Developing A Personal Conception of Morality and Its Application To Business Ethics

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Developing a Personal Conception of Morality and Its Application to Business Ethics

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Developing a Personal Conception of Morality and Its Application to Business Ethics

Morality, in my opinion, is a mirror of our identities—our dispositions, attitudes, and

behaviors. It involves not only following the law but also our deeply held beliefs. Morality

provides us with a set of guidelines for behavior that are independent of society at large,

duration, and ethnicity. These days, the subject of corporate ethics is frequently brought up while

discussing business and the way individuals communicate professionally. Basically, it is about

incorporating morality and upright conduct into regular corporate procedures and regulations. It

is expected of you to uphold ethical norms regardless of the location or what you do. As a

personal endeavor, I plan to investigate how I conceptualize morality. I will put together my

newfound insight to a moral problem in real life by first using a theory of morality as a

foundation and then combining it with my personal beliefs. In order to strengthen the idea overall

and incorporate a second moral theory, I will also develop and consider a few hypothetical moral

situations. It is like taking a close look at my moral compass, adding a little theory to it, and then

using it to interpret hypothetical circumstances. The goal of this research is to better understand

my individual moral compass and enhance it by incorporating new concepts.

Step One: Personal Conception of Morality and Theory Integration

Personal Conception of Morality

My decisions are guided by fundamental concepts and ideals that form the basis of my

perception of what is right and what is not. I support acting morally upright, which includes

being just, truthful, and loyal to oneself. I consider the consequences of my decisions as well as

my motivations while making them. My sense of morality in the corporate world is guided by

honesty, justice, and loyalty. I take care to draw a distinct boundary across my personal and

professional lives. I strike a balance while dealing with people between thinking about myself

and genuinely trying to make everyone else succeed. For me, developing trust with colleagues in

business is essential. I do this by being honest and forthright, being aware of the complexities of

power, and realizing that everyone has obligations. Building strong connections with others

involves me being kind and considerate, and I think choices should be made so that everyone has

an equal voice. To put it briefly, my ethical principles revolve around being truthful,

collaborating with others, and making ethically decent business judgments.

Integration with Chosen Theory - Kantian Ethics

In my ethical structure which is based on Kantian Ethics—an ethical system that

emphasizes duty—embracing rightful obligations and adhering to basic principles is essential.

Since business choices are frequently impacted by thoughts, passions, and inclinations in the real

world, I think it is critical to understand the ethical aspects of business in a manner that is

significant. In my own encounters, being aware of these ethical considerations aids in navigating

the routine commercial transactions. I can build a strategic plan that rationally balances my

emotions and passions by employing the concept of reason. To me, adhering to Kantian ethics

entails basing my moral judgments only on reason. According to Kantian Ethics, moral

principles are derived from pure reason. The fact that logic is unwavering and does not give in to

the whims of legislators or their allies makes this appeal to me.

Because morality is grounded in reason, it is steadfast and serves as a continual guidance.

For my part, I value how my views are in line with Kantian Ethics, particularly the focus on

ethical obligations instead of merely results. Let me use an example from my own professional

life as an illustration. I made the decision, based on Kantian ethics, to put moral commitments

and the sustainability of everyone involved first, even if doing so would not result in immediate

benefits. I was recently faced with a decision that would jeopardize the company's credibility in

an effort to produce short-term gains that would have helped a select group of stakeholders. My

affinity for Kantian Ethics, in short, highlights the importance of reason and the notion that

people should be valued for who they are, prioritizing moral obligation over material results.

Step Two: Application to a Real-Life Moral Situation

In a real-world incident, I oversaw a coworker who had inadvertently broken a business

rule, which, had it been brought to attention, may have had dire repercussions on the

colleague professional life. Using my theory-enhanced conception, which incorporated Kantian

Ethics, I first thought about the moral obligations and guidelines at play, hoping to reach a

conclusion based on general ethical guidelines. But when the strict devotion to the values

ignored the complex background of my colleague's conduct, the limits became evident. Even

though it was against business policy, the infraction was inadvertent and resulted from ignorance

rather than malice. Understanding this intricacy made it clear that a more adaptable strategy was

required, one that took into account the person's goals and the possible effects on their career.

This event made clear how crucial it is to strike a balance between situational circumstances and

moral ideals in order to make more morally good decisions.

Step Three: Imaginary Moral Situations

In one scenario, a group job necessitated fulfilling a strict deadline. Following my theory-

enriched understanding, which included Kantian Ethics, I focused on upholding a strict code of

integrity and responsibility. I acted fairly and held each team member accountable when they

encountered difficulties and could not complete their task by the deadline. The team successfully

completed the project by adjusting roles and allocating the effort fairly, owing to my facilitation

of a transparent interaction path. On the other hand, a comparable project deadline approached in

a different environment that exposed shortcomings, but a team member purposefully exaggerated

their work to satisfy expectations. The inflexible concepts that guided the approach's

unpredictability led to unanticipated negative outcomes. The project's success was jeopardized,

and team trust was eroded due to a lack of adaptation to the dishonest behaviors. Understanding

these disparate circumstances highlighted the need to handle the complexity of real-world

settings within the theory-enhanced conception by striking a balance between ethical decision-

making and flexibility.

Step Four: Enhancing My Theory-Enhanced Conception

I established virtue ethics as an additional approach. This method places more emphasis

on moral values as well as individual traits. It is about navigating our daily existence to live in

harmony with others on a personal and communal level. In contrast to consequentialism,

one other ethical philosophies that place a higher priority on results, virtue ethics focuses on the

characteristics, circumstances, and deeds of virtuous people. It provides a more adaptable and

context-specific approach, emphasizing the development of virtues as a framework for moral

decision-making. Adding virtue ethics to my comprehension has helped me grasp things more

deeply. Consider, for example, a situation in which an acquaintance must make a moral decision

regarding being truthful and not hurting someone else. Cultivating virtues like sympathy and

truthfulness would be advocated by virtue ethics to get through such difficult situations. My view

is that whereas Kantian Ethics provides a strong foundation of tenets that support the whole

ethical system, virtue ethics offers flexibility for addressing difficult moral conundrums. I

imagine it as having a trustworthy guidance, with virtues serving as the adaptable instruments for

real-life exploration and Kantian principles offering a clear course.


In summary, my effort has demonstrated how my own understanding of morality has

developed with the incorporation of Kantian Ethics and the improvement realized by including

Virtue Ethics. The integration of these ideas offers a more thorough and flexible ethical

framework for handling moral dilemmas in both actual and imagined worlds. The exploration

highlights the value of ongoing introspection and improvement in creating a strong ethical


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