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Question 41:

What is the primary goal of the Kyoto Protocol in the context of environmental policy?
a. Ensuring global economic stability
b. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
c. Regulating international trade
d. Protecting biodiversity
e. Promoting sustainable agriculture
f. Expanding renewable energy sources
Answer: b
Question 42:
Which literary work is known for its stream-of-consciousness narrative technique?
a. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
b. "Ulysses" by James Joyce
c. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
d. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
e. "1984" by George Orwell
f. "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
Answer: b
Question 43:
What is the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in international trade?
a. Reducing carbon emissions
b. Facilitating negotiations for free trade agreements
c. Providing humanitarian aid
d. Regulating global currency exchange rates
e. Promoting cultural exchange
f. Conducting scientific research
Answer: b
Question 44:
Which programming language is commonly used for developing web applications with server-side
a. JavaScript
c. CSS
d. Python
e. Java
f. Ruby
Answer: d
Question 45:
What is the primary function of the cerebellum in the brain?
a. Memory formation
b Motor coordination and balance
b. Motor coordination and balance
c. Visual processing
d. Language comprehension
e. Emotional regulation
f. Auditory perception
Answer: b
Question 46:
In quantum mechanics, what is the term for the phenomenon where particles of the same type
cannot occupy the same quantum state simultaneously?
a. Quantum entanglement
b. Pauli exclusion principle
c. Heisenberg uncertainty principle
d. Schrödinger equation
e. Quantum tunneling
f. Bose-Einstein condensation
Answer: b
Question 47:
Which type of research design involves observing and recording behaviors without intervening or
manipulating variables?
a. Experimental design
b. Cross-sectional design
c. Longitudinal design
d. Correlational design
e. Quasi-experimental design
f. Observational design
Answer: f
Question 48:
What is the primary function of the World Health Organization (WHO) in global health?
a. Conducting medical research
b. Providing healthcare services
c. Regulating pharmaceutical companies
d. Setting international health standards
e. Distributing vaccines
f. Advocating for alternative medicine
Answer: d
Question 49:
Which economic concept is concerned with the study of how individuals allocate resources to
maximize their utility?
a. Game theory
b. Utility theory
c. Production possibility frontier
d Pareto efficiency
d. Pareto efficiency
e. Economic equilibrium
f. Comparative advantage
Answer: b
Question 50:
In the context of artificial intelligence, what is reinforcement learning focused on?
a. Clustering data
b. Decision-making in dynamic environments
c. Natural language processing
d. Pattern recognition
e. Simulating neural networks
f. Image classification
Answer: b

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