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Republic of the Philippines


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S.Y 2018-2019
Second Quarterly Examination


Name: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Year & Section: _______________________________ Rating: _

Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The imperative quality of a judgment of practical intellect is meaningless, apart from will.

a. Reason c. The Power of Volition

b. Moral acts d. Will of humanity
2. It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless.

a. Moral actsc. Character

b. Will of humanityd. Power of Volition
3. An acts that particularly in our power and we are responsible for them.

a. Character c. Habits
b. Attitude d. Moral
4. According to him, “of all creatures Of God, human beings have the unique power to change
themselves and the things around them for the better.”

a. St. Thomas Aquinasc. Aristotle

b.Jean Paul Sartred.Thomas Hobbes
5. Through this, we have a conscience. Whether we choose to be “good” or evil” becomes our

a. Emotions b. Perseverance c. Faith d. Spirituality

6. This law is divided into old (Mosaic) and the new (Christian) that are related as the immature
and imperfect to the perfect complete.

a. Divine lawb.Natural lawc.Human lawd.Eternal law

7. According to him, “The human person is the desire to be God: the desire to exist as a being
which has its sufficient ground in itself.”

a. Jean Paul Sartreb.Aristotlec.St. Thomas d.Thomas Hobbes

8. This law is the decree of God that governs all creation.

a. Reason b. Eternal c. Natural d. Human

9. According to him, “the purpose of human being is to be happy.”

a. Aristotleb.Thomasc.Sartred.Hobbes
10. According to him, “he follows the same line of thinking, but points to a higher form of
happiness possible to humanity beyond this life, and that is perfect happiness that everyone seeks
but could be found only in God alone.”

a. Aristotle b. Sartre c. Hobbes d. Thomas

11. He emphasizes the importance of free individual choice, regardless of the power of other
people to influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.

a. Jean Paul Sartreb.Thomas Hobbesc.Thomasd.Aristotle

12. It is called as a basis of the notion of moral obligation and duty.

a. Conceptualization b. Social Contract c. Enlightenment d. General Will

13. Who is the author “The Social Contract Theory?”

a. Hobbes b. Sartre c. Aristotle d Jacques Rousseau

14. It is a percept or general rule established by reason, by which a person is forbidden to do that
which is destructive of his life or takes away the means of preserving.

a. Human nature b. Law of nature c. Social nature d. Contract nature

15. He is one of the most famous and influential philosophers of the French Enlightenment in the
18th century?

a. Jean Jacques Rousseaub.Jean Paul Sartrec.St. Thomas Aquinasd.Aristotle

16. According to him, “The human person builds the road to the destiny of his/her choosing;
he/she is the creator.”

a. Thomas Hobbes b. Jean Paul Sartre c. Aristotled. Thomas

17. It can legislate, but only through can its legislation be turned into action.

a. Will b. Action c. Reason d. Freedom

18. The fundamental law of nature.

a. Seeks peace and follows itb.Freedom and conscience

c. Existence precedes essence d. Right and wrong
19. It means dealing with others.

a. Conversation b. Communication c. Intersubjectivity d. Dialog

20. It is a tool for communication, information, and social interaction.

a. Dialog b. Language c. Communication d. Conversation

21. It is a conversation that is attuned to each other and to whatever they are talking about.

a. Language b. Communication c. Conversation d. Dialog

22. A kind of disabilities that the child will find it difficult to focus or complete a task, despite
her best efforts.

a. Hearing impaired b. ADHD c. Cystic or fibrotic d. Asthmatic

23. What is the real name of Saint Pope John Paul II?

a. Martin luther b. John Paul Wojtyla c. Martin Buber d. Karol Wojtyla

24. This period is an attack on and a rejection of the Middle Ages that occupied the preceding
thousand and years.

a. Ancient b. Recent c. Modern d.Medieval

25. He discovered America and altered the politics in the world.
a. Einstein b. Aristotle c. Columbus d. Copernicus
26. It is called the Age of Empiricism.

a. 16th century b. 17th century c. 18th century d. 21st century

27. Sexual attraction between man and woman.

a. Philia b. Eros c. Agape d. Fabric

28. Author of Fabric of Friendship.

a. Joy Carolb.Mother Theresa c. Chalitod.Heidegger

29. He is a great teacher in Athens around 469 BC.

a. Socratesb.Galileoc.Einsteind.Copernicus
30. According to him, “the body is the source of endless trouble to us by means of requirement to
food, liability to disease, etc.

a. Socrates b. Plato c. Galileo d. Copernicus

31. First book of Nietzche.

a. The Comedy b. The Birth of Tragedy c. The Eternal d. The Bible

32. It demonstrates that Filipina women are not simply oppressed but have been actively
participating in movements.
a. Babae b. Tadhana c. Destiny d. Narda
33. He said that our egoism produces the illusion that other people are separated and opposed

a. Schopenhauerb.Plato c. Kantd.Buber
34. A person’s situations as a finite entity is thrown into a world where he/she must project
his/her possibilities not disclosed by theoretical understanding but by moods.

a. Possibility b. Factictyc.Fallenness d. Loveliness

35. Humanity fees from the disclosure of anxiety to lose oneself in absorption with the
instrumental world.

a. Possibility b. Facticity c. Fallenness d. Loveliness

36. He was first German to oppose Nazism.

a. Plato b. Sartre c. Karl Jaspers d. Aristotle

37. What was the exactly date that Pope John PauLll II elected as Papacy?

a. October 16, 1987c.October 22, 1978

b. October 16, 1978 d. October 16, 1798

38. Doctrine that holds the conviction that the son of God is finite.

a. Arianbeliefb.Barbarian beliefc.Clovis beliefd.Augustus’s belief

39. This method looks at the world or any at object as a problem, detached from the self and

a. Secondary b. Primary c. Tertiary d. Kinder

40. It is understood as in terms of finite temporality, which reaches death.

b. Care b. Help c. Death d. Destiny


41-43Threefold Structure of care.

44-46 Hobbes and Rousseau: Political Freedom
47-50 Change as a Condition of Modern Life

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Prepared by:Checked by:


Senior High School Coordinator

Approved by:

PCIC Administrator

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