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Scholarships  Fall semester 2023/24
Accommoda!on 
Master Degree Performing Arts
Contacts  (Music)  Applica!on period has ended

Vytautas Magnus University  Studies commence

 Lithuania, Kaunas 1 Sept 2023

Study loca!on Lithuania, Kaunas Apply now!

Fall semester 2023/24

Academic field Crea!ve arts and design (JACS W000)

 Applica!on period has ended 
Type Graduate, full-!me
 Studies commence
1 Sept 2023
Nominal dura!on 2 years (120 ECTS)

Study language English

Awards Master Degree (Master of Arts, Performer)  Save to my wishlist

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Tui!on fee €9,674 per year Convert

€100 one-!me Convert

 Applica!on deadlines apply
to ci!zens of: United States

Applica!on fee Non-EU applicants shall pay through the Flywire portal.

Applica!on fee is not refundable.

Undergraduate diploma (or higher)

Bachelor of Music degree and professional qualifica!on of an ar!st.

Applicants to the Performing Arts programme must be graduates of
bachelor studies belonging to the same or related field.

Minimum 60% CGPA

Admission score is counted based on: Arithme!c average of all subjects of

Bachelor’s degree diploma * 0,3 + bachelor degree diploma examina!on
video * 0,7.

A le#er with a transcript of records should be sent by email from your

previous study ins!tu!on (University) directly to Vytautas Magnus
University Interna!onal Coopera!on Department email address –
recogni! and by post:

Vytautas Magnus University

Entry qualifica!on Interna!onal Coopera!on Department
K. Donelaičio g. 58
LT-44248, Kaunas

Transcript of Records should list all the subjects, grades, credits and/or

The entry qualifica!on documents are accepted in the following languages:


O%en you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the
case, you will need official transla!ons along with verified copies of the

You must take verified copies of the entry qualifica!on documents along
with you when you finally go to the university.


Proof of English Language: applicant has to present document proving B2

level (TOEFL 87-109 iBT/534-633 PBT, IELTS 5.5-6,5, Cambridge English
Language requirements First (FCE) 161-180, BEC Vantage 161-180, Michigan ECCE (min. 650),
PTE General Level 3, TOEIC Listening & Reading 785, TOEIC Speaking &
Wri!ng 310, Duolingo 100-125, EnglishScore 400-499) if the applicant is
not na!ve speaker and/or had not received educa!on in English.

A mo!va!on le"er must be added to your applica!on.

A relevant por#olio is required.

• Por'olio (playbills of concerts, list of CD, links of musical ac!vi!es, etc.)

Other requirements
• Bachelor degree diploma video (while applying the link of video can be
indicated in the CV or por'olio).

Upload your Curriculum vitae (CV); Example

More informa!on 

The Performing Arts Study programme aims to develop highly qualified crea!ve ar!sts, music
performers (instrumentalists, singers, soloists, musicians of diverse ensembles, orchestra conductors),
who will have an impact upon the musical (cultural) tradi!on not only through their crea!ve works and
other ar!s!c means, professionally performing works solo and in ensembles and orchestras of various
composi!ons, but also by analysing, commen!ng on, personally developing individual crea!ve ac!vi!es,
searching for the most influen!al ar!s!c work interpreta!ons, fostering historical tradi!ons of the
music art and influencing the musical development processes.

Professors are ac!ve and acknowledged ar!sts with na!onal and interna!onal acclaim. They are
members of various associa!ons and bring a high level of competence. The professional competence is
an important factor in fulfilling the purpose of the programme. Some of the lecturers belong to
interna!onal organiza!ons which are related to their professional or organiza!onal ac!vi!es.

Specializa!ons: Accordion, Accordion – Chamber, Choir Conduc!ng, Orchestral Conduc!ng, Jazz,

Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Singing of Concert Genres, Singing of Scenic Genres, String Instruments,
String Instruments – Chamber, Wind and Percussion Instruments, Wind and Percussion Instruments –
Chamber, Musical.

Why Performing Arts programme?

• High employment rate during studies

• Ac!ve performing prac!ce in city’s symphony orchestras
• High quality auditoriums with new instruments for rehearsals
• Academic and crea!ve freedom
• Study exchange opportuni!es
• Par!cipa!ng in interna!onal musical projects and compe!!ons

Career opportuni!es
Graduates will be able to work in the following professional fields of work:

• Play / sing in ensembles, musical collec!ves.

• Perform roles, play in an orchestra or sing in a choir at various theatres.
• Establish their own ensembles, musical collec!ves.
• Pursue personal pedagogical prac!ce of preparing.
• Pursue personal pedagogical prac!ce of teaching adults who want to learn an instrument or improve
their vocal skills.
• Pursue a solo career.
• Take part in musical projects.
• Con!nue studying at the doctoral level.
• Write educa!onal or professional papers for websites and musical journals.
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