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Pet / cp / pnr / psr

1. Aircraft is to fly from A to B.

Distance A to B 960 nm
TAS 240 kts
Wind component out + 60 kt (TW)
Calculate PET


GSR = 240 – 60 = 180 kt

GSO = 240 - 60 = 300 kt

Distance to PET = 180 x 960

180 + 300
= 360 nm

2. An aircraft is to fly from E to F

Distance E to F 990 nm
TAS 210 kts
WC (O) - 33 kts
WC (R) + 33 kts
Distance and time to PET


GSR = 241 kt
GSO = 177 kt

Distance to PET = 241 x 990

241 + 177
= 571 nm

Time to PET = 571 = 3h13’34”


3. An aircraft is to fly outbound from A on a track of 270° (T)

Total endurance 8 hours
Reserve endurance 2 hours
W/V 270/45
TAS 240 kts
Determine the time and distance to the PNR


Endurance 8-2 = 6 hours (can’t use reserves)

GSO = 195 kt Using HDG/GS function on CX2
GSR = 285 kt

Time to PNR = 285 x 6

285 + 195
= 3h34

Distance to PNR = 3h34 x 195 = 695 nm

Pet / cp / pnr / psr

4. If CAS is 190 kts, Altitude 9000 ft. Temp. ISA - 10°C, True Course (TC) 350°, W/V 320/40.
Distance from departure to destination is 350 NM.
Endurance 3 hours, and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC.
The Point of Equal Time (PET) is reached at:

a) 1213 UTC
b) 1221 UTC
c) 1233 UTC
d) 1203 UTC

5. If CAS is 190 kts, Altitude 9000 ft. Temp. ISA - 10°C, True Course (TC) 350°, W/V 320/40.
Distance from departure to destination is 350 NM
Endurance 3 hours and actual time of departure is 1105 UTC.
The distance from departure to Point of Equal Time (PET) is:

a) 183 NM
b) 147 NM
c) 203 NM
d) 167 NM

6. Find the distance from waypoint 3 (WP 3) to the PET.

Given: Distance from WP 3 to WP 4 = 750 NM,
TAS out 430 kt,
TAS return 425 kt,
Tailwind component out 30 kt,
Head wind component return 40 kt

a) 408 NM
b) 375 NM
c) 342 NM
d) 403 NM

7. Find the time to the Point of Safe Return (PSR).

Given: Maximum useable fuel 15000 kg,
Minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg,
TAS out 425 kt,
Head wind component out 30 kt,
TAS return 430 kt,
Tailwind component return 20 kt,
Average fuel flow 2150 kg/h

a) 2 h 59 min
b) 3 h 43 min
c) 2 h 51 min
d) 2 h 43 min

8. Find the distance to the POINT OF SAFE RETURN (PSR).

Given: maximum useable fuel 15000 kg,
minimum reserve fuel 3500 kg,
Outbound: TAS 425 kt,
head wind component 30 kt,
fuel flow 2150 kg/h,
Return: TAS 430 kt,
tailwind component 20 kt,
fuel flow 2150 kg/h
Pet / cp / pnr / psr

a) 1463 NM
b) 1143 NM
c) 1125 NM
d) 1491 NM

9. Given : Distance A to B 2050 NM

Mean groundspeed 'on' 440 kt
Mean groundspeed 'back' 540 kt
The distance to the point of equal time (PET) between A and B is :

a) 920 NM
b) 1025 NM
c) 1130 NM
d) 1153 NM

10. Given : Distance A to B 3060 NM

Mean groundspeed 'out' 440 kt
Mean groundspeed 'back' 540 kt
Safe Endurance 10 hours
The time to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) is:

a) 5 hours 20 minutes
b) 5 hours 45 minutes
c) 3 hours 55 minutes
d) 5 hours 30 minutes

11. Given: Course A to B 088° (T)

Distance 1250 NM
Mean TAS 330 kt
Mean W/V 340°/60 kt
The time from A to the PET between A and B is :

a) 1 hour 54 minutes
b) 1 hour 42 minutes
c) 1 hour 39 minutes
d) 2 hours 02 minutes

12. Given: Distance X to Y 2700 NM

Mach Number 0.75
Temperature -45°C
Mean wind component 'on' 10 kt tailwind
Mean wind component 'back' 35 kt tailwind
The distance from X to the point of equal time (PET) between X and Y is:

a) 1350 NM
b) 1386 NM
c) 1313 NM
d) 1425 NM

13. Distance from A to B is 1873 nm

Ground speed Out = 430 kts
Ground speed Back = 385 kts
The time from A to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between a and B is:
Pet / cp / pnr / psr

a) 130 nm
b) 181 nm
c) 145 nm
d) 162 nm

14. Given:
Distance from A to B is 300 nm
Wind component A - B is - 15 kts
Wind component B - A is + 15 kts
TAS is 180 kts
What is the distance from the equal time point to B?

a) 180 nm
b) 170 nm
c) 195 nm
d) 165 nm

15. An aircraft was over “Q” at 13:20 hours flying direct to “R”
Distance Q to R is 3016 nm
TAS = 480 kts
Mean wind component Out is - 90 kts
Mean wind component Back is + 75 kts
The ETA for reaching the Point of equal Time (PET) between Q and R is:

a) 17:52
b) 17:56
c) 18:20
d) 17:42

16. An aircraft has a TAS of 300 knots and is over a stretch of water between 2 airfields 500 nm apart.
If the wind component is 60 knots head, what is the distance from the first airfield to the PET?

a) 250 nm
b) 200 nm
c) 300 nm
d) 280 nm

17. An aircraft was over ‘Q’ at 1320 hours flying direct to ‘R’.
Distance ‘Q’ to ‘R’ 3016 NM
True air speed 480 knots
Mean wind component ‘out’ -90 kt
Mean wind component ‘back’ +75 kt
Safe endurance 10:00 HR
The distance from ‘Q’ to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) is:

a) 2370 NM
b) 2290 NM
c) 1510 NM
d) 1310 NM
Pet / cp / pnr / psr

18. An aircraft has a TAS of 300 knots and a safe endurance of 10 hours. If the wind component on
the outbound leg is 50 knots head, what is the distance to the point of safe endurance?

a) 1500 nm
b) 1458 nm
c) 1544 nm
d) 1622 nm

19. The distance from A to B is 2368 nautical miles. If outbound groundspeed in 365 knots and
homebound groundspeed is 480 knots and safe endurance is 8 hours 30 minutes, what is the time
to the PNR?

a) 290 minutes
b) 209 minutes
c) 219 minutes
d) 190 minutes

20. Given: Distance W to 'B' 2484 NM Mean groundspeed 'out' 420 kt Mean groundspeed 'back' 500 kt
Safe endurance 08 HR 30 MIN The distance from W to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) W is:

a) 1736 nm
b) 1630 nm
c) 1908 nm
d) 1940 nm

21. An aircraft was over W at 1435 hours flying direct to 'B1. Given: Distance W to 'B' 2900 NM True
airspeed 470 kt Mean wind component 'out' +55 kt Mean wind component 'back' -75 kt Safe
endurance 9 HR 30 MIN The ETA at the point of equal time is:

a) 1721
b) 1657
c) 1744
d) 1846

22. For a distance of 1860 NM between Q and R, a ground speed "out" of 385 kt, a ground speed
"back" of 465 kt and an endurance of 8 HR (excluding reserves) the distance from Q to the point of
safe return (PSR) is:

a) 930 nm
b) 1532 nm
c) 1865 nm
d) 1685 nm

23. Given: Distance W to 'B' 1973 NM Groundspeed 'out' 430 kt Groundspeed 'back' 385 ktThe time
from W to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and 'B1 is:

a) 130 min
b) 162 min
c) 145 min
d) 181 min
Pet / cp / pnr / psr

24. An aircraft was over W at 1435 hours flying direct to 'B1. Given: Distance W to 'B' 2900 nm True
airspeed 470 kt. Mean wind component 'out' +55 kt Mean wind component 'back' -75 kt Safe
endurance 9 HR 30 MIN The ETA at the point of equal time is:

a) 1721
b) 1657
c) 1744
d) 1846

25. An aircraft was over 'O' at 1320 hours flying direct to 'R1. Given: Distance 'Q' to 'R' 3016 NM True
airspeed 480 kt Mean wind component 'out' -90 kt Mean wind component 'back' +75 kt. What is the
ETA at the Point of Equal Time (PET) ?

a) 1742
b) 1820
c) 1756
d) 1752

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