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Writing task 1

The chart below shows the number of households in the US by their

annual income in 2007, 2011 and 2015. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

The chart demonstrates how the figure of annual income of households in

the US changed in the years of 2007, 2011 and 2015.
Overall, from 2007 to 2015, all households earning did not show any
clear trend. Notably, the household with incomes from 75000 to 99999
was always took the lowest position in all 3 different times in the chart.
In 2007, the incomes earned less than 25000 had around 25 million
families, and this figure increased slightly to nearly 29 million families in
2015 before dropped to 27 million in the next 4 years. Moreover, the
figure for 25000 to 49999 underwent a stable progress when the figure
first increased sharply to reach approximately 30 million in 2011 before
went down to about 29 million in 2015 which started at around 27 million
in 2007.
About the figure of 50000 to 74999, it is noticeable that the column
remained the same number at around 21 million in all three years. Not
only that, the number of families that earn around 75000 to 99999 almost
unchanged when it went down and up again with less than 1 million
families changed. Therefore, the number of households which had
100,000 or more in their income fell from around 29 to approximately 27
million before reaching dramatically to about 33 million.

Writing Task 2:
Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to
their main subjects. Others believe it is more important to give all their
time and attention to studying for a qualification. Discuss both these
views and give your own opinion.
In this day and age, learning the subjects that are not included in
education programs has been discussed more by universities. The first
group argued that the students need to learn these subjects besides their
main ones, while the opposite side supposed that learning extra subjects
is not necessary because it is a waste of time. In this essay, I will explain
the reasons for both sides and show my opinion.
Firstly, learning additional subjects allows the students to become
all-around citizens. To be more specific, nowadays, plenty of recruiters
ask their candidates if they have any other skills or extra knowledge
besides their major, so it is reasonable for universities to teach the extra
knowledge instead of training major subjects only. To illustrate, students
who graduated with a law major will be tested on foreign languages,
communication skills and social knowledge before being hired into the
companies so that is why many universities have started to teach about
these kinds of subjects for the learners. In my opinion, I agree with these
universities because knowledge in addition may help people in the future,
become more active to live better lives.
On the other hand, the others thought that it is unnecessary to teach
the subjects which are not really related with students’ major because of
its wasting. For example, the students who are educated to become
scientists tend to work in laboratories where they will not use
communication skills or social knowledge much. Moreover, these kinds
of people believe that focusing 100% percent in the major helps the
students to save time, money and upgrade their important knowledge
faster and more effectively instead of wasting the resource on the things
that are not really critical.
In conclusion, it is no doubt that educating the subjects in addition
gives learners multiple positive impacts. From my perspective, it is right
for the school to add more subjects into their education programs.

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