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Organizational, Political, and Personal Power reaching their own goals.

That's because having control

over resources and the ability to make decisions often
Introduction depends on how much power you have.

Chapter 12 reviewed organizational structure and Authority, or the right to command, accompanies
introduced status, authority, and responsibility at any management position and is a source of
different levels of the organizational hierarchy. In legitimate power, although components of
this chapter, the organization is examined further, management, authority, and power are also
with emphasis on the management functions and
necessary, to a degree, for successful leadership. The
leadership roles inherent in effective use of
manager who is knowledgeable about the wise use
authority, establishment of a personal power base,
of authority, power, and political strategy is more
empowerment of others, and the impact of
organizational politics on power. In addition, factors effective at meeting personal, unit, and
that have historically contributed to nursing’s limited organizational goals. Likewise, powerful leaders are
power as a profession are presented as well as the able to raise morale because they delegate more and
driving forces in place to change this phenomenon. build with a team effort. Thus, their followers
Finally, this chapter introduces strategies both the become part of the growth and excitement of the
individual and the nursing profession could use to organization as their own status is enhanced. In a
increase their power base. In Chapter 12, we learned nutshell, effective management involves wielding authority
about how organizations are set up and how different and power wisely, which are inherent to leadership roles.
people in the organization have different levels of Understanding how to use these components, along with
importance. We also talked about how authority and strategic political skills, enhances a manager's
responsibility work in the organization. effectiveness in achieving personal, unit, and
In this chapter, we will look deeper into the organization organizational goals. Successful leaders, empowered by
and focus on the things managers do and the roles of
their adept use of authority and power, excel in delegation
leaders in using their authority effectively. We will also
and teamwork, fostering a sense of growth and excitement
learn about how to build your own power and how to give
power to others. We will discuss how politics in the among their followers, ultimately elevating both individual
organization can affect power. We will also talk about why and organizational status. The leadership roles and
nurses have not had a lot of power in the past and what is management functions inherent in the use of
changing that. authority and power are shown below
Lastly, in this chapter, we will talk about ways for both
individual nurses and the nursing profession as a whole to Leadership Roles and Management Functions
become more powerful. Associated With Organizational, Political, and
Personal Power
The word power is derived from the Latin verb
potere (to be able); thus, power may be Leadership Roles
appropriately defined as that which enables one to
accomplish goals. Power can also be defined as the 1. Creates a climate that promotes
capacity to act or the strength and potency to followership in response to authority
Effective leaders establish an environment that
accomplish something. It is almost impossible to
encourages individuals to willingly follow and
achieve organizational or personal goals without an respect authority. This involves cultivating a
adequate power base. It is even more difficult to culture of trust, transparency, and clear
help subordinates, patients, or clients achieve their communication.
goals when powerless, because having access to and 2. Recognizes the impact of power on
control over resources is often related to the degree relationships that exist within an
of power one holds. Power comes from the Latin word organization
"potere," which means being able to do things. So, power A discerning leader understands how power
is what helps you achieve your goals. It's the ability to take dynamics influence relationships within the
action and get things done. Whether it's in an organization organizational structure, acknowledging the
or in your personal life, having a strong power base is potential for both positive collaboration and
crucial. Without it, it's tough to reach your goals. Plus, negative conflicts.
when you're in a position of power, you can better assist
others, like your subordinates, patients, or clients, in
3. Uses a powerful persona and referent 10. Uses power judiciously and mindfully
power to increase respect and decrease A prudent leader exercises power thoughtfully,
fear in subordinates considering the impact of their decisions on
individuals and the organization as a whole, and
Leaders leverage a powerful and influential ensuring that power is wielded responsibly.
presence, utilizing referent power to garner 11. Role models political skill in developing
respect and trust from subordinates. This
consensus, inclusion, and follower
approach reduces fear and fosters a more
positive and productive working atmosphere. involvement
Exemplary leaders demonstrate political skill by
fostering consensus, promoting inclusion, and
4. Recognizes when it is appropriate to have
actively involving followers in decision-making
authority questioned or to question
processes, creating a collaborative and engaged
authority team.
A thoughtful leader understands the importance
12. Builds alliances and coalitions inside and
of flexibility and open communication,
outside of nursing
recognizing situations where it is appropriate for
Leaders adeptly build partnerships and
authority to be questioned, fostering an
coalitions, both within and outside the nursing
environment that values constructive feedback.
realm, to strengthen the organization's
5. Is personally comfortable with power in the
influence, promote collaboration, and achieve
political arena common objectives.
Leaders who are at ease with the intricacies of
power in the political landscape can navigate Management Functions
organizational politics effectively, ensuring their
decisions align with the broader goals of the 1. Uses authority to ensure that organizational
organization. goals are met
6. Empowers others whenever possible Managers employ their authority to guide and
A strong leader empowers team members by direct the efforts of individuals and teams,
delegating responsibilities, providing ensuring alignment with organizational goals
opportunities for growth, and fostering an and overall mission.
environment where individuals feel capable and 2. Uses political strategies that are
valued. complementary to the unit and
7. Assists others in using appropriate political organization’s functioning
strategies Effective managers employ political strategies
Leaders guide their team in navigating that align with the goals and functioning of both
organizational politics by offering support, their specific unit and the larger organization,
advice, and insight on employing appropriate promoting harmony and collaboration.
strategies to achieve common goals. 3. Builds a power base appropriate for the
8. Serves as a role model of the empowered assigned management role
nurse Managers strategically develop a power base
Leading by example, a role model leader that suits the requirements of their specific
embodies the qualities of an empowered nurse, management role, incorporating the necessary
inspiring others to embrace autonomy, sources of power to lead effectively.
responsibility, and a proactive approach to their 4. Creates and maintains a small authority–
roles. power gap
9. Strives to eliminate a perception of Successful managers aim to minimize the gap
powerlessness among others between authority and power, ensuring that
their leadership is both authoritative and
Leaders actively work to eradicate any empowering, fostering a balanced and
perception of powerlessness among team productive work environment.
members, creating an inclusive environment
5. Is knowledgeable about the essence and
where every individual feels their contributions
appropriate use of power
are valuable.
Managers possess a deep understanding of the
nature and appropriate application of power,
using this knowledge to navigate organizational team achievements, fostering a sense of
dynamics effectively. belonging and motivation within the workforce.
6. Maintains personal credibility with
Understanding Power
Managers prioritize building and maintaining Power may be feared, worshipped, or mistrusted. It
personal credibility among subordinates, as trust
is frequently misunderstood. Our first experience
is crucial for effective leadership and achieving
with power usually occurs in the family unit. Because
organizational goals.
children’s roles are likened to later subordinate roles
7. Avoids using power over others rather than
and the parental power position is similar to
on behalf of others whenever possible
A skilled manager refrains from using power to management, adult views of the management–
control others and instead employs it to work on subordinate relationship are often influenced by how
behalf of the team and the organization, power was used in the family unit and the often
fostering a collaborative and supportive unacknowledged impact of gender on power in
atmosphere. family dynamics. A positive or negative familial
8. Demonstrates reasoned risk taking in power experience may greatly affect a person’s
decision making with political implications ability to deal with power systems in adulthood.
Managers exhibit thoughtful and calculated risk-
taking in decision-making, especially when Imagine a nurse who, during their formative years,
political implications are involved, to advance witnessed their parent or guardian in a caregiving role
organizational objectives while minimizing within the family. If the parental figure exercised authority
potential negative consequences. with compassion, fairness, and a supportive demeanor, it
9. Uses reward power, coercive power, could influence the nurse's perception of authority in
healthcare settings. They might see leadership in nursing
legitimate power, and expert power when
as a positive force, akin to the nurturing guidance they
appropriate to positively influence the
experienced in their family.
achievement of organizational goals
Managers judiciously apply various sources of On the other hand, if the nurse grew up in an environment
power, such as reward, coercive, legitimate, and where authority was wielded in a dominating or arbitrary
expert power, when appropriate to positively manner, it could shape a more skeptical view of
influence the team's efforts in achieving hierarchical structures within healthcare. This nurse might
organizational goals. be cautious about accepting directives from superiors,
10. Avoids visible displays of legitimate power potentially affecting their ability to work within the
and overusing commands established power dynamics of a healthcare institution.
Effective managers refrain from overt displays of
Additionally, if there were gender-related power
their legitimate power and avoid overusing
imbalances within the family, such as a parent consistently
authoritative commands, opting for a more
exercising authority in a gender-biased manner, the nurse
collaborative and inclusive leadership style.
might carry these sensitivities into their nursing practice.
11. Understands the organizational structure in They might be attuned to issues of gender equity within
which he or she works, functions effectively the nursing profession and advocate for a more egalitarian
within that structure, and deals effectively workplace.
with the institution’s inherent politics
Managers possess a comprehensive In nursing, where hierarchical structures are inherent,
understanding of the organizational structure, understanding these early familial power dynamics
operate effectively within it, and adeptly becomes crucial. A nurse's ability to navigate authority and
navigate institutional politics to ensure optimal power within a healthcare setting may be influenced by
functioning and goal attainment. their early experiences, affecting their approach to
12. Promotes subordinate identification and leadership, collaboration, and advocacy for themselves
and their patients. Recognizing and addressing these
influences can contribute to the development of more
Successful managers actively encourage
effective and empathetic nursing leaders.
subordinate identification with organizational
goals and provide recognition for individual and Gender and Power
Successful leaders are attentive to the influence of viewed as strengths in the corporate world. These
gender on power. Knudson-Martin (2013) suggests attributes are certainly not limited to women, but it
that an underlying assumption of couples therapy is is notable that the same attributes that once closed
that intimate relationships should mutually support corporate doors and created the barrier popularly
each partner, and although virtually no couples called the glass ceiling are now generally welcomed
disagree with this assumption at the time of in the boardroom.
counseling, few couples attain this ideal with most
In examining gender and power, it's important for leaders
power imbalances being related to gender. Knudson-
to understand how gender influences the sharing of power.
Martin suggests that male power typically does not According to Knudson-Martin, there are often unequal
come from outright acts of domination but from an power dynamics in couples, where men's priorities may
unacknowledged preeminence of men’s priorities, prevail without much notice. Some women contribute to
needs, and desires in ways that seem ordinary or this power imbalance by being more submissive than their
natural. In addition, women often contribute to this male partners.
power imbalance by being far more accommodating
Some women are hesitant or uncomfortable embracing
and submissive than their male partners. power, possibly due to their upbringing in traditional
female roles. Some may have negative views of power and
Some of the reluctance of women to embrace power
may not have learned how to use it effectively. However,
in relationships can be explained by their
despite these hesitations, perspectives on women are
socialization to the female role. Some women, in gradually changing. In today's society, it is accepted that
particular, may hold negative connotations of power leaders, regardless of gender, can have and manage
and never learn to use power constructively. Indeed, power. There is also an increasing recognition of the value
women traditionally were expected to demonstrate, of traits traditionally associated with women, such as
at best, ambivalence toward the concept of power political skill in building consensus, inclusion, and
and, often times, to openly eschew the pursuit of involvement, in the corporate world. This is a positive
power. This occurred because many women were change indicating the rise of more equal and diverse
leadership styles.
socialized to view power differently than men.

As a result, some women view power as dominance Power and Powerlessness

versus submission; associated with personal In determining whether power is desirable, it may be
qualities, not accomplishment; and dependent on helpful to look at its opposite: powerlessness. Most
personal or physical attributes, not skill. Also, some people agree that they dislike being powerless.
women believe that they do not inherently possess Everyone needs to have some control in their life,
power but instead must rely on others to acquire it. and when that is not the case, the end result is
Thus, rather than feeling capable of achieving and typically a bossy and rules-oriented individual,
managing power, some women feel that power desperate to have some degree of power or control.
manages them (Huston, 2017). The end result has The leader-manager who feels powerless often
been that far too many women have remained creates an ineffective, petty, dictatorial, and rule-
unskilled in the art of the political process. minded management style. They may become
However, this historical view of women as less oppressive leaders, punitive and rigid in decision
powerful than men is changing. In contemporary making, or withhold information from others, and
society, people are finding new ways for leaders, they become difficult to work with. This suggests
regardless of gender, to acquire and manage power. that although the adage that power corrupts might
These changes are taking place within women, in be true for some, it is also likely correct to say that
women’s view of other women holding power, in powerlessness holds at least as much potential for
organizational hierarchies, and among male corruption.
subordinates and male colleagues (Huston, 2017). In contrast, truly powerful individuals know they are
Indeed, skills that have often been linked to female powerful and do not need to display this overtly.
characteristics such as political skill in developing Instead, their power is evident in the respect and
consensus, inclusion, and involvement are now cooperation of their followers. Because the powerful
have credibility to support their actions, they have In nursing, positive power is seen in those who use their
greater capacity to get things accomplished and can influence for the well-being of patients and the team,
enhance their base. Apparently, then, power has a fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. On
the other hand, negative powerlessness can manifest when
negative and a positive face. The negative face of
someone feels unheard or undervalued, leading to
power is the “I win, you lose” aspect of dominance
attempts at control that may hinder effective teamwork.
versus submission. The positive face of power occurs
when someone exerts influence on behalf of—rather
than over—someone or something. Power,
Types of Power
therefore, is not good or evil; it is how it is used and
for what purpose that matters. For leadership to be effective, some measure of
power must often support it. This is true for the
In understanding power, it's helpful to consider its
opposite: powerlessness. Most people don't like feeling informal social group and the formal work group.
powerless because having some control in life is essential. The Mind Tools Editorial Team (1996–2016)
When individuals lack control, they may become overly describes French and Raven’s classical work
controlling, rules-focused, and eager to exert some form of regarding the bases or sources of power: reward
power. Leaders or managers who feel powerless may power, punishment or coercive power, legitimate
adopt ineffective and dictatorial management styles, power, expert power, and referent power.
becoming difficult to work with. This suggests that, while
the saying "power corrupts" may be true for some,  Reward power is obtained by the ability to
powerlessness also holds the potential for corruption. grant favors or reward others with
whatever they value. The arsenal of
On the positive side, truly powerful individuals don't need
to overtly display their power; it's evident in the respect rewards that a manager can dispense to get
and cooperation they receive. These powerful individuals, employees to work toward meeting
with credibility supporting their actions, can achieve goals organizational goals is very broad. Positive
effectively and build a strong foundation of support. So, leadership through rewards tends to
power has both a negative aspect, involving dominance develop a great deal of loyalty and devotion
and submission, and a positive aspect, where influence is toward leaders.
exerted for the benefit of others. In essence, power itself is Meet Nurse Emily, who is in charge of a nursing
neither good nor evil; it's how it's used and for what team at a hospital. She notices that some of her
purpose that truly matters. colleagues have been consistently going above
and beyond, providing excellent patient care and
Let's consider a simple example in nursing to illustrate the
supporting their fellow nurses.
concepts of power and powerlessness. Imagine a nurse
Nurse Emily, recognizing their hard work, decides
named Sarah who works in a hospital. Sarah is known for
to use her reward power. She publicly
her kindness, good communication, and ability to
acknowledges and praises these nurses during a
collaborate with her colleagues. Patients and fellow nurses
team meeting and arranges for them to have a
respect her, and she's often sought out for advice.
more flexible schedule for the next month as a
In this case, Sarah represents someone with positive power reward. The nurses feel appreciated and valued
in nursing. Her influence is based on her skills, empathy, for their efforts, creating a positive atmosphere
and ability to work well with others. Her power is not in the team. Nurse Emily's ability to grant
about dominating or controlling; instead, it's about making rewards fosters loyalty and dedication among
a positive impact on patient care and fostering a her colleagues, encouraging a collaborative and
supportive work environment. supportive nursing environment.
 Punishment or coercive power, the
Now, imagine another nurse, Mark, who feels powerless in
opposite of reward power, is based on fear
his role. Mark is often frustrated because he doesn't feel
of punishment if the manager’s
heard or valued in the team. He responds by being overly
strict with the hospital rules and procedures, trying to expectations are not met. The manager may
exert control in areas where he feels powerless. obtain compliance through threats (often
Unfortunately, this approach makes it challenging for his implied) of transfer, layoff, demotion, or
colleagues to collaborate with him, and it can lead to dismissal. The manager who shuns or
tension in the workplace. ignores an employee is exercising power
through punishment, as is the manager who type of power is limited to a specialized
berates or belittles an employee. area. For example, someone with vast
Imagine Nurse Alex is in charge of a nursing expertise in music would be powerful only
team. Unfortunately, one of the nurses in that area, not in another specialization.
consistently arrives late for their shifts and When Florence Nightingale used research to
doesn't follow proper procedures, affecting the
quantify the need for nurses in the Crimea
overall team performance.
(by showing that when nurses were
Nurse Alex, feeling the need to address the issue,
decides to use coercive power. Instead of present, fewer soldiers died), she was using
recognizing the nurse's good efforts, Nurse Alex her research to demonstrate expertise in
starts to express disappointment and warns the health needs of the wounded.
about the possibility of being transferred to Imagine Nurse Emma, who has extensive
another unit if the behavior continues. This knowledge and experience in wound care. When
creates a sense of fear and anxiety for the nurse, there's a challenging wound care case in the
who now feels compelled to comply with the hospital, Nurse Emma is sought after for advice
rules to avoid negative consequences. and guidance by her colleagues.
In this example, coercive power in nursing In this situation, Nurse Emma holds expert power
involves using the fear of punishment or negative because of her specialized knowledge in wound
consequences to enforce compliance with care. Her colleagues trust and follow her
expectations. However, it's important for nurse recommendations in this particular area,
leaders to balance this with positive showcasing how expertise in a specific field, like
reinforcement and support to maintain a healthy wound care, can lead to influence and power
and constructive work environment. within a nursing team.
 Legitimate power is position power.  Referent power is power that a person has
Authority is also called legitimate power. It because others identify with that leader or
is the power gained by a title or official with what that leader symbolizes. Referent
position within an organization. Legitimate power also occurs when one gives another
power has inherent in it the ability to create person feelings of personal acceptance or
feelings of obligation or responsibility. The approval. It may be obtained through
socialization and culture of subordinate association with the powerful. People may
employees will influence to some degree also develop referent power because others
how much power a manager has due to his perceive them as powerful. This perception
or her position. could be based on personal charisma, the
Meet Nurse Manager Sarah, who is responsible way the leader talks or acts, the
for a nursing unit. She has legitimate power organizations to which he or she belongs, or
because of her official position as the manager. the people with whom he or she associates.
When Nurse Sarah assigns tasks or makes People who others accept as role models or
decisions, her colleagues recognize her authority
leaders enjoy referent power. Physicians
because of her role.
use referent power very effectively; society,
For instance, when Nurse Sarah asks a colleague
to take on a specific patient care responsibility,
as a whole, views physicians as powerful,
the colleague feels a sense of obligation to follow and physicians carefully maintain this
through because Nurse Sarah has the legitimate image.
power as the manager. In nursing, legitimate Meet Nurse Lily, who is known for her
power is tied to the official position within the compassion and positive attitude in the hospital.
team or unit and plays a crucial role in Other nurses and even some patients look up to
maintaining order and coordination in providing her as a role model because of her caring nature.
patient care. In this case, Nurse Lily holds referent power. Her
 Expert power is gained through knowledge, colleagues identify with her and appreciate the
expertise, or experience. Having critical personal acceptance and approval she provides.
When Nurse Lily suggests a new approach to
knowledge allows a manager to gain power
patient care or teamwork, her colleagues are
over others who need that knowledge. This
more likely to accept and follow her lead
because of the positive feelings associated with knowledge they need to provide the best patient
her referent power. In nursing, individuals who care. In nursing, having access to valuable and
are seen as role models, exhibiting qualities necessary information can be a powerful asset,
others admire, possess referent power within the influencing decision-making and contributing to
healthcare team. the overall effectiveness of the healthcare team.
 Although correlated with referent power,
charismatic power is distinguished by some
from referent power. Referent power is The Authority–Power Gap
gained only through association with
powerful others, whereas charisma is a If authority is the right to command, then a logical
more personal type of power. question is “Why do workers sometimes not follow
Meet Nurse Chris, who has a warm and inspiring orders?” Sometimes it is because they believe
personality. Whenever there's a challenging management does not understand their point of
situation in the hospital, Nurse Chris remains view or that they are insensitive to worker needs.
calm and motivates the team with encouraging When followers feel that their needs and wants are
words. immaterial and that the person in charge focuses
In this scenario, Nurse Chris exhibits charismatic
only on his or her own perspective, their innate
power. It's not just about being associated with
motivation to be a good follower declines.
others who are powerful; instead, it's about the
personal charm and influence Nurse Chris brings Clearly then, the right to command does not ensure
to the nursing team. Colleagues are drawn to
that employees will follow orders. The gap that
Nurse Chris's positive energy and are inspired to
sometimes exists between a position of authority
work collaboratively. In nursing, charismatic
power is about the individual's personal qualities and subordinate response is called the authority–
that naturally attract and motivate others within power gap. The term manager power may explain
the healthcare setting. subordinates’ response to the manager’s authority.
 Another type of power, which is often The more power subordinates perceive a manager to
added to the French and Raven power have, the smaller the gap between the right to
source is informational power. This source expect certain things and the resulting fulfillment of
of power is obtained when people have those expectations by others.
information that others must have to
The negative effect of a wide authority–power gap is
accomplish their goals. The various sources
that organizational chaos may develop. There would
of power are summarized in
be little productivity if every order were questioned.
Meet Nurse Alex, who is known for staying
updated on the latest medical research and
The organization should rightfully expect that its
treatment protocols. When the nursing team goals will be accomplished. One of the core
encounters a challenging case, they often turn to dynamics of civilization is that there will always be a
Nurse Alex for valuable information and few authority figures pushing the many for a certain
guidance. standard of performance.
In this case, Nurse Alex possesses informational
power. The colleagues seek out Nurse Alex People in the United States are socialized very early
to respond to authority figures. In many cases,
children are conditioned to accept the directives of
their parents, teachers, and community leaders. The
traditional nurse-educator has been portrayed as an
authoritarian who demands unconditional
obedience. Educators who maintain a very narrow
authority–power gap reinforce dependency and
obedience by emphasizing extreme consequences,
including the death of the patient. Thus, nursing
students may be socialized to be overly cautious and
because of the critical information and
to hesitate when making independent nursing

Because of these types of early socialization, the gap

between the manager’s authority and the worker’s
response to that authority tends to be relatively
small. In other countries, it may be larger or smaller,
depending on how people are socialized to respond
to authority. This authority dependence that begins
with our parents and is later transferred to our
employers may be an important resource to
managers. to value the input of their team members to maintain a
smooth relationship and effective patient care.
Although the authority–power gap continues to be
narrow, it has grown in the last 50 years. Both the
women’s movement and the student unrest of the
1960s contributed to a widening of the authority–
power gap in the United States. This widening gap
was evident when a 1970s college student asked her
mother why she did not protest as a college student;
the mother replied, “I didn’t know I could.”
1. **Legitimate authority of the position:** If the leader
At times, however, authority should be questioned has the right role or position, like being a boss or manager.
by either the leader or the subordinates. This is 2. **Perceived power of the manager:** If others see the
demonstrated in health care by the increased leader as powerful or influential.
questioning of the authority of physicians—many of
whom feel they have the authority to command—by 3. **Socialization to power/authority figures:** How
individuals have been taught or learned to respond to
nurses and consumers. Figure 13.1 shows the
people in charge, like bosses or authority figures.
dynamics of the relationships in the organizational
authority–power response. So, the way people respond to a leader's authority is
influenced by the leader's role, how powerful they seem,
In the Philippines, the authority–power gap refers to the and how individuals have been raised to view authority
difference between a person's right to give orders and how figures.
well others follow those orders. Sometimes, people may
not follow a leader's instructions if they feel the leader Bridging the Authority–Power Gap
doesn't understand their needs or doesn't listen to their
opinions. This gap can lead to communication problems DeMers (2015) notes that in order to accomplish
and ineffective leadership. In Philippine culture, there's a anything, an air of mutual trust must be present
strong respect for authority, but the gap may widen if between managers and employees. This means that
leaders don't value the opinions and needs of their managers need to trust their employees, employees
followers. Considering the authority–power gap is crucial need to trust their managers, and employees need
for maintaining a good relationship between leaders and
to trust each other. There are many things that can
their team members in the Philippines.
lead to a loss of trust between managers and
In nursing in the Philippines, the authority–power gap subordinates. Sometimes, subordinates lose trust
means the difference between a nurse's right to make when they continually experience visible exercises of
decisions and how well others, like colleagues or authority (these should be used sparingly). Because
subordinates, follow those decisions. If nurses feel their overusing commands can stifle cooperation, outright
opinions or needs aren't considered by those in charge, naked commands should be used only infrequently.
there might be a gap in understanding and following
In addition, Overland (2015) notes that managers
instructions. This gap can lead to communication issues
and affect teamwork. It's important in nursing for leaders
need to be careful not to belittle, ignore, or avoid
conversations with subordinates who seem
disillusioned with their leader. They need direction answers. Another dimension of credibility that
and support to help them move forward and to influences the authority–power relationship is future
reestablish a more appropriate authority–power promising. It is best to underpromise if promises
gap. The manager will have bridged the authority– must be made. Bradberry (2015) notes that making
power gap if followers (a) perceive that the manager promises to people places you on a fine line between
is doing a good job, (b) believe that the organization making them very happy and watching them walk
has their best interests in mind, and (c) do not feel out the door. Upholding commitments makes a
controlled by authority. manager trustworthy and honorable; not doing so
comes across as uncaring and disrespectful.
One way for the leader to bridge the gap is to make
Managers should never guarantee future rewards
a genuine effort to know and care about each
unless they have control of all possible variables. If
subordinate as a unique individual. This is especially
managers revoke future rewards, they lose
important because each person has a limited
credibility in the eyes of their subordinates.
tolerance of authority, and subordinates are better
However, managers should dispense present
able to tolerate authority if they believe that the
rewards to buy patronage, making the manager
leader cares about them as individuals. Bradberry
more believable and building greater power into his
(2015) notes that more than half of people who
or her legitimate authority. A scenario that illustrates
leave their jobs do so because of their relationship
the difference in dispensing future and present
with their boss. Managers who celebrate worker’s
awards follows.
achievements and empathize with those going
through hard times are more likely to be perceivable To bridge the Authority–Power Gap in nursing, it's crucial
as deserving of employee trust. In addition, the for nurse managers to build mutual trust with their team.
manager needs to provide enough information This involves managers trusting their nurses, nurses
trusting their managers, and fostering trust among the
about organizational and unit goals to subordinates
nursing staff. Trust can be eroded if managers excessively
for them to understand how their efforts and those
use their authority, so commands should be used sparingly
of their manager are contributing to goal attainment. to avoid stifling cooperation. It's essential for managers to
Clear agreements and a detailed description of address concerns and provide support to disillusioned
targets help learners visualize a positive outcome subordinates, helping them move forward and reestablish
(Overland, 2015). Managers must show employees a balanced authority–power gap. Leaders can bridge this
what a good job looks like and use examples and gap by genuinely caring about each nurse as an individual,
templates to keep people on the right track celebrating achievements, and empathizing during tough
(Overland, 2015). Finally, the manager must be seen times. Providing clear information about organizational
goals and openly communicating contributes to a positive
as credible for the authority–power gap not to
work environment. Maintaining credibility is crucial;
widen. All managers begin their appointment with
managers should admit mistakes, be transparent about
subordinates ready to believe them. This, again, is motivations, and avoid making unrealistic promises.
due to the socialization process that causes people Dispensing present rewards builds trust, while
to believe that those in power say what is true. guaranteeing future rewards should be approached
However, the deference to authority will erode if cautiously to avoid loss of credibility. In nursing, a leader
managers handle employees carelessly, are who balances authority with genuine care and transparent
dishonest, or seem incapable of carrying out their communication can successfully bridge the authority–
duties. DeMers (2015) notes managers must allow power gap, ensuring a positive and trusting work
their employees to express their opinions and air
their concerns freely without fear of penalty. In “overt displays of authority should be used as a last resort”
addition, managers should admit when they have
made a mistake and their motivations should be showing authority outright should be the last thing you do.
It's like using it only when absolutely necessary or when all
transparent. When a manager loses credibility, the
other options have been tried. This approach is suggested
power inherent in his or her authority decreases. It is to maintain a positive and cooperative environment,
important then for those in power to answer avoiding unnecessary conflicts or disruptions.
followers honestly when they do not have all the
Empowering Subordinates own power can also impede the empowering
process. Once organizational barriers have been
The empowerment of staff is a hallmark of
minimized or eliminated, the leader should develop
transformational leadership. To empower means to
strategies at the unit level to empower staff. The
enable, develop, or allow. Empowerment, as
easiest strategy is to be a role model of an
discussed in Chapter 2, can be defined as
empowered nurse. Another strategy would be to
decentralization of power. Empowerment occurs
assist staff in building their own personal power
when leaders communicate their vision; employees
base. This can be accomplished by showing
are given the opportunity to make the most of their
subordinates how their personal, expert, and
talents; and learning, creativity, and exploration are
referent power can be expanded. Empowerment
encouraged. Empowerment plants seeds of
also occurs when workers are involved in planning
leadership, collegiality, self-respect, and
and implementing change and when workers believe
professionalism. For example, “professional practice
that they have some input in what is about to
models, shared governance models, and
happen to them and some control over the
collaborative governance all use similar processes to
environment in which they will work in the future.
increase nurses’ participation in decision making,
thereby increasing their control over the context of In nursing, empowering the staff means giving them the
nursing practice and promoting power” (Thakore, tools and chances to take charge of their work and be part
2015, para. 7). Empowerment can also be as simple of decision-making. It involves leaders sharing their vision,
encouraging learning, and promoting a sense of
as assuring that all individuals in the organization are
professionalism and teamwork. This empowerment is
treated with dignity. Empowerment, however, is not
visible in models like shared governance, where nurses
an easy one-step process. Instead, it is a complex actively participate in decision-making. Leaders are
process that consists of responsibility for the essential in creating an environment that supports
individual desiring empowerment as well as the empowerment and using effective leadership styles.
organization and its leadership. Individually, all Strategies for empowerment include giving tasks that offer
practitioners must have professional traits, including learning opportunities and involving staff in planning and
responsibility for continuing education, participation making changes. The aim is to overcome obstacles and
in professional organizations, political activism, and create a workplace where nurses feel valued, have a say in
decisions, and believe they have control over their work
most importantly, a sense of value about their work.
In addition, the nurse must work in an environment
that encourages empowerment, and the
empowerment process must include an effective
leadership style. One way that leaders empower
subordinates is when they delegate assignments to
provide learning opportunities and allow employees
to share in the satisfaction derived from
achievement. Empowerment is not the relinquishing Mobilizing the Power of the Nursing Profession
of rightful power inherent in a position nor is it a
delegation of authority or its commensurate Until the nursing profession has a seat at the health-
responsibility and accountability. Instead, the actions care policy-making table, individual nurses and
of empowered staff are freely chosen, owned, and leader-managers will be limited in how much
committed to on behalf of the organization without personal power they will hold. Huston (2017)
any requests or requirements to do so. Not having a suggests that nursing has not been the force it could
commitment to empowerment is a barrier to be in the policy arena, stating that nurses have often
creating an environment for empowerment in an been reactive rather than proactive in addressing
organization. Other barriers would include a rigid policy decisions and legislation after the fact rather
organizational belief about authority and status. A than taking part in drafting and sponsoring
manager’s personal feelings regarding legislation. However, she cites several driving forces
empowerment’s potential effect on the manager’s
that should increase nursing’s power base: (Display “expects to see the momentum continue to
13.2) build for advancing nursing education at all
levels” because “employers are looking for
 Right timing. The errors reported in our
highly skilled nurses able to translate the
medical system, the numbers of uninsured,
latest scientific evidence into practice”
and the shortcomings of our current health-
(Wood, 2015, para. 19). One of the greatest
care system are all reasons that consumers
areas of growth will be in the number of
and legislators are willing to listen to nurses
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students,
as an attempt is made to fix the health-care
with more than 15,000 students now
crisis. Clearly, the public wants a better
pursuing a practice doctorate. Additionally,
health-care system, and nurses want to be
during the past decade, enrollment in
able to provide high-quality nursing care.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing
Both are powerful elements for change, and
programs increased by 49% and is expected
new nurses are entering the profession at a
to further increase this year (Wood, 2015).
time when their energy and expertise will
In addition, more nurses are stepping into
be more valued than ever. The passage and
advanced practice roles as nurse
implementation of the Patient Protection
practitioners, clinical nurse specialists,
and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has only
certified nurse midwives, RN anesthetists,
escalated public awareness and debate
or clinical nurse-leaders. If knowledge is
about flaws in publicly funded or subsidized
power, then those having knowledge can
health care in the United States.
influence others, gain credibility, and gain
Furthermore, as a result of publications
power. Furthermore, leadership,
such as To Err Is Human, consumers, health-
management, and political theory are
care providers, and legislators are more
increasingly a part of baccalaureate nursing
aware than ever of the shortcomings of the
education, although the majority of nurses
current health-care system, and the clamor
still do not hold baccalaureate degrees.
for action has never been louder.
These are learned skills, and collectively, the
 Size of the nursing profession. Numbers are
nursing profession’s knowledge of
very important in politics, and the nursing
leadership, politics, negotiation, and finance
profession’s size is its greatest asset. The
is increasing. This can only increase the
United States has just over 3.1 million active
nursing profession’s influence outside the
professional RNs (Henry J. Kaiser Family
field (Huston, 2017).
Foundation, 2016), which represents an
 Nursing’s unique perspective. Thakore
impressive potential voting bloc.
(2015) suggests that one of the
 Nursing’s referent power. The nursing
characteristics of a profession is that
profession has a great deal of referent
professionals have power over the practice
power as a result of the high degree of trust
of their discipline. This is often referred to
and credibility the public places in them.
as professional autonomy or “the freedom
Indeed, nurses have placed number 1
to act on what one knows.” Nursing has
almost every year in the Gallup
long been recognized as having a strong
Organization’s annual poll on professional
caring component. Combine that with
honesty and ethical standards since nurses
nursing’s recent surge in scientific
were first included in the survey in 1999.
knowledge and critical thinking and there is
 Increasing knowledge base and education
a blend of art and science that brings a
for nurses. There are more nurses being
unique perspective to the health-care
awarded master’s and doctoral degrees
than ever before. Eileen Breslin, current
 Desire of consumers and providers for
president of the American Association of
change. Limited consumer choice, hospital
Colleges of Nursing (AACN), stated she
restructuring, the downsizing of registered
nursing, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) are willing to listen to nurses as efforts are made
medical error reports were the sparks to fix these issues. Additionally, the size of the
needed to mobilize nurses, as well as nursing profession, with over 3.1 million
professional RNs, gives them a significant
consumers, to take action. Nurses began
potential voting bloc in politics. Nurses also
speaking out about how downsizing and
possess referent power because of the high trust
restructuring were affecting the care they and credibility the public places in them. The
were providing, and the public began increasing knowledge base and education
demanding accountability. The public does among nurses, including more pursuing
care who is caring for them and how that advanced degrees, further strengthens their
affects the quality of their care. The flaws of influence. The unique perspective of nursing,
the health-care system are no longer secret, blending caring with scientific knowledge, adds a
and nursing has the opportunity to use its distinctive element to the healthcare arena.
Lastly, the desire for change among consumers
expertise and influence to help create a
and providers, fueled by issues like limited
better health-care system for the future.
choices and hospital restructuring, provides an
1. **Right Timing**: Nurses have a chance to
opportunity for nurses to use their expertise and
make a big impact because there are problems in
influence to contribute to a better healthcare
the healthcare system, like errors and a lack of
insurance, and people are ready to listen and fix
these issues.
An Action Plan for Increasing Professional
2. **Size of the Nursing Profession**: The large Power in Nursing
number of nurses in the U.S. (over 3.1 million) Huston (2017) also developed an action
gives them a strong voice and potential influence plan for the nursing profession to build its
in making important decisions. power base (Display 13.3 shows a summary
of these actions). This action plan includes
3. **Nursing’s Referent Power**: Nurses are the following strategies:
trusted by the public, ranking high in honesty  Place more nurses in positions that
and ethical standards. This trust gives nurses a
influence public policy. The IOM (2011)
strong influence in healthcare decisions.
suggested that for health-care reform to
4. **Increasing Knowledge and Education for work, nurses must be a part of decision-
Nurses**: More nurses are getting advanced making processes in the health caresystem.
degrees, like master's and doctorates, which This means placing nurses on advisory
makes them more knowledgeable and capable of committees, commissions, and boards
influencing healthcare policies. where policy decisions are made to advance
health systems to improve patient care
5. **Nursing’s Unique Perspective**: Nursing (IOM, 2011). Training will be required,
brings a special mix of caring and scientific
however, because many nurses lack basic
knowledge to healthcare, offering a distinctive
skills in health-care finance and policy.
viewpoint that can contribute to positive
changes. Indeed, a 2015 study suggested that
6. **Desire for Change**: Issues like limited increased orientation to liabilities and
choices in healthcare and downsizing of nursing fiduciary duties were needed for nurses to
staff have sparked a desire for change. Nurses, be present and active on boards at all levels
along with the public, are motivated to improve (Walton, Lake, Mullinix, Allen, & Mooney,
the healthcare system. 2015)
In simple terms, nurses can increase their Unfortunately, although nurses typically
influence and play a crucial role in improving
represent the greatest percentage of the
healthcare by taking advantage of several
workforce in hospitals, few nurses serve on
factors. Firstly, the timing is right due to reported
errors in the medical system, a high number of hospital boards or hold positions of
uninsured individuals, and shortcomings in the significant power. A survey by the American
healthcare system. Consumers and legislators Hospital Association (AHA) of over 1,000
hospitals in 2010 found that nurses made  Build coalitions inside and outside of
up only 6% of board members, whereas nursing. Health policy takes place in a
physicians held more than 20% of board virtual network of participants, professions,
seats (Walton et al., 2015). Holding office, and organizations, both locally and
however, is the ultimate in political nationally. Nurses have not always done
activism. Huston (2017) argues that nurses well in building political coalitions with
are uniquely qualified to hold public office other interdisciplinary professionals with
because they have the greatest firsthand similar challenges. In addition to belonging
experience of problems faced by patients in to nursing professional organizations,
today’s health-care system as well as an nurses need to reach out to other
uncanny ability to translate the health-care nonnursing groups with the same concerns
experience to the general public. As a and goals. This interdependence and
result, more nurses need to seek out this strength in numbers is what will ultimately
role. In addition, because the public help the profession achieve its goals. In
respects and trusts nurses, nurses who addition, nurses must build positive
choose to run for public office are often relationships with other health-care
elected. The problem then is not that professionals in order to develop and
nurses are not elected; the problem is that maintain a sense of power in regard to
not enough nurses are running for office. providing effective care for patients
 Become better informed about all health- (Fackler, Chambers, & Bourbonniere, 2015).
care policy efforts. This means becoming Thus, “being on the same page” as the rest
involved with grassroots knowledge of the interprofessional team is important
building and becoming better informed in building personal power (Fackler et al.,
consumers and providers of health care 2015, p. 267).
with a commitment to collective strength.  Conduct more research to strengthen
This is difficult because no one can do this evidence-based practice. Great strides have
but nurses. Cardillo (2016) argues that been made in researching what it is that
every nurse can and should learn the ABCs nurses do that makes a difference in patient
of politics and power as a first step to outcomes (research on nursing sensitivity),
personal and professional empowerment. but more needs to be done. Nurses must
She suggests that nurses should develop use research to present the case that
relationships with their legislators and nursing skills are vital to competent health
contact their Assemblypersons, care. In addition, building and sustaining
Congresspersons, and Senators by phone or evidence-based practice in nursing will
e-mail. Introduce yourself as a nurse in their require far greater numbers of master’s-
district and offer to be a resource on and doctorally prepared nurses as well as
nursing and health-care issues. Cardillo entry into practice at an educational level
(2016) goes on to suggest that every step an similar to other professions (Huston, 2017).
RN takes toward political awareness and  Support nursing leaders. Rather than
activism benefits the entire profession. It is supporting their leaders’ efforts to lead,
also one more way to impact the greater nurses have often viewed their leaders as
good and advocate for better health care deviants, and this has occurred at a high
for all. O’Connor (2014) agrees, suggesting personal cost to the innovator. In addition,
that the privileged intimacy the nursing role nurses often resist change from their
affords carries with it responsibilities leaders and instead look to leaders in
beyond practice and professional medicine or other health-related disciplines.
responsibilities. It carries political Thus, the division in nursing often comes
responsibilities as well. from within the profession itself (Huston,
 Mentor future nurse-leaders and plan for
leadership succession. Female-dominated 5. **Support Nursing Leaders**: Instead of
professions such as nursing often exemplify resisting change, nurses should support and
follow their leaders within the profession to
the queen bee syndrome. The queen bee is
foster a united front.
a woman who has struggled to become
successful, but once successful, she refuses 6. **Mentor Future Leaders and Plan
to help other women reach the same Succession**: Older leaders should empower
success. This leads to inadequate and mentor younger ones to ensure a
empowering of new leaders by the older, continuous and effective leadership transition in
more established leaders. Increased and nursing.
adequate empowering of others, mentoring
the young, and ensuring leadership 7. **Stop Acting Like Victims**: Rather than
feeling helpless, nurses should address the root
succession are clearly needed to advance
causes of their problems, confront situations,
nursing leadership. Remember that the
and actively contribute to improving their
profession is responsible for ensuring profession.
leadership succession and is morally bound
to do it with the brightest, most highly Strategies for Building a Personal Power Base
qualified individuals (Huston, 2017).
In addition to assisting with empowering the
 Stop acting like victims. Unhappy nurses
profession, nurse-leaders and nurse-managers must
tend to look like victims. That is not to say
build a personal power base to further
that nurses are never victimized, but nurses
organizational goals, fulfill the leadership role, carry
need to address the cause of their
out management functions, and meet personal
unhappiness and attempt to alleviate the
goals. Even a novice manager or newly graduated
problem. They can confront situations,
nurse can begin to build a power base in many ways.
change jobs, or move into a different career
Habitual behaviors resulting from early lessons,
path. Motivated people who care about
passivity, and focusing on wrong targets can be
their profession will help bring power to
replaced with new power-gaining behaviors. The
following are suggested strategies for enhancing
1. **Place Nurses in Policy Roles**: Get more
nurses involved in decision-making roles, like power.
advisory committees and boards, to influence
 Maintain Personal Energy
healthcare policy positively.
Power and energy go hand in hand. To take
2. **Stay Informed about Healthcare Policies**: care of others you must first take care of
Nurses should learn about healthcare policies, yourself. Effective leaders take sufficient
build relationships with legislators, and actively time to unwind, reflect, rest, and have fun
contribute to political awareness to empower when they feel tired. Leader-managers who
the nursing profession. do not take care of themselves begin to
make mistakes in judgment that may result
3. **Build Coalitions**: Nurses should in terrible political consequences. Taking
collaborate with other professionals and
time for significant relationships and
organizations, both within and outside nursing,
developing outside interests are important
to strengthen the collective voice and achieve
common goals. so that other resources are available for
sustenance when political forces in the
4. **Conduct Research for Evidence-Based organization drain energy.
Practice**: More research is needed to  Present a Powerful Picture to Others
showcase the crucial role of nursing in patient How people look, act, and talk influence
outcomes. Evidence-based practice should be whether others view them as powerful or
supported by a larger number of highly educated powerless. The nurse who stands tall and is
poised, assertive, articulate, and well-
groomed presents a picture of personal  Learn How to Use the Organization’s
control and power. The manager who looks Priorities. Every group has its own goals and
like a victim will undoubtedly become one. priorities for achieving those goals. Those
When individuals take the time for self-care, seeking to build a power base must be
they exude confidence. This is apparent in cognizant of organizational goals and use
not only how they dress and act but also those priorities and goals to meet
how they interact with others. management needs. For example, a need
 Work Hard and Be a Team Player. for a new manager in a community health
Newcomers who stand out and appear service might be to develop educational
powerful are those who do more, work programs on chemotherapy because some
harder, and contribute to the organization. of the new patient caseload includes this
They attend meetings and in-service nursing function. If fiscal management is a
opportunities; they do committee work and high priority, the manager needs to show
take their share of night shifts and weekend superiors how the cost of these educational
and holiday assignments without programs will be offset by additional
complaining. A power base is not achieved revenues. If public relations with physicians
by slick, easy, or quick maneuvers but and patients are a priority, the manager
through hard work. It is also important to would justify the same request in terms of
be a team player. Showing a genuine additional services to patients and
interest in others, being considerate of physicians.
other people’s needs and wants, and  Increase Professional Skills and Knowledge.
offering others support whenever possible Because employees are expected to
are all part of a successful team building. perform their jobs well, one’s performance
These interpersonal skills are part of must be extraordinary to enhance power.
emotional intelligence. One method of being extraordinary is to
 Determine the Powerful in the increase professional skills and knowledge
Organization. Understanding and working to an expert level. Having knowledge and
successfully within both formal and skill that others lack greatly augments a
informal power structures are important person’s power base. Excellence that
strategies for building a personal power reflects knowledge and demonstrates skill
base. Individuals must be cognizant of their enhances a nurse’s credibility and
limitations and seek counsel appropriately. determines how others view him or her.
One should know the names and faces of  Maintain a Broad Vision. Vision is one of
those with both formal power and informal the most powerful tools that a leader has in
power. The powerful people in the informal his or her toolbox. Because workers are
structure are often more difficult to identify assigned to a unit or department, they often
than those in the formal structure. When develop a narrow view of the total
working with powerful people, look for organization. Power builders always look
similarities and shared values and avoid upward and outward. The successful leader
focusing on differences. recognizes not only how the individual unit
 Learn the Language and Symbols of the fits within the larger organization but also
Organization. Each organization has its own how the institution as a whole fits into the
culture and value system. New members scheme of the total community. People
must understand this culture and be without vision rarely become very powerful.
socialized into the organization if they are  Use Experts and Seek Counsel. Newcomers
to build a power base. Being unaware of should seek out role models. Role models
institutional taboos often results in are experienced, competent individuals an
embarrassment for the newcomer. individual wishes to emulate. Even though
there may be no significant interpersonal
relationship, one can learn a great deal at oneself and not take oneself too seriously
about successful leadership, management, is a most important power builder. Humor
and decision making by observing and allows the leader to relax so that he or she
imitating positive role models. By looking to can step away from the challenge and look
others for advice and counsel, people at the circumstance in a different
demonstrate that they are willing to be perspective.
team players, that they are cautious and  Empower Others. Leaders need to
want expert opinion before proceeding, and empower others, and followers must
that they are not rash newcomers who empower their leaders. When nurses
think they have all the answers. Aligning empower each other, they gain referent
oneself with appropriate veterans in the power. Individual nurses and the profession
organization is excellent for building power. as a whole do not gain their share of power
 Be Flexible. Great leaders understand the because they allow others to divide them
power of flexibility. Anyone wishing to and weaken them. Nurses can empower
acquire power should develop a reputation other nurses by sharing knowledge,
as someone who can compromise. The maintaining cohesiveness, valuing the
rigid, uncompromising newcomer is viewed profession, and supporting each other.
as being insensitive to the organization’s Power building and political strategies are
needs. summarized in Table 13.2
 Develop Visibility and a Voice in the
1. **Maintain Personal Energy**: Leaders should take
Organization. Newcomers to an
care of themselves to effectively care for others.
organization must become active in Taking time for personal well-being, relationships,
committees or groups that are recognized and outside interests helps leaders stay energized.
by the organization as having clout. When
working in groups, the newcomer must not 2. **Present a Powerful Image**: How leaders look,
act, and speak influences how others perceive them.
monopolize committee time. In addition,
Being poised, assertive, and well-groomed portrays
novice leaders and managers must develop
personal control and power.
observational, listening, and verbal skills.
Their spoken contributions to the 3. **Work Hard and Be a Team Player**: Contribution
committee should be valuable and and hard work enhance a power base. Being a team
articulated well. Experienced leader- player, showing interest in others, and practicing
managers must strive for visibility and voice emotional intelligence contribute to successful
as well. Managers who are too far removed
from workers in the organization hierarchy 4. **Understand Power Structures**: Recognize both
can have a view that is cloudy or distorted. formal and informal power structures within the
If workers do not know their managers, organization. Identify powerful individuals,
they will not trust them. understand their roles, and align with shared values.
 Learn to Accept Compliments. Accepting 5. **Learn Organization's Culture**: Understand the
compliments is an art. One should be language, symbols, and culture of the organization.
gracious but certainly not passive when Being aware of institutional norms and values helps
praised for extraordinary effort. In addition,
people should let others know when some
special professional recognition has been
achieved. This should be done in a manner
that is not bragging but reflects the
selfrespect of one who is talented and
 Maintain a Sense of Humor. Appropriate
humor is very effective. The ability to laugh
build a power base and avoids embarrassing Politics is the art of using legitimate power wisely. It
situations. requires clear decision making, assertiveness,
6. **Utilize Organizational Priorities**: Align personal accountability, and the willingness to express one’s
goals with organizational priorities. Understand and own views. It also requires being proactive rather
use the organization's goals to meet management than reactive and demands decisiveness. Leader-
needs effectively. managers in power positions in today’s health-care
settings are more likely to recognize their innate
7. **Increase Professional Skills and Knowledge**:
abilities that support the effective use of power. It is
Enhance credibility and power by attaining expert-
level knowledge and skills. Outstanding performance
important for managers to understand politics within
and expertise contribute to a strong power base. the context of their employing organization. After
the employee has built a power base through hard
8. **Maintain a Broad Vision**: Successful leaders work, increased personal power, and knowledge of
have a broad vision, understanding the organization's the organization, developing skills in the politics of
role in the larger community. A wider perspective
power is necessary. After all, power may not be
enhances leadership power.
gained indefinitely; it may be fleeting. For example,
9. **Seek Counsel and Use Experts**: Learn from people often lose hard-earned power in an
experienced role models and seek advice from organization because they make political mistakes.
experts. Demonstrating a willingness to seek counsel Even seasoned leaders occasionally blunder in this
enhances credibility and builds power. arena. It is useless to argue the ethics or value of
10. **Be Flexible**: Flexibility is a powerful trait. politics in an organization, because politics exists in
Leaders who can compromise and adapt are viewed every organization. Thus, nurses waste energy and
positively, unlike rigid and uncompromising remain powerless when they refuse to learn the art
individuals. and skill of political maneuvers. Politics becomes
divisive only whenever gossip, rumor, or unethical
11. **Develop Visibility and a Voice**: Actively
participate in influential committees and groups strategies occur. Much attention is given to
within the organization. Develop observational, improving competence, but little time is spent in
listening, and verbal skills to contribute effectively. learning the intricacies of political behavior. The
most important strategy is to learn to “read the
12. **Learn to Accept Compliments**: Graciously
environment” (e.g., understand relationships within
accept compliments and communicate professional
the organization) through observation, listening,
achievements without bragging. This builds self-
respect and reinforces unique talents. reading, detachment, and analysis. Because power
implies interdependence, nurses must not only
13. **Maintain a Sense of Humor**: Appropriate understand the organizational structure in which
humor is effective in building power. It allows leaders they work but also be able to function effectively
to relax, gain perspective, and not take themselves
within that structure, including dealing effectively
too seriously.
with the institution’s inherent politics. Only when
14. **Empower Others**: Leaders should empower managers understand power and politics will they be
others, and nurses should empower each other. capable of recognizing limitations and potential for
Sharing knowledge, fostering cohesiveness, and change. Understanding one’s own power can be
supporting one another contribute to a powerful frightening, especially when one considers that
nursing profession.
“attacks” (or opposition) from various fronts may
These strategies contribute not only to individual reduce that power. When these attacks occur,
empowerment but also to the strength and people who hold powerful positions may undermine
influence of the nursing profession as a whole. themselves by regressing rather than progressing
and by being reactive rather than proactive. The
following political strategies will help the novice
The Politics of Power manager to negate the negative effects of
organizational politics:
In healthcare, the term "politics of power" refers to the at the wrong time. Determining who should
skillful and wise use of authority and influence. It involves know, how much they should know, and
making clear decisions, being assertive, taking when they should know requires great
responsibility, and expressing one's opinions. Successful
finesse. One of the most politically serious
navigation of this political landscape requires a proactive
errors that one can make is lying to others
approach, decisiveness, and the recognition of one's innate
abilities by leaders and managers in healthcare settings. within the organization. Unlike withholding
The goal is to use power effectively for the benefit of the and refusing to divulge information, which
organization and those under its care. may be good political strategies, lying
destroys trust, and leaders must never
In this context, "politics" refers to the strategic and skillful
underestimate the power of trust.
use of power and influence within an organization. It
 Be a proactive decision maker. Nurses have
involves making decisions, being assertive, and
understanding how to navigate the dynamics of power to had such a long history of being reactive
achieve goals. In the healthcare setting described, it means that they have had little time to learn how
recognizing and using one's authority effectively, to be proactive. Although being reactive is
understanding the organization's power structures, and better than being passive, being proactive
being proactive in decision-making and expressing views. means getting the job done better, faster,
It's about being politically savvy in the workplace to and more efficiently. Proactive leaders
achieve positive outcomes and maintain influence. prepare for the future instead of waiting for
Imagine a nurse manager in a hospital who needs to it. Seeing changes approaching in the
implement a new procedure for patient care. To navigate health-care system, they prepare to meet
the hospital's power dynamics, she makes clear decisions them, not fight them. Assuming authority is
about the procedure's importance, asserts her views one way that nurses can become proactive.
confidently, and considers the organization's priorities. She Part of power is the image of power; a
proactively communicates with other departments, powerful political strategy also involves
gaining support by addressing concerns. This is an example
image. Instead of asking, “May I?” leaders
of using political skills—making decisions, being assertive,
assume that they may. When people ask
and understanding the organizational landscape—to
successfully introduce a change and maintain influence.
permission, they are really asking someone
to take responsibility for them. If something
 Become an expert handler of information is not expressly prohibited in an
and communication. Beware that facts can organization or a job description, the
be presented seductively and out of powerful leader assumes that it may be
context. Be cautious in accepting facts as done. Politically astute nurses have been
presented, because information is often known to create new positions or new roles
changed to fit others’ needs. Managers within a position simply by gradually
must become artful at acquiring assuming that they could do things that no
information and questioning others. Delay one else was doing. In other words, they
decisions until adequate and accurate saw a need in the organization and started
information has been gathered and meeting it. The organization, through
reviewed. Failing to do the necessary default, allowed expansion of the role.
homework may lead to decisions with People need to be aware, however, that if
damaging political consequences. Managers they assume authority and something goes
must not trap themselves by discussing wrong, they will be held accountable, so
something about which they know very this strategy is not without risk.
little. Political astuteness in communication  Expand personal resources. Because
is a skill to be mastered, and the politically organizations are dynamic and the future is
astute manager says, “I don’t know” when impossible to predict, the proactive nurse
adequate information is unavailable. Grave prepares for the future by expanding
consequences can result from sharing the personal resources. Personal resources
wrong information with the wrong people include economic stability, higher
education, and a broadened skill base. resolve the situation. The sensitive manager
Some call this the political strategy of also learns when to stop requesting
“having maneuverability,” that is, the something. That time is before a superior
person avoids having limited options. issues a firm “no,” at which point continuing
People with “money in the bank and gas in to press the issue is politically unwise.
the tank” have a political freedom of  Promote subordinate identification. A
maneuverability that others do not. People manager can promote the identification of
lose power if others within the organization subordinates in many ways. A simple “thank
know that they cannot afford to make a job you” for a job well done works well when
change or lack the necessary skills to do so. spoken in front of someone else. Calling
Those who become economically attention to the extra efforts of
dependent on a position lose political clout. subordinates says in effect, “Look what a
Likewise, the nurse who has not developed good job we are capable of doing.” Sending
additional skills or sought further education subordinates sincere notes of appreciation
loses the political strength that comes from is another way of praising and promoting.
being able to find quality employment Rewarding excellence is an effective
elsewhere. political strategy.
 Develop political alliances and coalitions.  View personal and unit goals in terms of
Nurses often can increase their power and the organization. Even extraordinary and
influence by forming coalitions and alliances visible activities will not result in desired
(networking) with other groups, be they power unless those activities are used to
peers, sponsors, or subordinates, especially meet organizational goals. Hard work purely
when these alliances are with peers outside for personal gain will become a political
the organization. In this manner, the liability. Frequently, novice managers think
manager keeps abreast of current only in terms of their needs and their
happenings and consults others for advice problems rather than seeing the large
and counsel. Although networking works picture. Moreover, people often look
among many groups, for the nurse- upward for solutions rather than attempting
manager, few groups are as valuable as to find answers themselves. When
local and state nursing associations. More problems are identified, it is more politically
power and political clout result from astute to take the problem and a proposed
working together rather than alone. When a solution upward rather than just presenting
person faces political opposition from the problem to the superior. Although the
others in the organization, group power is superior may not accept the solution, the
very useful. effort to problem solve will be appreciated.
 Be sensitive to timing. Successful leaders  Minimize ego-driven reactions. Although
are sensitive to the appropriateness and political actions can be negative, you should
timing of their actions. The person who make an effort not to take political attacks
presents a request to attend an expensive personally because you may well be a
nursing conference on the same afternoon bystander hit in a crossfire. Likewise, be
that his or her supervisor just had extensive careful about accepting credit for all
dental work typifies someone who is political successes because you may just
insensitive to timing. Besides being able to have been in the right place at the right
choose the right moment, the effective time. Be prepared as a manager to make
manager should develop skill in other areas political errors. The key to success is how
of timing, such as knowing when it is quickly you rebound.
appropriate to do nothing. For example, in
1. **Information Handling:**
the case of a problem employee who is 3
months from retirement, time itself will
- In the complex world of healthcare, it's crucial to recovering from any political errors. This resilience is key
skillfully gather and assess information. This involves to sustained success in healthcare leadership.
questioning data, ensuring its accuracy, and making
decisions based on reliable facts. This helps prevent Integrating Leadership Roles and Management
decisions with negative political consequences. Functions When Using Authority and Power in
2. **Proactive Decision Making:**
A manager’s ability to gain and wisely use power is
- Rather than reacting to situations, being proactive
critical to his or her success. Nurses will never be
means anticipating and preparing for future changes in
healthcare. Leaders who assume authority and take assured of adequate resources until they gain the
initiative contribute to a positive image of power, ensuring power to manipulate the needed resources
effective decision-making. legitimately. To do this, managers must be able to
bridge the authority–power gap, build a personal
3. **Expand Personal Resources:**
power base, and minimize the negative politics of
- Personal resources, such as financial stability, higher the organization. One of the most critical leadership
education, and a diverse skill set, provide flexibility. This roles in the use of power and authority is the
strategy ensures that nurses are not limited by external empowerment of subordinates. The leader
factors, enhancing their political maneuverability within recognizes that some degree of power is held by all
the healthcare organization. in the organization, including subordinates, peers,
4. **Political Alliances:** and higher administrators. The key then to
establishing and keeping authority and power in an
- Building connections within and outside the organization is for the leader- manager to be able to
organization, especially through nursing associations, accomplish four separate tasks:
strengthens political influence. Networking with peers and
forming alliances contributes to staying informed and  Maintain a small authority–power gap.
gaining support when faced with opposition.  Empower subordinates whenever possible.
5. **Timing Sensitivity:**  Use authority in such a manner that
subordinates view what happens in the
- Recognizing the right timing for actions is crucial. organization as necessary.
Sensitivity to when to act, when to wait, and when to  When needed, implement political
cease pushing for a particular agenda demonstrates
strategies to maintain power and authority.
political astuteness and prevents unnecessary conflicts.
Integrating the leadership role and the functions of
6. **Subordinate Promotion:**
management reduces the risk that power will be
- Recognizing and appreciating the efforts of misused. Power and authority will be used to
subordinates fosters a sense of teamwork. Public increase respect for the position and for nursing as a
acknowledgment, rewards, and positive reinforcement whole. The leader comfortable with power ensures
contribute to building a collaborative and motivated
that the goal of political maneuvers is cooperation,
healthcare team.
not personal gain. The successful manager who has
7. **Organizational Alignment:** integrated the role of leadership will not seek to
have power over others but instead will empower
- Understanding that personal and unit goals should align
others. It is imperative for leader-managers to
with the broader organizational objectives ensures that
individual efforts contribute positively to the organization. become skillful in the art of politics and the use of
This approach prevents personal gain from becoming a political strategy if they are to survive in the
political liability. corporate world of the health-care industry. It is with
the use of such strategies that organizational
8. **Ego Management:**
resources are obtained and goals are achieved.
- Political environments can involve attacks and
In healthcare management, a manager's success
successes. Managing one's ego involves not taking attacks
personally, remaining humble in successes, and quickly
depends on using power wisely. Nurses need this
power to ensure they have what they need. This
means finding a balance between authority and  Charismatic power results from a dynamic
power, building personal influence, and and powerful persona.
understanding how the organization works. A crucial  Information power is gained when someone
role for leaders is empowering their team, has information that another needs.
recognizing that everyone holds some power.  Female-dominated professions such as
Leaders succeed by keeping a small gap between nursing often exemplify the queen bee
authority and power, empowering their team, using syndrome. The queen bee is a woman who
authority wisely, and using political strategies when has struggled to become successful, but
necessary. Integrating leadership with management once successful, refuses to help other
reduces the risk of misusing power and emphasizes women reach the same success.
using it to gain respect for nursing. Successful  Even a novice manager or newly graduated
leaders prioritize cooperation over personal gain and nurse can begin to build a power base by
aim to empower, not dominate. Surviving in using appropriate power-building tactics.
healthcare requires skills in organizational politics  Power gained may be lost because one is
and strategic maneuvers to get resources and politically naive or fails to use appropriate
achieve goals. political strategies.
 Politics exist in every organization, and
leader-managers must learn the art and
 Power and authority are necessary skills of politics.
components of leadership and  The nursing profession has not been the
management. political force it could be, because
 A person’s response to authority is historically, it has been more reactive than
conditioned early through authority figures, proactive in addressing needed policy
experiences in the family unit, and gender decisions and legislation.
role identification.  Numerous driving forces are in place to
 The gap that sometimes exists between a increase the nursing profession’s power
position of authority and subordinate base, including timing, the size of the
response is called the authority–power gap. profession, nursing’s referent power, the
 The empowerment of staff is a hallmark of increasing educational levels of nurses,
transformational leadership. Empowerment nursing’s unique perspective, and the desire
means to enable, develop, or allow. of consumers and providers for change.
 Power has both a positive and a negative
 Traditionally, women have been socialized
to view power differently than men do.
However, recent studies show that gender
differences regarding power are slowly
 Reward power is obtained by the ability to
grant rewards to others.
 Coercive power is based on fear and
 Legitimate power is the power inherent in
one’s position.
 Expert power is gained through knowledge
or skill.
 Referent power is obtained through
association with others.

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