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University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering

CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

Department of Chemical

Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

(Form CHEL-2)
Laboratory Course : CHE 3107L
Experiment Title : Adsorption of an Acid from Solution on Activated Charcoal
Group Code : CHE3107L01 Gr. 1
Students’ Name & Signature : Leyson, Aaron Christopher G.
Nalo, Ma. Julia Camille G.
Villanueva, Marcloupe E.
Yaranon, Patricia Ysabelle S.
Scheduled Date : September 28, 2023
Submission Number : 1
Teacher : Engr. May V. Tampus
Term & Academic Year : 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024

Objectives of the Experiment

1. To estimate the Freundlich and Langmuir constants
2. To elucidate the mechanism of adsorption of acetic acid from solution on charcoal

Raw Data Sheets

Table 1. Tabulation of Samples with their respective Mass of Charcoal and Molarity of Acetic Acid

Molarity of Acetic Mass of Charcoal Volume of Acetic Acid Solution

Acid (M) (g) (0.30M) (mL)
1 0.01 1.0002 3.33
2 0.03 1.0005 10.00
3 0.06 1.0005 20.00
4 0.09 1.0005 30.00
5 0.12 1.0008 40.00
6 0.15 1.0002 50.00
7 0.20 1.0006 66.77

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

8 0.25 1.0001 83.33

9 0.30 - 0.00
10 (control) 0.12 0.00 40.00

Table 2. Specifications for the Rotary Shaker

Temperature (°C) Shaking Speed (rpm) Time
Start End
28 373
4:10 PM 4:50 PM
Total Time (mins.) 1480

Table 3.1 Tabulation of Samples and their Titration Volume (Trial 1)

Molarity of Initial Volume of 0.08 Final Volume of 0.08 M Total Volume of 0.08 M
Sample Acetic Acid M NaOH NaOH NaOH used
(M) (mL) (mL) (mL)
1 0.01 50.0 48.0 2.0
2 0.03 48.0 38.6 9.4
3 0.06 38.6 30.7 7.9
4 0.09 49.9 18.7 31.2
5 0.12 41.1 1.8 39.3
6 0.15 100.0 51.7 48.3
7 0.20 100.0 30.5 69.5
8 0.25 100.0 12.9 87.1
9 0.30 150.0 45.3 104.7
10 (control) 0.12 50.0 1.8 48.2

Table 3.2 Tabulation of Samples and their Titration Volume (Trial 2)

Molarity of Initial Volume of 0.08 Final Volume of 0.08 M Total Volume of 0.08 M
Sample Acetic Acid M NaOH NaOH NaOH used
(M) (mL) (mL) (mL)
1 0.01 0 2.1 2.1
2 0.03 31.0 34.1 3.1
3 0.06 27.0 33.6 6.6
4 0.09 0 10.7 10.7
5 0.12 0 13.5 13.5

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

6 0.15 13.5 31.2 17.7

7 0.20 0.45 26.3 25.85
8 0.25 0 30.0 30.0
9 0.30 0 37.3 37.3
10 (control) 0.12 26.3 43.6 17.3

Image 1. Tabulation of Samples with their respective Mass of Charcoal and Molarity of Acetic Acid

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

Image 2. Tabulation of Samples and their Titration Volume (Trial 1)

Image 3. Tabulation of Samples and their Titration Volume (Trial 2)

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

Documentation of the Actual Conduct of Experiment

All the necessary materials, equipment, and solutions were prepared for the experiment. Ten clean and dry
250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks were set aside for use. In nine of the flasks, approximately 1 gram of accurately
weighed activated charcoal was added and noted in the raw data table. Subsequently, 100 mL of acetic acid
solution at various concentrations (0.01, 0.03, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 M) were added to
each of these flasks. These solutions were created by diluting a stock solution of 0.30 M acetic acid. The
remaining flask, which served as the control for the experiment, received 100 mL of 0.12 M acetic acid. Each
flask was sealed with three layers of parafilm and placed in a Brunswick model rotary shaker for 24 hours
and 40 minutes at a temperature of 30°C, with a shaker speed of 373 rpm. Subsequently, the flasks were
left to stand at room temperature for one week to reach equilibrium. Afterward, the samples were filtered,
and 10 mL aliquots were taken from each sample. Each aliquot underwent titration using a 0.08 M
standardized Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution, and this process was conducted for two trials.

Part 1. Measuring the temperature inside the rotary shaker.

Part 2. Measuring of activated carbon and diluting in different concentrations of Acetic acid.

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

Part 3. Storing of 10 Erlenmeyer flasks in Rotary shaker and storing in room temperature for a week.

University of San Carlos – Department of Chemical Engineering
CHE 3107L FORM-2-Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

Part 4. Filtering and titrating of the samples.

There were some errors encountered during the conduction of the experiment which may cause errors in the
data of the experiment. During the filtering process of the samples, the first 10 mL of the filtrate was not
discarded. This was supposed to be done as a precaution against adsorption of the acid by the filter paper.
A discrepancy between trials was noticed and the possible cause for the discrepancy was found to be when
preparing the 10-mL aliquots of the solution for trial 2, the pipette used for measuring the volume of the
sample was not washed in between measurements. This resulted in the conduct of a re-trial for trial 2.

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