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CRN NO: 22MBA130


This is to certify that Mr. Aryan Raj Singh

CRN NO………….22 MBA 130……..…. , student of the MBA 1ST Semester of our institute
has prepared a report concept/Title ………ADVO-TALK……………
He/She developed the concept developing new product/services under my supervision and has
completed the same in conformance with/partial fulfilment of the provision of AKTU,
Lucknow. The work is original and has not been submitted anywhere else in any manner.

Name Mr./Ms./Dr…………………….
Project Guide Department of Business


● Declaration
● Acknowledgement
● Objective of the project
● Introduction
● Review of literature
● Generation of idea
● Concept of development
● Survey
● Market strategy design
● Product/ Service development
● Learning Outcomes
● Bibliography
This is to certify that I have completed the mini project on ADVO-TALK under the guidance
of Prof. Rahul Nayar Sir in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Masters of Business Administration at Allenhouse Institute of Management, Rooma, Kanpur.

This is an original piece of work and I have not submitted it earlier anywhere.

Place: Kanpur

Candidate’s signature:
Name: Aryan Raj Singh

Director: Prof.Bhagwan Jagwani Sir
HOD: Saurabh Shukla Sir
Class Coordinator: Ayushi Mishra Ma’am

I offer my sincere thanks and humble regard to Allenhouse Institute of Management, AKTU,
Kanpur for importing me a very valuable professional project in MBA. I pay my gratitude and
sincere regards to my Director Prof. Bhagwani Jagwani sir for giving me this wonderful
opportunity. I would like to thank my project guide Prof.Rahul Nayar Sir for giving me the
cream of knowledge. I am thankful to him as he has been a constant source of advice,
motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him for giving suggestions and encouragement
through the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer lab staff and library
staff for providing me the opportunity to utilise the resource for the completion of the project.

I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to complete the
project and providing me with an environment which engages my knowledge.

Aryan Raj Singh

First Semester
This project discusses some key attributes of land and the fact that meditation is a suitable
resolution technique. Land is a limited resource and has a fixed location.Disputing parties often
have long term relationships, at least as neighbours. Properties are inherited and this makes it
difficult to separate people from land. In addition,people have different relationships to their
property and this affects meditation and has to be taken into consideration in the dispute
resolution process.
People tend to follow decisions that they have actively taken part in. Research shows that
interest-based mediation provides a better solution for the parties than right-based adjudication.
Finally, I describe a new method proposed for solving unsatisfactory property structures in
urban areas in Norway. Meditation is introduced as an alternative to land readjustment or
expropriation in urban areas.
I have done many online surveys and also talked to a lawyer. People face many problems
regarding land.People want online service because people have very busy lives. As an overall
conclusion I find that land tenure conflicts are suitable for meditation.
Land conflicts are indeed a widespread phenomenon, and can occur at any time or place. Both
need and greed can equally lead to them, and scarcity and increase in land value can make
things worse.Land conflicts especially occur when there is a chance to obtain land for free-no
matter if this land is state,common or someone’s private property.Inheritance conflicts and
disputes between neighbours are most often about land(and other immobile property). This
guide addresses the issues related to land conflicts, but will restrict itself to disputes within one
nation state. International conflicts involve different approaches to conflict resolution, and
would therefore go beyond the scope of this publication and the mandate of most of its users.
Lands conflicts in the daily press

The scope of the problem

Land conflicts occur in many forms. There are conflicts between single
parties (as for instance boundary conflicts between neighbours),
inheritance conflicts between siblings and disputes over the use of a
given piece of land. These conflicts are comparably easy to solve. Those
that include several parties though - such as group invasions or evictions
of entire settlements – are more difficult to deal with. In Brazil, in the
State of Amazonas, it is suspected that fully one third of its land area has
been illegally appropriated (Brazilian Ministry of Agrarian Development
2001). But by far the most complex land conflicts are those that include
corrupt land administration and state capture. The most violent conflicts
over land are, however, those that involve two groups – often two
different ethnic groups – fighting over their property.
Defining land conflicts
A conflict, as defined by sociologists, is a social fact in which at least two parties are
involved and whose origins are differences either in interests or in the social position of
the parties (Imbusch 1999). Consequently, a land conflict can be defined as a social fact
in which at least two parties are involved, the roots of which are different interests
over the property rights to land: the right to use the land, to manage the land, to generate
an income from the land, to exclude others from the land, to transfer it and the right to
compensation for it. A land conflict, therefore, can be understood as a misuse, restriction
or dispute over
property rights to land (Wehrmann 2005). Land conflicts defined as such can be
aggravated if the social positions of the parties involved differ greatly . Although we
generally experience conflict as something destructive,
they nevertheless perform positive functions. Sociological conflict theories underline the
importance of social conflict for social change (Bonacker 1996). Land conflicts, too, can
become engines of change if they lead to massive protest and consequent changes in
policies and their implementation. It is therefore important to deal with land conflicts in a
constructive manner, instead of ignoring them or simply trying to stop them. In any
event, conflict theorists agree that conflict is unavoidable for any society.

The problem of asymmetry in land conflicts

–the powerful vs. the poor
The most difficult type of land conflict to resolve involves a powerful person
against one or more poor people. “Powerful” is shorthand for a group of categories
of people that include high-ranking politicians, civil servants, the military, the
police, companies and other rich and influential groups or individuals. In many
countries or situations, the poor hesitate and often do not dare to resist the
powerful, not least in court. If they do, or if the powerful sue them instead, the
chances are very low that the poor will win the case. This is particularly obvious
when examining the outcomes of court cases. Resolution in these cases tends to
favour the powerful. Frequently, cases that involve a powerful actor but which have
been brought to court by a poor one are not dealt with at all. In many cases bribery
plays a major role. In other cases, the richer party simply can afford the better
In order to successfully resolve land conflicts, it is important to be aware of the
many different types of land conflicts that exist. One difference is found in the identity of
the actors involved, some of them being legitimated to act in the way they do, others not.
Other differences are found in aspects of the land itself, whether the conflicts occur on
state, private or commonly owned land. Still other differences result from the complexity
of causes of the conflict, as well as how these influence and intensify one another.
Finally, the dimension of a land conflict varies significantly which makes a major
difference for its resolution. Understanding the specific nature of the land conflict under
consideration is a vital step in its eventual resolution.

Types and sub-types of land conflicts

Shortcomings of the land market and its institutions
Economically efficient land markets can cause land conflicts

Not even a perfect, economically efficient land market can prevent land
conflicts as land market forces alone do not lead to socially and ecologically
optimal land use patterns. This is because they tend to disregard the
negative effects of environmental degradation (conversion of forests
and agricultural land into construction land) and the impact on
the poor of being pushed out of the land market by so-called market
evictions. Therefore, in addition to secured property rights, additional
requirements for an ecologically and socially sustainable land market
are required, including:
• land management (land use planning, land use regulations, land
consolidation, land readjustment and land banking), and
• ethical principles.
Usually the institutions regulating the land market do not work properly,
but even when they do, land conflicts still regularly occur.

Interdependency of causes
Changing frame conditions often provides the basis for land conflicts:
• Natural disasters can lead to rural-urban migration,
• Natural population growth can result in an increase in the demand
for land and consequently of land prices,
• The introduction of a market economy – giving land a monetary
value and thereby eradicating traditional ways of land allocation –
can increase poverty, making it difficult to acquire land legally, and
last but not least,
• An institutional change causing a temporary institutional vacuum on
the land market can generate fears, desires, needs, interests, attitudes
and opportunities concerning land use and ownership and, because
These are no longer controlled, and can easily lead to land conflicts.
Stages of conflict
• Pre-conflict: A conflict generally starts with an incompatibility between the goals of
two or more parties, which has the potential to lead to open conflict. At this stage, the
conflict is hidden from general view, although one or more of the parties is probably
aware of the potential for confrontation. There may be tension between the parties who
often try to avoid each other at this point.

• Confrontation: The second phase of a conflict is more open and marked by occasional
fighting or other low levels of violence. Each side is looking for resources and
supporters. Polarisation between the parties increases.
• Crisis: At this level the conflict is at its peak. When the tension and/or violence are
most intense a conflict can easily get out of control. There is now rarely any
communication between the parties, who are fighting with and publicly accusing each
other. In the worst case, the different sides are at war.

• Outcome: In one way or another, the crisis will end. One party may
defeat the other or give in, both parties may agree to negotiate, or a
a third party may impose a settlement. In any case, tension and
violence decreases but the conflict is not yet settled.

• Post-conflict: At this stage, relations have become more normal

again. However, if the roots of the conflict have not been adequately
addressed and if the incompatible goals still prevail, chances are
good that the situation will turn again into a pre-conflict.

Causes of land dispute

Land is considered as an important asset and also called as the key source of civil cases
in Bangladesh. Different types of causes such as succession problem, possession by
force, false documents, miss information in record, selling more than one times,
unavailable record documents to the possessor, lack of updated record or documents etc.
are found as the causes of land disputes in the study.
It is revealed that about 23 percent of the disputes have occurred because of
succession problems and 22 percent due to possession by force. On the other hand, false
documents have contributed 19 percent in the causes and missing information in record
accounts 18 percent causes.
Impact of land dispute

Considering socio-economic status, land is one of most valuable assets in our society and
also a key source of conflicts.
The main objective of the study is-
To create app.
A fast -working appliance
Solving land problem
Land disputes are solved in villages with the help of village sarpanch or helding a
panchayat committee.

Nyaya panchayat
A nyaya panchayat is a system of dispute resolution at the village level in the Panchayati
raj system in india.

Industrial Profile
Industrial land use means land used for commercial establishments, manufacturing
plants, public utilities, mining, distribution of goods or services, administration of
business activities, research and development facilities, warehousing, shipping,
transporting, remanufacturing, stockpiling of raw materials, storage.Dispute resolution is
a way of resolving disagreement without going to court. It is a good first step in trying
to reach agreement about many kids of problems,including disputes:between neighbours
between separating couples.
The aim of the dispute settlement mechanism is to secure a positive solution to a
dispute. A solution mutually acceptable to the parties to a dispute and consistent with the
covered agreements is clearly to be preferred.
Some regional markets are projected to see home price declines. In their latest forecast
released in February 2023, they now predict that home values will fall in 326 of the
nation's 895 regional housing markets between January 2023 and January 2024.

Future of Property Market

House price predictions for the next 5 years Assuming that interest rates peak then
ease from mid-2024, Savills is forecasting that house values will start to recover and that
the average UK house price will rise by 6% over the next five years.

Review of literature
Nowadays, land is life. It is a surface that people live on, an economic asset, a point of
access for other resources like minerals, territory for states and peoples, and a central
element informing certain communities identities and spiritual worldviews.
Land is an important factor in the mediation of social, cultural and religious life in
Uganda. Indeed land distribution not only mirrors political power but also determines
relations of production between social classes in the country. As such access, control and
management of land is an important human rights and social justice issue. This is
particularly evident in areas controlled by traditional authorities where control of land
remains an important incident of social domination. Protection of those who occupy and
depend on land resources will therefore enhance justice as well as guaranteeing
livelihood systems for a broad section of society.
Idea generation
Ideas are the key to innovation.Without them,there isn’t much to execute,new ideas are
necessary for making new kinds of improvement.ts us obvious that ideas alone would
never make innovation happen as you need to build a systematic process for managing
those ideas.
Since the invention of the online service there has been a question of how to provide this
service.The bigger question has been how does it do that?

Territorial disputes frequently result in diplomatic, economic and military tensions
between two or more States. Territorial disputes often bring about political instability
and uncertainty in respect of which State controls and exercises authority over the
disputed territory.
Land conflicts commonly become violent when linked to wider processes of political
exclusion, social discrimination, economic marginalisation, and a perception that
peaceful action is no longer a viable strategy for change. Land issues readily lend
themselves to conflict.
An estimated 7.7 million people in India are affected by conflict over 2.5 million
hectares of land, threatening investments worth more than Rs 14 lakh crore. Since land is
central to India’s developmental trajectory, finding a solution to land conflict is the
foremost policy challenge for the Narendra Modi government. Land disputes account for
the largest set of cases in Indian courts – 25 percent of all cases decided by the Supreme
Court involved land disputes, of which 30 per cent were related to acquisition;
and surveys suggest that 66 per cent of all civil cases in India are related to
land or property disputes. The average pendency of a land acquisition dispute case,
from its creation to its resolution by the Supreme Court, is 20 years.
Idea Screening
It is the stage in the new service which follows ideas generation.

Personalise your ideas for all customers.

Give the ideas for the local team.
Use the ideas as social media giveaways

Land Dispute
It is defined as a disagreement between two parties over the legal right of a piece of land.
The legal rights include the title, possession and control of land parcels under consideration.
1. Announcements made by the government for development and industrialization.

2. Ownership conflicts between multiple owners.

3. Land grabbed violently.

4. Discrimination based on gender or religion.

Solution of land dispute problem

LAND DISPUTE LAWYER- He or she is a qualified person in land acquisition law and
can represent you to defend your dispute settlement claims in a court of law.

SETTLEMENT OR AGREEMENT- The best solution to your dispute may lie in a

settlement resolving differences with your opponent before the matter gets to court.

ONLINE CONSULTANCY- It is one of the easiest ways but with the reputed and
trusted websites and apps to solve the problem of family, property related and personal.
New legal startups are coming up with some advanced technological tools every year.
There are some survey pie charts which help us easily understand how people are solving
the land disputes in the modern technology era.

As I have asked many people, especially those who shifted to cities, many people are there
who don’t know about their farms correctly. They only know where their farms are, not exactly
how much. There are some survey reports which I have collected with my questionnaire which
helps us understand in an easy way.
Outcome of the Survey
• India has one of the largest ,legal professionals in the whole world.
• Property disputes between neighbours are a common occurrence in India these
disputes over property take place across people at different levels in the society,be it households
with low income or wealthy families.

We know how to solve legal/land dispute problem

• The first step in solving any legal problem is knowing and understanding it in great
detail.explain your issue to the lawyer , solving a legal problem with a lawyer should not be
complicated or take long for that matter ,but,if you don’t have a clear understanding of the issue
or processes to follow for the problem to be addressed,then it could be difficult for you to solve
a legal problem.

• After giving your advocate the necessary information ,they’ll consult with the other party and
then offer you expert advice if the matter can be handled through negotiations outside court ,
and request your lawyer to consult with the other party so that meetings can be arranged

Legal advice online

1. You might need online legal advice in India for family or property related matters or personal
or official issues. New legal start-ups are coming with some advanced technological tools every
year .

2.There are many legal portals available in India where you can find free legal services,and you
can consult a lawyer initially without paying any consultation fees but you must.

Consider the following things before you choose a legal advice portal:

1.Easy to navigate: You should not choose a legal advice portal in India which is designed with
a complex layout,as you cannot even find their lawyers on their website or the first or the
second pages .You must choose a portal which is easy to access.

2.Practical:You may think free legal portals cannot provide the best services because they
cannot change anything . But you can find some legal advice portals in India where practical
legal advice is offered by the best lawyer free of cost .They can provide an initial consultation
free of cost.
Marketing/Pricing Strategy

Land grabbing is the contentious issue of large-scale land acquisitions: the buying or leasing of
large pieces of land by domestic and transnational
companies, governments, and individuals.
While used broadly throughout history, land grabbing as used in the 21st century primarily
refers to large-scale land acquisitions following the 2007-08 world food price crisis. Obtaining
water resources is usually critical to land acquisitions, so it has also led to an associated trend of
water grabbing. By prompting food security fears within the developed world and newfound
economic opportunities for agricultural investors, the food price
The crisis caused a dramatic spike in large-scale agricultural investments, primarily foreign, in
the Global South for the purpose of industrial food and biofuel production.
Although hailed by investors, economists and some developing countries as a new pathway
towards agricultural development, investment in land in the 21st century has been criticised by
some non-governmental organisations and commentators as having a negative impact on local
communities. International law is implicated when attempting to regulate these transactions.
DLF land grab case is a case related to 50 acre land grab in 2013 in Amipur village of Haryana
during the Congress Bhupinder Singh Hooda government, for which Robert Vadra, Hooda and
DLF are being investigated by the CBI (c. December 2017). Hooda's generosity towards land
sharks and builders caused huge losses to farmers and the Haryana Government. Consequently,
there are Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiries and court cases against him related to
shady land deals. Those deals include the allotment of a highly subsidised land and change in
land use licence for his relatives and influential friends connected to Indian National Congress,
such Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra. Jitesh Vadra made illegal gains of over INR50
crore from this land deal within a few months in 2008. CBI has filed an 80,000 page long
chargesheet in the court related to this case and Manesar land scam case. There are a total of 6
CBI cases and several other vigilance department investigations against Hooda underway. The
Central Bureau of Investigation is investigating several scams, mostly related to illegal land
grab, that took place during his rule in Haryana. These investigations include the Manesar land
scam, Gurugram Rajiv Gandhi Trust land grab scam, Sonepat-Kharkhoda IMT land scam case,
Garhi Sampla Uddar Gagan land scam, AJL-National Herald Panchkula land grab case,
AJL-National Herald Panchkula land grab scam, Haryana Forestry scam case and Haryana
Raxil drug purchase scam. He has been already chargesheeted in the Manesar-Gurugram land
scam, while other cases are still under investigation (c.March 2018). Hooda was acquiring land
from poor, illiterate farmers at a low rate in the name of "public interest" only to later license
this to builders after granting out-of-turn favors that helped the land value increase
exponentially. During his 10-year rule as Chief Minister, Hooda, licensed a massive 24,825
acres of land compared to just 8,550.32 acres by successive Chief Ministers in the 23 years
preceding Hooda rule.



Investors and implementers should seriously consider whether to proceed with the
project if the land disputes were not resolved or have reignited in the due
diligence/project design phase. Indeed, as started above guidance on responsible
investments advises proponents to cancel projects when there are unresolved conflicts
(e.g. New Alliance for Food Securities and Nutrition 2015). That is why this paper
focuses primarily on identifying and addressing land conflicts in that phase.
Analysis of Superiority
High reputation: As a well-known real estate enterprise in the country, H Real Estate
Enterprise has a good reputation and popularity. Moreover, the projects developed by
this company cities and regions have been highly praised and recognized by
consumers. Therefore, H Real Estate Enterprise itself has a good advertising role.


The enterprise has too rich product lines and too many business segments, which
covers the middle and high-end properties, tourism real estate and commercial
properties, etc. As a result, its core competitiveness is weakened and its control over
aspects is insufficient.

ANALYSIS OF Opportunity

In recent Years, all the areas have paid attention to the urban construction and
increased investment to improve the overall image of the city due to the good
economic development. At the same time, the living standard of the citizens is greatly
improved, which prepares a better development environment for the survival and
development of real estate (lands) in the future.

There are many problems with the real estate Markets in the development process in
terms of industry credibility.
Competitive Market-oriented Pricing Strategy -M
From the perspective of the current real estate market, it can be said that the degree of
competition in the market has reached a certain degree of fanaticism, while both the
market competition and price competition are fierce according to their performance in
the market. Therefore, real estate (Lands) companies should adopt a competitive
market oriented pricing strategy for the regional real estate market and formulate
corresponding competitive prices to have a place in the market.
Land is the most valuable asset among all the physical things in socio-economic life.Most of
the civil cases originate from land disputes over the country. The
study has conducted intents to identify the reasons of land related disputes in the study area
as well as the impacts of such disputes in daily life. The households
having land disputes were purposively selected for data collection. It is found that about 41
decimal places of each household have some disputes. Approximately
80 percent problems are related to inheritance, forceful possession, false record or deed, and
absent information in record. The impacts of the disputes are identified as the wastage of
time, weakening of social and family bonding. Moreover, considerable amounts of money are
lost due to direct and indirect impacts of such land disputes. As direct, money is expensed as
cost of conducting shalish, application in police station and continuing civil case at the court.
The indirect impacts are the loss of money can be earned from agricultural crops and expense
of money for renting a house during dispute tenure. This study revealed that most households
are dissatisfied with the existing land management and administrative system because of the
above -mentioned direct and indirect impacts of land disputes. This study suggests necessary
steps should be taken by the government in order to:
(i) stopping corruption of the actors involved with land sector,
(ii) shortening the period of argument should be ensured especially in civil court case,
(iii) developing intra-sector coordination among the land related offices,
(iv) surveying the land in regular basis,
(v) appointing a land advisor dealing with land related problems and advocacy and,
(vi) establishing the digital record system.

A feasibility is the starting point to achieve the maximum potential and best possible return.
This project is feasible because I have done an online survey and people have given positive
The purpose of the online survey was to examine interest, appeal, and likelihood to reside at
the property concept.
The survey helped to identify:

● The potential need for housing in the area

● Profiles of likely users
● Cost of rent and pricing
● Geographical draws for the property
● Concept testing of potential amenities and features

Most of them have to face the problem regarding the land.


Everyone wants online services so that their problem can be solved easily.

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