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COMP1845: Database System Development

Tutorial: Use-Case Analysis

Football Information System (FIS)

You have been approached by the Football Association (FA) to develop a simple Football Information
System (FIS) for a series of national leagues. A football club has a manager who manage the club’s
activities, they select the team for a each match based on player’s past performance and their health (are
they on form and injured or need a rest) and their position (striker, defender, goalkeeper etc.). A match is
played between two clubs in the same division of the football league. Managers are very keen to choose
the right team because their pay is dependant on whether the team wins or loses and they may get sacked
if their team drops down the league tables or is relagated from one division to a lower division. Managers
are able to register players and remove players from their club. A club can only play in the one league.
Games are organised by the Football Association who schedule the fixtures and maintain the league
tables. A club’s position in the table is dependant how many points they have. They get 3 points if they
win a game and 1 point if they draw. The FA wants people to be able to see lists of fixtures (future and
past) and to view the league tables.

Background tasks
1. Who are the stakeholders?
2. What are the functional requirements?
3. What non-functional requirements are important?

Use-case Modelling
4. Draw a use-case diagram that depicts the actors, use-case and system boundary.

4.Use-Case Diagram Description:

1. Actors:
 Manager: Manages the club, selects teams, registers/removes players.
 Football Association (FA): Schedules fixtures, maintains league tables.
 Player: Participates in matches.
 Fan: Views fixtures, results, and league tables.
 Referee: Officiates matches, provides match-related data.
2. Use Cases:

Database System Development - Tutorial Page 1

COMP1845: Database System Development
Tutorial: Use-Case Analysis
 Manage Team: Allows the manager to select players for a match based
on performance, health, and position.
 Register Player: Enables managers to register players to their club.
 Remove Player: Allows managers to remove players from their club.
 Schedule Fixture: Enables the FA to schedule matches between clubs.
 Record Match Result: Allows referees to record match outcomes.
 View Fixtures: Allows fans to view future and past fixtures.
 View League Tables: Enables fans to view current league standings.
3. System Boundary:
 Draw a rectangle representing the system. Label it "Football Information
System (FIS)."
 Place all the actors (Manager, FA, Player, Fan, Referee) outside the
 Connect the actors to the respective use cases using lines with arrows
pointing towards the use cases to indicate interactions.

Remember, the diagram should be clear and easy to understand. Each actor interacts
with the system through specific use cases, representing the system's functionalities
based on the stakeholders' roles.

Background Tasks:
1. Stakeholders:
 Football Association (FA): The governing body overseeing the leagues, scheduling
fixtures, and maintaining league tables.
 Managers: Responsible for managing the clubs, selecting teams, and
registering/removing players. Their pay and job security depend on team performance.
 Players: Participate in matches, and their health and performance affect team selection.
 Fans: Interested in viewing fixtures, results, and league tables, often supporting a
particular club.
 Developers: Involved in creating and maintaining the Football Information System,
ensuring it meets requirements.
 Referees: Officiate matches and provide match-related data.
2. Functional Requirements:
 User Management:
 Registering and removing managers.
 Registering and removing players.

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COMP1845: Database System Development
Tutorial: Use-Case Analysis
 Match Management:
 Scheduling fixtures.
 Recording match results.
 Team Management:
 Selecting players based on performance, health, and position.
 League Management:
 Calculating and updating points for teams.
 Maintaining league tables.
 Information Display:
 Showing future and past fixtures.
 Displaying league tables.
3. Non-Functional Requirements:
 Performance: The system should handle simultaneous user requests efficiently, especially
during match times.
 Scalability: The system should be able to handle a growing number of clubs, managers,
players, and fans.
 Security: User data and match results should be secure and only accessible to authorized
 Usability: The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly for managers and fans.
 Reliability: The system should be available and reliable, especially during match days.
 Data Accuracy: Match results and player statistics should be accurate and updated in
 Compliance: The system should comply with relevant football regulations and standards.
 Availability: The system should be accessible to users at all times, with minimal downtime
for maintenance.

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