High radiation efficiency of
better than 85% is obtained across the operating band. There
IV. MEASUREMENT RESULTS is a discrepancy in the measured and simulated efficiency, i.e.,
The proposed wideband antenna has been fabricated (as 85% compared to 92%, which is attributed to the higher loss in
shown in Fig. 6) and validated experimentally with (V1 , V2 ) the p-i-n diodes. The radiation patterns for RHCP and LHCP
set as either (0 V, 3 V) or (3 V, 0 V). The measured |S11 | and AR states in the two principal planes (xz and yz) are plotted in

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Fig. 7. Simulated and measured |S 1 1 | and AR for both CP modes.

Fig. 9. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of RHCP state. (a) 1.2
GHz. (b) 1.8 GHz.

Fig. 8. Simulated and measured gain and radiation efficiency for both CP


Fig. 10. Simulated and measured radiation patterns of LHCP state. (a) 1.2
GHz. (b) 1.8 GHz.

λo : Free-space wavelength at the lowest frequency of overlapped BW.

Reconfigurable antenna with additional LP states.
The role of biasing circuit as parasitic elements to improve
an antenna’s performance has been investigated. To that end, a
Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. As shown in this figure, the patterns simple design of wideband polarization-reconfigurable antenna
at different frequencies in both planes are stable with front-to- has been proposed. The antenna is able to switch polarization
back ratios of more than 15 dB. between RHCP and LHCP by manipulating the ON/OFF states
Finally, the performance comparison among several state-of- of the four p-i-n diodes with low-cost and simple design of
the-art reconfigurable antennas with dual-sense CP is summa- the dc biasing circuit. The antenna exhibits a wide 3 dB AR
rized in Table II. The best performance in terms of operation BW of 58.9% (1.1–2.02 GHz) and impedance BW of 53.3%
BW, which is defined as the overlap between –10 dB impedance (1.1–1.9 GHz) for both CP realization states. The general con-
BW and 3 dB AR BW, is achieved in the proposed design. It is cept is beneficial for investigation in other reconfigurable anten-
noted that fewer p-i-n diodes or switches were used in [3] and nas where parasitic elements can be used as a means to improve
[7], however, with lower performance. the performance.

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