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ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen, 12 (2) (2021) pp.

Publishedby: Lembaga Riset, Publikasi, dan Konsultasi Jonhariono

ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen

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Anggi Emalia Putri1, Erli Dayinati2, Esyha Nur Azizah3 Putri Kemala Dewi Lubis4, Charles
Fransiscus Ambarita5
Departement ofEconomics Education, Faculty of Economics, State University of Medan, Indonesia


Article history: The city of Medan has an active city center with the majority of
buildings being commercial, attracting visitors for various activities.
Received Jun 9, 2018 Although residential areas are generally located outside the city
Revised Nov 20, 2018 center, movement between the inner and outer city still relies on
Accepted Jan 11, 2019 vehicles due to inadequate pedestrian facilities. Since 2016, the
Medan City Government has initiated sidewalk improvements by
Keywords: adopting the design recommendations from INDII 2015. Despite not
being uniformly implemented, these efforts are appreciated as a
Pedestrian facilities positive step. The sidewalk improvements show significant changes,
People with disabilities such as enhancements for people with disabilities, the closure of
Sidewalk improvements drainage systems, and the parallel placement of utilities. While
sidewalks may still be uncomfortable in some areas, recent
monitoring indicates overall good conditions. Continuously designed
sidewalks enhance pedestrian comfort, reduce elevation differences
in driveways, and minimize barriers for people with disabilities.
These improvements are a positive step, but challenges persist in
creating comfortable and sustainable sidewalks throughout the city.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.

Corresponding Author:
Name of Corresponding Author,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National Chung Cheng University,
168 University Road, Minhsiung Township, Chiayi County 62102, Taiwan, ROC.

Pedestrian lanes (walkways) are outdoor spaces used for the daily activities of urban residents.
They serve various purposes such as walking, relaxation, sitting leisurely, and can also be utilized
for campaigns, official ceremonies, and trading. The function of public spaces for pedestrians
includes moving from one building to another, from a building to existing open spaces, or vice
versa, or from one place to another within the corners of the public space area.

The increase in urbanization and population growth in Medan City has had a significant impact on
infrastructure needs, including pedestrian facilities. These facilities not only affect the daily mobility
of the community but also have implications for the safety, health, and comfort of city residents.
Therefore, policy analysis becomes crucial to understand the extent to which existing policies can
meet the needs and challenges faced by pedestrians in Medan City.

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2  ISSN 2086-7654

According to Pratama (2014), the term "pedestrian" is used in the context of transportation to refer
to individuals moving on foot in various pathways, including alongside roads, sidewalks,
pedestrian-specific lanes, or when crossing roads. To ensure the safety of pedestrians in traffic,
they are required to use designated parts of the road and cross at designated pedestrian crossings
provided for them. Walking activities take place on the roadside.

Research Methodology
The type of research employed in this study is literature review. The literature review method
involves a series of activities related to collecting bibliographic data, reading and note-taking, as
well as managing research materials (Zed, 2008:3).

Literature review is a mandatory activity in research, especially in academic research whose main
objectives are to develop theoretical aspects and practical benefits. Literature review is carried out
by every researcher with the primary goal of seeking a foundation for obtaining and constructing
theoretical foundations, framing the thought process, and formulating preliminary assumptions, also
known as research hypotheses.

Through literature review, researchers can group, allocate, organize, and use a variety of literature
within their field. By conducting a literature review, researchers gain a broader and deeper
understanding of the issues they intend to investigate.

Data Collection Technique

The data collection technique employed in this research is a literature review. A literature review is
a methodological approach used to gather relevant data sources related to a specific topic. The
aim of the literature review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the main content obtained
from the collected information (Herliandry et al., 2020). The data collection process for a literature
review involves the utilization of database search tools as the initial step in exploring literature

The collected data is related to the evaluation of the implementation of sidewalk or pedestrian road
development initiatives in Medan City in the year 2023. This includes obtaining up-to-date
information regarding the construction of pedestrian facilities, journal articles, and books on
pedestrian facilities and facilities for people with disabilities in Medan City.


Implementation of Policies Regarding Pedestrian Facilities in Medan City (Jln. Imam Bonjol)

Buildings in the city center of Medan serve active functions, attracting visitors to engage in various
activities within them. The majority of buildings in this city center are commercial, such as
restaurants, shops, malls, shophouses, and offices, attracting visitors to participate in activities.
Although most residences are located outside the city center, the relatively small size of Medan
City's downtown allows movement between the inner and outer city to be done on foot. However, a
significant portion of movement within the city center still relies on various vehicles such as
pedicabs, motorcycles, cars, and public transportation, due to inadequate pedestrian facilities. This
includes sidewalks that are not always consistently available and often used for parking.

Therefore, the city center of Medan requires pedestrian facilities that can accommodate all
movements of people within it. Although most sidewalks in Medan City are still not comfortable for
pedestrians, the Medan City Government has initiated improvements since 2016. These
improvements are carried out in several road corridors by adopting the design recommendations of
INDII in 2015, which focus on road safety. While these improvements have not covered all road
corridors in the city center of Medan, and there are still some obstacles such as trees and poles,

ProBisnis, Vol.12, No. 2October 2021: pp xx-xx

3ProBisnis :JurnalManajemen ISSN 2086-7654 

the efforts of the Medan City Government in improving pedestrian facilities can be appreciated as a
positive step to support the activities of the residents.

Good Practice for pedestrians in Medan City

 Space for parallel ubility placement and the placement of helper tiles for
people with disabilities

The sidewalk improvements that have been carried out show several quite significant changes.
There is a continuous installation of guiding tiles for people with disabilities, the closure of drainage
using paving blocks, and the parallel placement of utilities along the sidewalk. These improvements
provide significant benefits for pedestrians. The continuous guiding tiles are extremely helpful for
people with disabilities to walk in the right direction and safely on the sidewalk. Meanwhile, the
parallel placement of utilities and plants along the sidewalk benefits pedestrians by avoiding
obstacles in the walking path. However, in the road corridors where the sidewalks have not been
repaired, there are still many utilities and plants standing in the middle of the sidewalk or even
covering the entire surface of the sidewalk.

 Sidewalks are discontinuous

The sidewalk is designed continuously to ensure the comfort of travel for pedestrians. This
eliminates the need to go up and down facing elevation differences at each driveway and entrance
to small alleys, as well as reduces concerns about passing vehicles because the speed of cars will
decrease when passing sidewalks with different elevations compared to the motor vehicle lane.

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4  ISSN 2086-7654

These road corridors are predominantly occupied by commercial and office buildings, resulting in
numerous driveways to buildings and small alleys leading to shopping areas. Pedestrians are
required to navigate varying driveway elevations and must always be vigilant of vehicles entering
and exiting buildings. This makes pedestrian movement challenging. Since 2016, some segments
along Jl. Diponegoro and Jl. Imam Bonjol have had continuous sidewalks, although the sidewalk
elevations at driveways are not always completely parallel. Nevertheless, the elevation difference
between the road and the driveway has been altered.

 Sidewalks are uncomfortable for pedestrians

From the information observed in the 2015 image, there has been an elevation improvement in
several driveways, making the sidewalk more continuous, although the elevation heights still vary.
Additionally, the quality of the used paving blocks was subpar, and currently, some trees are still
placed in the middle of the sidewalk, causing obstacles for pedestrians, although overall, the
sidewalk condition is still good. On April 11, 2023, the Head of the Department of SDABMBK
inspected the sidewalk conditions around Lapangan Benteng, from Jalan Pengadilan, Jalan
Maulana Lubis, to the intersection of Jalan Kejaksaan/Jalan Diponegoro. Currently, the condition of
the sidewalk is still good.

The condition in the year 2023.

ProBisnis, Vol.12, No. 2October 2021: pp xx-xx

5ProBisnis :JurnalManajemen ISSN 2086-7654 

From the presented image, it can be observed that as of 2022-2023, the condition of the sidewalk
is still in good condition.

Downtown Medan features actively functional buildings that attract visitors for various activities,
especially in the commercial and office sectors. Although the majority of residences are situated
outside the city center, movement between the inner and outer city still heavily relies on vehicles
due to inadequate pedestrian facilities, including sidewalks that are not consistently available and
are often used for parking.

Since 2016, the Medan City Government has initiated efforts to improve pedestrian facilities,
primarily by adopting the design recommendations from INDII in 2015, which focus on road safety.
While these efforts have not covered all road corridors in the downtown area and some obstacles
persist, they can be appreciated as a positive step in supporting the activities of the residents.

The sidewalk improvements in certain segments indicate significant changes, including the use of
guiding tiles for people with disabilities, closure of drainage using paving blocks, and parallel
placement of utilities along the sidewalk. Nevertheless, there are still some road corridors where
the sidewalks have not been repaired, causing difficulties for pedestrians.

1. Expansion of Sidewalk Improvements. The Medan City Government can expand the
sidewalk improvement program to all road corridors in the city center to create a more
pedestrian-friendly environment.
2. Utility Arrangement. Further arrangement of utilities along the sidewalk is needed to
minimize obstacles for pedestrians.
3. Empowering Pedestrians. Educating the community to utilize pedestrian facilities more and
comply with traffic regulations for collective safety.
4. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation. Local government authorities need to conduct routine
monitoring and evaluation of pedestrian facility conditions to ensure their sustainability and
quality improvement.



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pada 27 November 2023 dari

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