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In accordance w ith EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009, and EN1993-1-8:2005
incorporating Corrigenda December 2005, September 2006 and July 2009, and the UK national annex
Tedds calculation version 2.0.09

Design summary
Description Unit Design Resistance Utilisation Result
Moment kNm 8.1 9.5 0.86 PASS
Friction kN 6 10.5 0.57 PASS
W eld tension kN 119.5 153.6 0.78 PASS
W eld shear kN 6 85.7 0.07 PASS
Anchor tension kN 52.6 61.6 0.85 PASS

30 30 8.1 kNm

6 kN

Design forces
Design axial force ; N Ed = 0 kN
Design shear force; V Ed = 6 kN
Design moment; M Ed = 8.1 kNm
Column Details
Column section; RSJ 76x76x13
Depth; D = 76.2 mm
W idth; B = 76.2 mm
Flange thickness; T = 8.4 mm
W eb thickness; t = 5.1 mm
Base plate details
Length; h p = 300 mm
W idth; b p = 300 mm
Thickness; tp = 15 mm
Column eccentricity in x-axis; e bpx = 0 mm
Anchor details
Number of anchors LHS; n1 = 2
Edge distance in x-axis; e x1 = 30 mm
Edge distance in y-axis; e y1 = 30 mm
Number of anchors RHS; n2 = 2
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Edge distance in x-axis; e x2 = 30 mm

Edge distance in the y-axis; e y2 = 30 mm
Anchor diameter; d a,b = 12 mm
Foundation details
Foundation depth; tfnd = 500 mm
Concrete details
Concrete strength class; C25/30
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm 2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fck,cube = 30 N/mm 2
Partial factor for concrete;  c = 1.50
Compressive strength coefficient;  cc = 0.85
Design compressive concrete strength; fcd =  cc  (f ck /  c) = 14.17 N/mm 2

Steel details
Base plate steel grade; S275
Base plate nominal yield strength; fyp_plt = 275 N/mm 2
Base plate nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_plt = 410 N/mm 2
Column steel grade; S275
Column nominal yield strength; fyp_col = 275 N/mm 2
Column nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_col = 410 N/mm 2
Partial safety factor cross sections;  M0 = 1.00
Partial safety factor welds;  M2 = 1.25

Tension and compression lever arms

LHS compressive lever arm - Fig 6.18; z C,l = (D - T) / 2 = 33.9 mm
RHS compressive lever arm - Fig 6.18; z C,r = (D - T) / 2 = 33.9 mm
LHS tension lever arm - Fig 6.18; z T,l = h p / 2 + e bpx - e x1 = 120 mm
RHS tension lever arm - Fig 6.18; z T,r = h p / 2 - e bpx - e x2 = 120 mm
Design forces in T-stubs
Force in left hand T-stub; N L,T = N Ed  z C,r / (z T,l + z C,r) - M Ed / (z T,l + z C,r) = -52.6 kN; (Tension)
Force in right hand T-stub; N R,T = N Ed  z T,l / (z T,l + z C,r) + M Ed / (z T,l + z C,r) = 52.6 kN; (Comp)

Foundation bearing strength under right hand flange - EN1992-1-1 Section 6.7
Additional bearing width - Eqn 6.5; c RF = t p  (fyp_plt / (3  fjd,RF   M0 )) = 27 mm
Effective width of T-stub flange; b eff1,RF = 62.4 mm
Effective length of T-Stub flange; leff1,RF = 130.2 mm
Loaded area; A c0,RF = b eff1,RF  l eff1,RF = 8117 mm 2
Design distribution width; b eff2,RF = 187.1 mm
Design distribution length; leff2,RF = 390.5 mm
Maximum design distribution area; A c1,RF = b eff2,RF  l eff2,RF = 73052 mm 2
Concentrated design resistance force; F Rdu,RF = Min(A c0,RF  fcd  (A c1,RF / A c0,RF ), 3  f cd  A c0,RF ) = 345 kN
Foundation joint material coefficient;  j = 0.67
Design bearing strength of the joint - Eqn 6.6; fjd,RF =  j  F Rdu,RF / (b eff1,RF  l eff1,RF ) = 28.33 N/mm 2

Baseplate in bending under tension under left hand flange - Section
Anchor distance from weld throat; m 1 = 75.5 mm
Effective length for end-plate with circular pattern bolt holes;
leff,cp1 = Min(n 1    m 1 ,   m 1 + (n 1 - 1)  p 1, n 1 / 2  (  m 1 + 2 
e x1 )) = 297.2 mm
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Effective length for end plate with non-circular pattern bolt holes;
leff,nc1 = Min(n 1 / 2  (4  m 1 + 1.25  e x1 ), 2  m 1 + 0.625  e x1 + e y1 +
(n 1 - 2)  (2  m 1 + 0.625  e x1 ), 2  m 1 + 0.625  e x1 + (n 1 - 1)  p 1 / 2,
b p /2) = 150 mm
Minimum effective length; leff1 = Min(leff,cp1 , leff,nc1 ) = 150 mm
Moment resistance of T-stub flange - Tbl 6.2; M pl,1,Rd1 = 0.25  l eff1  t p 2  f yp_plt /  M0 = 2.32 kNm
Design resistance of T-stub flange in tension with no prying forces - Tbl. 6.2;
F T,1,2,Rd1 = 2  M pl,1,Rd1 / m 1 = 61.5 kN
Individual anchor resistance; F t,Rd = Min(N Rk,s /  Ms,t,(N Rk,p / Mc,t) / n 1,(N Rk,c / Mc,t) / n 1,(N Rk,sp /  Mc,t) / n 1 )
= 30.8 kN
Anchor failure mode 3 - Tbl 6.2; F T,3,Rd1 = n 1  F t,Rd = 61.6 kN
Base plate in bending under column flange; F t,pl,Rd = Min(F T,1,2,Rd1 , F T,3,Rd1 ) = 61.5 kN

Equivalent T-stub in compression under right hand flange - Section 6.2.5

Design compression resistance of T-stub flange; F C,Rd = fjd,RF  b eff1,RF  leff1,RF = 230 kN

Concrete in compression under right hand flange - Section

Design resistance of concrete in compression; F c,pl,Rd = F C,Rd = 230 kN
Bending resistance of column - EN1993-1-1 Section 6.2.5
Design resistance for bending - Cls 6.2.5(2); M c,Rd = M pl,Rd = W pl,y  f yp_col /  M0 = 13.4 kNm

Beam flange and web in compression - Section

Design compression resistance of flange - Eqn 6.21;
F c,fc,Rd = M c,Rd / (D - T) = 197.6 kN
Column bases subjected to axial forces and bending moments - Section
Design tension resistance LHS of joint; F T,l,Rd = F t,pl,Rd = 61.5 kN
Design compression resistance RHS of joint; F C,r,Rd = Min(F c,pl,Rd , F c,fc,Rd ) = 197.6 kN
Design moment resistance of column base
Relative eccentricity of load - Tbl 6.7; e = 0 mm = 0 mm
Loading type - Tbl 6.7; Left side tension & Right side compression
Lever arm - Tbl 6.7; z = z T,l + z C,r= 153.9 mm
Design moment resistance - Tbl 6.7; M j,Rd = Min(Abs(F T,l,Rd  z - (-N Ed)  z C,r), Abs(F C,r,Rd  z + (-N Ed )  z T,l)) =
9.5 kNm
PASS - Design moment of resistance exceeds applied moment
Frictional shear resistance
Base plate friction coefficient; C f,d = 0.2
Design frictional shear resistance; F f,Rd = C f,d  N R,T = 10.5 kN
PASS - Design frictional resistance exceeds applied shear load
Weld resistance
W eld leg length; s w = 8 mm
W eld throat size; a w = 1 / (2)  s w = 5.7 mm
Material strength for weld; fu_weld = Min(f u_col, f u_plt) = 410 N/mm 2
Correlation factor for fillet welds - Tbl 4.1;  w = 0.85
Design shear strength - Cls; fvw,d = fu_weld / ((3)   w   M2 ) = 222.79 N/mm 2
Design resistance per unit length - Cls; fw,Rd = f vw,d  a w = 1260.3 N/mm
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Tension weld
Force in tension weld; F w,t,Ed = Abs(M Ed ) / (D - T) - N Ed / 2 = 119.47 kN
Length of weld; L w,t = 2  B - (t + 2  r)= 121.9 mm
Design resistance; F w,t,Rd = f w,Rd  L w,t = 153.6 kN
PASS - Available strength of weld exceeds force in weld
Shear weld
Force in shear weld; F w,v,Ed = 6 kN
Length of weld; L w,v = 2  (D - 2  (T + r)) = 68 mm
Design resistance; F w,v,Rd = fw,Rd  L w,v = 85.7 kN
PASS - Available strength of weld exceeds force in weld

In accordance w ith EOTA Technical Report: Design of Bonded Anchors - TR029 Edition June 2007, Amended
September 2010.
Manufacturers' anchor data from ETA
Anchor yield strength; fyk = 640 N/mm 2
Anchor ultimate strength; fuk = 800 N/mm 2
Effective anchorage depth; h ef = 120 mm
Minimum concrete thickness; h min = 176 mm
Minimum spacing; s min = 120 mm
Minimum edge distance; c min = 120 mm
Splitting failure spacing; s cr,sp = 300 mm
Splitting failure edge distance; c cr,sp = 150 mm
Nominal anchor diameter; d nom = 12 mm
Concrete partial factors for anchor design - Section
Partial safety factor for installation for tension loading;
 2,t = 1.20; (Normal installation safety)
Partial safety factor for installation for shear loading;
 2,s = 1.00
Partial safety factor for tension loading;  Mc,t =  c  2,t = 1.80
Partial safety factor for shear loading;  Mc,s =  c   2,s = 1.50

Steel partial factors for anchor design - Section

Partial factor for tension loading - Eqn 3.3a;  Ms,t = Max(1.2 / (fyk / f uk), 1.4) = 1.50
Partial factor for shear loading - Eqn 3.3b;  Ms,s = Max(1.0 / (f yk / fuk ), 1.25) = 1.25

Resistance to tension loads - Section 5.2.2

Design tension loads
Design tension load on single anchor; N Ed,single = 26.3 kN
Design tension for pull-out failure; N Ed,group,p = 52.6 kN
Design tension for concrete cone failure; N Ed,group,c = 52.6 kN
Steel failure - Section
Characteristic resistance of steel from ETA; N Rk,s = 282 kN
Utilisation for steel failure;  N,s = N Ed,single / (N Rk,s /  Ms,t) = 0.14
PASS - Steel resistance exceeds the design tension
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Pull-out failure - Section

Characteristic bond resistance for cracked concrete from ETA;
 Rk,cr = 8 N/mm 2
Characteristic bond resistance for non-cracked concrete from ETA;
 Rk,ucr = 14 N/mm 2
Characteristic pull-out failure spacing; s cr,Np = Min(20  d nom  ( Rk,ucr / (7.5 N/mm 2)) 0.5 , 3  h ef) = 327.9 mm
Characteristic pull-out failure edge distance; c cr,Np = s cr,Np / 2 = 164 mm
Influence area of individual anchor; A 0p,N = s cr,Np  s cr,Np = 107520 mm 2
Actual area; A p,N = (c cr,Np + 0.5  s cr,Np )  (c cr,Np + p 1  (n 1 - 1) + c cr,Np ) = 186217 mm 2
Disturbance of distributed stresses factor;  s,Np = Min(0.7 + 0.3  Min(c cr,Np ) / c cr,Np, 1) = 1
Bond resistance factor; k b = 3.2
Failure surface for anchor groups;  g,Np = Max( 0g,Np - (p 1 / s cr,Np ) 0.5  ( 0g,Np - 1), 1.0) = 1.01
W here;  0g,Np = Max((n 1 ) - ((n 1 ) - 1)  ((d nom / 1mm)  ( Rk,ucr / (1N/mm 2 )) / (k b
 ((h ef / 1mm)  (fck,cube / (1N/mm 2 )))))1.5, 1.0) = 1.08
Eccentricity of resulting tensile load; e N,p = 0 mm
Group effect factor;  ec,Np = Min(1 / (1 + 2  e N,p / s cr,Np), 1) = 1
Shell spalling factor;  re,Np = Min(0.5 + h ef / 200 mm, 1) = 1
Initial characteristic resistance; N 0Rk,p =   d nom  h ef  Rk,ucr = 63.3 kN
Characteristic resistance anchor; N Rk,p = N 0Rk,p  A p,N / A 0p,N   s,Np   g,Np   ec,Np   re,Np = 110.9 kN
Utilisation for pull-out failure;  N,p = N Ed,group,p / (N Rk,p /  Mc,t) = 0.854
PASS - Pull-out resistance exceeds design tension
Concrete cone failure - Section
k factor for cracked or un-cracked concrete; k 1,cone = 10.1
Characteristic cone failure spacing; s cr,N = 3  h ef = 360 mm
Characteristic cone failure edge distance; c cr,N = s cr,N / 2 = 180 mm
Conc cone area of individual anchor - Eqn 5.2b; A 0c,N = s cr,N  s cr,N = 129600 mm 2
Actual area of concrete cone; A c,N = (c cr,N + 0.5  s cr,N )  (c cr,N + p 1  (n 1 - 1) + c cr,N ) =216000 mm 2
Disturbance of distributed stresses fact. - Eqn 5.2c;  s,N = Min(0.7 + 0.3  Min(c cr,N ) / c cr,N , 1) = 1
Shell spalling factor - Eqn 5.2d;  re,N = Min(0.5 + h ef / 200 mm, 1) = 1
Eccentricity of resulting tensile load; e N,c = 0 mm
Group effect factor - Eqn 5.2e;  ec,N = Min(1 / (1 + 2  e N,c / s cr,N ), 1) = 1
Initial characterisitc resistance - Eqn 5.2a; N 0Rk,c = k 1,cone  (f ck,cube / 1 N/mm 2 )0.5  (h ef / 1 mm)1.5  1 N = 72.7 kN
Characteristic resistance of anchor - Eqn 5.2; N Rk,c = N 0Rk,c  A c,N / A 0c,N   s,N   re,N   ec,N = 121.2 kN
Utilisation for concrete-cone failure;  N,c = N Ed,group,c / (N Rk,c /  Mc,t) = 0.782
PASS - Concrete cone resistance exceeds the design tension
Splitting failure due to loading - Section
The conditions are met so that the calculation of the characteristic splitting resistance may be omitted.

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