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Using the following reading materials, complete the task below. This case study includes three
articles. To read them, click on the following links.

 Article 1: P&O Ferries faces criminal probe over sackings - BBC News
 Article 2: The P&O Ferries Scandal Is a Global Issue - The Washington Post
 Article 3: DP World’s controversial history of P&O ownership | P&O Ferries | The
 Relevant module materials (see ‘Guidance notes for Task 1’).
Together with other students allocated by your tutor, post messages to a dedicated
forum discussion thread on the ethical issues facing P&O Ferries. Your discussion should focus on
these questions:

 What do you think the key ethical issues facing P&O Ferries are?
 Why do you think they are key ethical issues?
There are two parts to the forum discussion:

1. an introduction in which you and your group members state your respective positions
in relation to the key ethical issue (no more than 250 words)
2. a response each to two other group members’ viewpoints on the ethical issue (there is
no word limit for this part).
Complete this part by 15 June 2023.

Imagine that you are an external consultant working for P&O Ferries. Based on your case study
reading and forum discussion for Task 1, make a 3–5 minute audio-recorded presentation to the
senior management team of P&O Ferries. Your presentation should explain the key ethical issues
faced by the organisation and make at least two recommendations to address these issues.

In preparing for TMA 03: Task 2, you have the option of sending a draft version of your audio
presentation to your tutor by email in Week 14, to benefit from their comments. Although you may
not have engaged in a forum discussion, it would be beneficial for you to have your tutor’s comment
on an early draft such as notes to prepare for your presentation. Be sure to confirm with your tutor
(in advance) the deadline by which your draft should be with them, in order to allow them sufficient
time to respond to you. Note that the feedback will be at a general level and your draft audio
presentation will not be assessed.

Guidance notes for Task 2

This short audio-recorded presentation by you as an external consultant is to the senior
management team of P&O Ferries on how to resolve the key ethical issues it faces. You should
introduce yourself and the topic, present your argument about the key ethical issues faced by the
organisation and make at least two recommendations to address the issues. You do not need to
cover all of the ethical issues you may have found in the articles and can choose to discuss the key
ones in detail. You should conclude your presentation by thanking the audience appropriately.
You may wish to include some of the alternative viewpoints expressed in the forum discussion if
you feel they are useful to your argument. However, if you include those viewpoints, you should not
mention the names of the other students who expressed them in your presentation.

The language of your audio presentation should be formal and appropriate for your audience (senior
management team). As a reminder, revisit Sessions 13 and 15.

In your audio presentation, you should cite the relevant sources given by mentioning the name of the
author(s), year of publication and the source(s). However, it is not essential to give the full
references list at the end of your presentation.

You may find it helpful to produce brief notes or slides to refer to for this presentation.

Please note that the usual allowance of ten per cent above or below the assignment length
does not apply to this task.

Task 2 is worth 85 marks. These marks relate to Criteria A–D in the marking criteria.

Record and submit your audio presentation

For the recording, use an appropriate audio recording tool, such as the OU Audio Recording Tool, or
other audio recording software (e.g. Audacity) that you are comfortable with, as long as the output
file is in WAV or MP3 format and the file size does not exceed 10MB.

Please note that WAV files tend to be larger than MP3 files, and therefore you may want to convert a
WAV file to MP3 if the file size is larger than 10 MB.

Follow these guidelines for recording and submitting your presentation:

 Make sure that you will not be interrupted during your recording, and that any
background noise is low.
 Test and ensure that the audio recording software you are using works properly.
 Check the sound level by recording a short test. Do not place your mouth too close to
the microphone. Ensure that you are in the same position as you will be in for the
actual recording.
 Record your name and PI, before you start your introduction to the topic.
 When you have finished, stop the recording. You should save the recording and keep a
copy on your computer with a clear and relevant filename.
 Listen to your recording to ensure that it is audible.
 Before you submit your recorded audio presentation, check the marking criteria for this
task to make sure that there is nothing you want to improve. If you want to change
anything, you will need to record your presentation again.
 Remember to zip the Task 2 audio file together with the Task 1 Word file before
submitting the single file to the Online TMA/EMA system.

BBC (2022) ‘P&O Ferries faces criminal probe over sackings’, BBC, 1 April 2022 [Online]. Available
at: (Accessed: 20 September 2022).
Topham, G. (2022) ‘DP World’s controversial history of P&O ownership’, The Guardian, 18 March
2022 [Online]. Available at:
ownership-dubai (Accessed: 20 September 2022).
Wooldridge, A. (2022) ‘The P&O Ferries Scandal Is a Global Issue’, The Washington Post, 30 March
2022 [Online]. Available at:
a-global-issue/2022/03/30/f42c8294-aff2-11ec-9dbd-0d4609d44c1c_story.html (Accessed: 20
September 2022).

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