Assessment Task 2

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For the activity of this lesson, you are going to make a Full Value Contract with 5 values that you
Would like to possess during the implementation of community immersion. The Full Value Contract is a
Process by which trainees and trainers set behavioural expectations for the entire community emersion or
To have a contract that fully values each member of the group. It is the process whereby the group agrees
To find positive value efforts of its members. It is a starting point for any group that provides the ground
Rules of behaviour of the community immersion implementations.

Values Explanation
1. BE SAFE  Create a level of safety, so that people
are able to relax and feel comfortable.
Avoid careless risk. Look out for others.
Show an awareness of your own and
other’s bodies and abilities. Play within
the boundaries of physical and
emotional safety.
2. BE HONEST  Share your thoughts openly and
honestly. Don’t hold back feedback
that can help others grow. Avoid
sarcasm. Adhere to rules. Play
cooperatively and with respect for
group members, yourself, and the
process. Allow equal opportunities for
all to participate.
3. SET GOALS  Challenge yourself. Try not to prejudge
what is happening. Recognize your
preconceived notions about what you
will learn or experience. Step out of
your comfort zone.
4. LET GO AND MOVE ON  Don’t stay angry. Vocalize emotions.
Don’t hold them in. Confront issues
openly. Avoid backchannels.
5. CARE FOR SELF AND OTHERS  Look out for one another in all

With the recent local news concerning 7 kids contracting Covid-19 after playing with medical waste on
the shoreline of Barangay Conception, it has been suspected that there have been some lapses on local
waste management resulting to a local health threatening crisis. Given the scenario and considering
your crisis. Given the scenario and considering your basic knowledge in community immersion, what
must be the role of NSTP Program in preventing and managing the threatening situation?

 As a NSTP student trainee, we cooperate and think before I act on the situation. By cooperating
with the people in charge for the situation and wait for a plan to be established before taking
actions so that all things go according to plan without getting harm and holding back others. And
by analysing the situation and sharing my thoughts and ideas. Also, by thinking first of what
actions I need to do and the things I can do to support others is a very important role for an NSTP
program in preventing and managing the threatening situation.


You have chosen to conduct your community immersion in a very remote and isolated community
where localities have an existing preference in faith healing over proper medical intervention. During
your community immersion, you offensively criticize their traditional belief and healing asserted your
medical perspective to be more logical and more effective. Given the situation:

1. Do you think your actions displayed respect towards the feelings of the localities? Why or why not?

 Yes, because based on the attitude or actions that I’ve shown to the locals of that community I
can tell that my actions are so affectionate that anyone can become my friends or very close to
me and everyone loves me. That approach is very well hearted in matter what we say. There are
so many kinds of approach that we can try to talk to the locals of that community.

2. Given another chance to approach the localities regarding their outdated belief in healing, how will
you introduce your modern perspective in a more ethical way?

 If I were given another chance to approach the locals regarding their outdated belief in healing, I
will introduce our modern perspective in a very simple way like listening to what they will say why
they like their own ways in healing. After that I’ll analyse their story and their situation so that I
can strategize or plan on how to convince them that ours are better than their belief healing. In
this way I can surely encourage the locals to take our ideas. And also, these ideas will surely help
them in the future and it is safer.

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