Unit 1

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Unit 1

I/1. What do you find easy/ difficult about learning EL?

- IMO, every single language… ( Although E is an
interesting language, it brings me many difficulties to
become skilled at.) I find it easy/ difficult to learn EL.
(First of all) EL grammar is very different from
Vietnamese grammar/ the grammar structures in EL
are greatly different from those in Vietnamese. For
example, in EL we have to give the correct forms of
the verbs in different contexts while in Vietnamese,
we don’t have to care about them. Furthermore,
Vietnamese is a highly isolating language without
grammatical genders, cases or verb conjugation. In
contrast, E has all of these grammatical features.
Many concepts such as verb tenses, word order and
articles also make it difficult for me to grasp.
- Another thing is that EL pronunciation is really
challenging. It doesn’t have a fixed rule to follow.
The meaning of a word can change depending on the
stress and intonation so we have to learn about that
to convey our meaning. Besides some E sounds like
the “th” and “w” sounds, do not exist in Vietnamese
which can make E pronunciation rather complicated
and hard to learn.
- Word order … a nice girl
- Word formation … fame -> famous
 No matter… / My E is not good … because it really
helpful for my future…
2. How much time do you spend at home?
- I spend about 20 hours at home. When I am at home,
I usually spend time listening to music and watching
movies. I really like staying at home, because I can do
what I like in my free time.
- I spend about 10 hours at home. When I am at home,
I usually spend time doing my housework, studying and
relaxing/resting. I really like staying at home because I
have time to take care of my family, especially cooking
big meal for them. I love cooking.
- The activity I enjoy most when I am at home is
listening to relaxing music in the evening. It helps me
relieve stress after working hard all day and
concentrate on my study.
3. Are you planning to do anything special this
- Thank you, that’s a good question. I am planning to
go for a picnic this weekend.
- I think I will have a great journey because I can spend
time cycling with my close friends, taking a lot of
photos and going sightseeing around the mountainous
areas. I hope I can visit some villages and meet the
local people to understand more about the customs
and habits there.
4. What is your favorite food?
- When it comes to my favorite food, Bun Bo Hue is
always/definitely my go-to choice.
- Name
- Features
- History / origin
- My favorite food is beef, crab noodles. It’s really
tasty/delicious and healthy.
- I usually enjoy it in the morning. The think I like best,
most is its soup. It has special taste which I can’t find it
in any other kind of food. I think a bowl of beef
noodles helps me to have a better working day. / can
give me plenty of nutrients and energy, keep me active
(for a long day of activity and improve my productivity)
so that I can get back to work later and focus better on
my task, which can improve my productivity.
- I am very keen on…
- I really like….
II/1. House ( trong rừng and hiện đại )
- In picture A, I can see a very old cottage/a
countryside house in a remote area surrounded by
many trees. In picture B, there is a large house, I
think it looks like a bungalow, with a big yard and a
beautiful lawn for people to relax in their free time.
The two children are playing in the lawn, I think they
fixing their bicycle.
- I think living in a countryside house in picture A isn’t
safe enough because it is poorly equipped. Another
thing is that it is located in an isolated place without
any neighbors. It’s hard to get help in difficult
situations and it’s very far from good services, while
it’s more comfortable to live in the house with many
rooms in picture B. People can enjoy fresh air,
outdoor activities, open air space and beautiful view.
They don’t have to worry about the services because
we can get to the centre more easily.
B. Which of these homes would you prefer to live
- I prefer to live in a house like in picture B, because
it’s safer and more comfortable. The more
interesting thing is that there is a big area for doing
outdoor activities and enjoy beautiful view to
balance my life between working and relaxing.
(enjoy great services)
2. Sea or car
- In picture A, is a beautiful sailing ship with a man
lying down in the bow to enjoy this sailing journey
while people in picture B are visiting a nature
reserve in a car. They look very excited to see the
- From my point of view, people choose sailing
holiday because they may love the sea and the
activities in the sea such as sailing, swimming,
fishing, sunbathing, sightseeing and so on. Those
activities and the beautiful views can help them relax
and satisfy their wants, while other people prefer to
spend their holiday in wildlife. They may want to
discover something new and understand more about
the plants and animals there. They may do
something or encourage other people to protect our
environment. That’s all I would like to talk about the
A. Would you choose either of these holidays or
something else?
- I would choose the sailing holiday because I love
sailing, swimming, sunbathing, sightseeing and
hearing waves breaking on the beach. These outdoor
activities make me excited and relieve tress from my
III/ Family problem on holiday
+ Bad weather
+ Delays at the airport
+ Lost passport
+ Getting lost
+ Falling ill
A. Shall I start first?
B. Yes, please. Go ahead
A. I think bad weather can prevent people from taking
part in their favorite activities such as sailing, swimming.
B. Yes, that’s right. I think bad weather such as heavy
snow or storms can badly affect people’s health and
A. Yes, I think so. What do you think about delaying at
the airport
B. Oh, they will be very disappointed if their flight is
A. That’s true and they may have to pay more for their
accommodation chances to take part in the activities as
they planned
B. That’s a good point. Besides that, losing passport
will also cause big problems in travelling because they
can’t get through security at the airport and borderlands
or they can’t complete all administrative procedures to
go on holiday or to come back from their holiday
A. Sure, but the worst thing is falling ill because they
can’t enjoy or doing anything during their holiday. The
only thing they want to do is how to go home soon
B. Yes, they make other family members worried
A. That’s right. I think getting lost is very dangerous
because they can miss chances to take part in the
activities in their holiday
B. Yes, they may face dangerous situations, and in
severe cases, it can be fatal/lethal.
A. Ok, so which do you think would be the most
B. In my opinion, falling ill is the worst thing because
everything becomes out of control on your holiday
A. Exactly, other people have to suffer from the
situation since they have to take care of and worry about
the people who are unhealthy
B. So we are agreed, then
IV/1. Do you prefer winter or summer holiday? Why
A. Shall I start first
B. Yes, go a head
A. I like summer holiday more than other vacations
because they are long holiday when I can do the thing
I’m very keen on such as going swimming, sailing or
playing some water sports and what about you?
B. So do I, I prefer hot weather which make more
active and motivates me to take part in outdoor activities
to keep fit and stay healthy. It also helps me to relieve
stress from my study and balance my life between work
and relaxation….
2. Some people think that going on holiday is more
tiring than staying at home. Do you agree?
A. Shall I start first?
B. Yes, go a head
A. I don’t think people feel more tired when they go
on holiday because their vacation can help them relieve
tress and get away from worries
B. Yes, I think so. When they go on vacation, they
have time to rest and enjoy good food and their favorite
activities which are very good for their health
A. And travelling can help them discover something
new and understand more about the people and culture
B. That’s right, they can meet a lot of people and
make more new friends
3. Why do you think young people choose different
holiday destinations from older people?
A. I think the young have different lifestyles, hobbies,
internet from the elderly. For example, young people like
taking part in (outdoor) activities which are popular
among their age group and take place in noisy, lively and
exciting places such as nightlife, adventure sports, music
festivals while older people prefer more relaxed activities
like sightseeing, spa retreats and peaceful places such as
temples, pagodas, cultural events to enjoy themselves.
B. That’s right, and another thing is that there is a big
age gap between them, so it’s hard to share the same
opinion about places for their holiday
- Older people may have health problems that limit their
ability to travel to certain destinations or participate in
certain activities, whereas younger people may not have
such limitations.

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