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IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics 1 CAC DANG C, Hi ETN Ce Bai thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 sé dién ra trong 3 - 4 phut, cdc giém khdo sé dua cho cdc ban 1 ta Task Card va yéu cu ban néi vé mét chii dé nao day cé lién quan dén trai nghiém cd nhdn cla minh, Ban sé co 1 phuit dé chudn bj va 1 - 2 phut dé trinh bay. Example: + Describe an interesting singer that you like. + Describe your favourite teacher. + Describe something you own which is very important to you. Trong tt Task Card, ban sé nh§n dugc mét s6 gol y dé cé thé lén dan y va chudn bj cho bai 1n6i m@t céch nhanh chéng ‘Speaking sample task — Part 2 art 2~ Individual long turn Candidate Task Card Describe something you own which is very important to you. You should say: ‘where you got it from hhow long you have had it ‘what you use it for ‘and explain why it is important to you. ‘You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. ‘You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. ‘You can make some notes to help you if you wish, ‘Rounding off questions ‘+ Is itvaluable in torms of monoy? ‘+ Would it be easy to roplaco? Phan I6n céc thi sinh cho rng Part 2 [a phan kho nhit trong bai thi IELTS Speaking bai viéc néi lién tc trong 2 phit vé mét chi dé gi dé khéng phai vigc dé dang, Rat nhiéu ban gap khé khn trong viée chun bi diy tuéng 4é trinh bay, khéng cé nhiéu diéu dé noi, dan dén “mat diém" vai gidm khao, bai thi cling khéng dugc hoan thanh tét. 1. TIEU CHi CHAM DIEM IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Trong IELTS Speaking Part 2, gidm khao sé danh gid bai ndi cla ban dya trén 4 tiéu chi sau: 20 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy Pronunciation Dé dat duoc band diém 8.0+, ban can phai dap tng duoc day du cdc yéu céu sau: + Fluency and coherence: Bai néi phai dugc trinh bay mét céch trai chay va mach lac, c6 cu tric 6 rang, hop ly, bdm sat yeu cdu dé bai. Tuy vay cing ding lo so qua, mét chit ngap ngiing, do dy dé chon Iya ngén ngit va sap xép y tudng [a diéu hoan toan cé thé chp nhin duge. + Lexical Resource: Dé bai ndi ty nhién va sinh déng, ban nén strdung da dang nhiéu loai tu’ vyng phong phi, két hop phrasal verbs, collocations, idioms... mt cch linh hoat, hu hop vdi ngit cnh. Hay str dung cdc Topic Vocabulary dé dé dang gay &n tuong hon nhé. + Grammar: Ngti phdp [a mét trong nhiing yéu t6 ca ban nh’, cing [3 I6i sai bj trirkha kha diém d6 nha! Hay can than, han ché téi da sai gt phdp dé trénh mat diém dang tiéc, déng thai nén da dang trong viéc sit dyng nhiéu cu triic cu khdc nhau dé cho bai ndi thém hp din nheé. + Pronunciation: Hay luyén tép that nhiéu aé cé thé phat 4m chun céc tu nhé, Déng thai néu muén &n diém cao cho tiéu chi nay, ban cén luyén tap vé: nat diéu, ni am, néi ché, trong 4m cua tu, céch nhdn nha, ngat nghi va téc 46 én dinh khi ndi (ndi qué cham hogc qué nhanh déu cé thé lam gidm diém sé cua ban a6) 2. 4 CAU TRA LOI CAN CO TRONG IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Trén thyc té, trong chinh ta Task Card giém khdo dua cho ban 43 cung cp sn dan bai di, dé chinh la 4 cau hoi cla dé bai, dé tra loi khéng lac y, ban cu bam sat tra loi lan lugt 4 céu héi d6 nhél Example: Describle your favourite shop You should say: + What the shop is and what i specialises in + How often you go shopping at this place + What kinds of people usually go to this place + and Explain why you like it Bé trd [di cho cu hai trén, hay bém sét vao 4 cu héi ma dé cho nhu sau: + Cau mé dau: gidi thiéu bai ndi va tra Idi cho cau hdi sé 1: What the shop is and what it specialises in + Cau s@ 2: 1rd Idi cho céu hai How often you go shopping at this place + Cau s6 3: tra Idi cho cdu hoi What kinds of people usually go to this place + Cu sé 4: trd Idi cho cu héi Explain why you like it, dy [a cau quan trong nhat dé ban thé hién “a8t din” cla minh, hay trinh bay mét val lj do that hop ly va thd vi + Cuéi cung, néu cam thay cdn thoi gian cdc ban cé thé chét lai & phan két ludn, phan nay c6 cing duge, khéng cé cling khéng sao dau nhél 21 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics 3, CAC BUGC TRA LOI IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Buc 1: Mé dau bai néi + Trd Idi cau hdi so 1 \Véi Phan Introduction nay, ban nén géi gon né trong vong 20 - 25 gidy. Hay tao riéng cho minh 1 template ding cho moi dé bai Part 2, tranh mat thai gian suy nghinhiéu dé co thé tp trung hét sic cho phan than bai nhé. Describe your favourite restaurant. Well, the restaurant | want to talk about is called Pizza Hut, which is a Western-style restaurant, specialising in pizza and spaghetti. It is one of the most popular and famous restaurants in Vietnam these days. Describe your favourite shop. Well, my most favourite shop is called Amazon, which is actually a website, specialising in selling books. Describe a a famous person. Well, the famous person | want to talk with you about is Michael Jackson, who used to be a world-renowned singer, dancer, performer, entertainer, and the “King of Pop". Describe a leader, Well the leader | want to talk with you about is Steve Jobs, who was the founder of the Apple company and a world-renowned entrepreneur. Describe a small child. Well, the small child | want to talk about is called Rainy, who is my sister's daughter, she is currently 7 years old and studying in a primary school. 3 lai cau héi WHAT/ WHERE/ WHO/ WHEN/ HOW OFTEN cau héi “What” Buéc 2.1, Trak C6 2 cdch dé tra Idi cdu hdi What, tly vao dé bai ma cdc ban c6 thé Iya chon cach thre ph hop: Dua ra vi dy va Tuéng thuat cau chuyén Tra ldi cau héi “What” bang cach dua ra vidu Céng thie: Giéi thigu khdi quat + ligt ké cu thé Example: What are the contents of this website? + Gi6i thigu khdi quat: There is/are a variety offa wide range offheaps of/loads of contents on this website. + Ligt ké cy thé: including/such as/like a search engines, a music download service, video clips, maps... 22 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics Tra ldi cu héi “What” bing cach tudng thudt cdu chuyén Ban cé thé tuéng thuat cau chuyén theo trinh ty nhu sau: B@i canh xay ra cau chuyén~Dién bign cdu chuyén + Binh diém cla cdu chuyén— Két ‘thc cau chuyén. MOt sé ti/cym tir hdu ich khi tudng thuat cdu chuyén: at the very beginning, after that/ afterwards/ and then, during/while, towards the end, in the end, finally,. Example: Describe a situation that you got a little angry. + B6i cdnh: Well, at the very beginning, | was standing in a queue at the airport, wal for a taxi + Din bign: During this period, every passenger was complying with the rule of “first come, first served” but for a middle-aged man. He then tried to take advantage of the rule-abiding people by jumping the queue. + Dinh diém: | was so annoyed that | had to come close and have a talk with him. + Két thc: Even though he was a bit hurt, | thought | had done something right. 9 2.2. Tra Idi cu héi “Where” Voi cu hdi lién quan dén nai chén, ban co thé tra Idi nhu sau: + N@u dia diém cu thé: This place is located/situated in... + M6 td noi dé trong mai tuong quan véi dia diém khac: This place is very handy, it is just on the ground floor/around the corner/on the opposite side of my neighbourhood/in a shopping mall, + M6 ta noi chén bang thoi gian di chuyén: It is only 5 minutes’ walk/drive from + Ding ménh dé phy dé gidi thiéu vi tri dia ly: The place | want to travel to in the future is Las Vegas, which is a world-renowned gambling destination in the States. 2.3. Tra Idi cau héi “Who” Hay sit dung mau céu “It is ... who ...” dé nhdn manh dugc ai tugng dang dé cép tei Example: + Who do you want to travel with? Well it is my boyfriend who | want to travel with since we have so many things in common. + Who took this picture? -+ Well, it was my father who took this picture while | was riding a horse on the grassland. 2.4. Trd Idi cu héi “When” O cau hdi "When", hay dé y dén cau hdi 6 thi tuong 23 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics + Khi ndi vé sy viée xay ra trong qué kht, hay dung thi qua khi: / went to this place several months ago when | was having a holiday. + Khi néi vé sy viée xay ra trong tuong lai, ban cé thé dung thi hign tai hoc thi tuong lai véi cdc d6ng tir khuyét thiéu nhu: will, shall, may... Iplan to travel to the US this coming summer. Well, Ihaven't decided my future timetable yet. Basically, after | graduate from university, I may/will travel to the US. 2.5. Tra ldi cau héi “How often” 6 cau hdi nay, ban cé thé Iya chon 2 dang trd loi: hanh déng thudng xuyén va hanh dong khéng thutng xuyén. + Néu tén suat thuc hién hanh dng la thuéng xuyén, ban cé thé tra di nhu sau: + Normally, | often go shopping at Vincom Plaza during weekends. | go there once a month, + Néu tan suat thuc hién hanh dng khéng thudng xuyén, ban cé thé str dung cdu tric “it depends”: It depends. Whenever I need to buy some daily necessities, Vinmart will be my priority/first choice. Budc 3: Trd lai cu héi “Why” - Cau hdi quan trong nhat Dé néu ra cdc ly do cho van dé duge hdi, ban cé thé ding cdc cu truic sau: + Firstly, | feel/find that... + By this, I mean... + Besides, | also consider that... + Simply because... + More importantly/ Most importantly/ What matters most is that... + This is due to the fact that... Hay trign khai theo céng thttc Main idea + Supporting idea —> Example dé co mét cdu trd lai chi tiét va chat ché nh&t cé thé nhé! Cach tim y trong cho cau héi “why” An diém & cu hoi “Why” hay khdng [a nha vao cach khai thac cdc y tudng, trién khai sau cu tra Idi. Ban cé thé trinh bay théng tin theo 2 huéng: théng tin khach quan hodc ch quan. Théng tin khach quan 24 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics + Dién gidi vé ly do via néu: simply because/mainly because/since. + M6 ta k¥ hon, di vao mat chi tiét cy thé + Néu vi dy, ligt ké Théng tin chu quan + Néu cam nhan cla ban than: Whenever | am tired from study, | always set foot in this place: + N@u hoan canh cila chinh minh: You know, | am a poor student with tight budget... + K@ ra cdc sé thich cd nhdn: | am personally a big fan of... + Chia sé vé dy dinh clia minh: | plan to spend at least 2 years studying in US... Example: Why do you want to eat in such a restaurant? + The decoration style is classy and upscale, The environment is hygienic and sanitary. + The price is affordable, and | may get a discount with my student card. The location is convenient, and it is easy to find a parking space. The service is speedy, all orders can be served in 10 minutes. + The food is rather nutritious with low calories and less cily/greasy viby MAU Describe a happy childhood event. You should say: > When it happened > Who was involved > How you felt at the time Explain why you remember this particular occasion. I'm going to talk about a happy childhood event that | remember, and that event was my 12th birthday. It was 8 years ago now because I'm 20, My birthday is on the 21st June, What happened was my parents surprised me on my birthday by telling me that they were going to take me to a theme park that is a few hours from our house. I'd never been before - it had only been open a few months and they knew that | really wanted to go. My whole family was involved in the event. | have a brother and a sister so of course they came as well as my Mom and Dad 25 IELTS Speaking Success Speaking Topics The theme park was really amazing. There was a huge roller coaster which | remember was really scary but still excellent fun. One particular thing | remember is the ghost train, My younger sister was not allowed to go on the ride because she was too young and she was really upset and jealous of me and my brother! I think it was lucky she didn't though, It was really realistic - there were real people in there who were actually dressed up as ghosts and they jumped out just when you weren't expecting it - it made us jump so many times! How | felt really depended on what | was doing. Obviously | was excited the whole day, but | remember that | felt really exhilarated when | was on the rides such as the roller coaster, and scared but still excited on the ghost train. The reason that I remember it so well is that | had been so desperate to go to the theme park and Id been talking to my friends at school for ages about how | wanted to go. So it was So great when | found out that | could. Also | remember it so well because all of our family was together. My Dad was pretty busy most of the time with his work so we didn’t always have much time to do things together when | was younger. So for these reasons, it was a really special occasion that I'l never forget. 4, CAC TOPIC THUONG GAP TRONG IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Céc chil dé duge uu di nhit trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 thudng lién quan dén céc sy kién, trai nghiém c4 nhdn. 6 chii dé ln trong dé thi Speaking Part 2 la: Describe a place, a person, an object, an activity, an event. Cac chti dé hay gap nhat co thé ké dén: + school, study and work + important events or changes in your life + places you've been to or want to visit in the future + hobbies and free time activities + goals and ambitions 26

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