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Source and use images ethically within

a professional code of conduct


As a creative person, you should acknowledge when you use What are three reasons why this is important?
someone else’s images and ideas.

1. Academic integrity List three forms of academic misconduct.

This is the foundation of your work here in the GDD program at
UFV. Read through the interactive content on the Encyclopedia
Misconducta ( or if you prefer the official version, Student
Academic Misconduct

2. The four parts of acknowledging someone else’s work How is APA formatting different?
In this course you only need to follow a simplified version of the APA What values do you need to apply to your work?
Elements of reference (if you wish, you may follow the full format as
used in other UFV courses):
WHO Name of the photographer, illustrator, graphic designer, or
author in common format.
WHEN Year of publication. If no date is available “n.d.”
WHAT Title of the work — or if no title is given, “Untitled”. Follow
this with a brief description e.g. photograph, illustration,
book, article, or movie in italics.
WHERE Name of publication, book, or URL. Note that URLs must
be live hyperlinks (see below) on Blackboard, PDFs, and
Miro. Test your links.

Example of simplified version for GD157:

Malika Favre (2011) Hide & Seek. Solo exhibition.

3. The Fair Dealing Exemption, Requesting Permission, How much of a copyright work are you allowed to
Copyright in Student Works use as a student?
Students have certain rights to use materials under the Copyright Act. What must you always do? And why?
Note that ignorance is not an excuse for infringing on other creators’
rights. Read the Copyright Cheat Sheet

4. Hyperlinks What is a live hyperlink and why do we use them?

Make sure your hyperlinks are “live” so you can click through easily to How do you create a live hyperlink on Miro?
your source. How do you create live hyperlinks on Blackboard?
What must you do after you create a live hyperlink?

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