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WELCOME A THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT! let and allow 1 Complete the conversation with the ‘words. Then listen and check. ooking songs | look | feel allowed | makes | talent show | cross sound | guitar get | let USA Hey, Kim, what are you® looking at? KIM My Science book. Cant you see 'm busy? LUSA I'm ust asking. Sorry. KIM No,|imsorry. | dont great todky. Lisa You don't? very happy. What's the matter? Kim My dad? meso* USA That doesnt s0 good. Why? KIM He saysm not ¢ to be inthe band. LISA. What2!So he won't allow you to play inthe ? next week? KIM No. He says no music until after my exams. LUSA But they dont finish for four weeks! KIM. know. He wants me to study and forget about writing ® He wor't even? ime practise the LISA But you need some time to relax KIM know so angry when I think about it Itjustisnt fae 2 Listen again. Answer the questions. 1) Whyiskim angry? 2. How longs it unt the exams nish? 3. What does Lisa thnk about the situation? 4 Who do you agree with: Kim or her dad? Why? 3. EGRIMNE What do your parents allow you to cdo during exam time? What don't they let you ‘do? Make lists. Then compare with a partner. Music Sort the words into two groups. Label the groups. ‘Then think of four more items for each one. drums | classical | jazz | violin guitar | pop | piano | rap Verbs of perception 1 Complete the sentences from the conversation with the correct forms of (not) look. Then match ‘them with the rules. 1 You very happy. 2 Hey, Kim, what ae RULE: We use verbs of perception (ook, smell fee, taste) inthe present continuous total about actions. inthe present simple alk about states 2. Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs. 1 taste ‘A Whatare you doing? BI the soup .. It ‘reat 2 smell A My socks really bad! 8 Thenwhy you them? 3 feel A Why you that jumper? Because it's so soft |like the way it 3. Workin pairs. Kim tries to persuade her dad tollet her play in the talent show. Write a conversation of eight lines. Then read it out. The big screen WELCOME 1 Work in pairs. For each type of film, think of an example that you have both seen. action | animated | comedy | drama | horror 2 Read the article. What types of films does it mention? 3. Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true), (false) or DS (doesn’t say). 1 Chris Columbus's films are popular with 13-18-year-ols 2. Columbus stated making films when hhewas 30 2 His lms arent popular with older people 4. Lots of people in Hollywood want Columbus to make films. 5 He's never won an Oscar 4 Work in pairs. Think of your favourite film director and discuss these questions. 1 What fis has this director made? 2. What doyoule about hither fli? Present perfect tenses Compete the sentences Use the present perfect simple or continuous forrn of the verbs and the correct words. 1 They (olay for since £87 minutes and nether side has sored yet. 2 yet su (pot wat) the final, so please dont tell me which singer won you (Ge) last igh’ show sill] ye? Brad Pt and Lady Gaga were guess 4 Thechldren (9 in front ofthe “TW watching SpongeBob for since they got up 5's the funiest programme on TV. (et miss) an episot stil yet. 6 The Prime Minister (ay) the same thing for since weeks now. Ne one believes him TV programmes _ Behind the ca romantic comedy | science fiction | thriller Chris Columbus ‘12-year-old who gts lft behind when his family go on holiday, 2 teenage magician fighting to save his world and the troubled son of a Greek god lving in modern-day Americ: these are jst tree of the characters brought to fe onthe big sreen by ‘diector Chis Columbus, With fms such as Home Alone, Hany Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Perey Jackson and the ‘Sea of Monsters, Columbus has certainly showm that he knows how to get teenagers int the cinema. Columbus has been making fms for more than 30 years and has become one ofthe most successful fm directors of al time. Since he directed his first fim, Adventures in Babysiting, in 1987, Columbus has been involved in some ofthe biggest fms as both €adiretor and a producer. But Columbus doesnt only make action fms forthe teenage market He's ao made a number of successful fms for adults, Comedies such as rs Doubt, dramas such as The Help and science fiction fims such as Bicentennial Manhave al helped ‘make Columbus one of Hollywood's most popular film-makers 1. Work n pairs. Look atthe sentences in the previous exercise. Match them withthe types of TV programme. talent show | sitcom | cartoon | sports programme the news | chat show 2. Choose a type of TY programme from the list below. Write a sentence about it using the present perfect simple and/or continuous. Don't include the type of programme in your sentence! drama series | game show | realty show | soap (opera) Ive been watching it for weeks, but no one has won the million-dollar prize yet 3 Read out your sentence. Can the rest of the class guess the type of TV programme?

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