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Chapter 1.

Succession and transfer tax the property or rights received and is

subject to business taxes, not transfer
One can gain, transfer, and lose
ownership in a number of ways.
Under civil code ownership may be
Types of Transfer Tax
acquired through:
1. Estate Tax
1. Occupation
2. Donor’s tax
2. Intellect creation
3. Law
Gratuitous transfer or donation may
4. Donation
take effect at the time of death of the donor
5. Tradition
or during the lifetime of both the donor and
6. Contract
the donee.
7. Prescription
There are two types of transfer or
8. Succession
donation: donation mortis causa and
donation inter vivos. The former is
Art. 712 of the Civil Code states that
subject to estate tax while the latter is
Ownership is acquired by occupation and
subject to donor's tax. Both are types of
by intellect creation. Ownership and other
transfer taxes, assessed on the net value of
real rights over property are acquired and
the taxable assets transferred.
transmitted by law, by donation, by testate
and intestate succession, and in
consequence of certain contracts , by
Succession is when a person's
tradition. They may also be acquired by
property, rights, and obligations are
means of prescription.
transferred to others after their death
through a will or operation of law. .
Transfer taxes are imposed on the
(Article 774 of New Civil Code)
free transfer of private properties or rights
that do not impose a burden or require
Note. an heir's acquired
consideration from the recipient.
obligations should not exceed the total
value of the inherited properties and rights
The transfer of ownership is a free
The inheritance includes all
transfer in absence of financial
the property, rights and obligations of a
consideration and considered as a
person which are not extinguished by his
donation. On the other hand, onerous
death. (Article 776 of New Civil Code)
transfer involves the transferee paying for
The rights to the succession are not execute a will or if the last will and
transmitted from the moment of death of testament executed by him is void.
the decedent. (Article 777 of New Civil ○ If a person dies without a will; void a
Code) notwithstanding the postponement will; lost its validity
of the actual possession or enjoyment of ○ When the will does not institute an heir
the estate by the beneficiary. ○ Partial institution of heir.
Consequently, intestacy takes place as
Nature of transfer taxes. to the undisposed portion.
Transfer tax is an excise tax. ○ When the heir instituted is incapable of
Subject matter: Privilege of the transferor succeeding
to gratuitously transfer property or rights
which takes effect at the date of death of Mixed Succession - Affected
the transferor (transfer mortis causa) or partly by will and partly by operation of
during lifetime of the donor and done law.
(transfer inter vivos)- shall be classified as
excise tax or privilege tax. Elements of Succession.
1. Decedent – general term applied
Governing law for Imposition of Estate to the person whose property is
Tax. transmitted through succession,
Estate taxation is governed by the whether or not he left a will. If he
statute force at the time of death of the left a will, he is called a testator
decedent. The said tax will accrue as the
date of death of the decedent and the - Executor is a person designated
accrual of the tax is distinct from the in the last will and testament to
obligation to pay the same. Upon death carry out the provisions of the
succession takes place and the right of the decedent’s will.
state to the tax the privileged to transmit - Administrator is appointed by
the estate vests instantly upon death. the court and performs the duties of
Kinds of Succession. an executor if they refuse the
Testamentary or Testate – appointment or fail to qualify under
results from the designation of an the law, or if the last will and
heir, made in a will executed in the testament does not appoint one.
form prescribed by law. 2. Inheritance (Estate) - includes a
Legal or Intestate – affected by person's property, rights, and
operations of law since the decedent did obligations that persist after death.
However, purely personal rights are ● Concurring – succeed together
not transferred and end with death with the primary or secondary
(Art. 776 CC) compulsory heirs (illegitimate
3. Successor - person who is called children and descendants and
to the succession either by the surviving spouse).
provision of a will or by operation B. Voluntary Heirs – instituted by
of law (Art. 782 CC). the testator in his will to succeed to
Devisees and legatees - are the inheritance of the portion
persons to whom gifts of real and thereof of which the testator can
personal property are respectively freely dispose. Free portion refers
given by virtue of a will. to the portion or value left in the
estate after deducting the legitimes
Successors or heirs are classified of the compulsory heirs
under the law as follows: (determined through the last will
and testament)
A. Compulsory Heirs. those who C. Legal or Intestate Heirs – succeed
succeed by force of law to some to the estate of the decedent by
portion of the inheritance,in an operation of law(decedent died
amount predetermined by law, without valid will or his estate was
known as the legitime. They not entirely disposed of by will)
succeed whether the testator likes it
or not. They cannot be deprived by Composition of Gross Estate.
the testator of their legitime except
Decedent’s Estate To be Inherited by
by disinheritance properly effected.
This portion is
reserved by law
Kinds of Compulsory Heir LEGITIME specifically to
(i.e., 75% of the compulsory heirs,
● Primary – have precedence over estate) regardless of whether
and exclude other compulsory heirs a last will and
testament was
(legitimate children and prepared.
Compulsory heirs
● Secondary – succeeds only in the and/or Voluntary
absence of the primary heirs.

compulsory heirs (legitimate - As provided in

parents and ascendants) FREE PORTION the last will
(i.e., 25% of the and testament.
one, saving the right of representation
estate) - In the absence
of a will, this when it properly takes place.
portion shall be
distributed to
“Intestate Collateral Relatives.
heirs” based in
Consanguinity (blood relatives) –
the order of
priority. relation of persons descending from the
same stock or common ancestor.
Legitime – part of the testator’s Types of Consanguinity.
property which he cannot dispose of Lineal Consanguinity subsists between
because the law has reserved it for certain persons of whom one is descended in a
heirs who are, therefore, called compulsory direct line from the other.
heirs (Art. 886 CC) Collateral Consanguinity subsists
between persons who have the same
Free Portion – portion of the estate ancestors but who not descend (or ascend)
which the testator can freely dispose of. one from the other
Hence, anyone may inherit from free Affinity is the connection existing in
portion. consequence of a marriage between each
Note. Voluntary heirs may inherit of the married spouse and the kindred of
only if mentioned in the will. the other

Order of Priority for Succession Proximity of relationships is

determined by the number of generations.
1. Legitimate children or descendants
Each generation forms a degree.
2. Legitimate parents or ascendants

3. Illegitimate children or
descendants . Table of legitimes and shares from the
free portion of the estate
4. Surviving spouse

5. Brothers and sisters, nephews and

nieces Combinations of Legitime, nOTES
Compulsory Heirs
6. Other collateral relatives within the
5th degree. LC ½, Divide by the
number of LC
7. State whether they survive
The distribution of free portion in intestate alone or with
concurring CH.
succession is based on the order of priority
1 LC ½
because in every inheritance; the relative SS ¼
nearest in degree excludes the more distant
2 or more LC The making of a will is a strictly
SS Equal to 1 LC personal act.

LC ½
SS ¼ Kinds of Will.
IC ½ of LC,
Willie Revillame. Dahil napansin mo
LPA ½, whether they
survive alone or with toh ! bigyan ng jacket yan!
CH. 1. Notarial/Ordinary/Attested
LPA ½ executed in accordance with the
IC ¼, succeeded in the
¼ in equal shares. formalities prescribed by Art. 804
to 808 of NCC.
SS ⅛
¼ Requisites
IC ½, Divide equally a. Must be in writing and executed in
among the IC. a language or dialect known to the
SS ⅓ testator.
IC ⅓ b. Must be subscribed at the end
SS ½, ⅓ if the marriage thereof by the testator himself or by
is articulo mortis and
the deceased spouse the testator's name written by some
dies within 3 months other person in his presence and by
after the marriage.
his express direction.
IP ½ c. Must be attested and subscribed by
IP Excluded three or more credible witnesses in
Any child It depends
the presence of the testator and of
IP ¼ one another.
SS ¼
The following are
WILLS. disqualified from being a witness
An act whereby a person is to a will.
permitted, with the formalities prescribed ● Any person not domiciled in the
by law, to control to a certain degree the Philippines.
disposition of his estate to take effect after ● Those who have been convicted of
his death. falsification of a document,
A document whereby a person perjury, or false testimony.
disposes of his/her properties or “estate” to The will is considered valid
take effect upon his or her death. as long as it is executed and
attested in substantial compliance place in which he resides, or
with all legal requirements, unless according to the formalities
there is bad faith, forgery, fraud, or observed in his country, or in
undue pressure. Defects and conformity with those which the
imperfections in the form of Philippine civil code prescribes.
attestation or language used do not
invalidate the will. Revocation of wills and testamentary
2. Holographic – written will which
must be entirely written, dated and A will may be revoked by the
signed by the hand of the testator testator at any time before his death any
himself; subject to no other form waiver or restriction of this right is void
and may be made in or out of the (Art. 822)
country and need not be witnessed. Modes of revoking a will;
In case of any insertion, 1. Implication of law
cancellation, erasure or alteration in 2. By some will, codicil, or other
a holographic will, the testator must writing executed as provided in
authenticate the same by his full case of wills
signature. 3. Burning, tearing, canceling, or
A codicil is a supplement or addition to a obliterating the will with the
will, made after the execution of a will. It intention of revoking it, by the
explains, adds to, or alters any disposition testator himself, or by some other
made in the original will. To be effective, a person in his presence, and by his
codicil must be executed as in the case of a express direction
Probate of a will – a court Institution of heir (Art. 840).
procedure by which a will is proved to be An act by virtue of which a testator
valid or invalid. The proceedings in the designates in his will the person or persons
absence of a last will and testament is who are to succeed him in his property and
called “intestate proceedings” transmissible rights and obligation.

3. Foreign wills – The will of an alien Disinheritance.

who is abroad produces effect in A testamentary disposition by
the Philippines if made with the which a compulsory heir is deprived of/
formalities prescribed by law of the excluded him from the inheritance to
which he has a right. Disinheritance is not
applicable to voluntary heirs.
Right of Representation.
Requisites. A right created by fiction of law
● Effected only through a valid will where the representative is raised to the
● For a cause expressly stated by the place and degree of the person represented
law and acquired the rights which the latter
● Cause must be stated by the will would have if he were living or could have
itself inherited.
● Cause must be certain and true May arise because:
● Unconditional ○ Death
● Total (no partial disinheritance) ○ Incapacity
● The heir disinherited must be ○ Disinheritance
designated in such a manner that They shall not inherit more than
there can be no doubt as to his what the person represented would inherit.
Representation is not available to;
Common causes for Disinheritance. 1. As to compulsory heirs; In case of
1. When the heir has been found repudiation, the one who repudiates
guilty of an attempt against the life his inheritance cannot be
of the testator, his/her descendants represented. Their own heirs inherit
or ascendants, and spouse in case in their own right.
of children and parents 2. As to voluntary heirs
2. When the heir has accused the 3. Voluntary heirs, legatees and
testator of a crime for which the devisees who
law prescribes imprisonment of 6 a. Predecease the testator
years or more, if the accusation has b. Renouncing the inheritance
been found groundless cannot be represented by
3. When the heir by fraud, violence, their own heirs, with respect
intimidation or undue influence to their supposed
causes the testator to make a will or inheritance.
to change one already made Right of representation applies only
4. Refusal without justifiable cause to when the decedent does not have
support the testator who disinherits descendants. Grandnephews and
such an heir.
grandnieces in the collateral line cannot controlling to a certain extent, the
inherit the right of representation. disposition of his property to take effect
upon death.
Chapter 2. Gross Estate
Justification for the Imposition of Estate
The first estate tax law in the Tax.
Philippines is embodied in Act 2601 which
took effect on July 01, 1916. 1. Benefit-Received Theory.
It was subsequently amended by Services rendered by the
the Revised Administrative Code of the government (the distributions of
Philippines imposing upon “every shares) are paid via estate tax.
transmission by virtue of inheritance, 2. Privileged or State Partnership.
devise, bequest, gift mortis causa, or Inheritance is not a right but a
advance in anticipation of inheritance” privilege granted by the states and
legatees have been acquired only
RA 8424 also known as “Tax with the protection of the state.
Reform Act” or the National Internal Hence, the accumulation of
Revenue Code (NIRC) effective January 1, properties by inhabitants is partly
1998. due to the State.
The recent amendment to Estate 3. Ability to pay theory. inheritance
Tax law was introduced by RA 10963 or is unearned income/wealth.
the act “Tax Reform for Acceleration and Increased ability to pay results in a
Inclusion (TRAIN) Act” which took taxable income.
effect on January 1, 2018 . It substantially 4. Redistribution of Wealth Theory.
amended the estate tax law by getting rid Inheritance leads to the inequality
of the use of graduated tax rate as well as in wealth in income. Payment of
revising thresholds for Standard estate tax will promote equitable
Deduction, Family home and other wealth in society.
amendments such as repealing funeral
expenses, judicial expenses and medical Classification of Decedents and
expenses. Composition of Gross Estate.
For estate taxation purposes,
Estate Tax. decedents are classified into three:
Estate tax is a tax imposed on the ○ Citizen
privilege that a person is given in ○ Resident aliens
○ Non resident alien Not defined in the Tax code
nonetheless, Accounting standards define
IA as an identifiable non monetary asset
Decedent Gross Estate
without physical substance. Which value is
- Citizen *Property (Real or
personal) wherever derived from intellectual and legal rights,
*Intangible personal
and from the value they add to the other
- Resident alien
property wherever asset.
As a rule, the situs of Intangible
*Real property
situated in PH personal property is the domicile of the
*Tangible personal owner, also known as mobilia sequntur
property situated in
PH personam.
- Non resident
*Intangible Personal
alien The "mobilia sequntur personam''
property with situs in
the PH unless principle is only used for convenience, and
excluded on the
basis of reciprocity. if the intangible property has a situs
elsewhere or has acquired a business situs
in another jurisdiction, the rule does not
Reciprocity clause (Section 104 of the
Tax code as amended)
It must yield to the actual situs of
The tax code excludes intangible
such property. The situs of Franchise, for
personal property with situs in the PH from
instance, should not be based on domicile
gross estate of a non-resident alien
of the owner but the place where such
decedent if there is reciprocity.
franchised is exercised.

There is reciprocity if:

● The decedent was a resident citizen of a
foreign country that did not impose an
Property Situs
estate tax on intangible personal property
of PH citizens not residing in that foreign Real Property and Location of the
Tangible personal property.
country at the time of his death. property.
● The estate tax exemption for intangible Where it is exercised
Shares, Franchise,
personal property of a non-resident copyright and the regardless where the
like. certificate is stored.
citizen in a foreign country is recognized
by the laws of that country. Receivables Residence of debtor

Bank Deposit Location of

Intangible asset. depository bank
A. Exclusions under Section 85 and
104 of the Tax Code.

Valuation of Gross Estate. 1. Exclusive Property of the

The estate of the decedent shall be surviving spouse.
appraised at its fair market value at the a. Exclusive properties of the
time of his death. Since succession and the decedent
accrual of the corresponding estate tax b. Common properties of the decedent
takes effect upon death, it shall only be fair and surviving spouse
to appraise the estate at its fair market Exclusive properties of the
value at the time of the decedent’s death. surviving spouse should be excluded in the
gross estate because properties are not

FMV @ time death owned by the decedent upon his death. For
estate tax purposes EP of husband are
Real Property The higher value
between known as “capital” and the wife as
- FMV by
“paraphernal” properties.
- FMV for real estate
tax purpose
2. Property outside the PH of a non-
Personal Property FMV @ time death
resident alien decedent .
Shares stock Unlisted CS. BV The tax code provides that for NRA
Unlisted PS. ParV
Listed share. FMV decedents, only his properties situated
within shall be included in his gross estate.
Units of Bid price nearest
participation in any the date of death 3. Intangible personal property in
association, published in any the PH of NRA under reciprocity
recreation or publication.
amusement club law.

Right to Usufruct Basic Standard Tax code provides that Intangible

Mortality Table personal property in the PH of NRA
(BSMT), taking
into account the decedent shall be excluded from gross
probable life of the estate if there is reciprocity.

B. Exclusions under Section 87 of

Exemptions and Exclusion from the
the Tax code.
Gross Estate.
a. The merger of usufruct in the owner of the
naked title.
b. Inheritance delivery from the fiduciary
(1st) heir or legatee to the Inheritance delivery from the
fideicommissary (2nd). fiduciary (1st) heir or legatee to the
c. Transmission from the first heir, legatee or fideicommissary (2nd). Fideicommissary
donee in favor of another beneficiary in transfer of property is in substance, the
accordance with the desire of the same with transfer of property under SPA,
predecessor (also known as “Transfer except that the relationship of the 1st heir
under Special Power of Appointment) and 2nd heir should not be more than 1
d. This is a legal provision that limits degree apart.
bequests, devises, legacies, or transfers to
social welfare, cultural, and charitable C. Exclusion under Special Law
institutions. These institutions are not a. Proceeds of lige insurance and benefits
permitted to use more than 30% of the received by members of the GSIS.
transfer for administrative purposes. b. Accruals and benefits received by
members from SSS by reason of death.
The merger of usufruct in the c. Amounts received from PH and US
owner of the naked title. The current governments for war damages.
decedent only received usufruct, or the d. Amounts received from the US Veterans
right to use the property, from the prior Administration.
decedent in this case. Usufruct pertains e. Payment from the PH of the US
only to the right to enjoy the use and government to the legal heirs of deceased
advantages of another property. Thus, the World War II Veterans anf deceased
current decedent is not considered the civilians for supplies/services furnished to
owner of the property. So the usufruct will the US and PH Army.
be merged to the intended beneficiary of f. Retirement benefits of officials/employees
the property. of a private firm.
g. Personal equity and retirement account
Transfer under Special Power of (PERA) assets of the decedent
Appointment. This exists when the contributor.
current decedent can appoint only from a h. Compensation paid to private and public
restricted or designated class of persons health workers who have contracted
other than himself. In accordance with the COVID 19 in case of death; the said
desire of Prior Decedent. Should be amount shall not be included as part of
excluded because the current decedent fross estate of the decedent subject to
only holds the property in trust. estate tax as provided under RA
No.11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover decedent during his lifetime in anticipation
as One Act. of his death such as;
1. Transfer of property in favor of
Composition of the Gross Estate. another person, but the transfer was
Generally, gross estate consists of intended to take effect only upon
all the property owned by a decedent or the transferor’s death
which he had interest at the time of death. 2. Transfer by gift intended to take
○ Real Property effect at death or after death
○ Personal tangible 3. Income from the thing belongs to
○ Intangible personal the owner until after he/she dies
4. When the donation was made due
OTHER INCLUSIONS IN THE to decedent’s old age or known
GROSS ESTATE. serious illness at the time of
● Properties owned by the decedent 5. Where donation was made
at the time of death concurrently with execution of will
● Properties already transferred but
still owned by the decedent ➢ Revocable Transfers. Can be cancelled at
● Decedent Interest – at the time of will. Amendment, alteration, revocation,
his death or termination at will. No need for the
decedent to exercise the power to revoke,
➢ Properties already transferred but it is sufficient that the power was
still owned by the decedent. expressly stipulated.
There are conditions in place for
Transfer in contemplation of the donation to be cancelled
death. The imminent death of the decedent -If conditions are made to be
is the motive for the disposition of the extinguished/fulfilled subject to thedonor’s
decedent death.
More often than not, this was used
to avoid taxes (under the pre-TRAIN ➢ Transfer under General Power of
regime) Appointment.
General Power of appointment.
The gross estate shall include the Decedent had a power exercisable in
value of property transferred by the favour of himself, the estate or creditors of
his estate.
-Included in Gross Estate of Donee FMV at the time of sale/transfer.
- In substance, the decedent still owns the Use to determine whether or not the
property; despite being donated to donee. consideration was full and adequate. If the
received is substantially the same with
The power of appointment may be FMV at the time of transfer, such sale is
exercised by the donor-decedent through considered bona fide sale, not subject to
the following modes. estate tax.
○ Will
○ By deed to take effect in possession FMV at the time of death.
or enjoyment at or after his death. Used to determine the amount to be
○ By deed under which he has included in the gross estate. If the
retained for his life or any period consideration received substantially lower
not ascertainable without reference or less than full and adequate consideration
to his death or for any period which compared to the FMV at the time of
does not in fact end before this sale,such sale was made for insufficient
death. consideration. In such cases, the excess of
○ The possession or enjoyment of, or the FMV at the time of death over the
the right to the income from the consideration received at the time of sale
property should be included in the gross estate of
○ The right, either alone, or in the decedent.
conjunction with any person to
designate the persons who shall If there is no consideration received
possess or enjoy the property or the at the date of transfer and such transfer was
income therefrom. made in Contemplation of death (donation
mortis causa) the FMV at the date of death
➢ Transfer for Insufficient should be included in the gross estate of
Consideration. When a transfer (other the decedent.
than bonafide or valid sale) was made for If there was no consideration
a price less than its FMV at the time of received at the date of transfer and such
sale, the excess of the fair market value was not made in contemplation of death
of the transferred property at the time of such transfer is donation inter vivos subject
death over the value of the consideration to donor's tax based on the FMV at the
received should be included in the gross date of donation.
➢ Claims against Insolvent persons.
In estate tax, an insolvent is The Philippine Insurance Code
someone whose properties cannot fully pay presumes that a policy designation is
their debt. No judicial declaration is revocable if the beneficiary is not clear or
needed, but proof of the debtor's incapacity unnamed. However, the insured has the
to pay their obligation is required. The full right to change the beneficiary unless they
amount of the claim against the insolvent explicitly waive this right in the policy. If
person is included in the gross estate of the the insured does not change the beneficiary
decedent, regardless of the amount they are during their lifetime, the designation is
unable to pay. The uncollectible portion of deemed irrevocable. (Section 11 of RA
the claim is deductible from the gross 10607).
Estate Tax Rate.
➢ Proceeds of life insurance. The estate tax applies to the
Proceeds of life insurance taken out transfer of a decedent's net estate, whether
by the decedent on his own life should be they are a resident or non-resident of the
included in the gross estate if the Philippines, as determined by the tax code.
following requisites are present: Beginning January 1, 2018 or upon the
1. It must be an insurance on the effectiveness of RA 10963, the Net estate
life of the decedent; and of every decedent shall be subject to 6%
2. The beneficiary must be either of estate tax.
the following;
● His estate or Filling of Estate Tax Return and
executor/administrator (revocable Payment of Estate Tax Due.
or not) The tax code, as amended, provides
● Any third (other person than estate that the estate tax shall be paid by the
or administrator/executor) executor/administrator or any of the legal
provided that the designation is heirs at the time of return. (pay as you file
not irrevocable system).
Filing and Payment
If a policy does not state that the ○ Primary liable- Executor or
beneficiary designation is irrevocable, it is Administrator
considered revocable. Group life insurance ○ Secondary liable -
taken out by an employer's proceeds are Beneficiary/Heir or any person
not subject to estate tax... having actual or constructive
possession of the property.
2. Estate tax return shall indicate
Time for filling. frequency of payment per instalment,
Estate tax shall be filed within one subject to approval of Commissioner/BIR
year from the date of the death. No 3. Cash instalments shall be made
surcharges applicable within one year within 2 years from the date of filling the
period from the date of death. estate tax returns.
Commissioner of Revenue officer If not made within 2 years, tax
duly authorised shall have the authority to shall be due and demandable and may be
grant a reasonable extension of not more subjected to penalties and interest from
than 30 days for filing the return. the date of the deadline of filing and
Payment of Estate Tax. If payment made within 2 years,
If allowed by the CIR; no civil penalties or interest is imposed
- Commissioner/Authorised
representatives may require Partial disposition of Estate Tax of its
executor /administrator /beneficiary proceeds.
(s the case may be) to furnish/post 1. Conveyance of property is made
a bond not exceeding double of the in instalments
amount of the tax. 2. Estate tax return is filed within 1
- Bond must be secured from the year from death
sureties as deemed necessary by the 3. Written request for partial
Commissioner disposition of estate with a notarized
undertaking that proceeds shall be
Payment of Estate Tax- Instalment. exclusively used for the payment of the
Will only be allowed if there are total estate tax due
insufficient funds or the disposition is 4. Approved by the BIR
made partially 5. Issuance of electronic Certificate
1. Cash instalment Authorising registration (eCAR) for each
2. Partial disposition property intended to be disposed
6. Tax shall be due and demandable
Cash Instalment. and may be subjected to penalties and
1. Estate tax return is filed within 1 interest from the date of deadline of filing
year from the date of the death and payment. eCARS may be withheld
until payment of tax due and interest and

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