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The Mirror
Choose the correct answer:

Question 1: When the mirror is being described as being 'unmisted by love or dislike' we understand that the
mirror is
a. not misted
b. not prejudiced
c. has four angles
d. is silver in color

Question 2: The other word for 'contemplation' is………..

a. contempt
b. meditation
c. mediation
d. thoughtful

Question 3: When the mirror says 'it has no preconceptions' it means that:
a. it reflects back an image objectively
b. it modifies an image as it reflects it
c. it beautifies an image as it reflects it
d. it gives a biased view of a person/object

Question 4: The mirror has been called 'a four-cornered god' because:
a. it is square shaped
b. like God it watches you unbiased and fair from all four angles
c. it reflects back all that it sees
d. it never stops reflecting

Question 5: The phrase 'agitation of the hand' suggests that the person is:
a. very ill
b. very upset
c. very angry
d. very happy

Question 6: By saying 'Now I am a lake' the narrator wants to show that

a. the poem is not only about external beauty but also the inside of a person
b. the lake can also reflect surfaces
c. the depth of the lake is important
d. the lake does not show as exact an image as a mirror

Q. 9. In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman. Rises toward her day after day like a
terrible fish.
(a) Why does the poet refer to the ‘terrible fish’ in the last line?
(b) Why has it been described as being ‘terrible’?
(c) What does the phrase ‘in me she has drowned a young girl’ mean?
Ans. (a) The phrase ‘terrible fish’ describes the hog like wrinkled face of the old woman.
(b) Loss of her youth and beauty makes her behave like a fish trapped in the pond of time which looks terrible
without any grace or elegance.
(c) Since her youth she has been admiring her reflection in the mirror.
Q. 10. I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions, whatever I see I swallow immediately just as it is,
unmisted by love or dislike.
(a) Who does I refer to here?
(b) What does the poet mean when she says the mirror has no preconceptions?
(c) Which figure of speech is used in ‘I Swallow’
Ans. (a) I refers to the mirror
(b) She means that the mirror is unbiased and reflects the image objectively
(c) Personification.

Q.11.’I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is,
unmisted by love or dislike.’
(a) What does it refer to in these lines?
(b) What is meant by ‘I have no preconceptions’?
(c) Why has mirror been depicted as ‘unmisted’?
Ans. (a) Mirror
(b) it reflects your image objectively
(c) The mirror isn’t biased either due to love or hate.

Q.12. I am not cruel, only truthful The eye of a little God, four cornered
(a) Who is it in the above lines?
(b) Why is it only truthful?
(c) Which poetic device has been used in line?
Ans. a) The mirror. (b) Because it reflects what it sees. (c) Metaphor.

Q.13.It is pink with speckles. I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
(a) What is it which is pink with speckles?
(b) When does it flicker?
(c) Who is ‘us’ in the last line?
Ans. (a) The wall. (b) When faces and darkness come in between. (c) The wall and the mirror.

Q. 14.I think it’s part of my heart but it flickers Faces and darkness separate us over and over
(a) Who is the speaker ?
(b) What is separated from it ?
(c) The poetic device used here is……………..
Ans. (a) The mirror. (b) The wall. (c) Personification

Q.15.”I am important to her. She comes and goes Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish.”
(a) How is the mirror important to her?
(b) How has the mirror drowned a young girl and replaced her with an old woman?
(c) Which poetic device in used in line 4 ?
Ans. (a) It satisfies her curiosity.
(b) The young woman has been growing old day by day.
(c) Simile.

Q. 16.A woman bends over me. Searching my reaches for what she really is
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon
(a) What is the woman bending over?
(b) The candles and moon have been called liars because……………..
(c) The woman goes to them even though they are liars because……………..
Ans. (a) The mirror.
(b) They hide the blemishes and make people look beautiful in dim light.
(c) The reality is too harsh for her to bear.
Multiple Choice Questions over “A Sound of Thunder”

_____ 1. The hunters are allowed to kill dinosaurs that have been marked with red paint
because those dinosaurs
a. aren't real.
b. have only one brain.
c. are the easiest to kill.
d. are about to die anyway.

_____ 2. What leads Eckels to stray off the path?

a. panic
b. curiosity
c. anger
d. necessity

_____ 3. In the story, which of the following actually changes the future?
a. a butterfly's natural death
b. a butterfly's unnatural death
c. a dinosaur's natural death
d. a dinosaur's unnatural death

_____ 4. The story suggests that, had Eckels shot the red-painted dinosaur instead of
panicking, history would have been changed
a. for the better.
b. in unpredictable ways.
c. for the worse.
d. in no significant or noticeable way.

_____ 5. At the end of the story, what event does the sound of thunder strongly hint at?
a. the end of the world
b. Travis's shooting Eckels
c. the butterfly's death
d. Eckels's shooting himself

_____ 6. We associate primeval animals with

a. farming.
b. nighttime.
c. the distant past.

_____ 7. What do legislators do when they revoke a law?

a. pass it
b. rewrite it
c. do away with it
_____ 8. A field of wheat would undulate because of
a. a breeze.
b. sunshine.
c. a plant disease.

____ 9. Which is most resilient?

a. steel
b. wood
c. rubber

____ 10. Expendable supplies are those one can

a. carry.
b. consume.
c. do without.

_____ 11. The path through the jungle is mainly intended to

a. prevent history from changing.
b. protect the hunters from dinosaurs.
c. protect the dinosaurs from hunters.
d. make it easier to walk through the jungle.

_____ 12. Which of the following beliefs leads Eckels to decide against trying to kill the
a. There is no way that the dinosaur can be killed.
b. There is nothing to be gained from killing the dinosaur.
c. It would be wrong to kill such a magnificent beast.
d. The chances that the dinosaur's death will change history are too great.

_____ 13. All of the following are reasons that Travis becomes angry with Eckels for
stepping off the path except that
a. Eckels has disobeyed Travis's orders.
b. Travis fears that Eckels may have changed history.
c. Travis fears that Time Safari will have to go out of business.
d. Travis fears that they won't be allowed to return to their own world.

_____ 14. At the end of the story, Eckels gets the first clue that things may be changed
when he
a. gets out of the machine.
b. sees the sign on the wall.
c. sees the butterfly on his shoe.
d. talks to the man behind the desk.

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