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Sofia da Rosa Ibraimo

Curso de Gestão de Recursos Humanos

Cadeira de Inglês

It is an economic and social process, I establish an integration between countries and people
around the world. It is through this process that people, governments and companies exchange
ideas, carry out financial and commercial transactions and spread cultural aspects through the
four corners of the world. planet.

Globalization is one of the processes of international deepening of economic, social, cultural

and political integration. I would have been driven by the cheapness of the means of transport
and communication of the countries in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.

Impact of Globalization
Globalization affects all sectors of society, especially international trade, freedom of
movement, communication with different intensity depending on the level of development
and integration of nations around the planet.

Feature of Globalization of Communications

The globalization of communications has its face more visible in the internet because it allows
a great flow of exchange of ideas; Another aspect is the increase in the universalization of
access to means of communication, thanks to the cheapening of the apparatuses and
infrastructures for the operators.

One of the hallmarks of the globalization process is the difference in technological

development between emerging and developed countries, where developing countries fail to
keep up with advances in technology, which is reflected in their economies. The main
differences refer to the type of production between rich and poor countries, the former is a
technology exporter while the latter is a primary producer.
Globalization is of fundamental importance for the activities of the transactional companies,
since it provides all the technological apparatus for telecommunication services,
transportation, investment, among other essential factors for the effective accomplishment of
economic activities on a planetary scale.

 Ease of communication;
 Growth of new services that create more jobs for the skilled;
 Improving relations between countries by introducing new products on the market and
expanding international trade;
 Introduces new technologies, making their innovations known;
 Dissemination of new cultural habits and improvement at educational levels.

 Problems of exploitation of labor;
 Shifting large companies looking for better investment conditions in countries;
 Increased consumerism;
 Social exclusion for those who do not have the resources to enter education, exclusion
that generates violence and other social problems;
 The technology is being used for illicit purposes such as the trafficking of weapons
and drugs. Partner networks become fast paths to kidnapping, abusing, and sometimes
even death, as they easily put contact with the abuser and the victim.

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