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DD Iam MB yine dy ally tll Gym gar deasill dasa dota 113-5996 2 «ye sOsd Gye ELE GL OLS — 1103 2090 5 — +l paral! (9611) 753032 tp SE / (9611) 753031 : Wile e-mail: info@aot. org. Ib - http://www. aot. org. Ib td Dyin de pl tae pil Ogi ler F dams 3551 11814 Obes - 141363 1 «eo Jap Weg Obl Sy cei 9 113 - 6001 2S. ge Od Gy yb ObLa tty OLS - 1103 2090 Sy - +l oot! 801587 _ 801582 - 869164 : 5 yl (9611) 865548 : SB / oye t ge? sb, e-mail: - 2005 CsI) SyN ge ptd cae ISNT deal 19 23 27 29 31 a3 37 47 48 50.. 52 52 52 EJ ac S306 53 - 63.. 68 68... 69 70 1205 posige ia ' ae veces Replaced phe 385 y ght gar! ple Lely oP Clee ple Gael, is 6 SUSI gy GyLwI Stel LS UT a . 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BLS y Bel DL cee 65-16 ou eo IU Hire © ABN Sgt gs ote Gb (ob ge tue le) £O2MIy tna) bye Olub dent Bl Ole pl 2002-2000 «(slyly to aally 1993 cobb gist ye JWI ois. ee Lobetl pgeiil Oy pier gol stad) Qa 2002-2000 cplldl SLL oe de yaree 3 aybdes Sl oye 20 3-9 1-11 2-11 3-11 4-11 Pig el 1-16 1-17 2-17 3-17 (ed yai Ll») dy dolar gb UL Oley! STD cece 1998 ple egeagald ytd Lee He Oghey Gil KU Bal Ll 610 ee Sel OMS OS Qoeall G pally G2d1 oll © (BYU) ose IK ghar pas 1980 duel Guy DIK! MKS) a pkill Le Vy Od! 01K Gyan Cleese = = 2001 rate eglial 3 cig ll OLS GB BIL Fyn tl ob VI 629... wee (nj Ol pA a) 2003 esl 3 Pee RLY 2512 ptt Obs YI Ce alt Ayal gd Le) Tyas BV Ly Laldt OL GS 635 UN Jeo Spies tll Rest aoe Ae Byles Ghle 4b (GYIL) el yg] Sb Lines 2 1996 SUSI 3 GSS eI cdg gol Gag Esl pant LI 650... » 862M Gla Ges 669... Ue Wee ae aptly pil 694 » RELY Syd Bey Shes el a 89 Sale oe Byles CLAN ye Bp SLE ye Ble TID coco phe QtS OI By > yall Qatmea & Jel 21 4-17 1-18 2-18 3-18 4-18 1-19 7 2-20 1-21 2-21 leat) aasla iniall tress! 268 269 cer ple J Be gale 1B ASV! pally E1g pst Syl yup dental apgll 1992.4 1820 (gle ops Sbeatreall deggy Ul YI) Gare ects spell pb pee Teall decal oly Jolt a ler Y oly poli ce se a le epepdue dea)! de dolly GW) oly! Aly Seal Ole Ji pled! 3 J) Obes! Healy dye lal BW Gs Pld Gi pS! cel C1 Nop Gan an Crp de lie WL Lye Be 25-15 Byes al Gs SLL (OL! eT F193 092 oe dehy Ce Ete > coe 1993 (23 ESI Sse iba toll clegane pS de Ball desl ee lll at cow all af Spb Ogdiee Gyo Uytell Lil OL BH GB al wow = 23 a 1-1 7 332 333... 418..... 448 507.. 521. 529. 529 540 546 547 550... cet heey cord pall Ga Geet A a 5 veces peal Qeee Lilly 3 BEY! Ole paral Lila, 3 Grually BWI ole sh cla oe ee 1997-1961 «(SYYL) call oe CTI gE yaree MO gL gtd Hs 11997 Glas Lalas) Willan J gctlere 3 pasty (GYIU) gee Ne ee lg oad Sl a 1999-1993 pole oe srs VI aS YI yo Lplto cyt! cera gest elke petal img obbu| lbs! Jeb Len Ob SLE oe byte LS Ball sla! O55 tpl gp Ghlay dye BE LY Ole ually dle! gr GILT Ls as 1996-1995 . 1995 pla goal! gilt desis gel io ‘pdt Ql es Wabi) aoe oat “yal vpletl KS aa ye yllartell Jars (he yee) DLS ail 3 al yall SjLbg) Sal Ra! (geval aoe) dike, Lal) poll ee speedy ad Ee Uo Lilly of 5L! taal : «(Eye gp tales lel. ote) 1998 BS ylde 6 — JLT OLA Gb Gail ygll puted June Hy pll Sy OID patel pelo! jee secon - 2000 eS yr sel Ghlus % NSS ope CSW edd Hs cay all LU 8 EI = ww : 1995 caste Ghley 1995 .1980 Lae hing tl AL pM UUs y GU! Gee! SYuasd (%) Ble 1996 cdyyysV jad! oye ste J BSW LL wh Bayle LeU pele le GWY! dard Lill oi JI - 1985-1980 cdanaally el dy wl OLA! 24 5-7 6-7 1-8 1-9 2-9 1-12 1-13 2-13 3-13 4-13 1-15 2-15 3-15 4-15 1-16 2-16 3-16 4-16 587.. 603 634 OL ESL BF Spl pee ead IY Syed Ltd 1993-1990 ILS oly byl Gee Rall Ge Gow Jbl Gols 3 paeull © 2015 go USS po 61995-1975 ale ow %20 gel bLigl 3 pl! SAV! Kail : 1995 IKI oe %20 aly ie he p28 eS QS ee foes eee ttteteeestreee - 1997-1995 lial ole 3 ay je bay pd GEV de cesses 2001 «(ECD) Sadly goles! Uylell inks £2001 Cal / Spl Yy9) BIL opp ae AW fp libde yo J oi oy Sst GUL, oo cg Lea ly tod) i gat 25 1-17 1-18 1-19 3-19 4-19 5-19 1-20 prs qual Lagi ys le tay CAs Bp ae gle ay Biel opel ee Vl sp Sl ody CULE Gan Al gy Bybee glee YN you beg he SP eed) Gee HU OLS the Gals gl AY gel gels op el lig lle fat olde BLa|_ lea Sociology (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1995); Sociology: A Brief but Critical Introduction (London: Macmillan, 1989). hes ll cislanY! sido Jl yu ele cig ed] OL SL! jay Gb of ool Y] pas Yas ll GUS! ie jal garb globe Gee cdi gl dy arg lest aes od gaeled! Jub fee Ui “SV al hage Gael ge 6 ok taal ler YW SUldly Jyldedl yaa Sliced - Kaede VS 5s Ser we ge dpoball Hy Ly Yat ssi (gales D9 Led} LE) le Poy GST idle Clalie ge ol gM kyl Lele LLai Uy tama gb BA bY au diced eLebI pe ode Lee pad Cty te OE J 6 SL El ee By slay bl pepo ye) Ol greeted Geel VI BY tay Le pl Lae Ig tly LAY he toLae See noe La alias SL oY ee oat ode plastered 27 pe ge leas Oppel Oy UI Gyel iy LetSVy Eergial a yhasl ogy CES oye fred JS de cdo yIgll AS ple adsl chia Ys pled Sets ll glad SII gl pees Ly gate Ll placa! aay) +4 there! 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Td tle Seis ghee Vi pid Usaal go Sep lSV Syatly SL Stay CL poll Ge oad UbY peed ld ay) aloes ats ot I ULAYL (LT, WLI Ll, BI a4) JME rol wy Meets opted Al tPolity Press? L251 Ae cag eee p lal gps My Laat le ey Lal Brett (LSE) Sab! pyllly sted Gad dnaled fate re 2000-1997 Bayle Soe 5S es eelsee WELL Eagles! Leman YI 9 ppd oll ele Ebi poly ee MEY SLU, OLIV Gpim te poll! totes 6 Chere ey ASW) AS po) od dele Coed Um epclally bE! op beke ctr Ble ge Et SLI Le ge app ST He oats Ae Sadly Sal a) ples US esl Joe ay Ue» eS ped ali Ne oe Sa elo ay dy Gel Vi Qa 3b olen SN Sl oie Selo MEST Se adh ge Spey te cle ars te A gy ee de i SN Fae sal Sleel AST oer LS SLA pleas Gbsen ys Lele bp te el of bpd aly p53 bales ed Oprtle ge poles yeelacel Labs OV > bus pte LN ae DCE We ye ety ab iy TELS GL py Gl bs 61993 1988) Ss L5G She] oe Lae Ope pod (GLa Dy) GLa phe tee cel (2000 ple UUs iy (1996 ce SA deals GlateW! ple OS (International Sociological Association) 31 Oi gp Hele W ph gb UY LS SU ole od hae op Lael Soh ge (2001) Ltda) bode Seg SH deh obey ge pte rey tae Spiee aegis ep erp ta GU ee al 2 ply BgaSl oye IS ge OLS Repel Dp Gee 32 Aus pall Arubalt prtuas CARL 6 peed GUS Lin pal Leith J cle ob gale ele oe Hye dij by ols Fue mee: sou ee vig pl GUL Ree pall edt as ype Ob pee gL! pl ye AS flee place Les] DIY By all gee gly Gt UI Dyke OSI OES oye Breall Een yoe PRCTOUTION CON RRUSEONULOE W Se SVITECSICEOD Ua Loe GY LAR Ses gall os Lae lb Ule OLS Mie Jats ol te poled tated ple WI ple GI SUL La Sen ola yt BSS yrad Je SN Rs SN ULAM oye abe le 45 5S ll le ee > Lidle Lage, cll et Glos poy Leal) oie jet y Ble oly gar be UTS Ss Solel ay BV ebe G ele Y Ble OB CBee gh Le dee y peed py WI COUT el pe cet Oy op ch cpaclaed she ale cals Lee Oy Geel Gilets Ll pei obs 3 sblLdb Y pylLdl bef jail pla} of sayy ote) eT oP bee PLT ol Yale iy OY pul ole Gear clay oS be a Pirge eb Hs ts oF ey BUI pyle Jae § SUSY! 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Slee Lalo pod oles Bly lar dels OBL I Es oy Lee walally aylyolly Sadly Fe BS Les ge SLES he dg lsy gs) eed SI Ole pe pal ope Ul tqacmeally BU Le Viaey Glee VI phe iad hay pclly iedely Ghaeel eho tateelly Leger $day! Fleas Gelber VI fell ¢ re! Gp HSL eV deed) ELS HE Ny G8 aly Seely Deel eLaYly old Sy 2a False Cal ctly Lab! tag ly LOY, Sealey Sod tholas VI shady foal ttptadl Olenjell tele eh ptod le Lady Odd toyall Say sl SOV LAV) MEY ley oP GARI Saally toler VW Col gales He SS EGV, III ela YI ple RAS gb GLa YI ple OLS Syl Lb (aber Lege OT psy eet opt Lele YW pybul ul Gaui oll dee ll SL 5 pl oped peoall atleast opt tase pnt, OY cleo Pll oLUL nad LaalSt Gas pli, 6] Cm te gill y pel jas al foal Le Aly LAS VY Sele VI GULLY LLAlll y+ Lae Ul dieney heel sl 2 pe 5 SAE dee yo gall Lage pal al LS eal J} cheb ile ge = geal gph urna le — dey ea) LL Uy Oy poleally pS ISM pgs lye hele pyle Mew 3 otelly eer ge Con ptally Gob! 0 all alle go OySliodly CL pole jaatny ela! te Ley Kelirally Halll leemal oy shill 43 AL ye daly ciples obi God cay Ged cle Go pl: Us fad JS Se GB tl pe te le Crtestls gee tally gevsltll Gb Aly Mea ob try BS lg MLAS Gedy jleu] ULSI 5 NGL oe DL pee shll le Cpl, pS OF dey ball al SP LBV Ly degli ead VI oy da pall ge Coe gd gl dale pe Gil oS tall olepbeat! ULE pide Ge OLS Ob cals (ets GOEL ID Ceo JS Ue y LSI oye had JS gi telly Opell Yd ESN gle kN Sl pally Sia SIV Gall 1 go)! Lola! KestSV1 rll de ie ool Godly sil Stall Glau obeys teeta st dled Hei Mdbesy oto Haaadall ole (3 lea) © Anthony Giddens, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory (Cambridge, MA; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1971). , Central Problems in Social Theory (London: Macmillan; Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1979). , A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, 2 vols. (London: Macmillan; Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1981). , Emile Durkheim (London: Fontana, 1978; New York: Penguin Books, 1979). welts yi BLY! pbs Ce , Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber, Studies in Sociology (London: Macmillan, 1972). » ed., Positivism and Sociology (London: Heinemann, (1974). Emile Durkheim, On Politics and the State, Edited with an Introduction by Anthony Giddens; Translated by W. D. Halls (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1986). , Selected Writings, Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Anthony Giddens (Cambridge, MA; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972). © Anthony Giddens, New Rules of Sociological Method (London: Hutch- inson; New York: Basic Books, 1976). » Profiles and Critiques in Social Theory (London: Macmillan; Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1982). , Social Theory and Modern Sociology (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1987). , Studies in Social and Political Theory (London: Hutchinson; New York: Basic Books, 1977). and Jon Turner, eds., Social Theory Today (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1988). © Anthony Giddens, Human Societies (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1992). 44 , In Defence of Sociology: Essays, Interpretations, and Rejoinders (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1996). Politics, Sociology and Social Theory (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1995). » Sociology (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; New York: Norton, 1989). » Sociology: A Brief but Critical Introduction (London: Macmillan; New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982). ® Anthony Giddens, The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies (London: Hutchinson; New York: Harper & Row, 1973). and Gavin Mackenzie, eds., Social Class and the Division of Labour (Cambridge, MA; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982). and Philip Stanworth, eds., Elites and Power In British Society (Cambridge, MA; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1974). © Anthony Giddens, The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of ‘Structuration (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1984). © Anthony Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1990). and Christopher Pierson, Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making ‘Sense Of Modernity (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1998). , Ulrich Beck and Scott Lash, Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1994). © Anthony Giddens, Modernity and Self-Identity (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991). © Anthony Giddens, A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, 2 vols. (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1985), vol. 2: The Nation-State and Violence. and David Held, eds., Classes, Conflict and Power (London: Macmillan; Berkeley, MA: University of California Press, 1982). © Anthony Giddens and Will Hutton, eds., On The Edge : Living with Global Capitalism (London: Jonathan Cape, 2000). “ Anthony Giddens, Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1994). » The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 1998). » The Third Way and Its Critics (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 2000). Anthony Giddens, The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love, and Eroticism in Modern Societies (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992). “anthony Giddens, Runaway World: How Globalisation Is Reshaping Our Lives (London: Profile Books, 1999). » Sociology, 4" ed. (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2001). , €d., The Global Third Way Debate (Cambridge, MA: Polity Press, 2001). “) Bryan S. Turner, Orientalism, Postmodernism and Globalism (London: Routledge, 1994). 45

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