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Any and all pleadings, motions, briefs, memoranda or

other papers to be filed, must be signed by the supervising
atty. for and in behalf of the legal clinic.
Practice of Law
- activity, in or out of court, w/c requires application of law, Public Officials and Practice of Law
legal procedure, knowledge, training, and experience General Rule: The appointment or election of an atty. to a gov’t
- not limited to conduct of cases in court office disqualifies him from engaging in the private practice of law.
Essential Criteria: (H-A-C-A) I. Absolute Prohibition
1. Habituality 1. Judges and other officials and employees of the
2. Application of law, legal principle, practice or procedure courts
3. Compensation 2. Officials or employees of Sol. Gen.
4. Atty. - Client Relationship 3. Gov’t prosecutors
4. Pres., Vice-Pres., and members of the Cabinet and
As a Privilege their deputies and assistants
A lawyer owes substantial duties not only to his client, but 5. Member of the Con. Com.
also in the profession, to the courts, and to the nation; no once can 6. All governors, city and municipal mayors
be prevented from practicing it except for valid reasons.
II. Relative Prohibition
As a Profession (not as a business) 1. They shall not appear as counsel in a civil case
1. A duty of public service, of w/c the emolument is a by- where adverse party is the LGU or instrumentality of
product gov’t.
2. A relation as officer of the court to administer justice w/ 2. Shall not use property and personnel of gov’t
sincerity, integrity, and reliability 3. Former gov’t atty cannot, after leaving gov’t service,
3. A relation to client in the highest degree fiduciary (trust) accept engagement in connection w/ any matter in
4. A relation to colleagues at the bar with candor (honesty) w/c he had intervened while in the said service.

Lawyer’s Oath Sanctions for Practice or Apearance w/o Authority:

I, (name), do solemnly swear that I will maintain 1. Contempt of Court
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, I will obey the laws as 2. Estafa
well as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities therein; I 3. Criminal and/or Admin. Liability
will do no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court; I will 4. Disbarment or Suspension
not wittingly or willingly promote or sue any groundless, false, or
unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent to the same; I will delay no Ambulance Chasing - atty’s practice of soliciting business from
man for money or malice, and will conduct myself as a lawyers accident victims or their families at the scene of an accident or
according to the best of my knowledge and discretion with all good disaster
fidelity as well to Court as to my clients, and I impose upon myself
these voluntary obligations without any mental reservation or Evils Spawned by Ambulance Chasing:
purpose of evasion, so help me God. 1. Fomenting (Encouraging) of litigation w/ resulting burdens
on the courts and the public
Legal Ethics 2. Subordination (Support) of perjury
- branch of moral science of w/c treats the duties w/c an atty. 3. Mulcting (Defraud) of innocent persons by judgments
owes to the court, to his client, to the profession, and to the upon manufactured causes of actions
public 4. Defrauding of injured persons having proper causes of
- embodiment of principles of morality and conduct action but ignorant of legal rights and court procedure

Qualifications for Admissions to the Bar: (Rule 138, Sec. 1, RoC) Barratry - lawyer’s act of fomenting suits among individuals and
1. Citizen of the PH offering his legal services to one of them for monetary purposes
2. Resident of the PH
3. At least 21 y/o CANON 20 - A lawyer shall charge only fair and reasonable fees.
4. A person of good moral character
5. Must show that no charges against him involving moral Concept of Attorney’s Fees:
turpitude, are filed or pending in court 1. Ordinary - reasonable compensation paid to lawyers for
6. Possess the required education qualifications the legal services he had rendered in favor of his client.
7. Pass the bar exams Basis of compensation: Fact of Employment by the client.

Appearance of non-lawyers: (Rule 138-A) 2. Extraordinary - indemnity for damages ordered by the
1. Law student who has successfully completed his 3 rd yr of court to be paid by the losing party to the prevailing party
the regular 4-year prescribed law curriculum in a litigation cases authorized by law; paid not to the
2. Enrolled in a recognized law school’s clinical legal lawyer but to the client UNLESS there is an agreement that
education program approved by SC the award shall pertain to the lawyer.
3. Under direct supervision and control of a member of IBP
duly accredited by the law school The Rules of Court provides under Rule 138, s. 24 only 3 factors:
a. the importance of the subject matter of controversy
b. the extent of the services rendered
c. the professional standing of the atty. 9. Conviction for a crime and imprisonment of the lawyer
Quantum Meruit - “as much as he has deserved”; how much work Rule 22.01. A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the ff
you have put in. case: (Im-In-Ina-Me-Fa-El-O)
a. Client pursues immoral/illegal conduct
Attorney’s Lien (Sec. 37, RoC) b. Client insists that lawyer pursue conduct violative of
- he shall have alien upon the funds, documents and papers canons
of his client w/c have lawfully come into his client w/c c. Inability to work w/ co-counsel will not promote the best
have lawfully come into his possession and may retain the interest of the client
same until his lawful fees and disbursements have been d. Mental or physical incapability of the lawyer
paid, and may apply such funds to the satisfaction thereof. e. Client deliberately fails to pay fees
Purpose: To insure payment of his professional fees and f. Lawyer is elected/appointed to public office
reimbursement of his lawful disbursements and advances in keeping g. Other similar cases.
w/ his duty as officer of court.
Warning - act of putting one on his guard against an impending
Retaining Lien danger, evil consequences or penalties
- right of an atty. to retain the funds, docs, papers w/c
lawfully come into his possession until his lawful fees have Admonition - gently/friendly reproof, warning or reminder,
been paid. counseling; not considered penalties
- a preliminary fee paid to ensure and secure a lawyer’s
future services Reprimand - more severe in nature; public and formal censure or
severe reproof
Charging Lien
- the right w/c an atty. has upon all judgments for the payt of Suspension - temporary withholding lawyer’s right to practice for a
money, and execution in pursuance of such judgments, certain or indefinite period
obtained in favor of the client, to secure reimbursement for
advances made and payt of atty’s fees. Disbarment - act of SC in withdrawing an atty. the right to practice

Acceptance Fees Where initiated Dismissed How to act on the Complaint

- fee charged by a lawyer for accepting the case. Outright?
- he is foregoing prospective work for the party. Supreme Court Yes 1. Dismiss
Rationale: He loses opportunity to handle the case for the opposing 2. Refer to the IBP for formal
party. investigation on IRR
3. Decide based on the
Contingent Fees submissions
- one w/c stipulate that the lawyer will be paid for his legal IBP No 1. Recommend dismissal; if
services only if the suit or litigation ends favorably to the based on lack of merit  SC
client. 2. Formal Investigation;
comment pre-conference
CANON 21 - A lawyer shall preserve the confidence and secrets of What charge if sufficiently proven? DISHONESTY
his client even after the atty-client relation is terminated.
Characteristics of Disbarment Proceeding:
Confidence - refers to info. by the atty-client privilege. a. Neither a civil nor a criminal proceeding
b. Double jeopardy cannot be availed of
Secret - refers to the other info. agained in the professional c. Can be initiated motu proprio by SC or IBP
relationship that the client has regulated to be held inviolate or the d. Imprescriptible
disclosure of w/c would be embarrassing or would likely be e. It is itself due process of law
detrimental to the client. f. Confidential until final determination
When is disclosure allowed: (Rule 21.01, Canon 21, RoC) Grounds for Suspension or Disbarment:
a. When authorized by the client after acquainting him of the 1. Deceit
consequences of disclosure. 2. Malpractice, or other gross misconduct
b. When required by law. 3. Grossly immoral conduct
c. When necessary to collect his fees or to defend himself, his 4. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
employees or associates of by judicial action. 5. Violation of oath
6. Willful disobedience of any lawful order
Termination of Attorney-Client Relationship: (W- D2-A-F-D2-I-C) 7. Corrupt or willful appearance to a case w/o auth. to do so
1. Withdrawal of the lawyer under Art. 22.01
2. Death of the lawyer, unless it is a firm where other lawyer Main Objectives of Disciplinary Action:
can continue the case 1. to compel atty to deal fairly and honestly
3. Death of the client 2. to remove those who are unfit
4. Appointment of a lawyer to a govt position w/c prohibits 3. to punish & to safeguard the administration of justice
private practice of law 4. to protect the public
5. Full termination of the case 5. to set an example or warning
6. Disbarment or Suspension
7. Declaration of presumptive death of the lawyer
8. Intervening incapacity or incompetency
Reinstatement - restoration to a disbarred lawyer the privilege to
practice law.

Considerations of Reinstatement: Jurisdiction of Notary Public & Place of Notarization

1. applicant’s character and standing prior to disbarment General Rule: Only in his regular place of work or business.
2. nature/character of the misconduct Exception: (provided that it is still within territorial jurisdiction of
3. his conduct subsequent to disbarment the court that issued notarial commission)
4. the time elapsed 1. Public offices, convention halls where oaths of office are
5. applicant’s appreciation of his dereliction (irresponsibility) administered
6. favorable endorsement of IBP, pleas of his loved ones 2. Public function areas used for the signing of instruments or
documents requiring notarization
Notary Public - person commissioned to perform acts of: 3. Hospital where a party to an instrument is confined for
1. Acknowledgements treatment
2. Oath & Affirmation 4. Any place where a party is under detention.
3. Jurats
4. Signature witnessing Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE)
5. Copy certification, etc.
6th Compliance Period  April 14, 2019
Qualifications of a Notary Public:
1. Must be a citizen of the PH Purpose of MCLE:
2. At least 21 y/o 1. To keep abreast w/ law and jurisprudence
3. 1 yr residency and maintained regular work in the city or 2. To maintain the ethics of the profession
province where commission is to be issued 3. To enhance the standards of practice of law
4. Member of the Phil. bar
5. Must not have been convicted in the 1 st instance of any Subject No. of Hours
crime involving moral turpitude 1. Legal Ethics At least 6 hours
2. Trial & Pre-trial Skills At least 4 hours
Term of Office (Rule 3, s. 11, RoC) 3. Alternative Dispute Resolution 5 hours
Granted by an executive judge after petition of a lawyer, 4. Updates on Substantive and Procedural 9 hours
and is good for 2 years commencing on the first day of January of Law & Jurisprudence
the year in w/c the commission is made UNLESS earlier revoked or 5. Legal Writing & Oral Advocacy 4 hours
has resigned. 6. Int’l law & Int’l Convention 2 hours
7. Other subjects prescribed 6 hours
Certification of a Deed: TOTAL 36 hours
1. All the parties therein personally appeared before him  Every 3 years, 36 hours shall be completed
2. Personally known to him
3. Same person who executed the instrument Good Cause of Exemption in MCLE:
4. Notary public inquired into the voluntariness and due 1. Physical disability
execution of the instrument 2. Illness
5. Acknowledgement 3. Post-graduate study abroad
4. Proven expertise in law
Grounds for Violation of the Commission of a Notary Public:
1. Failure to keep a notarial register Sanctions for Non-Compliance:
2. Failure to make proper entry as required by law 1. Non-Compliance fee (Rule 13, s. 1, RoC)
3. Failure of the notary to send copy of the entries to the 2. Listing as delinquent member
proper clerk of RTC  failure to comply after 60 days for compliance
4. Failure to affix date of expiration of his commission, as 3. Accrual of membership fee against a delinquent member
required by law
5. Failure to make proper notation regarding CTC
6. Failure to make report to RTC judge concerning
performance of his duties
7. Failure to forward his notarial register when filled to the

1. If notary public is personally a party to the instrument
2. If he will receive a commission or fee in excess of what is
provided in these rules
3. If notary is a spouse, common-law partner, ancestor,
descendant or relative by affinity or consanguinity of the
principal up to 4th degree

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