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SETTING: A large decorated with stars hung all over the place

A large star covered with tin foil is set in front of the hall. At the center of the star is a mirror, big enough for the
Twinkler to see her own face. Before the ceremony, the star is a covered with a piece of cloth which will be removed at a
certain part of the ceremony.

Beside the star is a huge trefoil representing the GSP Movement.

Play some lively music to start the ceremony as the new Twinklers skip gaily into the
hall searching for something.

SHINING STAR: (Meets the new Twinklers) "Hello there, little friends? May I know why
(Co- Leader) you are here?"

NEW TWINKLERS: We are looking for the Magic Star. We want to know if we can become
SHINING STAR: Well then, come along! I shall take you to Guiding Star. She will show you the Magic Star. (Shining
Star takes the girls to Guiding Star)
"Guiding Star, these little girls are looking for the Magic Star. They wish to become Twinklers and they wish to
know if they can become one."

GUIDING STAR: "Welcome, my little fiends. This is the land of the Twinklers. But first, you must tell me why
(TROOP LEADER) you want to become Twinklers.

Girl NO. 1: I want to be happy.

Girl NO.2: I want to be good.
Girl NO.3: I want to play.
Girl NO.4: I want to make other people happy.

GUIDING STAR: " Come and see the Magic Star. (Approaches the Magic Star and removes the cloth covering it while
appropriate music is played).


(Each Twinkler looks ito the mirror and upon seeing her face shouts joyfully - "I'M A TWINKLER!" Provide some
suitable background music)

SHINING STAR: "The Magic Star says you can all be Twinklers. Twinklers are little Girl Scouts who are always happy
because they do good deeds and make others happy.
Now Guiding Star will hear you make your Twinkler Promise. She now stands
before the Trefoil which represents the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, the movement which you will now belong. Each
girl takes a steps towards the Guiding Star and recites the Twinkler Promise as she executes the Twinkler sign.) "I love
God, my country and people around me."

GUIDING STAR: (or any Investing Officer) Executes the Girl Scout Sign after the girl has recited her Promise and pins
the World Badge and the Twinklers Pin on her uniform). "Welcome to the Girl Scout Movement as a member of the
Twinkler Troop (Shakes the left hand of the Twinkler). Keep your Promise and be happy little Twinklers always.

TWINKLERS: "HAPPY LITTLE TWINKLER" (Sing altogether with appropriate action)


Place: A garden, or lawn, or wide hall, or park.

Equipment: Magic Carpet
Part I Introduction

Troop Leaders (North Star and Morning Star) stand at the center of the garden or hall with the Magic Carpet
in front of them.

Step 1- The Star Clusters by turns enter hopping and skipping and singing their rhyme songs until they reach
their troop leaders. They quietly form a semi-circle around the Magic Carpet, stand attention and sing their
respective songs.
a. White: We're the starlights shining through Brave and helpful to all of you.
b. Gold We're the stardust on our way to help the people everyday.
c. Red We're the starglow watch us grow Helpful, truthful wherever we go.
d. Pink Here we are, the sparkling star rays, giving help with a smiling face.
e. Red-orange We’re the star glow, watch us go helpful, truthful wherever we go.

Step 2- Morning Star comes forward, executes the Girl Scout Sign to North Star who returns it, and
then announces aloud:
" North Star, we have found a little Twinkler/little Twinklers in the Starry Circle who wants/want to join the

Step 3- (Morning Star then fetches the Twinkler/Twinklers who are hiding nearby behind some improvised
cloud or brush or plant).

North Star "Let her/them come forward."

Step 4- North Star: "Tell me, why do you want to become a Star?"

Step 5- Twinkler: " I want to bring light." If more than one is to be invested, each one should give a
different answer, such as "I want to be truthful, helpful, obedient, etc.

Step 6- North Star- Stars are little children who brighten their homes with smiles and deeds. Each Star has to
make happy everyday her mother, or father, or brother, or sister. She has to keep herself, brightly shining by
being clean, truthful and obedient. Do you want to become such a Star in your Home"?

Step 7- Twinkler: "Yes, North Star, I do."

Step 8- North Star, "very well, Twinkler you have come to right place. But before you join the Clusters, you
have to make a promise. Will you say your Promise now?"
Part II- Investiture

Step 9- Twinkler with her right hand executes the Star Scout Sign, makes her Promise before the North
Star, clearly, and loudly, but slowly.

Step 10- North Star returns the sign with the Girl Scout Sign and then pins the Star Scout membership
pin on the left collar of the Star Uniform.

Step 11North Star- She then welcomes the girls to the troop with the Girl Scout Handshake and Sign, saying:
"Welcome to Star Troop of the Landang Laum Elementary School, Zamboanga City Council of the Girl Scouts
of the Philippines."

Part II- Follow-up

Step 12- North Star: "Now you are truly a member of a Star Scout Troop. But before you Star Cluster
can accept you, your mother will put on your Star Scout Cap."
(Mothers or guardians should be given a special seat in front of the circle to facilitate this part of the program.)
the mother comes to the circle and puts the cap on her mother.

Step 13- North Star: "We welcome you to the Milky Way." The Stars from a big circle around the
Magic Carpet, holding hands and then dancing to a song of their choice.

Part III- Special features

The Star Clusters show the special numbers they have prepared for the new Star Scouts, who are given places at
the center of the hall, and are crowned with cardboard star crowns made by the girls themselves.
Each Star Cluster, as a group presents a dance, or song or drama, etc.


A. Investiture
Presiding Leader/Troop Leader: You are now about to be taken into troop no. 10056 of Landang Laum
Elementary School, Zamboanga City Council, Girl Scout of the Philippines. Now may I call our investing
officer Miss Nur-aina Lali to proceed the ceremony.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: We have here with us a number of girls, aged 9-12. Let ask them why they
are here. Girls why are you here and what do you wish to continue?

New JUNIOR SCOUTS: We want to become a Junior scouts. Will you accept us?

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Do you come of your own free will?

New JUNIOR SCOUTS: Yes, we do.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Have you satisfied the requirements expected of Junior Girl Scouts?
New JUNIOR SCOUTS: Yes, we have.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Are you ready to fulfill the junior scout promise and obey the girl scout law?

New JUNIOR SCOUTS: Yes, we are.

Presiding Leader/Troop Leader/: Then, having shown your willingness and sincerity in wanting to become a
member of Landang Laum Elementary School Junior Girl Scout Troop No. 10056 Zambaonga City Council, we
are ready to be received you. But First, let us know the significance of the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

B. Candle Ceremony
1. Institutional Head Lights the biggest Candle
“This candle which now light represent the spirits of scouting which we hope will guide you all
throughout your life”
2. The Other Troop Leaders Lights the 3 big candles:
Troop Leader 1: "This candle shall shine as symbol that Girl Scout are true to God and country."
Troop Leader 2: "May the light of this second candle shine as a symbol that a Scouts greatest desire
is to be of service."
Troop Leader 3: "lastly, may the light of the third candle shine as a symbol that Girl Scouts are true to
their ideals as represented by the Girl Scout Law."
3. The Selected New Girl Scouts lights the 10 small candles representing the ten (10) points of the Girl
Scout Law while executes the Girl Scouts Sign. (The assigned Girl Scouts walks to the table, gets a taper
and lights it from the biggest candle.)
Junior Scout 1: (Lights the candle 1) A Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.
“A Girl Scouts are honest and trusted in dealing with our family, our friends and our society. We should be
dependable as the blue of the sky”.

Junior Scout 2: (Lights the candle 2) A Girl Scout is loyal.

“Is candle is a symbol of loyalty, strength and courage. A Girl Scouts are faithful to what is true and good.
Junior Scout 3: (Lights the candle 3) A Girl Scout is helpful.
“It reminds us of our duty to be considerate and caring of others. A girl scout knows when somebody in danger
and helps.
Junior Scout 4: (Lights the candle 4) A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other Girl Scout.
“A girl scout should know whom to trust as a friend and should be trusted as a friend too.
Junior Scout 5: (Lights the candle 5) A Girl Scout is courteous.
“Gold represents a sun of rays. They shine on everyone regardless of color creed or race. This is how girl scouts
should be courteous.
Junior Scout 6: (Lights the candle 6) A Girl Scout respects living things.
“A girl scout knows that she should not abuse or misuse her environment.”
Junior Scout 7: (Lights the candle 7) A Girl Scout is disciplined.
“Discipline requires perseverance and strength of character.”
Junior Scout 8: (Lights the candle 8) A Girl Scout is self-reliant.
“A girl scout develops wealth of girl scouting experience to use as her resources in everyday life”.
Junior Scout 9: (Lights the canole 9) A Girl Scout is thrifty.
“A girl scouts save for rainy day. Girl scouts knows when to spend and not to spend material wealth.”
Junior Scout 10: (Lights the candle 10) A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed
“This symbolizes cool, clear raindrops as we think of the purity of our thoughts, words and deeds in dealing
with everyone around us.”

Presiding Officer/Troop Leader: Before we do, let us hear you say the Girl Scout Promise and Law in unison.

New JUNIOR SCOUT: (GSP Promise and Law)

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Now. May we request the parents/guidance for hooding of the GSP Junior
Presiding Officer/Troop Leader: Now, we are ready to pin the junior girl scout pin and the world pin on your


Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Welcome to the sisterhood and the world of Girl scouting and to Junior Girl
Scouts of the Philippines.

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