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Part 1
1. What foods have you tried from another country in
the world? What do you think about them?
- Well, actually I have had a chance to try Spaghetti and I
really enjoy this dish. You know, Spaghetti is a type of
pasta that originates from Italy. It is a versatile pasta that
can be served with a variety of sauces and toppings. The
main ingredients to make spaghetti are noodles, beef,
tomatoes. Sometimes, it can also be served with seafood,
cheese, vegetable, meatballs and so on. For me,
Spaghetti is really tasty and it has a unique flavor profile
that is difficult to replicate in other kind of foods.
Furthermore, Spaghetti is high in essential nutrients. It
can supply a lot of vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fiber
and minerals, which are good for people’s health,
especially for diet people. Nowadays, it is quite popular
not only in Italy but also in many parts of the world. I
have learned to cook it by myself but it’s not as delicious
as that/the one I have tried.
2. What is the most unusual place have you ever been
on vacation? What was it like?
- Well, I would say that the most unusual place I have
ever been on vacation was Sapa, a mountainous area in
Vietnam. Usually referred to as “The Foggy Town”, Sa pa
is covered with fog all year round, which give it such an
ethereal beauty. You can experience 4 seasons in one
day. Chilly autumn in early morning, spring after sunrise,
summer in the afternoon and cold winter at night. The
view of the mountain was gorgeous and most landscapes
still remained untouched by humans. Furthermore, Sa pa
is home to many ethnic minorities like Hmong, Thai,
Muong, Tay, Nung, Dao and so on with a lot of unique
practices and cultural customs. In there, I had a chance to
visit some villages, meet local people and get immersed
in their cultures, you know, enjoying local dishes and
trying local costumes. Everything was new and exciting to
me. That was an unforgettable experience. If I have a
chance, I will definitely come to Sa Pa again.
3. Would you like to travel in space? Why/Why not?
- Well I would say that I’m not keen on travelling in space
because of certain reasons. Firstly, travelling to the outer
space is quite exorbitant. Therefore, I’m afraid I can’t
afford this kind of travelling. Furthermore, space travel is
highly risky and adventurous so it is not suitable for a
person who has a fear of height and don’t want to
experience strong feelings and adventures like me. Last
but not least, the idea that I’m so far away from all the
people I love and the possibility of never coming back
scare me. I’m really worried about the vastness and
uncertainty. That’s why I think it’s not a good idea for me
to travel in outer space.
4. What exciting or adventurous thing would you like to
do in your life? Why?
- Well, to be honest, the one exciting thing that I am
desperate to try is scuba diving. It’s one the best
adventurous water sport that can let me go deep into the
water and experience the depth of marine life. As far as
I’ve learned, scuba diving is like flying underwater and
being weightless. I can catch glimpses of incredible sea
creatures such as jellyfishes, sea horses, octopuses and
watch stunning coral reefs. I’m also able to hear the
sound of bubbles while I breathe. It’s really enjoyable and
full of fun. Besides, it can provide me with an escape
from the busy life, let me immerse in my own world and
forget everyday worries. For sure, learning to dive is not a
walk in the park and I must go through rigorous training.
However, with my endless passion, I believe I will master
it and fulfill my dream of exploring the deep ocean. So
sometimes in the near future, if I can handle my work
and study load, I’d love to give scuba diving a go.
Part 2
1. A: Have you ever thought of being an astronaut? Why
or why not? ( Tháp Eiffel và người du lịch vũ trụ )
- In picture A, I can see a wonderful view of the Eiffel
Tower which is located on Seine River, a famous river in
the world. There are numerous green trees around the
Tower and river which make the view more attractive.
- In picture B, people are enjoying space travelling. The
man with a happy smile is walking and pulling his suitcase
on the Earth and there are some spaceships and people
around him. They look as if they really enjoy this
- I have never thought of being an astronaut because it's
a challenging job and it requires a lot of special training. I
may have to spend a period of time away from their
families and friends, which is hard for me to cope with.
Besides, I am afraid of height and I don’t want to
experience strong feelings and adventures so this job is
not suitable for a person like me. I prefer to work as an
office worker on land.
B: What kind of vacations do you prefer - relaxing or
adventurous? Why?
- I prefer a relaxing vacation because it’s safer and more
affordable than adventurous one. Another thing is
that/Besides, I am afraid of height, injuries and I don’t
want to experience strong feelings and adventures which
make me frightened.
2. B: Do you believe in the existence of life on other
planets? Why or why not? ( cánh đồng với cây và nhà vs
bộ phim du hành và trái đất xquanh )
- From the first picture on the left, I can see a beautiful
mountainous area with crowded houses and green trees,
so the air must be very clean here. The grass looks very
fresh, so the weather and the soil must be very good
here. The whole village looks really peaceful.
- The picture on the right shows some people are on their
space travelling journey. It’s interesting to see that they
can walk on other planets like going on land. The people
in orange clothes are pulling their suitcases and walking
on uneven surface. The other two wearing the blue
clothes are holding something and talking with each
- I don’t believe in the existence of life on other planets.
As far as I know, the weather and living conditions on
other planets are really bad / harsh for anything to live
there. I think people need longer time to improve that. I
hope our next generations will enjoy living there to avoid
serious pollution from the Earth.
A: Do you think that people will live on the moon in
your lifetime? Why or why not?
- No, I don’t think so. I think people need longer time to
improve the living conditions on the moon so that they
can live there in the near future. I hope that our next
generations will enjoy living there to avoid serious
pollution from the Earth.
Part 3
What food would you recommend for astronauts to eat
in space?
- Spicy food
- Crackers
- Food in tubes
- Fruits/herbal tea
- Pills/nuts
A: Shall I start first?
B: Yes, please. Go ahead.
A: I think astronauts should bring spicy food with them to
make them feel warmer when they have to suffer from
cold weather.
B: Yes, that’s right. Spicy food can reduce their feelings of
homesickness or isolation so they don’t miss food on the
A: Yes, I think so. Do you think they should take pills /
nuts with them?
B: Yes, they do. Pills and nuts are very important for them
in case they are ill or want to eat something quickly. They
can provide energy, vitamins for astronauts to work
A: That’s true. It’s hard for them to buy medicine as there
is no pharmacy there and they should have instance food
like nuts because they can’t cook their meals there.
B: Exactly. I think they also need to take some fruits and
herbal tea with them because they are very good for
their health. They can provide astronauts with plenty of
vitamins, protein, minerals and other nutrients.
A: Sure, and they can make them awake while working,
help reduce stress, anxiety and provide a comforting
experience for astronauts.
B: That’s true. What do you think about bring food in
A: Yes, that’s a good idea. Tubes allow them to dispense
the food directly in their mouths. It’s very convenient for
them to eat in the environment with no gravity. They are
also lightweight and take up less space.
B: Exactly, I think this kind of food is very safe and
hygienic. It can reduce the risk of contamination from
bacteria. They don’t have to put their food in fridge as
they do on land.
A: Yes. And how about taking crackers with them?
B: Yes, they should bring some crackers for their snacks.
They are really tasty and bring a great source of
carbohydrates and energy.
A: Sure, crackers are also dry, crispy, lightweight and easy
to store so they are convenient for astronaut to bring and
eat in space.
What food from your country would you recommend?
A: I think astronauts should bring some tinned food or
food in tubes and instant herbal tea/drinks made by
Vietnam Airline. They are safe, hygienic and tasty.
Astronauts can be provided with many essential nutrients
such as vitamins, protein to improve their productivity
and efficiency.
B: Exactly, they can be easily stored and transported in
space. And they don’t take up too much space so they
are convenient for them to use in the no-gravity
environment. They don’t miss food on the land.
Part 4
1. Do you think that the discovery of water on the moon
is important? Why?
A: Shall I start first?
B: Yes, please. Go ahead.
A: Yes, I think so because water is crucial in our life if we
want to live on the moon.
B: Yes, that’s right. It’s an essential living condition on the
A: It helps scientist to work more easily there.
B: Yes, that’s true.
- I think that the discovery of water on the moon is very
important because water is a crucial resource for human
life and it could be used to sustain future human
settlements on the moon or in deep space.
- Water can be converted into rocket fuel like hydrogen
and oxygen so it could serve as a refueling station for
spacecraft on long-duration missions, making space travel
more sustainable, affordable and cost-effective.
- The discovery of water on the moon could provide
valuable insights into the origins of the solar system and
the moon’s formation. It could also help us better
understand the history of the moon and the possibility of
life on other planets and moons in our solar system.
- With water on the moon, future space missions and
exploration could be more feasible. It could reduce the
need to transport water from the Earth, which is costly
and difficult. Water can be used for drinking, growing
food. It helps scientist to work more easily there.
- Studying the water on the moon can lead to new
scientific discoveries and insights to support our life.
2. Should scientist build a permanent station on the
A: Shall I start first?
B: Yes, please. Go ahead.
A: Yes, they should because it’s more convenient for
them to work there.
B: Yes, it’s safer for scientist when there are disasters.
A: Yes, I think so.
B: Scientists can have longer journey for their work.
A: Yes, that’s right.

- I think scientist should definitely build a permanent

station on the Moon because it would allow scientists to
conduct long-term research and experiments that are
impossible with short-term lunar missions. For example,
the origin and evolution of the solar system or moon’s
- It could serve as a testing ground for technologies and
techniques such as life support systems, spacesuits and
habitats that could be used in future missions to Mars
and other destinations.
- It could serve as a platform for international
cooperation in space exploration. By working together on
a common goal, scientists from different countries are
able to share knowledge, build relationships.
- The moon has abundant resources like water, metals,
and helium-3(helion), which can support human activities
both on moon and in space. A permanent station will
allow research into how to mine, process and utilize
these resources.
- It can also capture the public’s imagination and inspire
future generation of scientists and engineers to pursue
careers in space exploration and related fields.
3. Would you like to get away from the effect of gravity?
What could we do?
A: Shall I start first?
B: Yes, please. Go ahead.
A: Yes, I’d love to. I really want to experience that feeling.
B: Yes, me too. So we should prepare a lot of things such
as equipment, clothes, food for doing that.
A: Yes, I am sure. It will cost a lot of money.
B: Yes, but it’s worth trying.
- No, I’m not into getting away from the effect of gravity
because I think in order to do it, I have to go into Earth
orbit or beyond in a spacecrafts. Travelling to the outer
space is quite exorbitant. Therefore, I’m afraid I can’t
afford this kind of travelling. Furthermore, space travel is
highly risky and adventurous so it is not suitable for a
person who are really afraid of height and don’t want to
experience strong feelings and adventures like me. Last
but not least, the idea that I’m so far away from all the
people I love and the possibility of never coming back
scare me. I’m really worry about the vastness and
uncertainty. That’s why I think it’s not a good idea for me.
- So what do you think we could do?
I think in Zero gravity, we can fly and see many floating
stuffs around us….
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being
an astronaut?
A: I think there are some advantages of being an
astronaut. Firstly, an astronaut can travel a lot both in
space or on land in different countries, so he/she will get
a lot of experience and understand more about the
B: Yes, another thing is that he can get a high salary and
work in a good/professional working environment with
talented colleagues.
A: This job requires special training and abilities so this
training and preparation can help them develop many
skills such as discipline, resilience, and problem-solving
B: Being an astronaut can also lead to many career
opportunities, including working in the space industry,
becoming a scientist, engineer or even an astronaut
instructor or manager.
A: Sure, and how about disadvantages of doing this job?
B: I think it’s a challenging job. Astronauts have to go
through rigorous training and are required to have
excellent physical and mental health. Furthermore, the
number of astronaut positions is limited so competition
for these positions is often intense.
A: Yes, you are right. Space travel is inherently risky, and
astronauts must be willing to accept the possibility of
accidents or catastrophic events.
B: Astronauts may spend months or even years away
from their families and friends while training and on
mission. This can be challenging for both the astronauts
and their loved ones.
A: The exposure to radiation, microgravity and other
space-related health hazards can pose long-term health
risks to them, including bone and muscle loss, vision
impairment, and an increased risk of cancer.

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