Set A. Part Test 04 Solutions (2024)

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Al-Ameen Mission Study Circle 8D Darga ee (SECTION -A) 1, (3) If is the total time of flight of ball in going up and coming back, then total displacement in time ¢ is zero because ball comes back in hand of juggler. When ball is at the highest point then v= —80 «10 = 202 Displacement of the ball is zero. 1 7 So, =u +5(-g) Road, Kolkat PART TES 024 [A] (SOLUTIONS ) a 700 017 3. (1) When a body moves ona straight path in one direction value of distance and displacement remains same. 4, (3) When the lift reaches 4th floor is about to stop hence, motion is retrading in nature. Hence, a>0 As displacement is in negative direction, velocity will also be negative ie., v <0 Ground floors origin and lift isin upwords direction so its position is+v..x>0 ¥ km/h Q) sam 5 km /h B Velocity of the river is along AO By applying triangle law of vector addition, value of AB comes to be 3 km/hr. (2) Ina uniform circular motion, speed and angular speed remains constant. Centripetal acceleration acts towards the center (centre seeking) because cetripetal force acts towards the centre but velocity does not remains constant because direction is continuously chan, (3) Let the angle made by the instananeous velocity with the horizontal be a. Then vy, _wsinO—gt tang = = HSE ¥, e080 Given, «= 45°, when f= Is tan ase = USiN0~ gt weos0 => cos 0=usinO~g @ = 0°, when t= 2s => usinO-2g=0 (i) ucos® 10. Onsolving equ: = usind=2¢=> ucosd=g 12, (4) In Ist see. squaring and adding > y = J5g =10V5 ms* Jo~ 80 mis In 2nd see. @) w+2gh 13, (1) The flux through a closed surface depends only on eoerion the enclosed charge and is independent of size and shape of the surface h=300m 14. (1) (3)Amplitude=5 m time period will be an © T=2sec (4) Letthe amplitude of the oscillation be A Fordisplacement y 2 Here p= 0 . and p, = 2qa peat mo'y? = |B) «Wl=lolond +61 = Pua =2a8) {4 15. @) - c

Can3C 1 3d? g re . PEL2 4 3 f . KE CD06. =3C € (3) Forfiee fall g, coe : h3@ Cy, =3C 1:l (2) 16. (1) When they are connected by a wire then the potential will become equal inside the sphere, Thus only charge on the bigger sphere are left and inner charge density gets redistributed so as to make equal potential everywhere inside the bigger sphere. tag 8 17. G)8'=8-% ‘compare this with straight line equation y=C+Mx C=+g,.M=-£ R 18, (2) Here R = 6400 km, d=16 km re (es ae as 8 BIR) SE Ga00) 400% Oe 1 8-81 =8- Fh 8= ops ‘The percentage decrease in weight of the body 20. (4) a =g—-Ro*eos'h Given 4,=45° = g' = When Earth stops o=0 ogee mRo® 2 Increases in weight of body = 2. 22. 24, 25. (3) According to Kepler’s 3rd Law T? oc r* (5) (s) 23 +) -(2) == Tr’ r (ry 649° T'=40h (4) Given that the satellite is revolving around the earth ataheightof 1200 km. A ball released from the satelite will follow the satellite (2) Intensity after passing through one slab refi x F-4]-2 5. 5 intensity after passing through two slabs refr- Ber] aL 100 525 ('"5) 25 100 = 36% %decrease=|— (2) Frequency of firs string 1 20 Number of beats = difference of frequency of two strings / = 144 — 137 = 7 beats. y, =2 sin 2n (50 — 2x) = 2sin ( mt — 4x) “a, y= 4 sindx (ax + 1001) = Asin (2nax ~ 200nt) (i) In equation (i) angular frequeney, «, = 100 x and wave number k, = 47 In equation (ii) angular frequeney, @, = 200 mand wave number k, = 2am 26. 28. 29, 30. ‘Now for first mechanical wave © _100n 5. =——. =—— speed of wave % === 25 ° ° ‘ \y > ‘Now for second mechanical wave ° cave, = Se = 2008 _ 100 Ro=Vy speed of wave, "> a ~ A“ a >» Ina a P will have two velocities, one due to translation and As the two mechanical waves propagate in medium one due to rotation, with same speed Kv Veg = V3 +V3 = V2, $0, ¥, =, ‘ I = 25-100 31. (1) Ly =v, +r a Def 95 100 P= = a=— =a =units 6 25 Now intensity of wave I 2 So, 1, = (00x) (4) 1, = (20x) (16) 1, _ (00n)'(4) 1 + Ratio. 7" (20016) 16 So, the ratio of their intensity = 1 : 16 (x= v(1.5) x—85 => x= 340m, 340 m/s (2) As we know that, @ xR co a 60 =2.52 m rad/s? 1 9 (1) Angular momentum remains constant, swimmer decreases his moment ofinertiaby forming loop which resultsin increase in angular velocity G) (4) (4)Aray of lightafter travelling through a set ofmedia can emerge parallel to the first media only if the refractive indices ofthe initial and final media are same ive.,in this case jt, = Hy 34. (3) Fornormal adjustment, length of telescope fy + A= 2+0.0 ny,sin45°=n,sinr (i) ng, sin 90° Sm Ali) (ia) Now, it is evident from the figure that 1+ 0. = 90° . From (i) 5 sin(90° 0.) n, cos 8, ii) Dividing Giyby Gi) tan@.. = V2 = tan0,=2 > 1+ tan, (SECTION -B) 36. (1) Smaller wheel, ©, = 0, + ot=0+ 15 x 10= 15 rads! ‘As both the wheels are connected by abelt, they have common linear velocity, 1 Lo = 3%15= 5 rads! 37. (1) Let radius of complete disc is R and that of small, disc is R, Also, let centre of mass now shifts to O, at distance X.,, from original centre ‘The position of new centre of mass is given by 0-onR?x, . GaR? oak? Where o =mass per unit area -ox (2)? x3.2 Xe =e Hence, Xox = (6)? ~oxnx(2) 12.8% 9 som 32 Negative sign indicates the shift istowards left. 38. 2) n= 7 39. (2) Microscope is used to magnify the object which is, too small and can’t be seen with naked eyes. So, spectacles should be removed while working with microscope 40. (4) dQ=0,dU+dw=0 dW =-dU=-(-2)=25 This is work done by the gas. So, work done on the gas is~2 J. 4 When the gas is thermally insulated from the surroundings ina container, no heat leaves or enters the gas. 41. Hence, the change is said to be adiabatic. When itis compressed, work is done on the gas. By the First law of thermodynamics, AU=AQ+AW AU=C,AT fer where AU is the change jernal energy of the gas AQis the heat supplied to the gas AQ=0 AW és the work done on the gas. Hence, the internal energy of the gas and hence its temperature rises since work is done on the gas which increases the kinetic energy of the molecules. 42. (4) By First law of thermodynamics, (1) When the gas expands adiabatically, no heat leaves renters the gas and therefore AQ=0 or net flow of heat into the gas from the exterior is zero. (2) When the gas expands isothermally, the change of internal energy is zero (AU =0) and hence net flow of heat into the gas from the exterior is equal to the work done by the gas which is positive as stated below, ie. AQ= AU + AW =0+ pAV =pAV = positive since the gas expands. 43. @) ice the gas expands adiabatically and performs external work W, applying the First law of thermodynamics, the decrease in internal energy is given by AQ= AU + AW = 0= AU +(W) or AU=-W (ly Next, heat Q is supplied to the gas while keeping the ‘volume constant. All the heat supplied is used to increase the internal energy of the gas. ‘That is AQ= AU + AW=AU + pAV = Q=AU+0 (AV =0) or AU=Q 2) Thus, total inerease in intemal energy of gas is, U,—U, = AU (in (1)) + AU (in 2) =Q-W. 44. 2) He 45. (3) m=-3 (Real image) m=3 Sv=3u Now from mirror formula 2+ vu 15 1 os Buu 15 = u=—20em m=+3(virtual image) v m=43= “au Sv 1d Now from mirror formula +> tid ss Buu 1S => u=-10¢em 15 46.(I)A+8=i4e 30° + 30° = 60° + e > e = 60° — 60° e=0>r=A=30° (6) 47. (4) 57. 48. (3) Shift due to glass slab = (i -) u = (1-4) <3. %S-tem 15 15 ‘Therefore, object should be placed at 10+1=1em 49. (2) p, sind =H, 1 Sin, = pt; sin; sin i= yy sin r=, sin 90° =1xsin90°= 4, =(L) «Gini =n, 59, 50. (2) Apparent heigh xh ee3 CES (SECTION -A) (3) Thecontinuous changes observed inthe measurable properties of the system, which is not general characteristic ofthe equilibrium for physical processes. . (4) Lime kiln is open vessel therefore CO, formed is escape out 51. 53. (4) 2AB,(g) = A,(g) + 3B,(g) t=0 8 0 0 a ja At. equilibrium (8-a) 3 I 61. 62, 54. (2) If pressure is increased, equilibrium shifts in a direction where the number of mole decrease. . (2) Equilibrium constant doesn’t depends on increasing volume. 63. 56. (4) Conjugate acid base pairis differ by a single proton, a (3) For weak acid and strong base H=7+4pK, +4loge pH=7+50K, +> loge 27447 Hagia" =8.87 . (3) NH,OH + HCl NH,C1 + H,0 (Here, NH,OH is present in an excess amount.) So, the mixture contains a mixture of weak base and salt of strong acid (NH,OH+NH,Cl) which acts asa, basic buffer solution. (3) The correct Lewis dot structure of sulfite ion is Satom =6 valence electrons Oatom=6 valence electrons Total number of electrons =6 + 3(6) + 2(from negative charges) =26 (1) Symmetrical molecules have zero dipole moment. 1 Also, dipole moment «559 angle (2) obondis formed by axial overlapping pr orbital have both axial and side ways overlapping. (J) The molecule of CH,OH are associated by hydrogen bonding H-0- H-0-H-O- | l | cH, CH, CH, (1) Order of reaction can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or even a fractional number 2.303 100 _ 2.303 100 log = g 60 100-6060 I 840 67. 68. 69. 10. n. 2.30360, 100 ce ee ee 2.303x0.39” 50 46.15 = 46 min (4) Combination of H, and Br, is a second order reaction . (2) For 10° rise in temperature n= 1 So; rate = (2)" = (2)'=2 ‘When temperature is increased from 10°C to 100°C, change is= 100-10=90°C n=9 rate =(2)’= 512 times (4)N, (g) + 3H,(g) = 2NH,(g) + 22 kal ». The activation energy for the forward reaction =50 keal . The activation energy for the backward reaction = 50 +22=72 keal Q) k= Ae fT logk = log A Heh ENS RT 2.308 logk-logA = BE, _ -2303RT oe ete OORT A 2.303RT .303RT = i I 1=1*10°=0.1 Avanti log (4) IFE,=0 wk=Aer andk=Ae’=A Hence, k becomes independent of T (2) K,[Fe(CN),] > 3K’ + [Fe(CN),}*= 4 moles (4) SCN- isa monodentate ligand hence cannot show chelation, (8) 2. 7B. 14, 3 5. 16. 71. 78. 79. 80. 81. (3) The IUPAC name of this compound is ‘Triamminebromochloronitroplatinum (IV) chloride (2) Both the given compound shows ionisation isomerism, because they furnish differention in solution [PtCl(NH,),|Br, = [PtC](NH,),P*+2Br [PtBr,(NH,),|Cl, = [PtBr,(NHL),P*+2CI (2) Dueto the presence of H,0 molecule, d-d transition occur in Cu atom, which result in blue colour of CuSO,:5H,O. Whereas, in CuSO,, due to absence of any ligand crystal field splitting isnot possible. Hence, no colours observed. (3) [Ni(CO)] x+4(0)=0 x=0 (1) Compounds containing at least one metal-carbon bond are called organometallic compounds. Thus, (CH.MgBr isan organometallic compound. @ycnch eH, isan example of allylic alcohol on because OH group is present on allyl position, (4) Due to resonance, lone-pair of oxygen involv conjugation with benzene ring and the partial double bond character will appear which makes the bond length of phenol lesser than alcohol. ay CH,-C-CH, asi Acetone 1H CH,-CH-CH, B Propan-2-0l SS. . CH,-CH=CH, c (dehydration) ‘opene (1) Carbocation is formed in this reaction, as there is cleavage of C—O bond takes place. The stability of carbocation is as : Tertiary > Secondary > Primary (2) CHOH +41, +Na,CO,> CHI, CH,OH + I, + Na,CO, + No reaction 82. (2)-CH, isthe electron donating in nature. =NO, is the electron withdrawing in nature. So, it will, increase acidity due to—M effect. ©. The acidic order is iH OH on ( 5) : © , © No, cH, 83. (2) Nitro group is strongly electron withdrawing group, at ortho position, Intra-molecular hydrogen bond formation occurs and it reduces the acidic strength, Whereas,-NO, at para position stabilize the electron density through benzene ring. - 2)isthe correct answer 84. (3) Anothername of methanol is wood spirit. 85. 3) Lo™ i cu, —on—>cu, chr H H> CH, —O—CH, (SECTION -B) 86. (2) The correct name 6-ethy -methyl nonane, 87. (2)Asthe numberof bonds increase between carbon- carbon, the bond strength also increases. 88. (3) CH, -O-CH, C,HOH ethanol Methoxy methane {leohol functional g (ether)(C,H1,0) aleohol functional group (C,H,O) molecular formula In methoxy methane and ethanol both have same molecular formula, but function! groups are different. So, they are functional isomers. (9) 89. (2) 1,3 and 4 have different functional group, So, cannot be homologous (4) Paramagnetie behaviour of transition metals is due to the presence of unpaired electrons. 90. 91. (2) Homogeneous mixture of two or more metals is alloy, Mercury forms amalgams (alloy) with gold, silver, tin, Na. But it does not react with iron and platinum. (2) Fe=[Ar] 3d°4s? Fe" = [Ar]3a° ‘Thus, ferric ion is quite stable due to half-filled d-orbitals 92. 93. (3) Inacidic medium CrO} changes to Cr,0> 94, (1) K,Cr,O, isnot hygroscopic in nature and hence is, used asa primary standard in volumetric analysis 95, (2) Wacker process - PdCl, Ziegler catalyst-TiCl, + AI(CH,), Haber process - Fe 96, (4) Mn** isa coloured ion because it contains unpaired electrons, Ph 4) Given o> (4) Given 98. Suppose, p’, = p, then p{, = 2p Inthe similar way, Suppose. x, =x, then x, =2x Now, mole fraction of A in vapour phase ype Pe Prout y oP . oe + Pe ® Where, p, = pa = PX Py = PhXp = 2px2x = 4px. ‘On putting values of p, and p, ine (i), we get = Px uD px +4px areas Spx 9. @ycn,-teu, and CHCI, Acetone Chloroform Acetone and chloroform will show a negative deviation fiom Raoult’s law due to their association after mixing. 100. (2) If p’= 100 mm, p, = 100-10=90 mm 100-90 180, 100 60 or W, =X Wx10= 60g EN \CTION -A) 101. (4) Androecium consists of a whorl of stamens representing the male reproductive organ and the gynoecium represents the female reprodu 102. (4) Aseach cell ofthe sporogenous tissue is capable of giving rise to a microspore tetrad. Each one is a potential pollen or microspore mother cell, The provess of formation of microspores from a pollen mother cell (PMC) through meiosisis called mierosporogene The microspores, as they are formed, are arranged in a cluster of four cells-the microspore tetrad . As the anthers mature and dehydrate, the microspores dissociate from each other and develop into pollen grains. 103. (4) In a majority of flowering plants, one of the megaspores is functional while the other three degenerate. Only the functional megaspore develops into the female gametophyte (embryo sac). This method ‘of embryo sac formation from a single megaspore is, termed monosporic development. 104, (1) The ovule isa small structure attached to the placenta by means of a stalk called funiele. The body of the ‘ovule fuses with fimicle in the region called hilum, Thus, hilum represents the junction between ovuleand funicle 105. (1) The Megaspore mother cell (MMC) undergoes n, Meiosis results in the production of fourmegaspores. Ina majority of flowering plants, one of the megaspores is functional while the other three degenerate. Only the functional megaspore develops into the female gametophyte (embryo sac). So the meiosis (reduetional division) in MMC isnecessary to maintain ploidy of gametes. 106. (1) 107. (1) Selfpollination refers to the transfer of pollen from anthers o stigma in the same flowers. 108. (1) Haploid — Egg, Diploid — Nucellus, Tr — Endosperm meiotic divi 109. ()All the events— from pollen deposition on the stigma until pollen tubes enter the ovule—are together referred toas pollen-pistil interaction. 110. (2) One of the male gametes moves towards the egg cell and fuses with its nucleus thus completing the syngamy. This results in the formation of adiploid cell, thezygote. The other male gamete moves towards the ‘wo polar nuclei located in the central cell and fuses with them to produce a triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN). 111. (3) Since two types of fusions, syngamy and triple fusion take place in an embryo sae the phenomenon is termed double fertilisation, an event unique to flowering plants. ‘The central cell after triple fusion becomes the primary endosperm cell (PEC) and develops into the endosperm while the zygote develops into an embryo. 112. (4) The portion of the embryonal axis above the level of attachment of scutellum is the epicotyl. Epicotyl has shoot apex and a few leaf primordia enclosed ina hollow foliar structure, the eoleoptile. 113. (2) Seeds are formed inside fruits. A seed typically consists of seed coat(s), cotyledon(s) and an embryo axis. 114, (1) The micropyle remains asa small pore in the seed coat. This facilitates entry of oxygen and water into the seed during germination. [10] 115, (1) Different layers in the pericarp of fleshy fruits are Epicarp > Mesocarp > Endocarp 116. (4) Although seeds, in general are the products of fertilization, a few flowering plants such as some species of Asteraceae and grasses, have evolved a special mechanism, to produce seeds without fertilization, called apomixis, Thus, apomixis isa form of asexual reproduction that mimies sexual reproduction, 117.(1) 118. (2) The Megaspore mother cell (MMC) undergoes meiotic division. Meiosis results in the production of fourmegaspores. Ina majority of flowering plants, one of the megaspores is functional while the other three degenerate. Only the funetional megaspore develops into the female gametophyte (embryo sac). Thus functional megaspore is haploid (n) in nature. 119. (2) Endosperm does not possess the ability to forma complete plant. 120. (2) Tapetum provides nourishment to the developing pollen grains so it has dense cytoplasm and is multinucleate condition. MMC are diploid, therefore, to form microspore tetrad they show meiosis. 121.(1) 122, (1) Ina typical complete, bisexual and hypogynous flowerthe arrangement of floral whorls on the thalamus from the outermost tothe innermost is - (i) The calyx, a whorl or sepals (outermost) i) The corolla, a whorl or petals (inside the calyx) (iii) The androecium. A whorl of stamens (inside the corolla) (iv) The gynoecium, a whorl or pistils (in the centre of the flower forming inner most whorl) 123. (3) The female gametophyte or embryo sac is located inside the nucellus; enclosed within the integuments. In amajority of flowering plants, one of the megaspore is functional while the other three degenerate. Three repeated mitotic divisions ofthe functional megaspore results in the formation of seven-celled or eight-nucleate embryo sae, Six (6) of eight nuclei are organised at the two poles. ‘Three cells grouped at micropylar end forms ege- apparatus and three (3) at the chalazal end forms antipodal cells. The large central cell atthe centre has ‘wo polar nuclei. ‘The meiotic divisions in the formation of embryo sae are strictly free-nuclear, that is nuclear divisions are not followed immediately by cell-wall formation, Gametophyte is situated at micropylar end not at chalazal end. 124, (2) In unfertilised embryo sac, the antipodals and synergids are distinctly present at chalazal end and micropylar end respectively while, in fertilised embryo sae, antipodals and synergids gradually degenerate after the formation of zygote. 125. (1) Wind pollination requires that the pollen grains are lightand non-sticky so that they can be transported in wind currents. They often possess well-exposed stamens (so that the pollens are easily dispersed into ‘wind currents) and large often-feathery stigma to easily trap air-bome pollen grains, Wind-pollinated flowers often have a single ovule in each ovary and numerous flowers packed into an inflorescence. 126. 2) The residual, persistent nucellusis called perisperm. Eg 127. (4) Sporopollenin isa major component of tough outer ‘walls of pollen grains. It is chemically very stable and is usually well preserved in soils and se seeds of black pepper and beet ents, 128, (4) Glucose and fructose are phosphorylated to give rise to glucose-6- phosphate by the act enzyme hexokinase, This phosphorylated form of glucose then phosphate, Subsequent steps of metabolism of glucose and fructose are same, 129. (1) 130. (3) The first process of aerobic respiration takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria while the second process is located on the inner membrane of the mitochondria, 131.(3) y of the omerises to produce fructose-6- (11) 132. (3) One glucose molecule yields anet gain of 36 ATP molecules during aerobie respiration. 133. (2) Substrate level phosphorylation occur only at specific placesin glycolysisand TCA cycle and produce 2ATPin both cases and hense total 4 ATP by substrate level phosphorylation. 134, (1) Molecular oxygen ultimately combines with hydrogen to form waterat the end of Electron Transport Chain (ETC). Cytochrome-c is an electron acceptor inETS. Pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyses reaction converting, pyruvic acid into acetyl Co-A. Oxalosuecinate forms a.-ketoglutaric acid ina decarboxylation reaction. 135. (1) Statement (d) is correct. H,S is electron donor in photosynthesis of green sulphur bacteria. Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma. The light reactions of photosynthesis generate ATP by the action of chemiosmosis. (SECTION -B) 136, (1) Photosystems are functional and structural units of protein complexes involved in photosynthesis. Their main functions are absorption of light and the transfer of energy and electron: 137. (1) Bundle sheath cells are rich in an enzyme called RuBisCO. Active site of this enzyme can bind to O, and CO, and involve in carboxylation and decarboxyl 138. (1) 139. (1) Statement ¢ and d are not related to photorespiration. In the photorespiratory pathway, there is neither synthesis of sugars nor of ATP. Rather it results in the release of CO, with the utilization of ATP. In the photorespiratory pathway there is no synthesis of ATP or NADPH. Therefore, photorespiration is a wasteful process. In C, plants photorespiration does not occur. 140. (1) Apermeable membrane does not allow the proton gradient formation therefore itis not required for ATP synthesis through chemiosmotic hypothesis. 141. (3) In C, cycle, RuBP carboxylase is used to fix atmospheric CO, whereas, in C, plants PEP carboxylase is involved in primary CO, fixation. So, both are used in CO, fixation but in different eyeles. Other options are incorrect because in (1) and (2) option is giving incomplete information and option (4) PGA synthase is not atall involved in CO, fixation. 142, (4) Oxaloacetate is a four earbon compound formed in C, cycle and isa first stable product. Rest ofthe options are incorrect because (1) Pyruvate is formed in glycolysis. (2) Glyceraldehyde-(3)-phosphate is also an intermediate compound of glycolysis. (3) Phosphoglycerate is also an intermediate compound of glycolysis. 143. (4) The chemical and physical properties of amino acids are essentially of the amino, carboxyl and the R functional groups. Based on number of amino and carboxyl groups, there are acidic (e.g, glutamic acid), basic (lysine) and neutral (valine) amino acids. Similarly, there are aromatic amino acids (tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan). 144. (1) Morphine and Codeine are the alkaloids. While, Abrinand Ricin are Toxins, Lemon grass oil isan essential oil ‘Vinblastin and curcumin are drugs. 145. (3) Glucose transport into the cells is enabled by GLUT, 146. (1) 147, (3) Metabolic pathway’ can lead to a more complex structure from a simpler structure (for example, acetic acid becomes cholesterol) orlead toa simpler structure from a complex structure (for example, glucose becomes lactic acid in our skeletal muscle). The former cases are called biosynthetic pathways or anabolic pathways. The latter constitute degradation and hence are called catabolic pathways. 148, (4) Three kinds of cofactors may be identified: prosthetic ‘groups, co-enzymes and metal ions, Catalytic activity is lost when the co-factor is removed from the enzyme ‘which testifies that they play acrucial rolein the catalytic activity of the enzyme. [12] 149. (4) GLUT-4 enables glucose transport into cells While, Trypsin isan enzyme, Antibody fights infectious agents in body, Insulinisa hormone. 150. (2) A coenzyme or metal ion that is tightly bound (covalently) to enzyme protein is called prosthetic group. A complete catalytic active enzyme with its bound prosthetic group is called holoenzyme. (SECTION -A) 151. (3) Prostate gland is present below seminal vesicles in human male reproductive system. 152. (2) The female reproducti ofapair of ovaries along with accessory reproductive structures asa pair of oviduets, uterus, cervix, vagina and the external genitalia located in pelvic region, 153. (3) The correct sequence is Spermatogenesis -» Spermiogenesis > Spermiation 154, (2) Both LH and FSH attain a peak level in the middle of cycle (about 14th day). Rapid secretion of LH Jeading to its maximum level during the mid-cycle called LH surge induces rupture of Graafian follicle and thereby the release of ovum (ovulation). This phase is called ovulatory phase 155, (1) The sex of the foetus is determined by the sex ‘chromosome from the male gamete (sperm). 156. (3) 157, (1) Immediately after implantation, the inner cell mass (embryo) differentiates into an outer layer called ectoderm and an inner layer called endoderm, A mesoderm soon appears between the ectoderm and the endoderm. These three layers give rise to all tissues (organs) in adults. The inner cell mass con cells which have the potency to give rise to all the tissues and organs. 158. (3) 159, (4) Spermatogenesis —> formation of spermatids. Spermiogenesis — formation of spermatozoa from spermatids, Spermiation — Release of spermatozoa into seminiferous tubule’s cavity /lumen. 160. (4) Pills have to be taken daily fora period of 21 days. Saheli containsa non-steroidal preparation fe system consi 1s stem 161. (2) Statement (a) and (b) are incorrect. The use of is highly promoted in hospitals. Infections like hepatitis-B and HIV can be transmitted by sharing, injection needles and surgical instruments. 162. (4) The sterilisation methods in males and females are called vasectomy and tubectomy respectively which is quite efficient butits reversibility is almost nil so itis terminal method. 163. (1) Lactational amenorrhea is based on the fact that ovulation cannot occur at the time of intense lactational period after parturition so there will be no conception atall, 164, (3) IMR (Infant Mortility Rate) and MMR (Maternal Mortility Rate) both are responsible for affecting the ‘growth rate inversely. Itmeans decline in IMR as well, as MMR will result in high population growth and vice- versa Here, if IMR has been increased then it will resul decline in growth rate. While, decreased MMR will cause rapid increase in growth rate. Therefore, in the above situation, if IMR has been increased and MMR has been decreased in a population, it will not cause any significant changs ‘growth rate 165. (1) Breast feeding is one of the natural contraceptive methods. It reduces fecundity by affecting the production of certain reproductive hormones. It is known to suppress the production of Gonadotropin- Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Follicle Stimulating, Hormone (FSH). ‘The release of these hormones trigger ovulation, Breast feeding also leads to increased level of prolactin, a hormone that inhibits ovulation. So, even when a ‘woman ovulates, her likelihood of conceivingis low as she is breast-feeding, 166. (2) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and genital warts are STDs caused by Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and human papilloma virus. These pathogens directly infect and damage sex organs causing causing itching, fluid discharge, slight pain and swelling of genitalia. [13] AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) isa set of symptoms caused by HIV virus in humans. Itis transmitted through sexual contacts from infected to healthy person. The HIV virus doesnot directly affect, sex organs as such but produce other set of symptoms in the body of infected person. 167, (4) Intrauterine devices are inserted by doctors or expert nurses in the uterus through vagina, These Intra Uterine Devices are presently av medicated IUDs (e.g. Lippes loop), copper releasing IUDs (CuT, Cu7, Multiload 375) and the hormone ing IUDs (Progestasert, LNG - 20) 168, (1) In lactational amenorrhoea, due to high prolactin level, gonadotropin level decreases. 169, (3) Proteins and nucleic acids were formed in the dirtection of the origin of life. 170. (2) If population of a species is transferred to more suitable environment then more individuals will survive, 171. (4) Homologous organs are the same structures developed along different directions due to adaptations to different needs. Homology indicates common ancestry. Homologous structures developed because of divergent evolution, Mouthparts of cockroach, mosquito and honey bee are homologous organs. 172, (4) Geographical isolation isa very strong governing force regarding random speciation (creation of new species). 173. (1) Biological species concept is mainly based on Reproductive isolation of some in fr ‘group of individuals ofa species. 174, (2) Mutations bring in new variants within a population that in broad aspect help in the process of genetic evolution, so itcan be considered as raw materials of evolution. 175, (1) In Directional selection of natural selection more individuals acquire value other than the mean character value; this phenomenon is evident in DDT resistance in mosquitoes, ble as the non- ie rele: 176. (4) The amphibians evolved into reptiles. They lay thick shelled eggs which do not dry upin sun unlike those of amphibians, Again we only see their modem day descendents, the turtles, tortoises and crocodiles Fish with stout and strong fins could move on land and go back to water. This was about 350 mya. In 1938, fish caught in South Africa happened to be a Coelacanth which was thought to be extinet, These animals called lobefins evolved into the first amphibians that lived on both land and water. There are no specimens of these left with us, However, these were ancestors of modem day frogs and salamanders. Giant ferns (pteridophytes) were present but they all fell form coal deposits slowly. Some of these Jand reptiles went back into water to evolve into fish like reptiles probably 200 mya (e.g. Ichthyosaurs). 177.1) 178, (2) 179. 2) The nasal chamber opens into the pharynx, a portion of which is the common passage for food and air, The pharynx opens through the larynx region into the trachea. 180, (4) According to the question, IC + FRC-RV=TV + IRV +ERV+RV-RV=TV + ERV +IRV=VC 181. (1) Anincrease in blood CO, concentration causes a decrease in blood pH which will result in haemoglobin, proteins releasing their load of oxygen. When CO, levels become excessive, a condition knownas acidosis occurs. 182, (4) The movement of air into and out of the lungs is carried out by creating a pressure gradient between the lungsand the atmosphere. The pressure within the Jungsis less than the atmospheric pressure so there isa negative pressure in the lungs with respect to atmospheric pressure. ‘The puncture in the chest affects this pressure gradient maintained by the lungs and thus may cause cessation ofbreathing. [14] 183. (2) Pneumotaxic centre located in the dorsal part of pons varoli of the brain can reduce the duration of inspiration and thus alter the respiratory rate. Pneumotaxic Centre is located in the lower partof pons varoli is responsible for promoting inspiration process. 184. (1) The oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve will show a right shift in case of low pO,, high pCO, high H* concentration (low pH) and high temperature. 185, (4) Inspirations - Contraction of diaphragm + Volume of thoracic cavity —Contraction of external intereostal muscle + ~t Volume of thoracie cavity Y { Pressure 186. (2) Inflammat due to increasing air-bome allergensand pollutants that cause asthma, 187. (4) Frogs can live both on land and in freshwater and belong to class Amphibia of phylum Chordata, The most common species of frog found in India is Rana tigrina, 188. (3) The changes in the colour of the frogs can be observed while they are in grasses and on dry land. They have the ability to change the colourto hide them from their enemies (camouflage). This protective colouration iscalled mimicry. 189. (1) Nictitating membranes in the eyes of frogs protect their eyes of frogs in water. 190. (3) Male frogs can be distinguished by the presence of sound producing vocal sacs and also copulatory pad on the first digit of the fore limbs which are absent female frogs. 191.(4) The ftogisa poikilotherm, or animal with cold blood. As temperature oftheir environment fluctuates, so does their body temperature. This is asa result of the food's delayed oxidation in their tissues. 192, (4) Fach myosin (thick) filamentisa polymerised protein. Many monomeric proteins called Meromyosins constitute one thick filament 193, (2) The central part of thick filament, not overlapped by thin filaments is called the ‘H’ zone. In the centre of each ‘T’ band is an elastic fibre called *Z” line which bisects it, Actin filaments are thinner as compared to the myosin filaments 194,(4) 195, (3) Sprain refers to a partial or complete tear of a ligament. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, loss of function, etc. A strain isa stretching or tearing, of musele or tendon. 196.(4) 197. (1) The joint present between humerus and pectoral girdle is ball and socket joint. The elbow, knee, ankle and interphalangeal joints are the examples of hinge joints 198, (2) Head of humerus bone articulates with the glenoid cavity of pectoral girdle. This articulation results in the formation of ball and socket joints present in the shoulder. 199, (2) Progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle mostly due to genetic disorder is muscular dystrophy whereas tetany is muscular spasm in muscle due to low calcium, in body fluid. Myasthenia gravis in a autoimmune disorder leading to paralysis of skeletal muscles. Botulism is rare and dangerous type of food poisoning aused by the toxins produced by bacterium Clostridium botulinum. 200, (1) Caleium bind to troponin, thus causing tropomyosin to shift from the face of actin molecules to which myosin heads need to bind to produce contraction. [15]

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