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SESSION : 2019-2020 (Autumn)

Sub. Code: PH 1001 Sub. Name: Physics I Dept. Code : PH

No. of pages : 2 Full Marks : 30 Duration : 2 Hours

Atomic mass unit (u): 1.66 × 10–31 kg Speed of light (c)= 3 × 108 m/s
Mass of electron (me )=9.1 × 10−31 kg Planck’s constant (h): 6.62 × 10–34 J.s

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.

All parts of a question should be answered at one place

1. Show that the expression of relativistic kinetic energy is (γ − 1)mc2 . Also, plot the relativistic
and classical kinetic energy as a function of velocity. [3]

2. A distant galaxy ‘alpha’ is receding from the earth at speed 6.8 × 107 m/s. Another galaxy
‘beta’ is approaching earth at the same rate. What will be the observed wavelength for a
spectral line of wavelength 500 nm by an observer on the earth in the two cases? [3]

3. Solar energy reaches the earth at the rate of about 1.4 kW per square meter of surface
perpendicular to the direction of the sun (see below Figure 1). By how much does the mass of
the sun decrease per second owing to this energy loss? The mean radius of the earth’s orbit
is 1.5 × 1011 m. [3]

Figure 1:
4. If E and P are relativistic energy and momentum, then show that E 2 − P 2 c2 is Lorentz
invariant. [3]

5. Two rockets of length L0 are approaching the earth from opposite direction at velocities ±c/2.
How long does one of them appear to the other? [3]

6. In the lab frame, particles A and B move with speed u and v along the paths shown below.
The particle A moves in x-direction and makes an angle θ with particle B. Show that the
speed of particle B as measured by particle A is, [3]

2 2
(1 − uc2 )(1 − vc2 )
V =c 1−
(1 − uv ccos
θ 2

7. What is ultraviolet catastrophe? How Planck radiation formula could help in removing the
catastrophe? Further, prove mathematically that this formula is in agreement with Rayleigh-
Jean formula. [3]

8. What is photoelectric effect? Explain the mechanism of photoelectric effect using the Ein-
stein’s photoelectric equation. Describe the method to determine experimentally the value of
Planck’s constant (h) from photoelectric equation. [3]

9. A photon whose energy equals the rest energy of the electron undergoes a Compton collision
with an electron. If the electron moves off an angle of 45◦ with the original photon direction,
what is the energy of the scattered photon? [3]

10. Plot X-ray spectrum of tungsten and Molybdenum at a given accelerating voltage. Outline
the features that are non-classical in nature. What is Duane and Hunt formula? [3]

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