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The movie named “Four Weddings and a Funeral was created in 1994 directed by Mike Newell

the genre of this movie is a rom-com with a sub-genre that is absurd humour.

The story follows the main character Charlie, a single man with a small circle of friends named
Fiona, Gareth, Tom, Matthew and Scarlett his roommate. He meets Carrie while he was at a
wedding where he was the man of honor. Never really interested in love. He falls in love with

You might like “Four Weddings and a Funeral” because of it’s unique style of humor. British
humor relies heavily on sarcasm, irony, which is showed in Four Weddings and a Funeral.

We can tell it’s a British movie, firstly because of the main character Charlie played Hugh Grant
that is quite a symbol of Britishness, a rain scene with a gray sky where Carrie and Charlie/
Charles kiss each other, typical British drinks like tea. A quite gloomy atmosphere after the death
of one of his friend but it’s quickly cooled down with some humour to lighten up the mood.

We would recommend you this movie if you are fond of this kind of movies or you are just
interested in this kind genre.

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