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1. What’s your name? My name’s ….

2. How old are you? I’m …. years old

3. How are you? I’m fine ( ok, bad, so so), thank you. I'm very well, thank you.

How's it going? Great! Not bad!

4. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you too (Pleasure to meet you)

5. What's up? Not much.

6. And you? And what about you?

7. See you / See you later / See you tomorrow / Take care /Have a nice weekend.

8. What colour is it? It’s …(red)

9. What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour(s) is (are) …

10.What’s your favourite day? My favourite day(s) is (are) …

11.What’s your favourite season? My favourite season is …

12.What’s your favourite month? My favourite month(s) is (are) …

13.Where do you live? I live in Khmelnytskey

14.Where are you from? I’m from Ukraine.

15.Who's that? That’s my friend, Tom

16.What's your phone number? It’s …..

17.Whars your e-mail? Luke Davidson 34 'at' hotmail 'dot' com

18.What do you do? She's a dentist.

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